1600 Word Essay Examples

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Writing a 1600-word essay can be both challenging and exciting for students. It provides an opportunity to delve deep into a topic and present a well-researched and thought-provoking piece of writing. This article will explore various types of essays that can be written within this word count ...

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Social Issues

Essay on Cabinets of Curiosity

This research examines several pieces that will be pointing out and showing their uniqueness in diverse ways which were collected in my collection in the Cabinets of Curiosity in another word in the German language is “Wunderkammer” which is known as the Cabinets of Wonder, mainly the famous collections and objects were located in Europe. As Victoria and Albert Museums (2018) established historians have stated that objects were in the prehistory of modern galleries which aimed to reconsider the vital...
3 Pages 1550 Words

Should Sports Be Segregated by Gender Essay

The topic of sexism has raised popular conversation for quite some time, it has played a part in many different work and athlete environments. It is an ongoing problem in the sports industry. Sexism not only affects women who are employed in the industry but also minorities and homosexuals. Sexism has been a topic of discussion for many years, but there have been no real attempts of change have been made. If the women and players who work in sports...
3 Pages 1578 Words

Essay on Informative Speech on Social Media

Ding! You look down at your phone and see a notification that someone else has just liked the picture you posted. You open the app and see your photo has already received over 300 likes in less than an hour! How many of us have obsessed over how many likes we can get on a photo? I know I have. For almost as long as I can remember, social media has been a large part of my life. I can...
4 Pages 1593 Words

Essay on Trauma Definition in Psychology

Brain function is what makes up the characteristics of the human person and when humans are born, their brain does not know right from wrong. Over time, people learn good and evil through experience and watching others. Their ideas of morality and what constitutes right from wrong come from the way they have been raised and the environment they have been brought up in. Humans are not born intrinsically good. Brain function is what makes up the characteristics of the...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Essay on Hamartia in 'Oedipus the King' and 'Doctor Faustus'

Abstract Oedipus Rex and Faustus are two very different characters with tragic yet, similar fates that they reach to, in different ways and actions. Oedipus’s character goes through numerous trials of fate and tries his best to overcome the fate written for him. Faustus, on the other hand, pulls the story’s plot towards him and he is a scholar, who gets desperate to learn magic. Faustus’s personal needs and wants are what make him meet his fate of doom, full...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Essay on 'Wuthering Heights' Characters

A Bildungsroman is considered a novel in which “regular development is observed in the life of the individual, with each of the stages having its intrinsic value and is at the same time the basis for a higher stage” (Boes, 2006). The Bildungsroman genre became popular and was spread during the Victorian era, when writers forged protagonists, such as Jane Eyre and Fanny Price, through developments related to her morals, growth and psychological issues, “childhood complications, conflict of generations, self-education,...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Essay on Lena in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

Throughout the 1950s life was very limited for African American women. They were racially discriminated against and classified as second-class. African American people were afraid to stand up for their rights, and the limited freedoms they had were lost. In the 1950’s colored people were mistreated and abused by white people because of their lower status. 'A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry demonstrated that the Negro playwright has lost the intellectual and, therefore, technical and creative, ability...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Essay on Beneatha in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

The primary aim of this essay is to highlight the character of Dana and to relate it to one or two of the issues or themes written by various authors Harriet Jacobs and/or Hannah Crafts, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Zora Neale Hurston, Lorraine Hansberry, and Audre Lorde. The primary study under consideration is the Kindred novel by Butler. The primary target of Butler in this novel is modern African-American life and it compares it with old or traditional African-American life. Harriet...
3 Pages 1577 Words

Essay on Was the Holocaust Mass Hysteria

The infamous Kristallnacht- or the night of the broken glass- on the 9th of November 1938 instigated the American public’s severe disapproval. They were appalled upon learning of the aggressive acts of targeted anti-Semitic vandalism and violence, and their reactions were united in their censure of these actions. The mainstream press acted upon the temperament of the public and vigorously reported their disapproval, and the mutual feeling of dissent was particularly evident in their editorials. Despite this broader public sentiment,...
4 Pages 1647 Words

A Stone of Hope' Reflective Essay

When you look at art, do you think about political and/or social issues? Do you think about how the things we see every day as using a visual representation in order to communicate to you? Do you ever think about how our mind absorbs information the easiest? Images are the easiest way for humans to remember through photographic memory, and also the most effective way to get a message across. For centuries, artists have influenced and communicated to the public...
3 Pages 1584 Words

