1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Parents Blamed for Childhood Obesity

Introduction Parents set the example for the kids. Who does not set an example for their kids? Growing up, I looked up to my mom and dad, who does not look upon their parents and how they do everything? Are they clean? Are they messy? This is why adults are always asked to look at what they do because that is what they are role modeling towards the kids with them. I wanted to be just like them and do...
3 Pages 1316 Words

Poverty and Homelessness Essay

Poverty and Homelessness in the US is a big problem- How to solve it How many times do you see a homeless person on the streets, holding up a sign describing that they need help? If you were to answer that question, you probably wouldn’t know, because we see homelessness happening every day of our lives and we lose track of how many. We live in a country where there are many opportunities and dreams but poverty plays a big...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Discourse Analysis of Joe Biden's First Speech as the Winner of the American Presidential Election

Introduction Discourse Analysis (DA) is one of the areas of linguistics that analyzes the proper understanding of language and its context in our real social life, both written or oral. The unique parts of discourse analysis were its types of different languages, the rules of culture, the political context of history, social comprehension, and the significance of the language people use when communicating with others. Brian David Hodges, Ayelet Kuper, and Scott Reeves have argued that discourse analysis is about...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Essay on Anxiety Disorder: Case Study of a 52 Years Old Man

Ben’s Case study Identification of the disorder: The case presented deals with Ben, a 52 years old man suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as generalized anxiety disorder, personality disorder and social anxiety disorder. Since Ben has been unmarried his whole life and has always been anxious with girls and he avoids making any social approaches with women. Since he also mentioned that all of the young people in his area dislike him. Thus, Ben is diagnosed with Social anxiety...
3 Pages 1310 Words

Health Care Reform: Pros and Cons

Health Care that Works for Americans On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place comprehensive reforms that improve access to affordable health coverage for everyone and protect consumers from abusive insurance company practices. Introduction: Do you ever wonder how you’re going to avoid your electric bill and how you’re going to afford to pick up your prescriptions? Insurance isn’t available for everyone through their employer. With that being said I wanted to...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Factors Which Help to Explain the Reduction in Political Party Members: Analytical Essay on Political Parties in Liberal Democracies

Outline the central functions of political parties in liberal democracies. What factors help to explain the reduction in political party members? A political party is defined as a group of people who are organized to gain and exercise political power. Political parties emerged in their modern form in the United States and Europe in the nineteenth century, which also led to the evolution of electoral and parliamentary systems. Since then the term party has been used for all those structured...
3 Pages 1250 Words

Cyber Terrorism in Aviation Industry: Analytical Essay

In modern era, the term cyber terrorism has become common both at local as well as global levels, but still a solid definition of the term does not exist. After the 9/11 attacks this has become more confusing. Generally cyber terrorism is considered as the combination of terrorism and internet or cyberspace. It is generally thought of as illegal attacks and threats of being attacked against the networks, computer, as well as the information stored on computer when carried out...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Differences in Political Party Beliefs: Conservatives Versus Liberals

A political party is an organization of people with common goals and similar political practices. These behaviours are guided by sets of beliefs on how a country should be governed, political ideologies that differ from each other depending on each political party classified in different political positions in comparison to each other in what is known as the political spectrum. The Conservatives lie on the center-right of the political spectrum, the New Democratic Party, however, is on the left side...
3 Pages 1323 Words

Critical Analysis of the Homeland Security Act

September 11, 2001 also known as 9/11 has become a historic event that changed the life of the Americans public, but also government. On Tuesday morning four American Airlines airplanes were highjacked by radicals that were associated with the Islamic extremist group al Qaeda as directed by their leader Osama Bin Laden. These airplanes were all directed to fly into the biggest cities to command the attention and bring fear to the American public. As each airplane was directed to...
2 Pages 1260 Words

Analytical Overview of Homeland Security and Homeland Defense

During the last weeks, the students were introduced to Homeland Security and Homeland Defense; the students learned how to manage risks and get a deeper understanding of cybersecurity in the homeland. Each individual was able to recognize the homeland security enterprise and how the Department of Homeland Security accomplished its risk assessment process. Students have the opportunity to read the cybersecurity strategy from 2018 to collect an appreciation of the hard work and goals that DHS has established when it...
3 Pages 1307 Words

