1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Marginalization of African-American Women in Society

Literature and films have the power to change the way we perceive others, specifically those who are at the edges of society. The representation of African-American women, in the past, have revealed that they have been exploited in numerous ways. The Black Women Civil Right Movement in the 1950s significantly contributed to the fight for African-American civil rights. It is solemnly important that all young people are taught to have an open mind towards people of different races, religions and...
3 Pages 1432 Words

The Problem of Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Discrimination in South Africa

An issue that has faced society in South Africa is race/ethnicity/culture. The issue that we face is that because there is little understanding of the race/ethnicity/culture of and within the people of the country, those who are rich in these areas are often discriminated against. My dad is Tshivenda and my mom is Xhosa. The first language I spoke was IsiXhosa, however when I went to preschool, at the age of 3, it was evident to me that speaking my...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Essay on American Industrialization

The era of the Industrial Revolution is deeply rooted in Britain after its major success being the mechanization in the production of cotton cloth. From this initial seed, the technologies would later spread across the North Atlantic and finally reach the United States of America. Although the U.S had an abundance of land for agricultural production, the country had a scarcity of workforce for labor activities in this new world order. In the era between 1865 and 1930, American society...
3 Pages 1354 Words

Adobe System Inc. as a Workplace to Any Employee’s Preference

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team”, - says Reid Hoffman. While teamwork is essential for an organization to achieve its goals, organizational culture plays a crucial role in a team and is the backbone of any successful companies. This is because there was an official certification in 2016, Adobe was recognized as one of the ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ for the 16th time...
3 Pages 1427 Words

The Preconditions of the American Civil War

The rise of partisan politics in the Early Republic was due to a difference in opinion on how the country should be run. There were both people who supported the constitution (Federalists) and those who did not support the constitution (Anti-Federalists or Democratic-Republicans).The Federalists wanted a strong government; “They argued that the separation of powers 
 and the division of powers between states and nation, would preclude tyranny” (Norton 7-2). Whereas the antifederalists believed that states would help citizens have...
3 Pages 1358 Words

The Great Influence of Women on Canadian History

Women made great changes to Canada from 1910-1930, which has made it a better place to live. “I think women can save civilization” - Emily Murphy. “Canada’s earliest efforts to bring about women’s suffrage were led by a diverse movement of women and men across the country. Beginning in the 1870s, Canadians campaigned for women’s right to vote on equal terms as men, beginning with local government. They were met with determined opposition”. “The wrong of withholding the privilege of...
3 Pages 1431 Words

The Underprivileged Future of Modern American Society

No matter how ridiculous it may seem, but even today, two absolutely different public institutions - public schools and jails - are competing for government attention. And oddly enough, the prisons can be declared as the fair winners. Now, what are the reasons behind these unpleasant results? Does racism have to do anything with it? What place does racism have in our community? What is the reason behind major Black homelessness? These are some questions this paper will answer, using...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Overview of the African Community Services of Peel Organization

Canada is the country where multicultural immigrant people have helped to build the country. In Canada, there are various cultural group and culture people who live and work. According to 2018 annual report of Canada, Canada has offered residency to more than 286000 newcomers in year 2017 and they are planning to reach to 340000 by 2020 (Hussen, 2018, p.44). Canadian government and other organizations help immigrants and refugees with languages training program, information about of Canadian health care and...
3 Pages 1447 Words

The Enlightenment as the Philosophical Foundation of the American, French and Haitian Revolutions

During the 18th and 19th centuries, certain nations and colonies located in the Atlantic desired to upheave the current governmental and pecuniary mandate of the administrations in control, they wanted to institute a fresh direction, founded on the philosophies of the Enlightenment - exclusively pursuing to establish order that desired to create government based on social compact, separation of power, participation by the people in government and the protection of individual rights. As the developments of industrialization, urbanization, revolutions and...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Print Media in Development Communication in India

Development communication is a communication used for the development of the society. The role of Print Media and Electronic Media plays a part in the development communication of any country. The Government of India, Print Media is used to obtain a wide coverage of messages through various newspapers and journals. Print media is a classic media plays a remarkable part in the development communication. Print media sculptured India by its historical experience in specific by its association with the freedom...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Portrayal the Theme of Loneliness by Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman and Katherine Mansfield in Their Writings

