1700 Word Essay Examples

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A 1700-word essay is a common requirement for undergraduate college assignments across various disciplines. Whether you are studying education, economics, philosophy, social science, nursing, or any other field, you may find yourself tasked with writing an essay of this length. In order to successfully complete such an ...

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Social Issues

Hatred and Forgiveness Essay

Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama depicting the resistance of Prometheus against the supreme ruler of Jupiter, was published by Percy Bysshe Shelley in the early 1800s. This drama depicted the punishment Prometheus received on a mountaintop since he gave fire to humanity. Shelley published this story in 1820, which was during a period of great social upheaval in England due to the corruption that came from increased industrialization and technological development. Many citizens were being reaped opportunities, leading the aristocracy...
4 Pages 1745 Words

Essay on How Did Maya Angelou Impact the World

The Marxist way of reading looks at texts from the political perspective of struggles between those who have power and those who don't. These theories are based on Karl Marx's as he believed that the Western capitalist system was designed to increase the wealth of the rich and subsequently oppress the poor. Maya Angelou's poems can be seen to follow the third method referenced in the critical anthology, by viewing the nature of a whole literary genre in terms of...
4 Pages 1721 Words

Essay on Job Specialization in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt started around 5500 BCE when two major kingdoms developed around the Nile. They were known as the Upper and Lower Kingdoms. In the Mediterranean World, Ancient Egypt was known as the most powerful civilization because of its many developments that we now use today. Ancient Egyptians believed in gods and goddesses that told them how to rule. Egyptians were placed in a hierarchy system that classified how they were treated and what they could offer to their society....
4 Pages 1694 Words

Essay on What Impact Did the Freedom Riders Have on Civil Rights Movement

The great migration influenced the start of the civil rights movement because it started the move from southern plantations to northern urban areas. This migration led to urbanization and industrialization and led to African Americans pushing for civil rights. The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 started on December 1st when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man, Parks was arrested and fined. During this time Martin Luther King Jr. was an important...
4 Pages 1703 Words

Compare Essay on Reconstruction and Civil Rights Movement

In contrast, Diane Mcwhorter presents King with less forefront leadership than contemporary Fred Shuttleworth, mentioning Shuttleworth's letter to King after Randolph's March threat, saying 'We must move now or else be hard put - to justify our existence'. She says Shuttleworth recognized the need for direct action, seeing the Greensboro sit-ins as 'the sort of mass action he had futilely been urging on Martin Luther King for nearly three years', and detailing how the SCLC's independence after Ella Baker turned...
4 Pages 1677 Words

American Ideal Body Image Perfection Essay

The teenage years for an individual are the most impressionable and vulnerable period in one’s life. Add social media into the equation, and there can be some potentially harmful consequences to one’s mental health. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. When discussing social media platforms the most common apps that are included are Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. These are...
4 Pages 1726 Words

Macbeth Guilt and Conscience Essay

Guilt appears as a key theme in Macbeth, presented as a dire consequence of heinous acts by Shakespeare. Guilt is shown through its link with the motif sleep, the appearance of Banquo's ghost and the recurring mention of the Macbeths' inability to wash the blood of their crimes from their hands. They construct their own personal hell where they are tormented by guilt and insanity, leading to drastic changes of character, and through this Shakespeare warns us of committing immoral...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Essay on Cultural Appropriation of Black Culture

Marc Jacob's SpringSummer 2017 show featured predominantly white models including the industry's 'top models', Bella and Gigi Hadid and Kendal Jenner, wearing wigs styled in pastel-colored dreadlocks for a 'cyberpunk goth' look inspired by 'ravers', 'acid house', 'Harajuku girls' and director Lana Wachowski's distinctive hairdo. From the 52 shows, less than 10 of the models were people of color. When met with criticism for the show's lack of acknowledgment of the style's significant relation to Rastafarianism and Black culture, Jacobs...
4 Pages 1714 Words

Dance Observation Essay

To fully understand masculine behavior in public spaces, it is important to clarify that the concept of masculinity and gender in itself isn’t defined by a static binary of predetermined roles. Gendered behavior is exercised through assumed beliefs of male and female etiquette and is validated through its reception in the presence of others. Defining behavior as fluid may seem problematic when attempting to describe the effects of masculinity but the truth lies in analyzing similar patterns people display amongst...
4 Pages 1663 Words

