1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles among Management Employees

ABSTRACT Leadership styles may be of relevance to in a variety of situations where there is a requirement to manage others. The main objectives of the study is to analyse the relationship between Emotional Intelligence factors and leadership of Employees. Convenience sampling was also used to determine the sample size for the Employees. A total of 60 employees are taken as sample for this study. The study makes use of statistical techniques such as Percentage analysis, Chi Square test, T-test,...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Legalization of Cannabis: Free Market and Ethical Issues

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA), as part of the federal government, regulates and controls the medicine markets throughout the United States. Consumers are not able to buy whatever they want, unless it is approved and deemed legal and safe by the FDA, regardless of the benefits to consumers’ health. Therefore, social problems happen when markets are not allowed to function freely. Consumers will find work-arounds in the system to get the medicine, or drugs, which they desire, regardless of...
3 Pages 1419 Words

Ethics for Artificial Intelligence or Machinery

Introduction In the society we live in, robots and artificial intelligence are quite loved by the media/people for its controversy and mysteriousness. The question of robotic ethics is making a lot of people tense for they worry about the machine’s lack of empathy and even the feeling of sadness that occurs in humans when certain “unkind events” happen to the machine. In this white paper I’m going to talk about how these unnecessary feelings are something that shouldn’t be misguided...
3 Pages 1371 Words

How Did William Golding In Lord Of The Flies And George Orwell In Animal Farm Use Dystopias To Denounce The Modern Society?

The idea of Dystopia is used in many novels and stories both modern and ancient, it simply reflects the idea of how modern society is taking a path which might lead us to a dystopian society. Although these novels are talking about dystopia in general but each novel or story show us a different way to reach the dystopian society, the author of Lord of the Flies William Golding's use kids that are abandoned on an island to show how...
3 Pages 1441 Words

Moral VS Legal Dimensions of Business Ethics

Does a moral responsibility without a legal obligation, bind a business to an appropriate response? Business modelling seems to approach moral responsibilities from a perspective of managing their public image rather than dutiful obligation to respond to community interests. In particular, morality becomes an important part of business when business product and business conduct are directly responsible for social problems. Purdue Pharma L.P. (Purdue from this point), a private drug manufacturer in the United States, faces a legal and moral...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Domestic Abuse In Male Victims

John pulled into his driveway and checked his watch. He immediately tensed up as he saw that the time read 7:03 instead of its usual 7:00. He hastily approached his front door, and before entering, took a deep breath. As soon as he walked in, his wife Susie sat in the living room looking at her watch. John started to blurt out his apologies, explaining that he stayed late to finish up a work article. Suzie started to hurl insults...
3 Pages 1350 Words

The Image Of Falling Society In Fahrenheit 451

Guy Montag, a fireman in a technologically forward society, goes against the government to find true happiness. Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, takes place in a dystopian society in a futuristic America where firemen do not put out fires, but rather use fire to get rid of books. A futuristic society with faults and morals that we can correlate to our own. Instantly, we are introduced to novum and absorbed into Bradbury’s world of technological advancements and corruptness. This society lavishes...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Motivational Theories Explaining Susan Smith’s Behavior

The objective of the option 2 case study 5-6 was to develop a motivational plan for Susan Smith to present to her director of nursing, Jane Couch. Jane is looking for ways to motivate Susan to her prior 'self' that was a highly motivated and productive member of the nursing staff. High inpatient census along with increased pressure from the management by an upcoming accreditation visit from The Joint Commission has added a lot of stress on hospital employees, Susan...
3 Pages 1448 Words

Effects of Fundamental Right of Childhood

Many individuals wander for miles on their feet around the world to beg for money or food and try at their minimum best to fulfill their basic needs. The unfulfillment of needs leads to the destruction of the development from occurring in both inner and outer bodies of the individual. In order for survival, humans need nutritious food, quality education, clean and safe water, appropriate housing as well as suitable healthcare, all of which contribute to the overall health and...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Music As A Therapeutic Measure

Music is a part of human life from the beginning the first ever melody created by the human mind is somewhat 5000 years old. Ancient people used to do music to enjoy their on goings –spend time with family while singing happy and cheerful songs, but the with passage of time it changed a lot. Now, we use music from publicity to cure anything –even a single add on television is useless without music. With time people started using it...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Artificial Intelligence In Business