Essay on Solar Energy History

Due to the shrinking volume of available energy reservation and increasing energy expenses nowadays, people have been looking for alternative sources of efficient energy to use. One of the considerable alternative sources is solar energy. Its limitless renewable power had been in use much earlier before human civilization began, from the 7th century BC to modern days. Before it was discovered that solar energy could be harnessed to produce electricity, we used it in many different ways. For instance, setting...
4 Pages 1602 Words

Essay on Mina and Lucy in 'Dracula'

Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula was written during the late nineteenth century and is commonly classified as a horror novel. Further analysis, has brought to light the buried symbols and themes of sexuality that the novel holds within it. As Dracula was set in Victorian culture, it is shown to encompass all the beliefs and prejudices of the society, especially regarding the social gender roles of men and women. Women were known to be censored and put down socially while men...
4 Pages 1622 Words

Essay on Push and Pull Factors of German Immigration

Germany and its immigration policy “It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.” (Milton Friedman) Nowadays, there are about 272 Million migrants worldwide according to the official statistics made by the United Nations. After World War II Germany together with France and the United Kingdom became the major immigration destinations in Europe. Today, about 15% of the 83 million people living in Germany have an immigrant background. This report aims to go through the milestones of...
4 Pages 1636 Words

Essay on Is 'Wuthering Heights' Gothic

Emily Jane Bronte was a British narrator and poet. She was born on 30 July 1818 and died on 19 December 1848. Emily is known for her only novel, Wuthering Heights published in 1847 in London under her alias Ellis Bell. Her novel is a classic of English literature. Emily's character is mysterious and isolated. In addition, she has no friends outside the family. Among the literary works for Emily, the genre that is the most prominent in her writing...
3 Pages 1589 Words

Essay on Trauma Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Trauma nursing is an intense specialty of nursing, where the skills of a trauma nurse may make the difference between life and death for a patient in distress. I will be covering some important topics regarding trauma nursing such as an introduction to trauma nursing, work environment, and emergencies seen in the field. Also, the history requires education and certification opportunities in trauma nursing. Furthermore, going into what the future of trauma nursing may face. Finally covering why I’m...
4 Pages 1630 Words

Essay on 'Wuthering Heights' Protagonist

Wuthering Heights is a novel written by Emily Brontë and published in 1847. It tells the story of what had been happening at the Wuthering Heights manor but through a servant's experience called Nelly Dean. This servant says what she knows and what she saw in the past to Mr Lockwood, a man who wants to rent the place. The extract we are going to study is taken from the tenth chapter of the novel. In this text, Lockwood is...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Essay on 'Dracula' Theme

A continuous theme in Dracula is marriage and the gaining of status following it, starting with letters between Mina and Lucy. Their correspondence takes the reader back to the novel’s starting moment, giving us another angle into the lives of these characters, then tangled together with the main Gothic storyline through the plot’s development (McCrea 254). But even before these plotlines started to connect, Mina’s and Lucy’s journey in courting and marriage consciously mirrored Jonathan’s experience in Dracula’s castle. As...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games': President Snow

Chapter One Chapter one is about breaking down and analyzing some of the main decision-making points in Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games Trilogy. Game theory is about studying the interactions between rational decision-makers who can be called players, and it considers these interactions as games. Whenever a player is making a choice, he is making a decision and choosing according to the things that matter to him the most or what he likes and needs. This analysis will point out the...
3 Pages 1556 Words

Essay on Therapeutic Cloning

Xenotransplantation vs. Therapeutic Cloning “Data from the Centers for Disease Control, it has been estimated that approximately 3000 Americans die every day of diseases that could have been treated with embryonic stem cells derived tissues”(Koh, and Atala 194). What if we could change that? Humans can be cloned using many different methods and techniques but they all lie under the single unit of nuclear transfer. Nuclear transfer has two main branches: Somatic cell nuclear transfer and undifferentiated embryonic cell transfer....
4 Pages 1603 Words

Essay on Movies with Social Psychology Concepts

This article analyses the movie Barfi (Released in 2012) in light of social psychology. Every part of the movie is explained using some concepts from social psychology such as types of love, social influences, cognitive dissonance, among a few others. The beauty of this article is the unique inferences drawn and the originality with which every part of an ordinary movie is broken down, or more like pieced together to solve the complexities hidden within.  The movie Barfi is an...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Essay on 'Wuthering Heights' Vs' Jane Eyre'