One can be lonely which is one thing, but there is also being alone which is a completely different feeling. The feeling of loneliness is a destructive feeling that is brought about due to low self-esteem or having lost an important person in your life. Authors can express the theme of loneliness in different ways and through different things, making the reader dig deeper into the piece of writing and get an understanding of the emotions the narrator is experiencing...
3 Pages 1385 Words

The Main Causes, Signs and Types of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder is a personality disorder characterized by long-term neglect or violation of the rights of others and difficulty maintaining long-term relationships. Personality disorders are often commonly caused by the combination of both biological and environmental factors. Below is a discussion of the causes of antisocial personality disorder. One of the causes of personality disorder is biological factors. Many medical experts believe a person born with personality disorder often have different brain wirings that prevents them from learning from...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Reflections on Why People Do What They Do

Are we acting in our own self-interest? Are we doing things for others? Self-improving minds perpetually search for answers to the questions of why we do, what we do, as well as who we do it for. The greater understanding we have for the ‘Why’ and the ‘What’, the more likely we are to find peace and balance in our lives. Every day, we meet so many people and we don’t really know what inspires them or drives their passion....
3 Pages 1432 Words

The Influence of a Binary Understanding of Gender on Children's Experiences

In this essay I will be discussing the different ways of how an understanding of gender as a binary, has an impact on the experiences of childhood and/or youth. I will be discussing several ideas/understandings of gender as a binary and review the influences on childhood and youth experiences. I will split this essay into three parts, starting with how binarism affects boys and young males, how binarism affects girls and young females, and the part will be how society,...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Central Banks Independence from Government

Empirical evidence indicates that greater central bank independence, freedom “from direct political or governmental influence” (Walsh, 2005: 21), is associated with lower inflation (Fischer, 1995). Although difficult to quantify, Fischer estimates that an increase in the inflation rate from 0 to 10% could cost 2-3% of GNP (Fischer, 1981: 23). This essay firstly examines the time-inconsistency literature, specifically the Barro-Gordon Model (BGM) and Rogoff’s ‘Conservative’ Central Banker. Section 3 then analyses ‘Political Business Cycles’. CB should be able to operate...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Reflective Essay on Carol S. Dweck’s Article “Brainology”

I’m writing this so you can do some self-reflection on how your school teaches education and the mistakes it’s making in the classroom. If you were to talk to someone about their experience in your classroom they would say it would have to depend on the teacher they had and what their teaching methods were. In high school, many people ditched classes though later in life they tend to regret ditching that class because they missed out on the knowledge...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Critical Analysis of Doubts about the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ability to Provide Domestic Intelligence Security

Subject: Domestic Intelligence Security would be better fulfilled if a unified domestic intelligence agency were to be created and the FBI returned to its original mission. Purpose Policy critics have voiced serious doubts about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)’s capability to competently assume the role of intelligence gatherer for the Intelligence Community (IC). (Session 5 Lecture, 2020) With all the cutting edge technology and terroristic threats it’s best that the FBI focus their resources on their original purpose and...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Role of Needle Exchange Act and the D.A.R.E. Program for Students in Idaho: Opinion Essay

I am writing to you in an attempt to influence you to vote against House Bill 180. I have become very spirited and passionate about this subject and have done extensive research, so I hope you will take my points into consideration. Before continuing, I would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration while reading through my argument. In an upcoming legislature meeting, you are going to be voting on House Bill 180 which purposes the...
3 Pages 1410 Words

Analytical Essay on the Positive and Negative Impacts of Industrial Revolution

Revolution, reformation of an existing constitution, has taken place throughout mankind's’ history and varies enormously in terms of strategies, durations and beliefs. One of the revolutions that created major modifications in human history is Industrial Revolution. Industrial revolution is the progression to new manufacturing processes. During the revolution, production of the necessities of life, such as- foods, clothings, shelter, fuels, began to process within industries by powerful machineries in the century from 1750 to 1850. Technologies as steam engines, electric...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Women’s Position in the Nineteenth-century America: Analytical Essay on A White Heron and The Yellow Wallpaper

The issue of social and economic discrimination of women or the unequal treatment between men and women, was one of the issues remained in America after the Civil War. Women were expected to be caring and obedient and they were viewed as weak and submissive, which is coined by the term “Angel in the House”.They were simply the properties of their husbands, whom they aimed to give pleasure, and were only appreciated through the domestic work they applied in the...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Impact of Coursework on PhD Student’s Research Skills: Analytical Essay

