1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Rise Of Youth Culture After Great Depression Followed By World War II

By definition, popular culture refers to influential principles, practices, beliefs, music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film, cyberculture, television, and radio which are recognized and appeal to the majority of society (Crossman, 2019). In the 21st century, the term ‘teenager’ is widely used, referring to youth aged between 13 and 19, but it wasn’t always so common. Pioneered in 1950s America, the idea of ‘teenagers’ was initially a source of cultural division between children and adults. However, following its introduction in...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Nicomachean Ethics: Ideas And Arguments

Throughout the history of humankind, the ethical question of whether or not humans should pursue ultimate happiness without boundaries is often a source of philosophical discourse. Such a question has resulted in many interpretations and theories that have led to extreme violence, oppression, and affliction. Defining what ultimate happiness is and examining if it is possible to achieve such a concept will aid in comprehending such a perplexing question. This investigation will lead to a discussion about whether it is...
3 Pages 1529 Words

The Stages Of Rwandan And Holocaust Genocide

Genocide the intentional killing of a large group of people escpically with whoms ethnic group or nation. Genocides are common which make it seem scary as it can occur when racial, political, groups are destroyed. In theory genocides can occur anywhere under the right circumstances. Both genocides were different because the Rwandan was quick and unorganized and the holocaust was arranged in order for most casulties lasting for countless of months. The holocaust and the Rawandan faced the same consequences...
3 Pages 1534 Words

Animal Farming As One Of The Primary Contributors Of Major Problems In The World

The production of livestock is among one of the most ecological detriments for all human needs (Abbasi et al., 2015). Firstly, it is inevitable to say that the human population is increasing, and towns are extending to mega-cities (Abbasi et al., 2015). while the request to produce more food will continue to grow, and agricultural land will continue to decrease (Abbasi et al., 2015). Within the mid-20th century, the era of industrialization fostered the explosion of natural resources to produce...
3 Pages 1462 Words

Domestic Violence: Health And Social Issue

In recent years, particularly in the last decade, society has gradually become more aware of domestic violence cases in relationships and families. Society has started recognising the extent to which domestic violence impacts an individual’s mental and physical health and the overall impact it has on the well-being of a family. Domestic violence is a complex behavioural issue that may include physical acts of violence, emotional abuse and sexual abuse (Hegarty, Hindmarsh & Gilles, 2000). Worldwide, 30% of women report...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Teenage Sexual Health And Importance Of Safe Sexual Practices

Young adolescent sexual and reproductive health is an essential issue. Pregnancy, childbirth and sexually transmitted infections are significant contributors to morbidity in the young adolescent age group. Adolescents are undergoing developing processes that may influence them to undertake risky sexual behaviors. Throughout the time of development, some teenagers tend to engage in behaviors that come as a desire to experiment with the seeking of peer approval. The relatively short relationships and unrealistic expectations of the likely consequences of teenage pregnancy...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Has The Internet Had A Positive Or Negative Impact On Subcultures?

There are many opinions on the media and the cultures of the world and also the impact it has on them. In my belief it depends on the situation however. Sometimes the media can have a very positive effect on the world and its different cultures and subcultures. In the case with the hippy life as discussed on pages 270-276 in the American Subcultures book, I believe it has had a negative effect on the situation. Many people were together...
3 Pages 1458 Words

Heroin: Drug Overdose Deaths Growing Faster

In recent years, illicit drug overdose deaths have increased rapidly and have affected every part of the country. A key issue that communities across Canada are facing today is the use of Heroin illegally especially among youngsters and they are getting attracted towards more and more consumption of Heroin which is affecting their health and lives. Drug overdose can be accidental or intentional. An overdose occurs when a person takes more quantity of a drug than his/her body could afford...
3 Pages 1488 Words

OSHA As Administrative Agency, Its Purpose And Functions

Safety and health are some of the biggest worries among humans. They are some of the factors that strive us to keep prospering. There are many different worries among humans regarding health, and safety. Normally, we tell others to drive safe, and want them to make healthy lifelong decisions. We normally think of just daily activities, travelling, staying active, and things of that nature. Our workplace is seldom thought of when it comes to safety and health in our everyday...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Stealing: Ethical Dilemma And Moral Development

Decisions between what is right and wrong are presented to all of us in some shape or form. For example, an ethical dilemma is a decision in which we challenge our own beliefs to decide between right and wrong. Ethical dilemmas only occur when two or more ethical standards apply but conflict with each other. These moral dilemmas appear when a difficult problem or situation may not be solved in a way that will satisfy all parties involved. Usually, one...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Erich Fromm's Ideas About Personality In Things Fall Apart

