1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay about the Death Penalty

Capital punishment, known also as the death penalty, is a subject that is been present in human history for a long time and remains today. Throughout the years' many people have been arguing about whether if it should be completely abolished, why should be abolished, or why should not, either in the United States or other countries around the world, and the answer for that is complete yes. There are many reasons why the death penalty should not be allowed,...
4 Pages 1702 Words

Professional Roles and Values: Critical Essay

The underpinning roles and responsibilities of a teacher are to practice effective lessons using numerous delivery methods, and teaching strategies, that are engaging and relevant to the individual. Furthermore, provide support to learners, giving regular assessment, feedback, and guidance. (Eduk. 2016) Subject-specific, educators need to be able to know of and consider numerous rules, regulations, and legislation, to maintain professional practice, this includes but is not limited to, adhering to codes of conduct, legislation, values, child protection, and health and...
4 Pages 1747 Words

Professional Identity in Nursing: Exemplification Essay

During the medical ward round in ICU which is led by a Consultant, opinions of all the practitioners having input in the care of the patients are always sought, and I took the opportunity to advise a repeat surgical review of Mr. X. Initially I was told that the surgical team has no interest as Mr. X would not survive surgical intervention. But a surgical review was arranged and I participated in the discussion. In the review, based on the...
4 Pages 1652 Words

Tupac Shakur, Kendrick Lamar, Eminem and the Key Messages of Their Songs

For the last 30 years, rap music has become a medium for artists to use powerful lyrics to send secure messages through self-expression. The rap genre has become a means of expressing themes of solidarity, freedom of speech, tolerance, and outrage against social injustices. Rap music is a source of self-expression that artists use to deliver meaningful messages through tone, artistic style, experience, and powerful lyrics. Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Alright’ shows that although he has become a well-known and highly respected...
4 Pages 1676 Words

Presence of Hunger in America

You might think that America with a highly developed economy would have no issue with hunger, but you will be shocked by lots of findings. The myth of hunger, stating that ‘there’s a hunger crisis in other parts of the world – not in America’ should be shattered because of the statistical evidence of the presence of hunger in America and anecdotal experiences of families facing hunger in the United States. Even if the media has failed to help disseminate...
4 Pages 1670 Words

Dark Side of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has been corrupted since it has been established, but more recently has the secrets of the church surfaced. They have been faced with sexual assault allegations, corrupted leaders and hierarchy, and many other disturbing things that should not go on inside a church. The authority inside the church do not help the reputation of it either. They hire and do things that a person of that title should not do. The leaders in the church do not...
4 Pages 1726 Words

Success of William Wrigley Jr.'s Chewing Gum

This case study explores the success of William Wrigley Jr.'s Wrigley company success by using advertising methods and customer preferences regarding chew gum products. Commenting on the challenges of promoting the product, this study found that it was highly competitive from other companies and lack of the ‘chewing gum trust’, which led to Wrigley's bankruptcy several times. Although the company has faced many challenges in promoting chew gum products, William Wrigley Jr. has been looking for ways to develop and...
4 Pages 1683 Words

Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining' and What Made It One of the Greatest Horror Films of All Time

Throughout many years films have taught audiences what domestic violence looks like. Big movie stars have taken action upon this situation to bring awareness to show what it looks like, and show the importance to what an audience witnesses onscreen. Many believe that in the movie ‘The Shining’, directed by Stanley Kubrick, silently conveys domestic violence within it. The movie begins with Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicholson, who is a novelist and receives a job as a caretaker at...
4 Pages 1745 Words

Religious Tolerance in American History

Religion played an important role in the history of the United States. In some way, it can be said that it helped to shape America into what it is today. However, the belief that some religions are better than others created conflicts between their members. The aim of this paper is to show how different religions were perceived and tolerated (if they even were) throughout the history of America, and what is the situation of tolerance and freedom of religion...
4 Pages 1661 Words

Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPR) in Mongolia

Mongolia, the birthplace of Genghis Khan, the Land of the Eternal Blue Sky, and home to the world’s last nomads, reigns as a country rooted in tradition. In many ways, life in Mongolia continues to mirror ancient times. Approximately 40% of modern Mongols follow a nomadic, pastoral lifestyle on the steppe. As of year-end of last year, there were 209.8 thousand households with animals, 145.3 thousand of whom are herding households (FOA.org, 2019). Following their livestock, nomadic families move their...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Humanistic and Psychodynamic Approaches in Understanding Psychological Distress

