1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Stages of Career Development

In our life, as said by Michelle L. Casto, it is not our job that changed, but it is our career. Of course, there are lots and lots of job applications to followed and to be apply, but do we really have the in interest and put our all in what we apply to? That is why a career is far different that a typical job itself. Career is when we put our interest, efforts and our capabilities onto. Let’s...
4 Pages 1796 Words

Sociology of Work and Industry

In this paper I will be comparing the sociology of work and industry to some sub-fields of sociology. Industrial sociology is a field that deals with the study and examination of relation of human in labor markets, technological change, work organization, managerial practices and globalization. Industrial sociology got to do with work and industry. Sociology of work is all about the application of sociology to the world of work, sociological imagination is functional in the world of work, it attempts...
4 Pages 1845 Words

Significant Influence of Karl Marx and Max Weber on Society

Karl Marx and Max Weber are two men who spent their lives trying to make their dream society a reality. Both of these important sociological contributors were raised in bourgeoise households where they took every opportunity to expand their knowledge, but despite this similarity between them, they were still two very different people. Max Weber felt that society was built on understanding and he believed in the ‘ideal type’. On the other hand, Karl Marx believed society was dominated by...
4 Pages 1849 Words

Review of Mary Oliver's Poetry

By simply reading the titles of Mary Oliver’s poems you can see how she connects with nature, not only nature its self but with the characteristics of nature such as animals and seasons. Mary Oliver’s poems are titled after an animal with a characteristic of nature for instance ‘Turtle’, ‘Black Snake’, ‘The Snow Cricket’ and so on. Her main focus is nature and everything involved with nature. She portrays nature’s characteristics with personification, metaphors, similes, and symbols to describe the...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Representations of Race and Ethnicity in Octavia E. Butler's ‘Kindred’ and Colson Whitehead's ‘The Underground Railroad’

Octavia E. Butler and Colson Whitehead represent race and ethnicity in ‘Kindred’ and ‘The Underground Railroad’ respectively in a number of different ways. Published in 1979 and initially set in 1976 California during the antebellum period, ‘Kindred’ contains elements pertaining to time travel and revolves around narratives in regards to slaves. Whereas ‘The Underground Railroad’, published in 2016, tracks the story of two slaves during the time period of the civil war and the slave trade. From a contextual standpoint,...
4 Pages 1809 Words

Report on Costa Rica

Today, Costa Rica is shaped by Spanish and Catholicism influences. However, Costa Rica has been inhabited as far back as 5000 years BC by people of the Aztecs, Mayas, and the Incas. The first natives in Costa Rica included hunters and gatherers and Costa Rica served as a middle region between Mesoamerican and Andean native cultures. Costa Rica is a rain forest full Central American country with coastlines running 19,730 square miles with a population of 4.906 million citizens that...
4 Pages 1810 Words

Pros and Cons of GMOs

Introduction to GMOs: Definition and Overview GMOs, a highly disputed topic around the world. Huge organizations like Monsanto, Bayer, and the Center for Food Safety are constantly contending over pros vs. cons. Though, what exactly is a GMO? In summary, a GMO or genetically modified organism is when one organism's genetics are revised to give a gene to or receive a gene from another organism. Like creating drought resistant crops, taking from crop A who thrives in a dryer environment...
4 Pages 1753 Words

Problems Faced by Adolescence Due to Risky Alcohol Use and Ways to Solve Them

In Australia, there has been a growing concern about adolescent alcohol consumption. According to Jones and Magee (2014), approximately 54.1% of youth have tried alcohol before 12 years of age and this figure increased to 80.9% by age 15 and 90.9% by age 17 in Australia. There are several reasons why adolescents start drinking, such as poor family management and relationships and interaction with anti-social peers (Hemphill et al., 2014). Eventually, teenagers drink a risk amount of alcohol so they...
4 Pages 1755 Words

Optimism in the Twenty-First Century

Together as a society, we are merging deeper into the twenty-first century, with many difficult challenges and accomplishments along the way. Being hopeful and optimistic about the future will result in a positive rest of the twenty-first century. There is plenty to be hopeful about when it comes to the future, seeing all the work and effort people are putting in to better our world, inspires others to join in and start a movement. As a society, we have to...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Non-GMO Vs GMO: Argumentative Essay

This is an argumentative research essay. The topic that I have chosen to write about is genetically modified organisms vs. non-genetically modified organisms. It has been big debate for many years in this country. I have done a couple of different since experiments in the past that tie into this topic. There are many different pros and cons to each of these topics. Out of all the food that is possible in the world, I believe that the food grown...
4 Pages 1779 Words

Liver Cancer: Research Study

My husband’s father, uncle, and aunt passed away after experiencing liver cancer a couple of years. Saying about liver cancer, you might think about poor lifestyle choices such as diabetes, overweight, over consumption of fatty, alcohol drinking or smoking. However, none of these people were involved in the most common risk factors above. We all were shocked about their fatal disease because they ate balanced diets and lived in healthy environment, and they did not experience any signs or symptoms...
4 Pages 1807 Words

Juxtaposition in Lorraine Hansberry's ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ and Oscar Wilde's ‘A Woman of No Importance’

This paper is going to be about the aspects of juxtaposition in two stories named ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance’ which have several issues that are both similar and different. The aspect of juxtaposition will show the parallelism in the actions or events in both the plays through the dialogues and the behaviors that the characters show at different circumstances in the story and how these dialogues bring out the symbolism of good and...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Industrialization and Its Significance