Chapter 1 Introduction Coursework is work performed by understudies or students to learn. Coursework might be indicated and doled out by instructors, or by learning guides in self-educated courses. . In education, Course is defined as a specific path that something follows or the way in which something develops. Composed work done by student amid a course of concentration is typically evaluated towards final grade or final evaluation in the examination. In colleges, students are generally required to perform coursework...
3 Pages 1395 Words

Analysis of Satire Campaigns to Represent Black Lives Matter Movement

In 2017, a US Teen was accepted into Stanford University after writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on his University application, with the university stating that they were inspired by the sheer passion, determination and courage shown by him. Black lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement campaigning against the ill-treatment of African-Americans and was founded following the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. Boasting both heavy approval and criticism, many satirical images and videos flowed around the internet reaching...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Analytical Essay on Black Lives Matter Movement: Analysis of Advertising Campaign of Pepsi in 2017

For our advertising campaign I chose to compare it to the 2017 Pepsi campaign featuring Kendall Jenner as the leading lady. I chose this advert to use as a guideline on what not to do, in my opinion this Pepsi campaign embodies everything advertisement should avoid, due to the plethora of moral issues. There was so much backlash surrounding the commercial that Pepsi was forced to remove it from viewing platforms. During two thousand and seventeen, participating in activism progressively...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Capitalism Versus Feudalism: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Karl Marx was a great philosopher, social theorist and economist. He was most famous for his theories about capitalism. Marx utilized the term “modes of production” to allude specific organization of economic production in a given society. Mode of production refers to the to the differed ways that individuals on the whole produce the methods for subsistence so as to endure and improve social being. According to the marxist theory the “modes of production” is a combination of “productive...
3 Pages 1359 Words

Issue of Gun Violence in the US and Its Complicated Nature: Analytical Essay

Intro to the issue: This case study will focus on the issue of gun violence in the US and its complicated nature. The presentation will analyze how human rights play a part in an issue that seems to be less complicated than it is. This is an issue of security on a national level, that ties into the Peace and Conflict and the Human Rights unit. History: (18th century) Gun ownership and guns themselves have been part of American identity...
3 Pages 1431 Words

Book Report: Reader's Reflection on Angela’s Ashes

Narrator: a voice inside the story Point of view: First Person Tone: Anger Quote: When Franks mom got angry at her husband she said “I want ye to go back down to that pub and read him out of it. I want ye to stand in the middle of the pub and tell every man your father is drinking the money for the baby. Ye are to tell the world there isn't a scrap of food in this house, not...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Analytical Essay on the Global Eradication of Smallpox

A vaccine is defined as a harmless derivative of a pathogen that triggers the body’s immune system response to act against the harmful pathogen. The history of the development of modern vaccines stems from the ground-breaking research undertaken by Edward Jenner, now more famously known as the father of immunology. His revolutionary and pivotal discovery of the smallpox vaccination laid the foundations for modern-day medicine practices. He pioneered the movement of inoculation as a preventive measure for rampant maladies saving...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Disparity of Success: Analytical Essay on Elite Universities of Ivy League

What is success? What does it mean when someone uses the word “successful” to describe one’s whole life? Since people’s views and expectations are varied with each other, different hierarchy of people definitely holds opinions on the definition of success. As a result, everyone has their own interpretation based on the situations of individuals. The methods of obtaining success and its meaning are explored in the articles “Biographies of Hegemony” by Karen Ho and “Project Classroom Makeover” by Cathy Davidson....
3 Pages 1438 Words

Unemployment History behind Fiscal Policies: Analysis of New Deal Impact

Abstract I’ve chosen the New deal as my policy. Fiscal policy can reduce unemployment by expanding total aggregate demand and the rate of economic growth. The government should pursue expansionary financial approach; this includes cutting taxes and expanding government spending. Lower charges increment extra cash (for example Tank slice to 15% in 2008) and in this manner help to build utilization, prompting higher total interest (AD). With an expansion in AD, there will be an increment in Real GDP (insofar...
3 Pages 1422 Words

The Role of Evangelicalism in American and British History: Analysis of Manifest Destiny

Evangelicalism, an umbrella group of the Protestant movement, is a part of various Christian denominations and became a dominant religious practice for many Americans and British in the early to late 19th century. Solely focusing around the concept of being ‘born again’, Evangelicals had the opportunity to repent for sins, do good and focus on individual needs, essentially having a spiritual rebirth, or a regeneration of the human spirit (Miller, 2014). The majority of the 19th century, notably the first...
3 Pages 1351 Words
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