Personality is built throughout someone’s childhood and a tragic event can cause it to change form. Whatever environment that a child is exposed to can influence how they begin to act, whether it be a good or bad change, they usually pick up their behavior from their guardians. In Erich Fromm’s, Sigmund Freud’s Mission (1959), there is an idea about how people tend to change their behavior or personality based on what their society is like. Fear is one of...
3 Pages 1457 Words

The Main Ideas And Characters Portraits In The Book The Alchemist

Introduction The Alchemist is a fiction novel written by a Brazilian author, Paulo Coelho. This novel is based around the story of a shepherd boy who dreams about a treasure and sets on a journey to find it. The book’s main idea is to find one’s destiny. This is fantasy book and involves supernatural incidents. The protagonist is out on an adventure in his quest to find the treasure he dreamt of. The main plot of the alchemist takes place...
3 Pages 1505 Words

First Impression Formation Of Appearance And Behaviour

INTRODUCTION Impression is a long-lasting image of a person created in our minds which can last long for years. There are lot of research done by Soloman Asch (1946), Bruner & Taiguri (1954), Rosenberg, Nelson & Vivekanathan (1968) to understand Impression Formation. According to Soloman Asch (1946) at a glance of any person an impression of his personality can instantly form. Even by looking or talking with that person a whole story about his entire character can be told. These...
3 Pages 1468 Words

The Underlies Of The Title In The Bell Jar

The novel the Bell Jar was published before Sylvia Plath committed her forth suicide, which was successful eventually. As the only full-length novel she left on the world, some of its features such as the nature of autobiography, extreme theme and feminist philosophy have continuously attracted the attention of its readers and scholars all around the world. As a female writer with tragedy color, the intention of this novel of Sylvia Plath was to 'liberate herself from her past'. With...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Causes And Effects Of Domestic Violence

Introduction In this period of the pandemic, we all are locked in our houses considering our home to be the safest place. In this lockdown we feel safe at our houses, but does everyone feel the same? The answer is NO. Some people are going through the worst situations even in their houses. They are facing ‘domestic violence. This sounds like a big threat in itself. Domestic violence is increasing all over the world day by day and during the...
3 Pages 1483 Words

Kate Chopin: Defining Feminist Criticism For The New Age Of Literature

The late 1800s to the early 1900s was a time in America where revolutions occurred and where the foundations of feminism were laid. This statement is proven through evidence found in movements, conflicts, politics, and literature of the time period. In particular, when analyzing the author Kate Chopin and her writing, it becomes clear that she played a crucial role in establishing the beginning of a modern feminist movement. Through her pieces, such as ​The Story of the Hour, ​...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Trends Of Influenza Virus Outbreaks

Influenza virus is one of the few viruses with capability and history of creating pandemics, having resultant deaths, hospitalizations and interruption of economic and societal activities. They have, hence, been a research interest overtime as to control measures to prevent and manage such outbreaks. STRUCTURE AND PATHOGENESIS OF INFLUENZA Influenza virus belongs to the orthomyxovirus family as it has segmented RNA genomes with 8 pieces. Its helical capsid is contained within an envelope, on which are 2 glycoproteins responsible for...
3 Pages 1496 Words

Attempting To Uncover The Mystery Behind Consciousness

Today, the neural mechanism of consciousness still remains a mystery. According to William James, an American philosopher and psychologist, consciousness is an awareness of oneself and the environment. A person is in the conscious state only 5% or less versus the rest of the time being in un-conscious activity. So how does consciousness work and what are the mechanisms involved? The brain is an incredible complex organ, consisting of billions of neurons that create a large number of synaptic connections...
3 Pages 1534 Words

The Role And Importance Of Liberal Arts Education

In order to talk about what a liberal education is and what it means to someone I am going to be writing about William Cronon’s views as well as Andrew Delbanco and David Wallace on what they perceive it is. After that I will be writing about my own experiences with USP and my opinion on liberal education. It is important to ideas from many different people because some may think it is a waste of time or money and...
3 Pages 1496 Words

Central Themes And Language In The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas And Maus

Every book, article, or journal always has specific themes that summarize the information contained in such texts. Themes are important elements in any textual composition as they help the reader and listeners to understand in brief what is contained in a given textual analysis. Due to the significant role played by the theme in textual analyses, this essay will focus on discussing the central themes evident in the two readings Maus by Art Spiegelman and The Ones Who Walk Away...
3 Pages 1480 Words

