1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Resilience Is Important Essay

The qualities of reflection and resilience are developed throughout a person's life, This is of particular significance to those pursuing a career in medicine as these attributes are encouraged from the very beginning of medical school, continuing after graduation as a part of professional development. In this essay, I will outline the importance of these to a successful medical career; beginning in medical school and spanning into clinical practice. Reflection can be performed using many different models, all of which...
3 Pages 1423 Words

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Essay

Abstract Many people know someone who abuses substances or someone who has gone through addiction recovery. Even though many people have had this connection with substance abuse, they don’t understand what people go through. It is important to what people who have abused substances or are abusing substances are going through. It is also important to understand what people experience when they go through addiction recovery. Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery In 2004 my dad decided it was time to...
3 Pages 1443 Words

Literary Analysis Essay on 'Life of Pi'

Pi's multiculturalism and abstract mindset have been seen through his numerous beliefs and solid qualities likewise mirror that of post pioneers. Generally speaking, Life of Pi from numerous points of view shows a solid association and joins the idea of postmodernism into the novel in different manners. I totally agree that Life of Pi relates to post-modernism and even more in order that Yann Martel purposely creates paradoxes to form you define the word 'truth” with regard to the book...
3 Pages 1368 Words

How Something Shaped Your Values and Beliefs: Personal Essay

In this essay, I will explain the role played by norms and values within Parsons' theory of the cultural system, universalism, and polity subsystem. Furthermore, I will use Scott's 'Talcott Parsons: Where it All Began', Ellis' 'The Hobbesian Problem of Order: A Critical Appraisal of the Normative Solution', Parsons' 'Pattern Variables Revisited: A Response to Robin Dubin', Robertson's 'Talcott Parsons: Theorist of Modernity', Craib's 'Modern Social Theory from Parsons to Habermas' and Jacobs' 'Aspect of the Political Sociology of Talcott...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Essay on Bernie Madoff White Collar Crime

Case study of Bernie Madoff 'It was all just one great big lie' were the words that 59-year-old Bernie Madoff said to the FBI agents when they arrested him on the 10th of December 2008 in New York City relating to Fraud charges that included Mail Fraud, investment, Wire fraud, and Money laundering offenses. Madoff had created a Ponzi scheme, an investment fraud, where the early investors are paid off with money from new investors. Investors are usually taken in...
3 Pages 1417 Words

Essay on 'Life of Pi': Coming of Age

Science played a major role in Pi’s survival during his journey. Life of Pi is a book written by Yann Martel which was based on a sixteen-year-old boy by the name of Piscine Molitor Patel. The main themes of this book are belief, science, and religion, telling a story of survival and coming of age. There are few characters whether real or fictional who believe as strongly as Pi does in both science and religion which are two central themes...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Trust Me, I'm Lying' Essay

This assignment calls to summarize two books that obligate us to take an introspective point of view on how we view today's mixed multi-media climate. it also forces us to give considerable thought to how we obtain, compile, and filter the various points made by what now seems like the endless mediums of news outlets. sifting through and being completely sure you not confusing a hypothesis with an opinion or an actual fact has never been more difficult than it...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Just Mercy' Narrative Essay

Within my role as a Community Health Worker, I am often faced with ethical dilemmas that involve conflicting values and morals. The balance of what is morally right and wrong is constantly in my heart and on my mind when it comes to the vulnerable populations I work with. However, this module’s material has given me a deeper insight into what it means to be a self-aware and unbiased social worker. I have always believed myself to be in tune...
3 Pages 1358 Words

My Vacation Trip to London: Personal Narrative Essay

I woke up exhausted from the roaring engines. My legs felt as if they were an old rusted metal that hasn’t been used in ages. I could hear the ice cubes strike the glass. As the soda started fizzing out of the can, it made the ice cube dance, giving off a satisfying clink, it was time for lunch. The flight attendant passed the two aisles with what looked like a store in the form of a cart. Each person...
3 Pages 1443 Words

My Trip Back to Hawaii: Personal Narrative Essay

You do not realize how big the world is when you grow up on an island and can drive around the entire thing in three hours and that’s considered a road trip. It’s weird when you meet people who have never seen the ocean because you cannot fathom never seeing something you have been surrounded by your entire life. It’s a different reality. It’s going to the mainland and wondering why you cannot get white rice with your steak at...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Exploratory Essay on Lithium Chloride Influence on Rats in an Open-Field

