1300 Word Essay Examples

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A 1300-word essay is a common requirement for undergraduate college assignments. It serves as a medium for students to showcase their understanding and analytical skills across various disciplines such as nursing, psychology, political science, philosophy, and social science. Crafting an essay of this length necessitates a comprehensive ...

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Social Issues

Essay about Forgiveness During the Holocaust

What would I have done? “Forgiveness is an act of volition, and only the sufferer is qualified to make that decision”. Forgiveness requires two people, he who has done wrong and is seeking to do anything to amend their wrongs and he who is offended and willing to correct the wrong done to them. To accept an apology is to understand their wrongs and commit to an act of healing. When you forgive a person, you are not forgetting their...
3 Pages 1301 Words

Scholarship Essay on Nursing Career Plans

My face flushed as I hurriedly stuffed more napkins around me to contain the warm clear liquid that was seeping down my dress. It seemed to be surrounding me, my husband and I tried to conceal what was happening. When he lifted his voice, getting anxious I shushed him and told him to get more napkins. I remember trying to focus on my breathing. The first of the stabbing pains began just below my naval. I tried to minimize the...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Essay on Reproductive Cloning

Reproductive human cloning has the potential to do good. Globally, there is a shortage of organs available for transplantations. This is partly because donor organs need to be an exact match so that the recipient’s body does not reject them. Therefore, human reproductive cloning could be a possible solution as it would produce two genetically identical individuals and one could donate their organs to the other without the possibility of rejection. (1) From a utilitarian perspective, this would be good...
3 Pages 1257 Words

Essay on Workplace Observation Report

Introduction including an overview of the area inspected and activities taking place: The above-mentioned report follows the health and safety inspection of the huge construction project of SHALIMAR CONSTRUCTION. It is a real estate company in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. There are indoor & outdoor activities, storage of raw materials, site visitors, client consultation, and marketing of shops & apartments are performed. At the construction site, 120 employees are working including office staff, workers, supervisors, and helpers. The total investment of...
3 Pages 1313 Words

Essay on Concussion in Children

According to a study from the University of Colorado about sports injuries, 60% of football players experience an injury in high school (Dawn). If this problem continues, the sport of football will die. Football is not suitable for kids because it causes brain injuries to the kids and that affects their education in the long run. Football players have helmets which cause them to lead in with their head to force a tackled or to avoid a tackle. The trauma...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Essay on Archetypes in 'The Alchemist'

Moreover, it explains that Santiago still needs the community, the individual who shares and supports the same idea, in his decision-making process. Santiago’s choice to be a shepherd illustrates that Santiago has the freedom to choose. The freedom is entailed by his responsibility, to enjoy his days as a shepherd. However, this decision sets him apart from his family. This joy is experienced by Santiago since he could pursue his dream as he uttered that “it’s the possibility of having...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Nectar in Sieve' Literary Essay on Hope

Working hard and thoroughly planning is a necessary key to accomplishing the goals one will set in life, but what usually happens is that something will go wrong, and it’s usually something out of anyone’s control. Despite how stressful and discouraging it is to see plans and schedules get messed up, the only thing that can be done now is to observe what damage has been done, rearrange, and move forward with a positive attitude. The novel Nectar in a...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Essay on Theme of Curiosity in 'The Great Gatsby'

It is often said that certain literary works and characters within such works represent real-world issues. In the work The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the character of Gatsby is shrouded in ambiguity to the reader, providing them with a possibility for personal interpretation. In the work, Gatsby’s character develops from a character representing materialism and a fixation on status to one filled with humility and selflessness for his romantic devotion towards the character of Daisy. Through this shift,...
3 Pages 1323 Words

Essay on 'All Summer in a Day' Conflict

The plot: The story is about a class of schoolchildren on Planet Venus. The atmosphere of Venus is such that it is constantly raining. The sun is only visible for two hours every seven years. Margot is a little girl who moved to Venus from Earth just five years before the story takes place, so she is the only one in her class to remember sunshine. She is an outcast because of her sensitivity and the fact that it is...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Essay on History of Social Psychology

Introduction Social Psychology is the scientific study of understanding people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a social setting. The root of social psychology can be traced back to time when human beings started interacting with other .In a society, one’s behaviour and thoughts can be influenced by others functioning in it. The aim of social psychology is to understand such influences and the effects of such influences. The history of social psychology in India can be dated back to 1500...
3 Pages 1262 Words

