1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Concept Of Faith In God

To us, it seems terrible that God could ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. But this story is supposed to be a sign of Abraham’s complete believe in God. Ultimately, God prevented the sacrifice due to the fact God wanted no longer Isaac’s death but Abraham’s religion. Because of his willingness to reply to God’s demand, Abraham is diagnosed as the father of our religion. We agree with in God must be as overall as Abraham’s belief was. We...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Struggle For Survival In The Hate U Give

In the book The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, there are many themes that are covered. The theme I will be talking about is the struggle for survival. The reason that I believe this is a good theme is because in the book there are many parts where the characters are struggling with life and trying to overcome it. This is a theme that is important in today’s society because we all struggle in different ways that we may...
3 Pages 1275 Words

The Role Of Suspense In The Chronicles Of Narnia

Narnia is a world that was found entering a magical wardrobe that was found while playing a game of hide-and-seek in the home of an elderly professor. In this mysterious land, the four children discover a charming, peaceful land crawling with talking beasts, dwarfs, fauns, centaurs and giants that has become a cold world cursed to eternal winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis. Under the guidance of a noble ruler, the lion Aslan, the siblings fight to overcome the...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Social-emotional Development Self-assessment

Each day our children arrive at the doors of our classrooms with many challenges that serve as barriers to their success as learners. These children are poor; they are English-language learners and English-language speakers; they are White, Hispanic, African American, and Asian; they are urban, suburban and rural. However, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or the extent of their poverty or wealth, the reality is that many of them lack personal, social and emotional skills. As...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Research On Language Disorders

Introduction There are many problems that affect people and have affected the way they speak. Of course, you must have met or heard about some people who suffer from some of these problems. There will be difficulty in understanding the message because the letter exits are wrong. Language disorders is one of the most common problems in our days. Language disorders is the weak ability of a person to communicate with others properly. And its classified as either receptive or...
3 Pages 1323 Words

Why We Should Support Tibet Issue

Everyone knows that Tibet issue was starting from 1951, especially later the Dalai Lama leading more than 80 thousand Tibetans exiled to India. In fact, Chinese communist government were invaded Tibet and between Chinese communist Government and Tibet government signed so-called “Seventeen Point Agreement” in 1951. The Dalai Lama's Press Statements (Statement issued at Tezpur 18th April 1959) showed us ' 2-In 1951, under pressure of the Chinese Government, a 17-Point Agreement was made between China and Tibet. In that...
3 Pages 1273 Words

The Effects And Influence Of The Catholic Church

Introduction The dominant influence from 1921 to 1950 in Ireland was The Catholic Church. They had a huge say in how the country was run during this time period as they were in partnership with the government, Éamon De Valera was the Taoiseach, the party leader of Fianna Fáil which expressed right-wing ideas. Right-wing politics is characterized by authority and order. Ideology is a body of ideas and beliefs, including those which form the basis of economic or political theory...
3 Pages 1344 Words

The Features Of Industrial Social Work

Social work developed as a service to the people. The International Federation of Social Workers defines social work as a practice based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Industrial social work is an area of service delivery in the industries and in addition in social work activities. Industrial social work is influenced by a number factors such as the cultural, historical and socio- economic factors. It...
3 Pages 1348 Words

Inferno And The Real World

Dante’s The Divine Comedy is a narrative poem that depicts the realms of the afterlife. It is comprised of three parts with Inferno(hell) being the first. Dante's Inferno is based upon the idea of mortality and divine justice. In this part, he creates his own hell made up of nine different levels, each for various types of sins. He places many different people in different parts of his hell according to what he thinks is the best punishment for them...
3 Pages 1269 Words

Usain Bolt As The Fastest Runner In The World Using The Instantaneous Velocity

Introduction I was interested in the running race before even the calculus in out curriculum. I was watching the 2016 Olympic with my family, I was concentrating on the running race. In that Usain BOLT got the first place in the 100m. I knew that he is going to be a first place in the running race. But I asked one question that really Usain BOLT is the fastest runner or not. And my father said he is the fastest...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Effects Of Heavy Metal Concentrations On Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) Plant Growth