Abstract Previous findings suggest that Lithium Chloride (LiCl) treats the Manic episodes of Bipolar disorder by alleviating risk-taking behavior. To alter the risk-taking behavior, Lithium chloride (LiCl) is administered and then regulated by Sodium Chloride (NaCl) intake. This experiment was conducted on rats to observe the effect of LiCl consumption on their movements. The rats were given lithium chloride and then later released into the open field apparatus, and then monitored their behaviors by direct observation. Rats administered with LiCl...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Teen Depression Is a Huge Problem: Persuasive Essay

Depression among teenagers is a growing problem! Teenage is a tough stage of life that one can pass through. Some teenagers face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face it with many obstacles and problems. It all depends on the environment they live in, by whom they were raised, their friends, their education systems, and many other factors. But one of the biggest problems that is growing rapidly in our society today is depression among teenagers,...
3 Pages 1443 Words

Nursing Shortages and Latin American Nursing Migration: Essay

The nursing shortage simply refers to the widespread lack of registered nurses in healthcare settings. This has been an ongoing global issue that negatively impacts the quality of healthcare patient populations receive. As a result of the nursing shortage, nurse migration has become prevalent in that it serves as somewhat of a relief to this public health crisis. Developed countries, such as the United States, actively recruit nurses from developing countries, however, this cycle of hiring migrant nurses seems to...
3 Pages 1381 Words

My Journey towards Personal Growth: Reflective Essay

Life to death is a journey. Our first day to our last is a journey. Childhood to adulthood is a journey. In our life, we partake in many journeys, some massive and some small. Every day from the morning to the night, everything we do is a journey, but something we don’t realize is that these journeys are what is shaping up. These daily journeys we unknowingly partake in are what cause the growth in us. This growth is what...
3 Pages 1414 Words

Essay about the Death of a Loved One

The reason I’m writing out this story is not for sympathy but rather a call for help, a call for a home, a call for a family. My life is like a dozen of beginnings but never an ending. I’ve never been really attractive or pretty. I’ve always been just a typical tall girl with hazel eyes and brown hair with my tiny powered freckles. I’m not ugly, but I’m nothing special either. How many times was I called beautiful...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Essay about the Cognitive Approach in Applied Sports Psychology

Sports psychology is focused upon various theoretical perspectives: psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioural and cognitive, biological, and psychosocial models. These perspectives provide an explanation and description of human behaviour and the reasoning behind behavioural changes. Furthermore, they are implicit in the practitioner’s practices and theories. Although there have been some influential theories in sports psychology, cognitive-behavioural has had an implicit impact for multiple reasons. Despite the lack of cognitive psychological studies strictly focused on sports, competitive sports enable researchers the ability to...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Memoir Essay about Addiction

Addiction is the number one cause of accidental death in the United States. The rate has raised astronomically in the last few years and happens even more than car accidents. It is a condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. There have been several debates on whether addiction is a disease or a choice. What is the difference between addiction and physical dependence? Is it just a habit or is it an addiction? Once you’re an...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Evaluation Essay on Policy and Procedures in the Workplace

NHS Trust – Snow and ice procedure Introduction: This policy describes the risks from snow and ice and the actions to be taken by the Trust in relation to them. Snow and ice may present risks to patients, visitors, staff, and others who access Trust grounds and buildings. The Trust is required to take reasonably practicable steps in the event of snow and ice conditions and to show that it has plans in place to reduce the risk of harm....
3 Pages 1422 Words

Evaluation Essay on Homeschooling

The teacher qualification of American homeschoolers is a key issue that concerns the survival of homeschoolers and a new battlefield in the battle of teacher education paths. Supporters of the professionalization of teacher education believe that home-school parents should meet the same standards and requirements as public school teachers. Home-schoolers argue the opposite. The homeschooling movement arose in the United States in the 1950s as a free educational choice movement. Since the beginning of this movement, this kind of family...
3 Pages 1398 Words

Argumentative Essay about Art

How do we separate the artist from the art? Is the art more important than that of the moral values of the artist? The classic case of whether to choose the artist or the art they make. Unfortunately, there are countless examples of artists performing wrongful acts. One such example is Casey Affleck who won an Oscar for the best actor despite the allegations of sexual harassment directed at him. His win was due to his role in Manchester By...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Informative Essay on Slow Pitch Softball