Essay on Redlining in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

Beneatha’s traditions and beliefs differ greatly from the rest of her family. She believes her education and independence to be of utmost importance, while Mama and Ruth value their family more than anything. Beneatha is an intellectual; as the most educated member of the family, she has obtained a mindset that she is above everybody else. This helps her stay focused on her goals, and despite the many demeaning remarks her family has thrown at her, she continues to follow...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Leader That Showed Forgiveness Essay

Despite their drastically different social contexts and settings, both David Malouf’s “Ransom” – a retelling of Homer’s Illiad and Clint Eastwood’s film “Invictus”- a depiction of President Mandela’s attempts to heal his apartheid-unified South Africa. Both texts suggest the importance of leaders as they serve as a symbol for their followers to look up to so they can gain a sense of assurance and courage. Moreover, Leaders in both texts are presented as having the moral courage to do the...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Positive Effects of Social Media on Relationships Essay

Methodology A survey was done by using Google Forms. The form was made and circulated over Facebook pages, WhatsApp Groups, and Twitter. This study's sample consisted of social media users aged 18 to 30. From November 1 to 30, 2021. Everyone who wanted to participate was welcome to do so. The sample size for this study was 100 people, with 71 completing the survey. The following questions were asked: Section A: This section consisted of questions related to one’s self-esteem....
3 Pages 1262 Words

Essay on Child Labour Case Study

Introduction: Unacceptable forms of exploitation of girls and boys at work exist and persist, but they are particularly difficult to research due to their hidden, sometimes illegal, or even criminal nature (Frans Röselaers 2003). Child protection is an international condition for respect for their personality and is a prerequisite for ethics in its development (Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). Child labor is a worldwide problem and a form of exploitation that has negative impacts...
3 Pages 1337 Words

Essay on Food Supply in Ancient Egypt

“Ordinary citizens in ancient Egypt lived and worked in much the same ways as the average European of the eighteenth century, more than 4,000 years later, but ate better and enjoyed more variety in their food.” (Brier, Hobbs 1) Honey and grains were a big part of ancient Egyptian life. The Nile was especially important to the Egyptian diet because it provided nutrients to the fields, fish, and other river animals for sustenance. Ancient Egyptian’s food supply wasn’t just for...
3 Pages 1310 Words

Essay on Dystopian Future

We live in a society where we have the freedom to voice our opinions and have control of our own lives. If that was one day taken away from us by a superior power the people would revolt against an inhumane leadership. In the dystopian futures of the films The Matrix and The Hunger Games, several scenes portray the oppression of humanity. The film The Matrix explores several intersecting systems of oppression. An example of oppression within gender is demonstrated...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Frederick Douglass: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Essay

Douglass employs the idea that there are two different forms of Christianity, one real and one fake, which he illustrates in the text using rhetorical appeals such as logos through the characterization of the Auld family, pathos using strong diction such as ”master” and ”sanction”, and ethos through an ethical paradox that is Mr. Covey. The Christianity of the slaveholders is very hypocritical and is used to justify their efforts, also known as false Christianity. Douglass’s background repeatedly displays that...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games' Rich People

Society’s antagonism towards individuals and certain groups can be demonstrated through oppression, immoral regulations, and the misuse of law enforcement. Suzanne Collins’ 2008 novel, The Hunger Games is set in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian world. A sixteen-year-old girl named Katniss and her family live in the poverty-stricken District Twelve, one of eleven other districts that are all heavily controlled by the Capitol. She finds herself in the annual Hunger Games; a Capitol-organized event between twenty-four teenagers, who are forced to fight...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Essay on Ethics of Human Trafficking

Thanks to the 13th Amendment, slavery has been vanquished from America, or so we thought. Around the year 2002, a Mumbai, India company hired a group of experienced welders. The company brought them to the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma. People later found out that the workers were tricked into becoming slaves for the company. This led to many ethical issues that occurred, which included human trafficking, slavery, and poor working conditions. While reading the excerpt, I observed numerous ethical responsibilities...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Essay on 'Trifles' Literary Analysis

The play opens on the scene of an abandoned farmhouse. Glaspell might have chosen the kitchen of the Wright home as the setting for Trifles because she wanted to make a hint that the theme and the plot are about the past. The key to this crime answer is in the past. Because things around them look unpleasant and unfinished. The play establishes its themes in its opening moments. The setting, a messy kitchen, reflects this. The women stand together,...
3 Pages 1316 Words