Throughout time, our country has had many pollutants in our soil throughout time. Some are natural, but as we look closer to the industrial revolution, many are man-made. As this began, we realized many plants were not surviving near rivers and streams that were highly polluted, they also did not survive well near mines, because of the high amount of metals, or what other things were being mined (Denchak, 2019). Due to all of these pollutants, there is a lot...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Mental Training In Ice Hockey

Ice hockey is the fastest team sport. Its origins are difficult to track back, as games with sticks and balls have existed for a very long time and are considered the first steps towards developing the game of ice hockey itself. Early evidence in form of pictures and paintings of an alike game was found in Greece. Due to civilization leading the way of humans, the game moved up to the North, where colder temperatures were found. Soon the game...
3 Pages 1319 Words

Multitasking Information Behavior And Information Task Switching: An Exploratory Study

Objectives The aim of this study is knowing the nature of an information seeker’s multitasking information behavior and information task switching. The researcher wants to scrutinize the way information seeker carry out multitasking information behavior, to look into the model of multitasking information behavior and information task switching, to check the mix techniques of data collection such as observation, diary, and interview. Design A Qualitative, exploratory study using observational, diary and interview Setting: 1 Public library (2 visits) Subjects/Participants: A...
3 Pages 1259 Words

How The Brain Stores And Retrieve Memories

The memory is a complicated subject, and the constantly changing memory causes many different effects that can harm or hurt someone. The research regarding storing and retrieving memories of the brain’s information is valid because studies show that when remembering events from the past, the brain will take things relevant to the past memory to help you recall it. Also, memories are what make or define a person, and getting older can cause memory loss and cause injury to said...
3 Pages 1349 Words

The Controversy Of Gene Editing In A Technologically Developing World

According to a Pew Research Center study, conducted in 2018, “About seven-in-ten Americans (72%) say that changing an unborn baby’s genetic characteristics to treat a serious disease or condition that the baby would have at birth is an appropriate use of medical technology”. Advancements in gene editing are being made everyday by scientists, doctors and engineers worldwide, all attempting to better the lives of those with health struggles. Technology has been discovered in recent years that was absolutely unheard of...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Sign Language Detection For Deaf And Dumb People Using Flex Sensors

ABSTRACT Communication is the major problem faced by deaf and dumb people to convey their thought, ideas with other deaf and dumb people and with other normal people. People who are not suffered from deaf and dumb can absorb new information and knowledge through the daily activities, conversations and language that is spoken around them. But the people who are suffered from deaf and dumb problem have not that luxury. The main aim of this project is to provide voice...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Challenges Of Choosing A Pediatrician As A Career

Doctors are very important and are a key role to society. Not only are they needed with adults but young adults and children rely on the care of Pediatricians when something is wrong. Initially parents go to these doctors and are the first to be consulted when something is wrong with their child since they are reliable to go to. Pediatricians not only help treat you when you are ill or have an injury, they can also consult you and...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Vivekananda’s Ideas On Reconstruction Of Hinduism

Swami Vivekananda was a great political thinker. His social, political, religious and philosophical ideas are catered in many of his letters written to his disciples, his friends, his donors and his followers. Vivekananda was a many sided genius, a many sided personality is rather a poor description of his life and contribution to the Indian renaissance. Indeed, he was so great that one could talk about him endlessly that would fill the pages of a huge encyclopedia. He was a...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Ethiopian Sign Language Recognition By Using Image Processing

Abstract Sign language is an independent language that uses gestures and body language to convey meaning. Sign language facilities the communication between deaf and community. The main aim of this study to develop a model recognizes sign language using image processing. There is the gap of communication between hearing impaired and hearing peoples. Due to this communication gap deaf people encounter so many problems in their daily life since they are living with the people who communicate with spoken languages....
3 Pages 1339 Words

Should Neglected And Abused Children Be Placed In Foster Care?

Approximately 700,00 children are abused each year in the United States. (National Children’s Alliance) Fortunately, there are organizations that have been put in place to help intervene in the event that parents are reported for potential maltreatment of their children. With good intentions, the foster care system was put in place to protect these children, and save as many children as they can, however it can prolong their trauma and prevent them from moving on and living like regular kids;...
3 Pages 1281 Words

Do Our Actions Have Consequences?

