1500 Word Essay Examples

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Writing a 1500-word essay can be daunting, especially if you struggle to find the right subject to write about. However, you are not alone in this endeavor, as many students face the same challenge. To assist you in finding inspiration for your upcoming essay, we have ...

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Social Issues

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Essay

In the capitalist paradise many Americans enjoy living in; one of the many horrors for any ambitious businessmen and women are the legally binding and horrendous regulations every domestic business must follow. One such regulation that applies not only to, many businesses, but the general populace as well is the restrictive use of marijuana throughout the states. While it may be legalized recreationally and or medically in some parts of the country, other parts have yet to dive into the...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Expository Essay for Forgiveness

The source is about forgiveness, love, and not holding a grudge. The central basis is why this person chose this particular road to travel and what his life become if he did not change the course. The author's purpose is to remind us all that we have not always done the right things in life, but change is possible within us; we just have to let it come out. The goal of this source is to inform people about forgiveness...
3 Pages 1473 Words

Breast Cancer Treatment Informative Essay

Introduction Triple negative breast cancer is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer which do not have any receptors that are commonly found in other subtypes of breast cancer. It shows negative for the progesterone receptors (PR), estrogen receptors (ER) and human epidermal growth factor (HER2) protein. About 12 to 20 percent of all breast cancers are triple negative breast cancer and it is associated with poor survival rate [1]. Its recurrence and metastasis rates are higher compared to other breast...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Biology Discourse Community Essay

This essay uses research from both experimental studies and from discursive psychology to evaluate whether memory is both a biological and a social process and provides evidence to that effect. Within psychology, two distinct traditions take memory as their object of concern: the cognitive experimental approach (biological) and the Discursive psychological approach (Social). The Cognitivebiological approach studies the structure of the brain and how remembering and forgetting take place (Kaye and Tree, 2016). The research uses single case studies and...
3 Pages 1458 Words

Breast Cancer Reconstruction Essay

Consent: The principle of consent is an important part of medical ethics and international human rights law.[20] Is a written document that crystallizes the communication ongoing between surgeon and patient and that proves that the patient has made an informed decision evaluating pros and cons and possible alternative treatments and gives consent for that specific treatment. I usually give a consent form to the patient during the second or third clinic appointment, sometimes even later if more complex surgery is...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Essay on 'The Tell Tale Heart' Imagery

Mindstyle refers to the term coined by Roger Fowler, in 1977, which referred to any distinctive linguistic representation of an individual mental self, whether of a character, narrator, or implied author. The impression of a mindstyle is usually cumulatively conveyed through consistent linguistic choices which together cut the narrated world to a distinctive cognitive pattern. To first discuss the particular mind style of Edgar Allan Poe it is vital to understand the concept of mind style and the different types...
3 Pages 1527 Words

Essay on What Is Hailsham in 'Never Let Me Go'

Never Let Me Go is set in a dystopian world of late 1990s England, in which human clones are created, so they can donate their organs as young adults. It gives a thought to the issue of organ donation. The organ donors are obtained from human clones. Never Let Me Go - tells about the lives of cloned children, who have to donate their organs when they are adults. All donors receive care from designated 'carers', clones who have not...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games' Characters

Desperate times call for desperate measures is a famous line that depicts that the need for a human becomes the source of important invention. The Hunger Games, written by author Suzanne Collins, tells the story of Katniss Everdeen in a dystopian setting. The story begins on the day of the reaping where Katniss volunteers instead of her sister, Prim. The story details Katniss's desperate measures during the Hunger Games to survive with her partner Peeta Mallark. In 'Hunger' by Knut...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Essay on Direct Primaries Progressive Era

From the 1870s to the 1890s, the United States entered a period of rapid industrialization. There was a shift from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy and many Americans began to move to urban areas. Mark Twain called this period the Gilded Age and criticized the era as a time of greed and political corruption. While there were millions of factory workers, the wealthy entrepreneurs who owned the factories represented a tiny fraction of Americans. The few wealthy controlled...
3 Pages 1461 Words

Essay on Cultural Appropriation

Within the past few decades, the world has become more connected than ever before. It is easier than ever to pick up your phone or get on your computer and be able to talk to someone on the other side of the world. With the change in transportation, there are flights available that can put you on a completely different continent within a matter of hours. According to the Guardian “About 258 million people, or one in every 30, were...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Essay on Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman

Introduction Most of us have experienced a traumatic event in our lives that has triggered our emotions in a deeply distressing manner. Statistics show that 70% of individuals in the United States have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lifetime (How to Manage Trauma, 2013). In terms of clinical behavioral health, over 90% of clients have gone through a traumatic experience (How to manage trauma, 2013). This shows that trauma is a disorder that is very common...
3 Pages 1497 Words

Essay on Why Physical Education Should Not Be Required

Physical education classes were not made for me. I struggled with asthma growing up, so any activity that required running – or even just moving quickly – was something I physically could not do without risking a severe reaction. I was also not very coordinated. It seemed every game we played in class involving a ball, I got hit in the face. Laughter from my classmates usually accompanied my frenzied search for my glasses that were knocked off in the...
3 Pages 1452 Words

Essay on Physical Education Goals

With technology practically living in the homes of people now, they no longer have time for physical labor or they don't even have to do physical labor because they either have other people paid to do it or they have the technology to do so. Obesity is rising and people and starting to not live up to their potential, children who should even enjoy the outdoors more are now couped up in their houses with faces to the screen and...
3 Pages 1531 Words

Essay on Non Conformity in Pop Culture

Social Influences: Media, Fashion, and Pop Culture manifest the need for conformity to Society’s standards leads to dissatisfaction. Does a collection of individuals create a society? Or does society, itself, make up its individuals? Flashback to hundreds and thousands of years ago when our cavemen ancestors explored the earth without knowledge and intelligence only to rely on instinct to thrive, they were able to create a society of their own though much less complex than what we have right now,...
3 Pages 1518 Words

How Can We Use Technology to Fight World Hunger: Essay

Imagine going grocery shopping when a red bright apple in the food aisle catches your attention. Suddenly you notice the “GMO” sign. Confused, you place the apple back to where it was not knowing GMOs are a benefit to the environment rather than a nuisance. Although many objects to modified organisms, people like Yves Carriere, a GMO expert, think “Scientifically, they are positive and safe” (qtd in Potenza). It is important to be educated on what GMOs are to avoid...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Symbols

In the Anna Funder Stasiland (published 2003) non-fiction text explores the oppression through distressing events caused by the GDR and the impact it had on German citizens. Through investigating the inner conflicts of everyone, Funder acknowledges the GDR’s behavior by exposing, the abusive, manipulative actions that caused eternal grief and anguish. Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let Me Go (published in 2005) likewise deals with the personal loss that explores the emotional disturbance the main protagonists encounter. Both texts show in...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Essay on Why Solar Energy Is Important

Now in this modern era, everyone knows about the importance of solar power for better and pure living. It is the main thing to minimize the footprint of carbon gases and greenhouse effects. However, it is a thinkable decision to move energy sources to alternatives. This alternative is not as disturbing as many of us think. In the case of a densely populated area, it might be not a good decision. The main reason is that it is difficult to...
3 Pages 1483 Words

Essay on 'Trifles' Gender Roles

Different cultures have their “Gender Roles”. It is always the woman doing the work for everyone and the family. As for the men, they are the ones to go to work. They come home and it is like they do not have to do anything else. They take very much pride because they put on this “This is my House” or “I am the working guy or father”. This does not surprise me at all because today that is still...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Essay on Invasive Species in Australia

In this 21st century many news, research articles, and social media have highlighted the most alarming issues regarding the conservation or eradication of non-native species. The concept regarding these values and initiatives keeps on changing with the changing environment. In today’s world, humans have a long record of conserving different elements of nature (Wallach, A.D., et al., 2019) Among them, protecting and conserving non-native species are at the center of current continuing arguments. Non-native species are especially represented as harmful...
3 Pages 1481 Words

Harry Potter Literary Analysis Essay

Fiction is a quintessential area of the human experience. Without it, the world would be a dreary place. Imagination is vital for one's sanity and happiness. Fantasy teaches us about suited people. Though fictional characters are spun from the thread of dreams, their underlying natures are in particular based on genuine people. Fantasy teaches us to admire the pinnacle notch indoors the ordinary. Unfortunately, we take reality for granted. Because it's some aspect we engage with every day, due to...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Essay on Advantages of Shopping Malls