Essay on Physical Education Teacher

Practices of physical activity among South African school learners are reported to be insufficient to promote health and prevent chronic diseases. South Africa’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth indicates that less than 50% of learners (6 - 18 years) meet the recommended amount of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) a day. Low physical activity levels are partly accountable for the obesity epidemic that threatens the wellness of the SA population and the country's...
4 Pages 1746 Words

Essay on Ancient Egypt Social Structure

 In ancient Egypt, respect was not based on gender. It was based on their social status. This means that women could enjoy a majority of the luxuries men could have as well. With this being said, they took on roles that could be deemed influential and very important. During this time, they also enjoyed rights that were economic and legal, as well. In this paper, we will be looking into the lives of Egyptian women, specifically during the times of...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Essay on Components of the Criminal Justice System

The main components of the criminal justice system are the police which they main job is to enforce the law. Another main component of the criminal justice system is the correctional agencies which their main job is to carry out sentences imposed by the courts. The main job of a probation or parole officer is to supervise a case load of offenders from post release to parole or probation. They see them monthly, and the main goal is to get...
4 Pages 1674 Words

Essay on 'Hunger Games' Katniss and Peeta

Imaginative Writing It is the start of the 74th Hunger Games and I have big plans for what I’m going to do to survive in the arena against the other tributes using my skills of words. My name is Peeta Mellark and I’m a tribute representing District 12 in the 74th Hunger Games alongside my female tribute Katniss Everdeen. It is very dark and windy outside, I’m freezing at the bakery alongside my mother, and getting later I have to...
4 Pages 1671 Words

Essay on Ma Joad in 'Grapes of Wrath'

John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath (1939) is a novel that explores and highlights modern gender roles of the decade and also portrays Steinbeck's modernized ideology towards the traditional patriarchal system during a time of great change. The proletarian novelist displayed his ability to perfectly portray the hardships faced during his experience of The Great Depression, allowing his readers to experience it through the eyes of his detailed and vivid characters. During the Depression there was what seemed to be...
4 Pages 1688 Words

Essay on 'The Fall of the House of Usher' Summary

In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Fall of The House of Usher”, the character Madeline is subjected to sexist treatment by her brother, Roderick as well as his friend, who is the unnamed narrator. As Madeline falls ill, the men fear her because she does not embody feminine qualities. She is not spoken to by the men, but portrayed as the “myth of the woman”, as described in Simone De Beauvoir’s essay “The Second Sex”. The gender role Madeline...
4 Pages 1695 Words

Essay on Animal Cloning

Introduction Cloning is a scientific process that has been around for over a hundred years. When one thinks of a clone and the techniques used to create them, it often seems like something out of science fiction. Not many realize that cloning has been happening naturally for millions of years, such as in identical twins and some forms of asexual reproduction. Cloning is most simply defined as taking genetic information from an organism and copying it. There are three different...
4 Pages 1690 Words

Essay on Is Child Labour Still Happening Today

The role of sustainability within the fashion industry Seo Won (Issy) Choi Clothing has surpassed its original purpose of simple protection or cover-up; it is now a major means of self-expression and the practice of individuality (Carter, 2017). Today, fast fashion is at the heart of the fashion industry, where mass-market producers manufacture mainstream clothing targeted at a wide audience. As a result of high demand for such clothing, there are tight time constraints for fast fashion retailers; thus, they...
4 Pages 1674 Words

Essay on 'Bless Me Ultima' Dialectical Journal

 Chapter 1 (summary/ important events) Throughout these pages, he dreams about his birth and in that dream he had specific people in it. Later on, he asked his mom if the people he had in his dream were actually there. His mom said yes, but was a concern in why he was asking so many questions This dream kinda made me believe that he has some kind of gift. Maybe a gift of remembering things from the past by using...
4 Pages 1713 Words

Shopping Mall Review Essay

Introduction In urban planning, the government has designed and renewed many buildings, such as residences, shopping malls, libraries, etc., to make the city a famous one in Asia. Among shopping malls is a landmark in the community, providing residents with retail and commercial cores capable of serving. As the economy develops, these shopping malls use a mixed-use style of design. These types of buildings have brought about influence on the community, providing more value to buildings. At the same time,...
4 Pages 1707 Words

Essay on Mechanical Engineering Benefits

Mechanical engineers have an immense role in today's society, and they have lots of obligations in helping better the ways we live. Mechanical engineers intensely rely on computers to complete tasks such as creating simulations and testing new machinery before it’s released to the people for public use. The median pay and yearly salaries are quite high, and the job outlook is expected to continue to rise as the years go on. This career field may not seem that interesting...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Margaret Sanger Birth Control Essay