Psychological distress is a feeling or emotion which arises when external events or circumstances exert demands on an individual, who is unable to manage and is overwhelmed. Unpleasant thoughts and feelings influence a person's level of functioning, which can lead to unfavorable opinions on his or her surroundings and daily activities. Unhappiness, anxiety, being distract, etc., are symptoms of psychological distress. The humanistic and psychodynamic approaches are fundamental in understanding human behavior. Psychodynamic theory, mostly associated with Sigmund Freud, explains...
4 Pages 1716 Words

Health Promotion Related to Sexual Health

Taking care of our health is important as it is the center of our whole life. Our life is made up of different parts which relies on having good health, this includes physical, environmental, spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual and mental health. It is crucial for individuals to understand how to control and improve their health as well as gain knowledge of why it is important to do so, and this is delivered to the public through health promotion. This essay...
4 Pages 1711 Words

Essay on Hunger in America

It has been a problem for years, but only a few have decided to join and support the cause to solve the world problem. Focusing on America, one sixth of the population in the country suffers from hunger. This starts to become a bigger issue as climate change starts permanently affecting agricultural and leaving less food. However, there is a simple, but complex way to fix this problem and that is realizing and manipulating other beneficial food sources and creating...
4 Pages 1738 Words

Cupping Therapy – Science or Pseudoscience?

Cupping therapy is an ancient Chinese form of medicine that is still used to this day to cure many different conditions. Some people believe that anything practiced medically must be scientific, however that is not always correct. Whether cupping therapy is a science, or a pseudoscience, is not yet proven. Cupping has been depicted as a special therapeutic method, but the evidence provided is controversial. Causation and correlation are a major factor of the medical method which often gets confused...
4 Pages 1667 Words

Criticism of Communism and Totalitarianism by George Orwell in His '1984' and 'Animal Farm'

The 20th century saw political extremism take an accentuated stand through the ruling of malevolent leaders. As specific examples, both Russia and Germany underwent significant changes regarding their political systems. In 1924, Russia took on a communist totalitarian perspective under Joseph Stalin, whereas in 1933 Germany was taken into a strictly totalitarian regime under Adolf Hitler’s rule. Both of these structures are held to criticism into today’s society, their flaws constantly highlighted, though many people also focused on ridiculing these...
4 Pages 1730 Words

Atwood's Critical Feminist Look at the Treatment of Women throughout History in 'The Testaments'

Feminist critics focus on the struggles that women face in society and ways these are questioned in literature. ‘The Beginning Theory’ by P. Barry, states: “To put what I have just sketched in somewhat different terms: this type of feminist criticism leads to a thorough examination of gender roles. Gender has to do not with how females (and males) really are, but with the way that a given culture or subculture sees them, how they are culturally constructed”. In other...
4 Pages 1743 Words

Anpan for the Canadian Bread Industry

The industry of bread production in Canada has only seen a discreet growth from 2013 to 2018. The situation arose from steady growth in exports and solid demand for higher-end types but only to be offset by the festering consumption of wheat products in the domestic market. Due to consumer preferences for healthier products as a current trend, the efforts in the reinvigoration of the bread market were futile during the mentioned five-year period. The same trend is forecasted for...
4 Pages 1711 Words

Why Is Giving Back to the Community Important: Argumentative Essay

ASPIRE was primarily developed to manage the provision of services in public hospitals and other community-based health services that are under social work. In the ASPIRE model, some groups are involved in the implementation of the services in public hospitals and other social work services. ASPIRE model ensures that there is effective implementation and a good performance review of the activity being undertaken. Some of the key areas the model prioritizes include; clinical areas for evaluation, performance analysis data, articulation...
4 Pages 1736 Words

Why Is Family History Important: Argumentative Essay

Even though each author studies and focuses on different topics, they always talk about family histories. In each reading we can learn something different and see the difference in how the authors study and do their work, however, we can see that all the articles end up explaining how families were or could be. The most relevant issues in family law, considering that this is the set of norms and legal institutions that regulate the personal and patrimonial relations of...
4 Pages 1701 Words

What Was the Purpose of Measuring the Freezing Point of Water: Informative Essay

The Effect of Deicers on the Environment The United States utilized approximately fifteen billion kilograms of road salt during the winter of 2013-2014. The removal of snow has evolved over the years from mechanical approaches such as shoveling and plowing to heating to chemical methods, including deicing substances (U.S. Patent No. 4664832A, 1984). Deicers, which are based on lowering the freezing point of water, is applied after snow events (Charola, Rousset, & Bläuer, 2017). Freezing point depression is a type...
4 Pages 1689 Words

