1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Theme Of War In A Farewell To Arms And All Quiet On The Western Front

World War 1 was once famously labelled as the ‘war to end all wars’, by President Woodrow Wilson of America, but the grim truth of trench warfare and the senseless brutality was only exposed after the countless deaths of military and civilian lives, accumulating to a huge number of up to 40 millions deaths . One of history’s greatest wartime novels, A Farewell to Arms, written by the terse and minimalist American author, Ernest Hemingway in 1929, evocatively unravels the...
4 Pages 1693 Words

Violence, Slavery And Racism As The Main Topics In Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

The narrative on the Life of Frederick Douglass is all about the harassment Frederick experiences before he escapes to freedom. In the book, Douglass informs the reader of the information about brutality pain and humiliation during the slavery period. He reveals the cruelty of both victims and perpetrators. As one of the slaves, Douglass witnessed all forms of brutality the black people faced due to their color. He is keen to narrate on the discomfort and suffering, and he fought...
4 Pages 1669 Words

Gregor Samsa Character Analysis

The novel “The Metamorphosis,” by Franz Kafka illustrates a young man named Gregor Samsa who transforms into a beetle. At the beginning of the story, Gregor’s life consists of his job as a salesman and helping his family to pay off their debt. Gregor wakes up in the morning, confused about his transformation into a bug. Due to his Metamorphosis, Gregor is abandoned by his family, however, he maintains his relationship with his sister Grete. His family avoids him because...
4 Pages 1696 Words

How Uber Revolutionized The Taxi Industry

In this era of data and technology, competition for customers is fierce across various industries and evolving every day. Thanks to that, some truly great business innovations have surface and take the world by storm. It is hard to ignore names like Uber, Airbnb, or FedEx… whose innovations the way we think and the world we live in forever. Innovations come in various forms, but most of them make it easier for not only the customers to achieve certain goals,...
4 Pages 1677 Words

Themes, Setting And Morals Of The Invisible Man

About the author Herbert George wells was English writer born in 21 September 1866, he writes on various novels, short stories on social issues, science fiction, history, satire, biography. In his science fiction, he took the ideas and fear fantasy that haunted the mind of his age and gave them symbolic expression as brilliantly conceived made credible by the quiet realism of its setting. About the novel This is an early science fiction novel written by hg wells in 1897....
4 Pages 1681 Words

The Key Elements Of Mark Haddon's Writing Style In The Novel The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime

Mark Haddon is an author that has won 3 awards in his lifetime from the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. This book has many characters that develop throughout the book such as Christopher Boone, Ed Boone, Judy Boone, Mr. Roger Shears, Sioban. Christopher Boon although autistic, is extremely gifted in math and science. The story revolves around Christopher facing accusation of committing murder against his neighbors dog. Creating a twist in the narrative with Christophers...
4 Pages 1740 Words

Stereotype About Native Americans Alcoholism In The Sherman Alexie's Novel The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

For many years, Native Americans have encompassed a negative pool of stereotypes; one of these negative stereotypes is the attachment to the term “alcoholics”. In today’s society, the propaganda, that “all Native Americans” are being insensitively addicted to alcohol, is extremely offensive; this is because it stigmatizes an unfortunate disease some members, within their culture, face. Members of this discourse community whom are authors are commonly attracted to this method (of exposing reality). For instance, Sherman Alexie -- a prominent...
4 Pages 1665 Words

Breast Cancer: Definition, Risk Factors And Treatment

Breast cancer is a form of cancer most common in women, but can also affect men, were cells in the breast tissue become mutated and multiply. This most commonly occurs in cells around the milk ducts and glands. In the first stages there are usually no symptoms but, as cancer develops the size or shape may change and a lump could form. Some forms of this cancer are seen as hereditary due to mutated genes being passed on from the...
4 Pages 1700 Words

Ethical Principles Of Organ Donation

In 1954, the first successful transplant in a human was performed (Prabhu, 2019). It was a kidney that was given from one twin to another (Prabhu, 2019). Since then, technology has branched to include lots of different procedures. With the advancement of technology comes the question of what is ethical and what is unethical. One of those debates is centered around whether organ donation should be an opt in system or an opt out system. In an opt out system,...
4 Pages 1694 Words

Complexity Of Marriage And Gender Roles In Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

Introduction to Janie Crawford's Marital Journey Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God tells the story of Janie Crawford, with Janie ultimately serving as her own narrators. Her story begins with a flashback to her life as a young girl and traces her path through three different marriages. Throughout the various pages, the book is perhaps most salient in Janie’s reflections on marriage in terms of how it deviates from her own expectations. The resultant tale serves as...
4 Pages 1739 Words

Does Consumerism Lead To Happiness?