'When motherhood and childhood are free, we then can go hand in hand with man, to remake the world, for the glorification as well as the emancipation of the human race.' Margaret Sanger ended her passionate speech debating birth control against Winter Russell with that quote. Sanger, born in 1879, was a revolutionary woman who spent her lifetime defending the rights of women across America. She is credited with coining the term “birth control” and with being the co-creator of...
4 Pages 1695 Words

Persuasive Essay on Media and Body Image

Abstract High beauty standards and food disorders have always been a concern for many generations. Numerous studies have examined how the traditional media has impacted the body images of many populations for a long time. Recently, that research has focused on the effects of Social Media and its contributions to body image. Research and analysis of various variables can help in the study and understanding of how social media platforms impact the daily lives of individuals. Data collection was achieved...
4 Pages 1686 Words

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Oppression Essay

Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns centers around the predicament of women in Afghan culture which powers women to wear the veil (burqa). This veil is a veritable image of both the harsh idea of male dominance and the stifling impacts of accommodation concerning women, much similarly that dresses of specific hues and uncommon caps that women are made to wear in Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale confine women’s development, opportunity, and even vision and cut them off from specific encounters....
4 Pages 1716 Words

Ethical Consumerism Essay

Mcgregor (2006a) argues that the patterns of consumers are immoral and consumer behavior is unethical due to the negative impact on the next generations and the environment. The very definition of consumption means to consume, waste, squander, or destroy, and is synonymous with environmental destruction, the squandering of natural resources, and human exploitation. However, since the start of the 21st century, individuals have become gradually more interested in ethical, ecological, and social issues. From the consumer point of view, these...
4 Pages 1662 Words

Utilitarianism Argumentative Essay

In the space of morals and values, integrity stands as one of the most commonly revered. It permeates through all aspects of an agent’s life and becomes the foundation for the development of a virtuous character. While integrity retains a level of prestige when reflected upon by an agent, and viewed by constitutive others, at times it's faced by the overwhelming collective. A deluge of moral strife arises out of the need to fulfill the needs of the many by...
4 Pages 1747 Words

International Business Ethics Essay

The United States of America is a land of opportunity. As citizens, we have the opportunity to pursue an education, the opportunity to practice freedom of speech, and the opportunity to engage in business affairs. Each of these opportunities functions under a set of guidelines, principles, and procedures. The field of education has a set of standards and expectations that those working in it operate by, social media has become a platform where people have the freedom to say whatever...
4 Pages 1739 Words

Consumerism Wants and Needs Essay

The design has a profound impact on our daily lives posing both positive and negative implications, however, this influence is hardly realized and recognized by society. As design has progressed, it has held an immense power over one's state of mind and indications of social hierarchy in society. How does design influence the way individuals perceive themselves and others as well as our social and personal perceptions? Moreover, why has consuming come to occupy such a central place in our...
4 Pages 1728 Words

Essay on American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Mission

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is one of the largest humane societies in the world that has rescued over “47,000 animals, 4,756 adoptions, $12 million grants given to animal welfare organizations and 89,768 neuter surgeries performed.” (ASPCA.org.) The organization caters to helping animals and showing that animals should be respectively treated by humans. “The ASPCA’s mission, as stated by founder Henry Bergh in 1866, is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty...
4 Pages 1710 Words

Essay on Metaphors in 'The Odyssey'

The poem titled Ithaca by Constantine Cavafy was written in 1911. In this sonnet, the great poet of all times alludes to the “importance of enjoying the trip, any trip, and not only longing for a journey’s end” (González De León, 2017). This illustration can be extended to a variety of processes in life, save to say that as much as we enjoy the trip “we all want to return home, to Ithaca” (Gonzalez De Leon, 2017) for many reasons....
4 Pages 1740 Words

Dance Reflection Essay

Benefits of Movement Across the Lifespan Movement is vital to every aspect of health and well-being. Our bodies are designed to move and should continue to move as we age (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Movement provides many physical benefits for the body such as increasing physical strength, and cardiovascular function, and can be a positive treatment option to help combat chronic disease (Hulteen, Morgan, Barnett, Stodden, & Lubans, 2018). However, the body cannot function without the use of the mind. The...
4 Pages 1656 Words
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