Post-war America was characterized by a major shift to the suburbs. The spoils of the war allowed people to live large, and one way of doing that was relocating from urban centers to the much quieter and peaceful suburbs. Suburbs offered numerous conveniences to their dwellers. One instance would be malls. Malls allowed suburban dwellers to shop conveniently and have a place to have fun. The malls also employed thousands of people. Unfortunately, over the past few years, their popularity...
3 Pages 1531 Words

Theme Essay on 'Much Ado about Nothing' and 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream'

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard III, and Much Ado About Nothing are all plays that are concerned with several kinds of problems like having trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, trying to separate truth from untruth, and seeing the truth within the truth. The plot of each play relies on the ability of actors to tell convincing lies and have them be believed by the other characters and audiences alike. Each play does, however, suggest a different point of view about...
3 Pages 1461 Words

Essay on Effects of British Imperialism in India

During the course, we have been dealing with some concepts related to England that were pointed out in the very first class. This essay aims to analyze how Imperialism, power, and a sense of superiority have been reinforced throughout the lessons. It will be using analyzing poems and the bibliography related to the history of England that these concepts are going to be strengthened. To begin with, it should be noted that it was during the nineteenth century that England,...
3 Pages 1549 Words

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Research Essay

In the novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini embodies himself in the role of a woman living in Afghanistan in a time of political oppression and war. He writes the gripping tale of Afghan women with the journey taken by two; Lalia and Mariam. Hosseini starts first with a young girl named Mariam, the first protagonist of the story, who lives in a small shack with her mother, Nana, outside the city of Herat. From there, the book transitions...
3 Pages 1473 Words

Virtual Reality Argumentative Essay

Have you ever heard about virtual reality applications in the field of psychology? Virtual reality (VR) enables interaction with a 3D world by creating a simulated environment, immersing users in the experience. While VR is often associated with the video game industry, there have been trials exploring its use in the healthcare sector. Neurophysiologists Ronald Melzack and Patrick D. Wall developed the 'gate control' theory of pain in the 1960s, linking pain perception to brain functions. Doctors conducted experiments with...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Socrates Concept of Self Essay

In Plato’s Alcibiades I, the relationship between Socrates and Alcibiades is a perfect example of seeing beyond the flaws of another and guiding them to be the best version of themselves. Socrates is defined as an erotic character who strives for truth and self-perfection in the form of wisdom and virtue. On the other hand, Alcibiades is young and ignorant of the truth. Socrates approaches the young Alcibiades during a time when Alcibiades was losing contact with his self and...
3 Pages 1537 Words

Media and Consumerism Essay

“Our Beauty Obsession: An Investigation into the causes and effects of modern beauty ideals in a world driven by consumerism and mass media.” Research questions: What are the current standards of beauty and how have they been shaped and structured by platforms such as social media? How are today’s beauty ideals affecting the body image of adolescent females? Do these beauty standards influence self-esteem in young girls? Are these identified beauty standards promoting body-shaming in any way? How is escalating...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Negative Effects of Imperialism in India

The task of differentiating between the racial theories of the 19th and 20th centuries can seem somewhat insurmountable. To the fullest extent, Britain was at the foremost frontier of the so-called “new” imperialism, and with it came, philosophers as well as politicians, many of whom had their ideals of what the British dominion should look like. This paper will attempt to distinguish and compare some of the more well-known theories and ideologies such as “Social-Darwinism”, “Manifest destiny” and “Liberalism” as...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Value System Essay on Business Ethics

In light of the recent uproar over the concept of business ethics, corporations often find themselves faced with the tricky task of balancing business interests and the expectation to meet ethical standards. In this paper, we will look at business ethics and decision-making. I will particularly consider two approaches to business ethics analyse the case study about both approaches and then motivate for my preferred approach. The two approaches to business ethics that I will look at are Utilitarianism and...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Essay on 'The Handmaid's Tale' Politics

“A good book is an event in my life.” - Stendhal Through every challenge or setback human faces, their outlook on life changes. One’s principles and beliefs are affected by the environment around them this includes the human family, friends, and relationships they create. It is often helpful to delve beneath the literary surface and do research on the author while reading and analyzing a book to gain a true understanding. Margaret Atwood the author of The Handmaid's Tale and...
3 Pages 1472 Words
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