Softball was introduced to me when I was probably eight years old, I remember walking with a few of my cousins to the dirt field at the corner of my grandma's house. There were no hand mitts involved just a softball and an old wood bat. I think I had the basics down but now researching this paper I have learned a lot more. I was thrilled to learn that Softball is said to have begun in 1887 on Thanksgiving...
3 Pages 1444 Words

Internship Self-Evaluation Essay

Introduction The internship is a helpful technique for students to interface their university involvement with companies exercise. It offers understudies a chance to hone their aptitudes, gain ability through taking a shot at cutting-edge preparations, and be comfortable with challenging certifiable conditions. Entry-level position likewise gives any scientific establishment a chance to get fully informed regarding new industry incline. And also, companies open doors from Internship programs to procure thought about the innovative work fields of the scientific community. In...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Process Analysis Essay about Moving to a New Country

The term “wandering Jew” can mean many things but this to me means a Jew without a home but eventually, those Jews have to settle and create a family this is my family’s story about immigration. Since My grandparents moved from England to Australia in the 1950s there have been many more generations in our family parents, kids, and grandchildren so three generations ago. My grandparents may have not gone to the concentration camps but their parents and grandparents did....
3 Pages 1364 Words

Military Profile Essay

General As India’s economic and military profile grows in the wider Indo-Pacific, it too faces a range of intrastate and interstate security challenges, which it has to manage. In this context, it is worth considering the nature and scope of India’s military modernization in view of the types of conflicts it faces. The twin military challenges posed by China and Pakistan thus reflect critical shifts in these two countries' military capabilities and operational postures. They demand, in turn, different command...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Informative Essay on Multimedia Artist

Nicole Dong Ms, Walker Ninth Grade Literature 04 December 2019 Career in Animation Working as a Multimedia Artist or Animator has been a dream for me since I started learning to draw and appreciate many animated films like movies or comics, just anything art related. Many people probably just watch an animated film or read a comic without thinking anything about it, but I like to think how long it took to make something like this and appreciate the artwork...
3 Pages 1405 Words

Critical Essay on Behaviour of Serial Killer Arthur Shawcross

Psychopathology is a personality disease, that can incorporate various attributes. This may include antisocial or disruptive behavior (PowerPoint). They are individuals who have the potential to harm or manipulate others to get through life guaranteeing their demands are fitted (Hare) Psychopaths lack conscience in compassion and tend to possess selfish tendencies and take their desires (Hare). They won’t alter their actions based on community expectations. They disrupt civilization's expectations without guilt (Hare). In regards to Arthur, his case raised attention...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Should Parents Be Held Responsible for Bullying: Argumentative Essay

As the Prophet mentions ‘‘The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe. The emigrant is one who abandons those things God has prohibited.' This hadith utterly characterized Muslims. They are people of well-being and trustworthy, so much so that other Muslims can turn their backs on them without doubt or suspicion. They can delegate a family member to such people without hesitation, for that person will completely being safeguarded from the Muslims' hand. If they...
3 Pages 1360 Words

Nurse Burnout: Argumentative Essay

Nurses are hardworking and loving caregivers in healthcare organizations. Most nurses cope effectively with the physical and emotional demands of nursing in some situations; nurses can become very overwhelmed and develop burnout (kozier et. al., 2014). I find that nurse burnout is one of our biggest challenges in organizations. Nurse burnout can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally due to a lack of support from co-workers and team leaders. I have worked a few sixteen-hour shifts at the end of...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Thesis Statement about Effects of Social Media on Students

Introduction and Background of the Study Modern technology might make an enormous impact on the day-to-day life of an individual. Including the birth of social media due to the unique characteristics of it, there is a possibility that most of users are getting obsessed. Hence, social media should be used in a proper manner such as using the capability of social media to enhance their academic performance, communication skill, knowledge, and so on so forth. According to (Dollarhide,2021), the term...
3 Pages 1421 Words

What Makes for a Perfect Wedding: Critical Essay

Hardly a day in the life of two people is as important as their wedding. A day that will be remembered for years to come. Marrying is 'in'. No one is indeed being abused today for living together in unmarried partnerships and raising children together. Nevertheless, as a couple or a family, pairs often do not feel completely connected until an official 'yes' to each other is said. Marrying someone isn’t just about saying 'yes', it is also connected to...
3 Pages 1409 Words
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