Assisted Suicide Is Not A Murder

Murder is a strong word. It is the killing of a human being that is usually thought out or planned, in some cases it is used for vengeance, and is against the law (Oxford English Dictionary). Any definition found that is associated with murder is always negative. Whether used for vengeance or own personal gain, murder is corrupt in the eyes of the law and certain individuals. If this is the case, is assisted suicide truly murder? This topic is...
3 Pages 1485 Words

Revenge Within Human Nature

The human instinct for revenge is universal, automatic, and immediate. It is one of the natural emotions that are embedded in our genetics before we can learn from our environment and those around us. It is commonly argued that the social factors that influence human behavior hold a primary place in the causation of vengeance, yet with the development of societies standards skewing away from violent acts and toward peaceful acceptance, it is impossible to assume complete liability for the...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Macbeth By William Shakespeare: Lady Macbeth Character Analysis

Macbeth is a play created by Shakespeare that emphasizes and brings out the true tones of humanity through greed, ambition, and wanting, however through the use of figurative language as well as the combination of dramatic techniques, Shakespeare is able to express the dire emotions of Lady Macbeth as she begins to fall into madness and despair as for she is overcome with guilt and pity over the murders and actions that she carried out with Macbeth. This scene on...
3 Pages 1543 Words

The Importance Of Persuasive Devices Of Logos, Pathos And Ethos In Speeches

In 1960s Alabama there was a lot of civil unrest, especially in a city called Birmingham. Martin Luther King, Jr. was leading protests fighting for the equality of his people and eventually got arrested. This led to the letter called A Call For Unity, which is a statement by Alabama clergymen addressing the protests led by Dr. King. In this statement the clergymen wanted all the protests to end even though they were peaceful, saying that the protests at no...
3 Pages 1455 Words

How The Porn Industry Affects Violence Against Women

This paper will talk about and bring awareness to the link between pornography and violence against women. With a number of reliable sources, the reader will understand the painful legacy that porn leaves and how it affects everyone, not just the viewer. The viewer is usually known as men and violent videos change their expectations of sex. Women on the other hand tend to sympathize with the actor on screen and also subconsciously compare their bodies to the over-dramatized images....
3 Pages 1503 Words

Ethical And Legal Dilemma For Nurses

Throughout nursing professions, nurses face many legal or ethical dilemmas. Every nurse is required to know the ethical and legal aspects of health care. Nurses must understand these codes to practice safely and protect their patients. Although understanding the difference between law and ethics is important for nurses. Ethics respect moral values and actions. Such values include autonomy, utilitarianism, confidentiality, and much more. On the other hand, laws are the rules of conduct that are required. Nurses must comply with...
3 Pages 1513 Words

Bipolar Disorder: What Really Happens

What happens inside the head of one who has Bipolar Disorder? Is it easily controlled or does your body take over? Within the scope of this bipolar disorder essay, I explored the intricate dynamics that unfold as individuals navigate through ever-changing perspectives. Over the course of time, people view the world differently and their moods could change within a split second. Staying inside, secluding yourself from what life has to offer. Sometimes, it is not easy to see from the...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Influence Of Advertisement On Brand Awareness

Advertising is a paid type of correspondence that comprises of an uncommon message sent by the particular individual (publicist/organization ) coordinated towards a particular gathering of individuals which may comprise audience members, perusers of watchers for a particular timeframe in a particular way to accomplish a particular objective. According to American Marketing Association (AMA). Advertising means any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Advertisements are messages paid for by those...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Themes Of Woman Roles And Depression In The Bell Jar

Happiness: a complex limitation. Something Sylvia Plath struggled to achieve her entire life and incorporated into her novel The Bell Jar. As we read, we go into the depths of her life and how sexism, a lack of moral support, and her constant feelings of failure cause her to slowly fall into a deep state of depression that dominates her life as she knows it. Esther is a very unstable character which synches with this very unstable novel. Before and...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Drug Trafficking And Terrorism: Similarities And Differences

Abstract Terrorist groups and drug trafficking organizations are separate institutions of operation that conduct themselves in similar yet distinct ways. Though they may be entirely different groups, they often conduct themselves in a corresponding fashion. The similarities held by these two entities is mainly centered around their means of operation. Both groups act in secrecy and use violence to overcome a large portion of their obstacles. On the other hand, these two groups are distinct in their motives for acting...
3 Pages 1529 Words
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