Abstract The present era is possibly the most exciting period of human history because various technological innovations are taking place.Robots working in industries, self driving cars, and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) playing games better than world champions are some of the technological innovations under ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Internet today is full of Artificial Intelligence-related articles, its recent advances and its impact on society and business. This paper gives a glimpse on how Artificial Intelligence has made its impact on all spheres of...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Oedipus Rex: Themes And Motifs

The dramatization is unified around the hero character, Oedipus, who gets the title of the disastrous figure because of the appalling destiny anticipated to him by a prophet. The disaster is emphatically organized around the establishment of sight. In examining Oedipus Rex, bits of knowledge can be assembled and concluded on the essentialness of sight and visual deficiency, which are predominately utilized all through the Greek catastrophe. Sophocles utilizes the capacity and powerlessness of sight to enable artistic components, for...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Women in Hamlet

“Women in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man, not to rule and command him” is a quote said by John Knox. Society in the 15th and 16th century was built on this quote as it demonstrates how women in the Elizabethan era were overpowered by the men in their lives. In the tragic play, Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, the role of women and how they are treated is revealed throughout the play as women in...
3 Pages 1446 Words

The Use of Satire in Canterbury Tales and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

One significant author who demonstrates natural and effortless use of humorous satire is Geoffrey Chaucer as evident in his “Canterbury Tales.” As one reads along it becomes obvious that Chaucer is a great humorist who utilizes humor to confront the vices in the society in a refined manner and the stories remain vivid in the reader’s memory. Overall, humor is prevalent in “Canterbury Tales” through which Chaucer effectively discusses the serious subject of religious corruption and greed without being too...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Gender Ambiguity And Sexuality In Othello, Twelfth Night, And Macbeth

Sexuality, gender, and patriarchy are all common themes in many of Shakespeare’s plays. Both gender ambiguity and sexual stereotypes are used as a means of character manipulation and plot development in several of his plays. During the Elizabethan Era, Shakespeare was influenced by social norms regarding gender, sexuality, status, etc. Both men and women accepted their roles according to the society that they lived in; which is why many of Shakespeare’s references to gender and sex were admissible in the...
3 Pages 1434 Words

Color of Justice: does it Matter?

80-90% of blacks and Latino Americans are put behind bars for a drug bust. A drug bust is to seize of illegal drugs by law enforcement. A drug bust also can wrongfully incriminate people of color including blacks and Latino Americans. By wrongfully incriminating people of color one can lose their homes, jobs, and even children as a result. This is just a normal day for many people of color where no one would even bat an eye, but for...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Streaming Places: Youtube VS Netflix

Increasingly popular streaming services such as YouTube and Netflix are eager to win over and maintain the interests of Millennials in the media industry, but who are these Millennials they aim to appeal to and how do they achieve this, if at all? In this report I aim to compare and contrast the two American media-service providers, Youtube and Netflix, and discuss their “rivalry” and individual influences on Millennials as well as any strengths and weakness they acquire and how...
3 Pages 1400 Words

The Role of Competition in our Lives

Introduction Competition is a fundamental and pervasive factor in human existence, influencing behaviors, fostering innovation, and impacting outcomes in different areas. The invisible hand influences market dynamics, motivates individuals and organizations to exceed their limits, and tests the durability and adaptability of entities. In nature, competition for resources like food, territory, and mates has played a significant role in natural selection, resulting in the evolution of species and the diversification we see today. Conflict in human civilization takes various forms,...
5 Pages 1440 Words

The Peculiarities of Christian Ethics

Introduction Poverty is a widespread issue that has been a concern since the very beginning of time. With so many different avenues society can approach poverty, I will focus on a Christian Ethics approach to the moral dilemma of poverty. The question that I will attempt to answer in this essay is,” What can the Church do to help fight poverty?”. Like stated before I will use a Christian Ethics approach to deal with this moral dilemma. Christian Ethics as...
3 Pages 1351 Words

The Attitude To Working Woman And Mothers At The Workplace

The author stresses the differences in maternity. The working women face a lot of challenges that can endanger the lives of the unborn child, also prevent the needed care for the born child. The author compares the lives of working women to past lives, where women did not go to work but engaged in house chores and craftwork. The women took great care of their children and raised them well compared to the working women who have less time for...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Analysis of Fallacies and Rhetorical Strategies in Antigone

