1400 Word Essay Examples

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A 1400-word essay is a standard undergraduate college assignment that requires students to delve into a specific topic and showcase their understanding and analytical skills. Whether in marketing, political science, philosophy, nursing, psychology, or any other discipline, this type of essay demands a comprehensive exploration of the ...

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Social Issues

Essay on Role of Racism in Imperialism

There is no doubt that the recent events raising awareness about racism, such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), have brought to our attention the need for rapid societal change to combat this serious issue. This has sparked a discussion on whether the UK government has and is doing enough to tackle racism. The debate around governmental responsibilities for racism is a longstanding one in the UK, dating back to the era of Imperialism. Countries spread their power and their wealth,...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Essay on How Breast Cancer Impact Your Life

Breast Cancer, as defined by Majure, breast cancer is an 'uncontrolled growth of abnormal breast cells' (Majure: 110). In other words, Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow out of control. These cells usually form a tumor that can often be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. The tumor is malignant (cancerous) if the cells can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body (American Cancer Society,...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Essay on Cultural Appropriation in Media

To first understand the term 'culture vulture', it is important to be able to define culture and several other terminologies relating to it that will be applied throughout this essay. 'Culture' is notoriously hard to define. Raymond Williams, an influential cultural critic, famously stated that 'culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language'. In Keywords (1976), Williams analyzed its various meanings, clarifying that ' culture in all its early uses was a noun...
3 Pages 1380 Words

Essay on Causes of Human Trafficking

This essay is going to critically analyze the serious crime of Human Trafficking which is the illegal trade of people for their exploitation (Atkinson). This will be done through a social harm lens which will consider the social, political, and economic context. Additionally, it is going to analyze the serious crime of human trafficking within a capitalist economic system that is dominant across the globe, and by adopting this approach it will clarify the context, the root causes, and alternative...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Essay on Field Observation

Materials and Methods Study Area Location West Belessa District is one of 13 Central Gondar Zone Districts and 198 km away from Amhara Regional State Bahir Dar town in the North East direction. The district is also found 37038'17.8''-37057'29.1'' East in Longitude and 12013'37.8''-12039'23.6'' North in Latitude. It covers an area of about 98381.85 ha located southeast of Gondar town. The area is characterized by gently sloping with 94.51% of the area ranging 0-3% slope. The woreda drains into the...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Essay on the Scars in 'Lord of the Flies'

Lord of the Flies is set during a war; Golding may have got this idea as he was in a war himself. The boys are being evacuated, when the plane crashes on the island. After the boys get out it is washed out to sea. 'He glanced around the scar ', this is the first thing that Ralph sees when he gets onto the island. It is a big ditch where the plane has crashed, you could argue that the...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Child Labour

Introduction Child labor is a global issue and not just a problem in the countries where this is happening. It is thought that over 211 million children under 15 work, 73 million of them are under 10 years old, and around 22,000 die every year in work-related accidents. (Child labour | Ethical Trading Initiative, 2021) Child Labour also has moral and ethical implications; this report will compare arguments for and against banning all forms of child labor in supply chains....
3 Pages 1418 Words

Discourse Community about Marketing Essay

Should people be able to pay to get to the head of the line in public facilities, such as airports? To drive alone in carpool lanes for a fee? Or to quit smoking or lose weight? Should having money determine who gets first access to emergency rooms or transplants for kidneys? Does everything in life have a price tag on it? This is a very provocative concept, as our society continues to modernize and advance, money seems to become the...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Rogerian Argument Essay about 'The Joker'

Joker, one of the most controversial films of 2019, is based on the life of a man named Arthur Fleck, who lives with his mother and takes on the role of a husband and a son. He has a condition in which he laughs involuntarily but that happens when he sees societal failures and instead of crying he laughs. The film highlights how having just “one bad day,” can be the end of it all and drive a stable man...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Essay on Is Trauma an Emotion

Religious and spiritual beliefs may act as a resource from which individuals derive meaning from psychological trauma it appears that religious emotional expression may encourage adaptive trauma processing, especially for individuals with low ei, who have experienced severe trauma future studies replicating and expanding the current study may be integrated within interventions aimed at reducing the negative effects of trauma and better inform this line of investigation. Even though several factors qualify the findings of this study a practical consideration...
3 Pages 1384 Words