Introduction Hi, you’re listening to Positive Perspectives As you recall in the last podcast I talked about truthfulness and how it is viewed in various religions. After that podcast one of the comments that I received was “hey, just finished listening to your episode. Got me thinking we all tell lies at some point in our lives, but what if we were able to know the consequences of our actions before we committed a sin?” So, today we are going...
3 Pages 1271 Words

Loyalty And Defiance: For Or Against?

In South America there were many countries who were ruled by awful dictators who made life bad for the people who lived in those countries. Authors made stories based on the time period when both loyalty and defiance were expressed against their dictator. Throughout the short stories and a novel these themes were expressed differently in different situations. Is loyalty and defiance good or bad? In the story ' The Censors' a man Juan wants to send a letter to...
3 Pages 1270 Words

Moral Obligations And Etiquettes Of A Muslim Army

Introduction Terrorism and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) are the buzzwords of the new millennia. One is inundated with these terms on mainstream media, within the field of academia and in the political arena. Why are these phrases mentioned so frequently, dissected in such minutiae and intimately linked to the religion of Islām? Since the coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 federal governments, security agencies and police departments throughout the western world have...
3 Pages 1277 Words

E Books Vs Paper Books Essay

Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place. The history of the book is long and colorful. It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the 15th century as many people think. The history of the book is dating 5000 years back from today to the first book artifact to be ever found in Egypt. Also, again in Egyptian lands, it has been discovered to have been the first-ever...
3 Pages 1250 Words

The Elements Of Language And Their Correlation

INTRODUCTION Language, similar to some other idea, has a few definitions. This is, obviously, because of the way that individuals appear to see things from alternate points of view. Language is the declaration of thoughts by methods for speech-sounds consolidated into words. Words are joined into sentences, this blend offering an explanation to that of thoughts into musings. Language is an arrangement of signs that we use in speaking with ourselves and with each other. Language additionally has composed signs...
3 Pages 1304 Words

The Impact Of The English Language On Adolescence

Globalization can be a great opportunity to overcome, we seeing globalized world and mastering a second language is not just an option, it is an inevitable requirement. As a society, it is necessary to consider this important issue, without having to think too much about the results and thus leave behind the myth of introducing another language to our children. Language learning in adolescence is possible and meaningful, the key is to do so. Why should young people learn another...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Waiting Period For Divorce

Introduction The ordeal of going through a divorce is intricate and laborious. On the other hand, several divorced individuals believe it provides them with a second opportunity in life, portraying it as resurrection. Recently, the breaking of families became exceedingly familiar amongst societies. Each jurisdiction has a different approach regarding this matter. Numerous jurisdictions are influenced by religious beliefs, for instance, canon law and Islamic law. This research paper will examine the waiting period(s) required for a divorce in Scotland...
3 Pages 1272 Words

The Hierarchy Of The Civil And Criminal Courts And Their Structure

Civil courts Supreme Court The supreme court is one of the highest courts in the United Kingdom has the final say on the most significant legal issues. They are the conclusive check and excess on the UK's legislation and establishment their duty is no different to many similar bodies in other kingdoms. The restriction on what legislation says when there is a debate. These are lawsuits that increase with the court beliefs being essential facts that influence the country. Court...
3 Pages 1348 Words

The Peculiarities Of Canada Business Name Registration

Picking an incredible name for your new business is one of the most significant, yet multifaceted, portions of business fire up. While making a name for your business, you have to consider the lawful, operational and promoting angles, just as feel, and even your very own style. You should likewise comprehend your business' potential for development, your serious condition and the picture you need to extend to your clients or customers. In this period of organization as brand and with...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook And Business Ethics

Introduction One of the biggest entrepreneurs in social media and the co-founder of Facebook is known as Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, he was born in the 14th of May 1984. He was around his 20s as a Harvard freshman with a high potential for the computer programming. in just a few years he became the world’s youngest billionaire by Facebook itself. In 2004 Mark Zuckerberg has created Facebook that is an online social media platform and social networking. The one of...
3 Pages 1321 Words
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