Do you think God would approve of consumerism as an attempt to create happiness in life? Today in this modern day society, consumers have become bombarded and overwhelmed by the media and advertisers who try to push consumers into buying their products. There are so many endless options. Many consumers may think that they need to buy all the things that they would ever want, in order to feel happy, which is not the case. In the essays “The Treadmill...
4 Pages 1709 Words

The Problems Of Criminal Justice System In The USA

The formation of the US Criminal Justice system dates back decades ago to the Colonial time period. At that time; the foundation, laws, and punishment all came from the tactics in which the British had used. Often times, the punishments that came with breaking laws were not always just and fair to the indiviual who broke them law; and needless to say some of the same laws and forms of punishment is still used in the modern day Criminal Justice...
4 Pages 1659 Words

The Effect Of Darcy's Pride And Elizabeth's Prejudice In The Novel Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

Since the year of 1813, Pride and Prejudice has been a very important literary piece. It highlights the ideals of marriage and human nature of the time, though Jane Austen made such an impact, people can still connect it to their culture and time. The original title of this piece was “First Impressions” but was later changed to Pride and Prejudice as an indication as to what the entire book would be about, and what character flaws we as readers...
4 Pages 1735 Words

Yacvic's Advocacy Among Youth: Types, Challenges And Strategies

As children and young people are usually shunned from society due to their ‘age’ and ‘lack of experience in the real world’, they are considered powerless as they don’t have much room to voice their opinions on the decisions that impact their livelihoods, nor do they have an input when the decisions that are made for them go against their best interests. This is where advocacy comes in, in which it is defined as ‘any action that speaks in favour...
4 Pages 1682 Words

Organizational Behavior Peculiarities

INTRODUCTION Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations. Organizations are groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. Although OB doesn't have a specific career path, it offers knowledge and skills that are vitally important to anyone who works in organizations. OB knowledge also has a significant effect on the success of organizations. This book takes the view that OB is for everyone, not just a managers. Organizational effectiveness...
4 Pages 1711 Words

The Issue Of Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is extremely problematic in the world today. Although, child sexual abuse hardly ever ends up in death, the costs to the abused can be significant and continue through maturity (Johnson, 2004). While doctors and additional people are accountable for the well-being of kids and are ethically; in most nations, lawfully accountable for documenting their speculation of sexual abuse with children, all doctors and behavior counselors need to identify the adult penalties of sexual abuse in children (Johnson,...
4 Pages 1653 Words

Censorship On The Internet: Schools And The Role Of Parents

College English, Period 8 Censorship is the prohibition of any content that is considered to be threatening or unacceptable by society (Burress 23). It occurs in many different aspects of life. Despite the different forms and amount of censorship, everyone is affected by it. Whether it is withheld information from the news, or avoiding a specific topic at the family dinner table, we have all encountered materials that were censored. Censorship is predominantly seen in schools (Seiferth 151). It can...
4 Pages 1725 Words

Smartphone Driving Safety App And Cell Phone Car Holders

According to the Bahama Journal on January 12, 2019, sixty-nine persons lost their lives in traffic fatalities. This number does not reflect serious injuries, minor injuries, hit and run accidents, and damages to public property, private property, and vehicles. (the Bahamas, 2017) They enable accessible communication at any time and anywhere. However, driving should not be one of the times for mobile communication. Texting while driving has become popular, particularly in the Bahamas. Since the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) and...
4 Pages 1697 Words

The Characters Portrayal Of Katherine As The Shrew And Beatrice As The Romantic Hero In Taming Of The Shrew

Shakespeare wrote two of his greatest plays during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. She was an example of a strong and competent woman. When she addresses the troops at Tilbury, she was dressed from the waist up in armor and, from the waist down in a dress. She was showing that she was a queen and a lady but also showing that she was a strong woman and was worthy of wearing amour just like a man. When speaking to...
4 Pages 1655 Words

Foundation Of Early Childhood

Childhood is the most precious time in our life. It is the time for children to be in school to play, learn, to grow stronger and confidence with love and support of the family and extended community of caring adults. It is a precious time where children should be free from fears, responsibilities and safe from violence and protected from abuse. Childhood is much more than just gap between birth and adulthood. It refers to the state and condition of...
4 Pages 1670 Words