Were the Colonists Justified in Declaring Independence: Critical Essay

Independence For All America is hailed as the land of the free and the home of the brave, but this was not always the case. Before becoming an independent state, America was governed by the English Monarchy and King George III. Our country was built on the ideals of freedom and justice, two doctrines that the citizens of the colonies greatly yearned for. There was a strong disconnect between England and the Colonies due to the sheer distance between them....
4 Pages 1676 Words

Was The Vietnam War Justified: Argumentative Essay

Throughout the makings of what is seen as the world today, struggles and disagreements that have led to wars have irrevocably been repeated and carried out in one way or another. As countries and their political and global power and influence have grown, so has their involvement in other countries, and so on. The United States of America is a nation that was born out of the need for freedom from a dominating country that was no longer serving them...
4 Pages 1713 Words

Thomas Jefferson Research Paper

The moral duality of Thomas Jefferson has been explored in countless papers. How could a man with such enlightened thoughts and an important role in the founding of the government support such a corrupt system like slavery? Monticello tour guides are quick to remind visitors that this Founding Father owned around 600 slaves while arguing that ‘all men are created equal’. However, Jefferson might just be a victim of an evolving moral compass of his time and a flawed perspective...
4 Pages 1682 Words

Songs That Describe Your Life: Narrative Essay

For my project of doom, I chose music. I like music because it’s a form of expression and it makes you feel alive. Music is one of the few things that has remained constant through the centuries this world has existed. Music allows emotions of happiness and sadness to form. From those emotions, physical effects, negative or positive, can occur. Music has a profound effect on the emotional, social, intellectual, and physical aspects of a person. People use music as...
4 Pages 1655 Words

Similarities between Renaissance and Middle Ages: Compare and Contrast Essay

The Renaissance is a period in history that is associated with the transition of the overall changing mindsets and attitudes of the middle ages to that of contemporary society. Concepts such as humanism and secularism flourished in this period, acting as catalysts toward modernization. Though the overall significance of the Renaissance is often a topic of debate, it can be observed that there are prominent differences in the mindsets and beliefs of society in the medieval period when compared with...
4 Pages 1735 Words

Renaissance Vs Reformation: Compare and Contrast Essay

From the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries, Europe saw an influx of new ideas and ideologies as well as immense shifts in power as a result of religious movements. This time period marks the end of the Medieval period and the beginning of the Renaissance with the decline of feudalism, increased wealth through the Crusades and recovery from the Black Death, and the rise of increasingly secular ideas. These factors gave way to the emergence of the fifteenth-century Renaissance which, concentrated...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Politics in the Renaissance: Analytical Essay

Machiavelli was not only the first thinker who freed political science or thinking from the clutches of faith and morality, but he also had several political thoughts and philosophies. His discussion of a territorial United States and a large, sovereign kingdom is the hallmark of modern length; he was the first to use the time length nation in contemporary connotation, which will emerge as the dominant problem of talk in the hands of subsequent writers; and his separation of politics...
4 Pages 1714 Words

Persuasive Essay on the Importance of Higher Education

The Demand for the Doctorate With the objective of striving towards better-equipped and higher value economies, governments, with all the concerned sectors around the world, are trying to develop necessary highly skilled workforces. Indeed, knowledge has become an important factor in achieving economic development. A knowledge economy has increased the demand for a highly educated workforce, especially a workforce with a university degree. According to the Lisbon 2020 agenda—the EU development strategy—the EU is striving towards developing a knowledge economy,...
4 Pages 1692 Words

Impact of the Renaissance on Society: Analytical Essay

Renaissance or 'rebirth' is an artistic movement that started in Italy at the end of the 14th century and spread in the early 17th century. During this period some old ideas were revived and many new ones were created. It resulted in many impacts, but the greatest impact of the Renaissance is technological advancements - advancements such as the steam engine, the printing press, telescope, mechanical cloth, rocket launching tubes, magnetic compass, microscope, flush toilets, matches, eyeglasses, thermoscope, and the...
4 Pages 1714 Words

How Did Manifest Destiny Lead to the Civil War: Informative Essay

The 1860 presidential election proved that neither the Democratic nor the Republican Party ought to unify the nation. This used to be as soon as carried out through many precise acts of aggression. For instance, Americans dreamed of electing a new, unique leader, however, they had been scared that in the future the new president would now no longer be profitable on foot the nation, and maintain them intact. Through slavery, terror, and succession, the presidential election tested that none...
4 Pages 1705 Words
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