Aviation History: Reflective Essay on the Book

Aviation History delivers an entertaining account and perspective on international aviation history. This book is an excellent resource to students, educators, and aviation enthusiasts. In reviewing this book, the principal criteria included content, organization, and reference sources. While editing errors and organizational incongruities plague some of the latter chapters, many of the shortcomings of this first edition are likely be alleviated by later editions. These problems are only a minor distraction to the story being told. Starting with the first...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Separation of Powers in UK Essay

The separation of powers in the UK is a political rather than legal theory, with a fundamental doctrine that there should be some separation between the three branches of the state. The three branches of the state consist of the legislature whose role is to make law and is comprised of the Queen, House of Lords, and House of Commons; the executive whose role is to administer the law and consists of the Queen, Prime Minister, other governmental ministers, civil...
3 Pages 1260 Words

The Story of an Hour Analysis Essay

Introduction 'The story of an Hour is a short story written by an American author, Kate Choplin. This story takes place at Mallard Residence, the home of Brently and Louise Mallard. As we read the passage of the story, we will know how Mrs. Louise Mallard mourned her husband's death -Mr. Brently Mallard. It only shows how Mrs. Mallard loves her husband. As the story goes on, one thought came up in Mrs. Mallard's mind, that is being free. Does...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Essay on Human Cloning: Scientific Analysis and Investigation

Is Human Cloning Worth the Expense of Further Research? Introduction What is Human Cloning? Human cloning, refers to the process of creating a human being that is genetically identical to a pre-existing person through the use of their cells. (Science Daily, 2019), (Center for Genetics and Society, 2019). Despite many scientist claiming to have done so, there is no verified experiment that has actually cloned another human being. The process of cloning called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) was used...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Turkey Protest and Role of Media: Critical Analysis

Abstract This article will cover the story of Turkish people who did protests in 2013 and also describe the major role of media in it. The media is playing a vital role to spread any news that ever happened in entire world. Nowadays, the people are well educated about the world circumstances, every sites and applications like Facebook, twitter, Youtube, etc are well used and easy to access these applications help people to understand the situation of the world widely....
3 Pages 1295 Words

Reflective Essay on Application and Advocacy of Nonviolence

Insight Nonviolence is what I chose for my topic because I feel it is a great tool that anyone can use in any situation. Nonviolence can be a weapon we choose to equip against injustice and was created to bring about change but in a kind and loving way. I believe that if we wield these tools that are given to us we can truly change the world and change how we handle conflict. I was personally influenced by nonviolence...
3 Pages 1270 Words

Importance of Communication in Relationships in Co-working Spaces: A Caribbean Study

The first journal that we chose to review is Coworking Spaces: Culture, Communication, and ICT for Development: A Caribbean Study, written by Deborah Dysart-Gale, Kristina Pitula, and Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan. It was published in the Journal of Transactions on Professional Communication, volume 54, issue number 1 in 2011. These research problems are to development projects in information and communication technologies may fail if local users perceive them as incompatible with existing work practices or cultural values. The social service department of...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Role of a Social Care Worker in Contemporary Ireland: Analytical Essay

Introduction Within this essay, the role of a social care worker in contemporary, also known as modern, Ireland will be talked about under different headings. The first thing that will be talked about is what Social Care work is, along with the differences between Social Care Work and Social Care Practice then the qualities and characteristics required to become a Social Care worker in the first place along with the standards they must meet with regard to CORU. It will...
3 Pages 1272 Words

Prevalence of Common Phobias and Their Sociodemographic Effect in Modern Society

Phobias: A Closer Look Imagine being scared to go outside, to get on an elevator, or even to take a bite of food. For many people, this fear consumes their everyday life. It is a psychological problem called phobia. A phobia is a psychological condition that needs to be evaluated due to the impact that it can have on a person’s life. In the following work the definition, symptoms, types, and treatment options for phobias will be described. The writer...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Role of a Social Care Worker in Current Model of Social Care Practice: Analytical Essay

Introduction This essay will focus on the role of a social care worker, specifically, the history of the profession, what the practice has learned from its predecessor, and how it has evolved into the current model of social care practice that is seen today. These subjects will be researched through relevant books, web pages, and scholarly journals. Historical Context of Social Care Practice “The master says it’s a glorious thing to die for the Faith and Dad says it’s a...
3 Pages 1256 Words