Uber Technologies: The History Of The Most Innovative Company

Uber Technologies is a tech firm that has been in the industry for over 10 years. Uber is financially stable. Uber has had a substantial increase in its annual revenue over the 10 years. In 2016 their annual revenue was 3.85 billion dollars and in 2018 their annual revenue shits up to 11.27 billion dollars. The same impact can be viewed on their revenue growth. In 2016 the firm had a growth of 92%, in 2017 the growth increased to...
4 Pages 1739 Words

Class And Gender Discrimination In The Novel Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

Class and gender expectations in the Victorian and Regency periods were based around a fixed social structure. This is the world depicted within Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, written in 1813. Gender expectations controlled and restricted the lives of the people abiding by them, most notably the women of the Regency period, who lived in the shadow of men and were disempowered. Men were expected to be financially viable through means of their occupation or inherited family wealth. The...
4 Pages 1740 Words

Sacrifice, Traditions And Poverty In The Short Stories The Gift Of The Magi And The Lottery

Comparing and contrasting two stories requires a summary of both stories to allow an understanding of the aspects that they are similar and those that they differ. Two different stories by two different authors will be analyzed in this paper, with the aim of understanding whether they have similar themes, symbols, and setting among other elements. The two short stories are “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Gift of the Magi” by O.Henry. Some of the themes that will...
4 Pages 1695 Words

The Peculiarities And Importance Of Drama In Pre School

Introduction Pre-school play and creative dramatics in today’s educational system remains the primary steps to pre-school education. This educational steps are important ways of articulating the persons feeling in a healthy manner; to improve the child's imagination, to enable child to reflect and act independent, to improve the child's group cognizance and supportive consciousness. Drama provides the child both as personal and as an individual in the community to maximize his potential which is the target of all educational programs...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Child Abuse Is A Shadow The Length Of A Lifetime

Most people are unaware of much and how many are affected by child abuse. Child abuse is an extensive issue that takes a toll on our society. Abusing a child can affect our society by taking money from innocent taxpayers and/or affect their day-to-day lives. Child protective services can be brought into the lives of an abused child which can bring forth a strand of negative consequences such as an increase in medical cost for the child. Of course, we...
4 Pages 1726 Words

My Personal Teaching Philosophy Essay

Introduction: Forming a Personal Philosophy in Teaching My personal philosophy is still being formed and organised as I discover my way through the teaching field. I believe that it will grow and change as I explore my career and discover who I am as a teacher. As of now my philosophy is built by my personal beliefs, values and experiences within primary school settings as well as my own life experiences. Throughout my work I have come to develop a...
4 Pages 1672 Words

Digital Privacy In Australia Compared To Other Countries

Privacy is the right of an individual or a group to make themselves secluded and express themselves and their information selectively. aThe concept of digital privacy can be best described as the protection of the information of private citizens who use digital mediums. It is the freedom or right to determining how private information is stored and used. It directs to the desire of people to control or have some form of influence over their data. Digital privacy is the...
4 Pages 1663 Words

The Nature Of Identity And Critique Society In The Books I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings And The Hate U Give

The history of African-Americans begins with slavery. African people were first brought to British North America as indentured servants in 1619, where they were not recognized as citizens, rather, as a commodity. The laws enacted at the time ensured the continuation of the restrictive social order, which was based on a racial hierarchy which dictated that black people were born into servitude. Hence, those born into slavery were not given the same legal, economic or social status as their white...
4 Pages 1747 Words

The Life Of Olaudah Equiano: A Weapon Against Slavery

The memoir The Life of Olaudah Equiano is a interesting and rare source for the Atlantic slave trade. When looking into the issues of the Slave trade it is rare to find any sources that are made by the people who were slaves themselves because they rarely had the chance to learn to write. Equiano is an uncommon example of a slave who bought his freedom and was able to learn how to write and in turn write a book...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Euthanasia Extreme Question Of Moral Judgment

Imagine you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness with excruciating side effects. You are unable to eat, sleep, or walk without overwhelming pain. The doctors say you have under six months left to live and you know that you will spend that time suffering. You no longer have the desire to live and begin considering euthanasia. But what actually is euthanasia? Is it morally permissible? Who all will be affected by your decision? Euthanasia is defined as “the painless...
4 Pages 1721 Words
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