Criminal Justice Argumentative Essay

Introduction In this paper, I am going to be explaining how the criminal justice systems can invest back into the people, and therefore preventing crime as well as my stance on the death penalty. The criminal justice system should move away from the ideology of “if a crime has been committed, then there must be a punishment” and more towards getting help for those committing the crime while focusing on ethics. Personally, I do not believe that there should be...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Narrative Essay on Trauma

More than fifty-eight percent of Americans, both old and young, have experienced trauma related to gun violence. Firearms kill more people in the US as compared to the other nations of the world. Just as more people are killed, many of them also survive gunshot wounds. This violence may affect the lives of the victims as well as those of the people around them. Gunshot-related trauma takes many forms, which include physical trauma, emotional trauma, and psychological trauma. In this...
3 Pages 1437 Words

Essay on How Is 'The Hunger Games' Dystopian

Karl Marx, a German philosopher, believed in two dividing classes in a capitalistic society: the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. He emphasized that the bourgeoisie is the ruling class or oppressors and the proletariats are the working class or the oppressed. To maintain this power structure, they exploit the working class to maintain revenue. The novel, The Hunger Games, takes place in a dystopian society called Panem and follows 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen who lives in District 12. The ruling class of...
3 Pages 1364 Words

Essay on Theme of 'The Hunger Games' Catching Fire

“The Hunger Games series displays a thrilling storyline filled with pure socialness, vulgar language, mental toughness, and the sacrifices some families have to make to survive. Why did the Hunger Games start? The games started to provide entertainment and to remind the people who were in charge, that the Capitol. The Hunger Games is an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12–18 from each of the twelve districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Essay on Concussion Treatment

Most studies recommend rest and avoidance of exercise and symptom exacerbation until asymptomatic,4,7 causing, as a result, for prescribed rest to be one of the most frequently utilized concussion interventions.8 More recent studies, however, have instead advised a brief rest period in the acute phase (24- 48 hours) post-trauma after which patients are encouraged to become increasingly active while being sure to stay below the level of symptom exacerbation to facilitate recovery.8 Leddy et al. and others report that there...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Genetically Modified Food: Synthesis Essay

Genetically modified (often referred to as GM) food is usually grown for human or animal consumption and is altered by genetic engineering. The crop or plant is inserted with a gene from a different organism or species of plant with the purpose of giving the plant a desirable characteristic or trait. Desirable traits for crops include improved pest or herbicide resistance in order to increase crop yield, and increased tolerance to cold or drought, expanding the range in which plants...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Essay on Pros and Cons of Immigration Detention Centers

According to the ACLU report on immigration detention centers, 'despite the explosive growth in immigration detention centers in recent years, there are no regulations or enforceable standards regarding detention conditions'(IMMIGRATION DETENTION CONDITIONS). Poor centers led to many cases of poor treatment of immigrants in detention centers all over the U.S. The poor treatment reported ranges from lack of showers, sleeping places, water, food, and bathrooms, not treating illnesses, overcrowding, and much more. Since there was a lack of regulation and...
3 Pages 1443 Words

Essay on Cultural Appropriation in Movies

If you crack open an Oxford dictionary and find the term ‘cultural appropriation’ its definition will read, “the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, or ideas, of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.” Cultural appropriation has been a big controversy for many years. The topic can date back to the 18th century when white women were wearing bustles to reemphasize their leaner figures while black women with naturally large...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Essay on Wall-e Human Dystopia

In his book, Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist, Paul Kingsnorth states,” With climate change changing, with the sixth mass extinction well underway, with the ocean swimming in our industrial refuse, with our chemical backwash in our breast milk and bloodstreams” (32). It is sad to say this but it is the truth, pollution, global warming, trash, deforestation, and other environmental topics are talked about and discussed every day, looking at things right now, they are not looking too well and...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Essay on Is 'Wuthering Heights' a Love Story

The film begins with, who we can assume is, Emily Bronte, walking through the moors toward the house that inspired her story. The following scene, and where the story begins, is Mr. Lockwood’s arrival at Wuthering Heights, who is seeking shelter from the storm. He is Heathcliff's new tenant at Thrushcross Grange, a newly acquired property, which will be discussed later on- this scene is repeated twice in the movie, as well. After Lockwood is reluctantly accepted to stay the...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Book Review