Use of Personification, Naturalism, and Setting in The Street by Ann Petry

The Deceitful Street The term blackness is a term that has been extremely prominent throughout the history of black individuals not only in the United States but from all corners of the earth. The meaning of the term has changed multiple times from when it was first originally coined, but to highlight its original meaning, it can be described as the despicable mistreatment of black people as it relates to their overall lifestyles, mainly on one of the shameful slave...
3 Pages 1309 Words

Generativity Vs Stagnation Examples in Movies

As humans, we seek to achieve happiness by becoming successful and complete beings. To achieve said happiness, we have to understand how we grow and develop from a psychosocial perspective. Erik Erikson was a theorist who took Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and modified it to create his life span theory of personality development, which he divided into eight stages. Three films that portray some of these stages of development include The Breakfast Club, which portrays Identity vs Role Confusion; Forrest Gump,...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Comparison of Strategic, Structural, and Milan Systemic Family Theories: Analytical Essay

As one evolves throughout their career as a therapist, they may decide to work with clients individually as well as with the individual and their family. Understanding and know the different types of theories and techniques utilized in family therapy will help a professional in the mental health field be an effective therapist. A few theories that one may benefit in knowing and should be familiar with are Strategic, Structural, and Milan Systemic family theories. It is also necessary for...
3 Pages 1324 Words

Procedural Pragmatism in Modi's Views: Analytical Essay

‘Modi has articulated India’s concerns and interests without falling into the familiar ideological traps that Delhi used to set for itself ’ What is Pragmatism? ‘pragmatism’, as applied to shifts in India’s post-Cold War foreign policy, has generally been interpreted substantively: that is, to denote a foreign policy that has expunged one form of ‘content’ (earlier ideational frameworks) and adopted a new ‘content’, namely a set of realist assumptions that frame the national interest in terms of material power. The...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Analytical Essay on the Theory and Essence of Relativism

There is a lot of controversies when it comes to ethics and what is morally right and wrong. So, over the years many people have tried to create theories in order to bring some clarity but I feel this has only bought on more complications and disputes. In this essay I will be discussing the theory of relativism, this theory is subjective. On the contrary ethical objectivism is the view that some moral standards are objectively correct and that some...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Erik Erikson and the Theory Of Epigenetic Principle: Analytical Essay

Erik Erikson was a psychologist that came up with a theory that was divided into eight different stages. His theory is based on the epigenetic principle. Erikson believed that we continue to go through development and stages throughout our lives. His theory was that there were eight psychosocial developmental stages that everyone goes through. They go through each of these stages from the time they are an infant all the way into adulthood. Erik felt that infants had a developmental...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Non-indigenous People Versus Indigenous People: Analytical Essay on Unemployment

Introduction Inequalities are experienced by everyone, which could be in material and immaterial forms. Social exclusion and economic disadvantage could be some forms of inequalities. In this essay, employment inequalities experienced by Australian indigenous people will be examined. In the past, Australia's indigenous people are recognized as 'human' by the white settlers. They were not protected by human rights and had a low social status; social exclusion was experienced by indigenous people (Lydon 2017). This essay will build an argument...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Harry Gensler's Views on Cultural Relativism and Subjectivism: Analytical Essay

Harry Gensler, a professor of philosophy at the University of Scranton, compares and analyses theories of cultural relativism and subjectivism. Gensler analyses the problems that arise from cultural relativism and subjectivism. What a leader believes from a moral and ethical point of view is often influenced by what the leader has been told to grow up with. Each person has a set of morals that they learned at some point in their life. Gensler argues that cultural relativism and subjectivism...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Analytical Essay on Cognitive Psychology: Stages of Creativity and Confirmation Bias

Pragmatics refers to the study of signs, sentence structure, and symbols. It focuses on the meaning of utterances. It is what people say in terms of spoken speech or by the use of signs and symbols. It is a fundamental component in human speech because it establishes meaning and intention hence establishing a better understanding. It also helps in establishing what to say, the people we pass the information to as well as how to say or out it. It...
3 Pages 1254 Words

The Sensation of the Object: Critical Review of Bertrand Russell's Ideas

Imagine you are in the room and you see the things over their like window, bed, table, flower vase and such other things and you have your own perception about all that things and maybe the person after you come in the room see all the same things but with a different point of view then you. To be more specific we choose a table in the room and to be seen visually it will look a hard table with...
3 Pages 1312 Words
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