Essay on Cloning Controversy

Agricultural cloning is used widely by farmers hoping to produce the most efficient and advantageous crops. One reason that a farmer would clone a specific plant within a crop is because that plant may demonstrate resistance toward a pest or infection. (“Why successful plant cloning is important”, 2017). Additionally, a farmer may want to clone a plant due to a high yield of fruit or other desirable or profitable resource. With agricultural cloning, it is possible to reproduce pest resistance....
3 Pages 1282 Words

Essay on Child Labour in Vietnam

1.Identifying the ethical Problem The problem here is that Vietnam has hired young children to manufacture Nike merchandise, which is an ethical predicament for Nike because they don’t tolerate any type of child labour. 2. Examining the facts (Do info) In this stage we get to determine the type as well as the extents of the situation by gathering information that will help resolve the situation at hand. Contact and consult a group of stakeholders to help deal with the...
3 Pages 1309 Words

How 'The Great Gatsby' Criticize Consumerism and the American Dream Essay

Introduction Fitzgerald explicitly explores the desolation and despair of the hedonistic Jazz Age in the tragedy The Great Gatsby through society's plunge into moral decay. The widespread corruption of the essential foundations of the American Dream, usurped by excessive materialism and consumerism, is at the heart of the novel as success becomes synonymous with immorality. The Great Gatsby details the catastrophic downfall of the once social and generous gentleman - Jay Gatsby, due to his inability to control his monstrous...
3 Pages 1346 Words

Corruption in the Philippines Government Essay

Corruption in the Philippines is no longer a novel issue, akin to the coronavirus pandemic that has affected the United States and the world at large. It is, once again, an endemic, deeply rooted virus that has plagued the country since time immemorial. It is a social hazard and a significant obstacle to good governance that has permeated not only the government but also the private and non-government sectors, as well as Philippine society even before the outbreak of the...
3 Pages 1314 Words

Expository Essay on Identity Theft

 Identity theft comes in many forms: from credit card theft to social security numbers, people nowadays have the power to steal or take what they own or even who they identify themselves to be. Especially in today’s society with the advancement of technology, it is much easier to scam credit cards and the identification of others. It is important to educate all age groups from teens to elders about the importance of being safe, smart, and aware of credit card...
3 Pages 1288 Words

Essay on Geraldine in 'The Bluest Eye'

In the novel The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison depicts the life of a young black girl, Pecola Breedlove, who lives in a community crippled by racism created by its members. The internalization of the cultural ideals of physical features and skin color causes a damaging effect on the African-American characters. As a result, Pecola develops feelings of inferiority and self-loathing, causing her to believe that she is ugly and worthless because she does not embody the Western culture’s ideas of...
3 Pages 1272 Words

The Bluest Eye' Theme Essay

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This statement, said by Albert Einstein, restates one of the main themes of Toni Morrison’s novel, The Bluest Eye. This novel takes us through the life story of a young African American girl named Pecola, who grows up during times of prejudice and racism. This story portrays Pecola as an ‘ugly,’ dark-skinned...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Michael Jackson's Song 'Thriller' Essay

Introduction This paper catalogs Michael Jackson's music because he was the greatest pop musician known to humankind. His prowess was attributed to his unique voice, extraordinary dancing, and acting skill, and the way he used his talent to revolutionize the music industry from classic music to little-known pop music. Apart from indicating how great Michael Jackson was, this paper will explore his work find out the ideas behind some of his greatest hit songs, and unravel the meaning of his...
3 Pages 1283 Words

Essay on Invasive Species: Flowers

Below habitat loss, the invasive plants and animals are identified as the second significant danger to the biodiversity in Yukon. Yukon refers to the Canadian territory that lies in North America. In other North American leadership, a lot of invasive plants are held accountable for habitat destruction, the loss of sustenance resources, and lastly economic damage. Invasive species are referred to as different non-endemic living things such as animals, plants, fungi, or bacteria which also hold contradictory repercussions to their...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Argumentative Essay on Postpartum Depression Considered a Mental Illness

When people discuss pregnancy, it is easy to believe that it is a safe process. While it is easy to notice physical changes throughout a woman’s pregnancy, it is not easy to realize the mental changes that pregnancy can drown a new mother in. What people do not see is a new mother going through a range of intensified emotions after birth, such as postpartum depression. Changes such as mood swings, negative thoughts, and sleep pattern changes are just a...
3 Pages 1257 Words
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