In the world literature, the British writer Bronte sisters play a significant role. Their works “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights” have been translated into dozens of languages and hundreds of versions, which are widely loved by world literature lovers. “Jane Eyre” with its strong subjective color and unrestrained characteristics, was well received by readers at that time. Wuthering Heights adopted a variety of narrative structures, on the contrary, many people did not understand the author's intention in the social background...
4 Pages 1616 Words

Essay on Hubris in 'Antigone'

An expression that comes from the Bible reads, “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” This expression illustrates the idea that when people possess too much pride and stubbornness, they will eventually make mistakes that can lead to complications and disaster. Although excessive pride is a sin that will inevitably bring about your downfall, many proud people realize this only when they are faced with a grave situation. The consequences of hubris and stubbornness are inspected...
4 Pages 1597 Words

Essay on 'Lord of the Flies' Pig's Head

Dear Diary, It is my first day on this mysterious island at least that’s what I assume, I don’t have the clearest idea of how I got here. While walking around I bumped into a kid around my age, his name is Ralph. He didn’t state much, answered my questions in short sentences, and kept to himself most of the time. While talking to Ralph I started to recall how we got here, the last few things I remember were...
3 Pages 1550 Words

Essay on 'Macbeth' Corruption

Themes such as war, guilt, murder, and corruption are common within many texts. These themes are always intertwined with each other throughout texts. two texts that contain these themes are ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare and ‘The War Works Hard’ by Dunya Mikhail. The story of Macbeth is in medieval times, about a nobleman (Macbeth) who wanted the mantle of king, which was owned by his friend (King Duncan). At the beginning of the story, Macbeth and his friend Banquo find...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Essay on Invasive Species in Florida

The “law of unintended consequences” has applications in all of academia, which is not necessarily a good thing. Its general application in multiple fields has confined it to an abstract idea, rather than an applicable theory. Its concrete use has applications that could be beneficial to the economy, legislation, and regulation. To prove its worth as an applicable theory, it will be used as a method to analyze the unintended consequences of humans, through how they bring over invasive species....
4 Pages 1608 Words

Essay: Is Language an Instrument of Oppression

“Dystopian writers focus on the oppression of their gender and fail to consider the oppression of the other sex within their novels” Explore how far you agree with this view [30] Dystopian literature often suggests that gender plays a pivotal role in one’s freedom, both Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty–Four’ demonstrate the difficulties within different gender divides. Whilst both novelists share the common theme of ‘gender oppression’ both texts approach oppression in separate ways. Writers of dystopian...
3 Pages 1574 Words

Essay on 'The Bluest Eye' Summary

As a society, stereotypes are inevitable to avoid. From childhood to adulthood, people use these as a standard to judge people. Sometimes they can be seen positively, but most of the time, stereotypes can be harmful. Every culture has its standard of beauty as well, and it can either be difficult or easy to live up to those expectations within a culture. In the novel The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison reinforces the idea that people must change the way they...
4 Pages 1604 Words

Essay on 'The Bluest Eye' Book Review

Summary This book takes place at the end of the Great Depression, and nine-year-old Claudia and ten-year-old Frieda MacTeer live with their parents in Lorain, Ohio. The two girls’ parents are more concerned with their problems than paying attention to their children, but there's an undercurrent of affection and security in their household. Henry Washington and a little girl Pecola are taken in by the MacTeers as boarders since Pecola's father tries to burn down his family's home. Claudia and...
4 Pages 1625 Words

Michael Jackson: Essay on Childhood

Michael Jackson rose to stardom because of his compulsion to make music, his commitment to perfection of his dance moves and singing, and his relatable messages to the world through his music. One of the best and most controversial icons of the twentieth century, Michael Jackson was omnipresent in our pop cognizance from the second he first lined up on stage beside his brothers, to the 24-hour rolling news coverage of his ‘brutish’ death. Every note he sang, every step...
3 Pages 1583 Words

Essay on How Did Westward Expansion Affect Native American Tribes

 Wisconsin has a dynamic history of minorities that is still being affected today. I will specifically be talking about the American Indian, female, and African American minorities, a history of their impact in this state, developments in our education systems as a result, ongoing discrimination issues, and what I will do as an educator to combat these prejudices. It is estimated that Wisconsin has been inhabited since 10,000 years ago. Before European influence, American Indians utilized hunting, farming, gathering, and...
3 Pages 1578 Words
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