Identifying logical fallacies and rhetorical techniques in a work is essential to understand its argument and overall persuasiveness. In Sophocles' tragedy Antigone, he emphasizes a higher power that transcends the laws of human civilization. In the tragedy, sisters Antigone and Ismene argue over the proper burial for their brother Polyneices. Creon, the new king, wants to punish Polyneices for his disloyalty and let his body rot, unburied. Antigone is outraged by this and believes it is intrinsically immoral to leave...
3 Pages 1442 Words

The Concept of Deviant Behavior and the Society

Many individuals in today’s society wonder what pushes people past a breaking point in which they become involved in actions not accepted by society, such as stripping, prostitution, drug use, alcoholism and more. The reasoning behind this is deviance. Deviance can be either positive (over conforming) or negative (under conforming). When applying the subject of crime to a type of deviance, it falls under the negative category because those who under conform in society have a tendency to reach their...
3 Pages 1449 Words

What is Peculiar about Living In A World Of Schizophrenia

Why do most of the time think that someone who suffers from Schizophrenia is simply a “crazy” person? We are easy to judge someone because we think that they are just someone who is on drugs and are just simply crazy. Little do we know that those people who have a mental illness like Schizophrenia have actually gone through a very hard situation in their lives which impacted them to be and act a certain way. But have you thought...
3 Pages 1443 Words

Themes and Ideas in Fences, Sweat, and Death of a Salesman

In this paper, I will be discussing the similarities and differences between the themes of the three plays. The three plays I will be discussing are Fences, Sweat, and Death of a Salesman. Throughout each of these plays, different themes are presented to the audience, but the themes have similarities to one another. I will compare each theme from the plays to one another and explain what makes them different and what makes them similar. The first play that I...
3 Pages 1433 Words

Free Will and Humanity in Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Thomas Hardy is among the most well-known proponents of naturalism - the pessimistic belief that human behavior, choices, and ultimately destinies are highly influenced, if not predetermined, by their environment. Naturalism suggests that human customs and societal structure directly emulate those of the natural world, implying that humanity has no control over, and therefore, needs not take responsibility for, its actions. However, Hardy is hardly married to this principle. Naturalism is not the only philosophical basis of his works. In...
3 Pages 1446 Words

The Reasons For Discrimination Towards Gypsies

Throughout human history, there have been many nomadic groups. Some of them disappeared, others assimilated, and others are still around. The nomadic group I decided to investigate is the Gypsies, or Roma. I grew up in Greece and some Gypsies lived in my neighborhood. I always wondered where they came from and how they survived, since they were outcasts and lived under poor conditions, so I focused my research on the discrimination that these people face. Today, there are approximately...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Why Animal Testing should be Banned

Introduction Science is doing several kinds of inventions to make the life of everyone easier. Animal testing is also a part of science as from where researchers do inventions in the field of biology. In animal testing different type of organisms are used for various purposes. Scientist makes many types of medicines, vaccine, skin and hair products after testing. Many masses are in against of the experimentation on animals as it is considered as the cruellest behaviour of human beings...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Can Environmental Activism Be Seen As A Doomsday Cult?

Today most people would agree that climate change is a problem. We can see why this problem through out the world. The ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and forest fires have hit some of the most important places in the world. Environmental activism has taken over the news trying to show us what needs to be done in order to “save the world.” Their protest has caused more problems rather than shown us what needs to be...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Youth Culture Invasion in the Fashion Industry

Subculture can be defined as a group with a strong sense of their cultures such as the variation of their music and fashion tastes. Most of those cultures usually despise and do not follow the mainstream of the majority because they need to strengthen the need of the people they just belong to the identity nothing greater than themselves which can be seen notably among the teens. Teens have been a great particular market for a lot of companies because...
3 Pages 1386 Words

Review Of The Survivor: An Anatomy Of Life In The Death Camps

The book The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres, tells the psychological story of those who lived in death camps, during the holocaust. Terrence Des Pres shows many literary depictions of how one survived through testimonials, other fictional work and scientific research. Des Pres discuss how being a survivor is similar yet different to those of martyrs or heroes, as a survivor has no choice in which way they die. To be a...
3 Pages 1445 Words
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