Cloning is a controversial topic on whether it’s ethically right or wrong to artificially create life ourselves using science. The novel ‘Never Let Me Go’ by Kazuo Ishiguro raises social and ethical issues involving cloning and people’s choices by providing the author’s perspective on human cloning effectively. Ethical issues revolving around human cloning are surfacing both in the novel and in real life. Ishiguro explains and expresses the issues effectively in the story allowing you to increasingly develop an understanding...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Essay on Oppression

Oppression is described by the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority’ and it can also be described as ‘a situation in which people are... prevented from having opportunities and freedom’ as outlined by the Cambridge dictionary. Oppressive acts are commonly used against people who belong to certain groups and categories. In a modern world-renowned for its diversity and inclusivity, we are still able to see many forms of oppression daily. Oppression comes in many...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Essay on Nikola Tesla Wireless Electricity

Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) has wide application in aerospace. Nikola Tesla is best known for his incredible work regarding the WPT. Power can be transmitted wirelessly over a long distance is with either laser or microwaves. Laser is incompatible with environmental factors such as clouds and rain and hence, cannot provide continuous power. Whereas, microwave achieves lower atmospheric attenuation. Catching the sunbeam in space has unmistakable focal points since there is no loss of microwave vitality going through the earth's...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Essay on Universal Healthcare Vs Single Payer

I will be speaking to you all on the issues concerning a single-payer healthcare system. Okay, so raise your hand if you like free things. Let’s be honest—who doesn’t like free things? There was a study conducted where Americans were given a choice between a free item and a priced item. I was not surprised when I found out that ninety percent of Americans chose the free item. However, what if I told you that you would have to work...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Essay on Social Media Marketing Analysis

Introduction to the topic With the internet, as our prime means to promote business and capture a wider market base, using social media to influence the audience is the quickest and the most holistic way to expand our business presence. Today, more and more businesses are considering it as a big deal and customers also expect to be able to connect with various brands that they are interested in. Those who can do well in social media can enjoy the...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Essay on Honourable Suicide

Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s “In a Grove” concerns various witnesses in a murder trial. Although each witness is testifying about the same crime, their accounts vary. They seem to remember different facts, making it difficult to convict anyone. Three of the witnesses, Tajomaru the thief, Masago, and her Samurai husband, Kanazawa no Takehiko all confess to at least one killing. It is impossible that they are all guilty of murder or suicide. Upon closer reading, their confessions seem to be an attempt...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Much Ado about Nothing': Comedy or Tragedy Essay

Much Ado About Nothing, a Shakespearean play, is a comedy that relates the stories of two couples as they navigate their love lives in sixteenth-century Italy. In the play, we learn of the love story of Claudio and Hero as well as the love story of Beatrice and Benedick. Though classified as a comedy, a variety of themes carrying deeper meaning can be found within the storyline. Through the characters’ actions, we see how honor, prestige, notability, and social graces...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Emmett Till Reaction Essay

Presently, individuals can witness the clear product of the centrifugal forces surrounding the 1960s, as it pertains to the discourse of race. The destabilizing framework within the 60s deconstructed the 1950s American Dream which idealized heteronormativity, patriarchy, suburbia, middle-class, and the caucasian race. Ultimately, the 60s was a dynamic decade of protests consisting of marginalized communities that sought the acknowledgment of non-normative discourses within society. For instance, the presence of progressive events such as the election of John F. Kennedy,...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Essay on How Did Oprah Winfrey Start Her Business

Oprah Winfrey was a host of the highly-rated talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show which ran from 1986 to 2011. It won dozens of Emmys and was seen by approximately 30 million viewers a week. After the airing of the show in 2013, an American specialty television channel was created called the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) which is currently jointly owned by Discovery Inc. and Harpo Studios which is Oprah’s production facility. It replaced the Discovery Health Channel and is...
3 Pages 1431 Words

Essay on Invasive Species in Japan

Introduction: Japanese knotweed is a significant alien plant species found across mostly economically developed countries. Invasive species are well-fitted to the UK’s environment and, having limited to no control methods, multiply quickly and cause social, environmental, or economic issues in many places. They spread very easily due to human and natural disturbances, such as floods or something as simple as a person breaking part of the plant and dropping it into a river where it then gets washed up and...
3 Pages 1384 Words
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