During the period of 1750 up until about the 1920’s, industrialization changed all of Europe, even while some aspects stayed the same. Industrialization not only changed historically, but it also changed politically, socially and economically as well. The roles of women changed exponentially, as did production techniques, and the growth of the cities in Europe. Before industrialization, Europe was mostly agricultural which meant that they mostly worked off the land to earn and make a living. Once industrialization began, all,...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Cancer

As is well known, a singular treatment is not enough to eradicate cancer from the body. The older approach to treating cancer is with the use of chemotherapy, a nonspecific cytotoxic chemical, while the newer approach is to treat cancer with targeted and immunotherapy treatments which have the capability of specificity (Vanneman, Mathew, et al.). Chemotherapy kills all cells that produce rapidly, it is narrow spectrum, highly toxic, and resistance is known to occur quite frequently (Vanneman, Mathew, et al.)....
4 Pages 1804 Words

Food Waste as a Widespread Problem of Our Time

Food wastage is becoming a problem due to people adversely disposing food and the demographic who are partaking in the process of food waste are people such as categories of including supermarkets cafes restaurants, and other food associated industries. The reason for the increasing issue in food wastage is a result of people disposing of food which they find boring/not satisfying, perhaps not consuming food before the expiry date and mishandling of ingredients when preparing dishes (Foodbank, 2020). The consequences...
4 Pages 1802 Words

Engineering Ethics in Context of NASA Space Shuttle Disasters

Engineering ethics is the field of system of significant and moral principles that apply to the practice of engineering. The field examines and sets the commitments of engineers to society, to their clients, and to the profession. As a scholarly discipline, it is closely related to subjects such as the philosophy of science, the philosophy of engineering, and the technology. The engineers should be aware of the greatest merit in using their profession for serving society, attending to the welfare...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Effects of Alcohol on Eye Health

Alcohol is one of many psychoactive drugs with addictive potential, which has a significant impact on public health and individuals in society (Crocq, 2007). Alcohol is a modifiable lifestyle factor that has intentionally inflicted and unintentionally acquired injuries (Iranpour and Nakhaee, 2019, p. 132) that has resulted in hospitalization and is most widely used as a recreational drug in the Western world. The health of the eye is important because there is a co-dependent relationship between the eyes and the...
4 Pages 1830 Words

Dubai's Emirates Airline: SWOT Analysis

The objective of this paper is to qualitatively analyze the Emirates airline’s business model regarding marketing as well as recommend possible alterations that could be made to enhance their marketing strategy which could optimize performance and ultimately increase the likelihood of producing an increased revenue. The Emirates airline was first established in 1985 to become the national carrier and to fulfill the needs following the retraction of services offered by Gulf Airlines at that time. The founding CEO was Maurice...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Critical Overview of Social Exclusion and Its Effects on Health

The article, entitled ‘Spatial Analysis of Social Exclusion from a Transportation Perspective: A Case Study of Ankara Metropolitan Area’ by Fahriye Nihan, Özdemir, and Sönmezb, defines social exclusion as the state where different groups of individuals cannot fit into the community or the society due to political, social or economical disadvantages. One example of social exclusion in today's society would have to be uneven wealth distribution based on class. This essay will discuss in depth several aspects of social exclusion...
4 Pages 1835 Words

Cases of Violation of Engineering Ethics by Engineers

This essay examines cases of professional ethics violations by engineers that ultimately led to the formation of engineering ethics. We all make mistakes, and engineers aren't a special case. In any case, engineering mix-ups can cause extraordinary debacles that will always resound in the psyches of the individuals who saw them, and their causes will be considered by each new age of engineers. Some will contend that experimentation is a strategy that drives our capacities forward, however, the expense can...
4 Pages 1805 Words

Book Review on 'Love Does No Harm: Sexual Ethics for the Rest of Us' by Marie Fortune

The book I have chosen to read and review is ‘Love Does No Harm: Sexual Ethics for the Rest of Us’ by Marie Fortune. In this book, the author addresses the modern-day problems with intimate relationships and provides guidelines regarding proper boundaries for healthy, loving relationships. The book focuses on the processes involved in making ethical sexual decisions and the external influences that affect our decisions. Fortune advises her readers to make ethical decisions that are both pleasurable for oneself...
4 Pages 1841 Words

Analysis of Whether Education Can Affect the Risk of Cancer

Cancer is one of the most well-known life-threatening conditions. The term ‘cancer’ is derived from a Greek word used by Galen in 100-200 AD ‘oncos’ which is Greek for swelling. This term was used to describe tumors. The Greek word, ‘oncos’, has been changed in modern health into oncology which means the study of tumors (Papavramidou N. et al.). A tumor is a swelling on a part of the body which grows abnormally and when there is a growth of...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Critical Analysis of 'Mona Lisa Smile' through Feminist Theory

Introduction to Feminist Perspectives in "Mona Lisa Smile" Set in the years of 1950, the film ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ directed by Mike Newell is an inspirational picture that explores life through feminism; marriage and education lead by a modernist teacher at the end of a traditional era. The film is shown to be very true to the time period it is taking place in, as the roles of women are clearly shown in the most prominent ways. Katherine Watson, played...
4 Pages 1825 Words

Rethinking Motherhood': Contesting Ideal Mother through Bertolt Brecht’s 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle'

In ‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ Brecht undertakes a redefinition of motherhood. The true mother is no longer she who has borne the child, but she who is most useful to it: “What there is shall go to those who are good for it, / Children to the motherly, that they prosper”. Brecht’s notes to the play, which speak of ‘motherly instincts’, show even more clearly the ‘natural’ alliance he believed existed between women and motherliness, which may, however, be thwarted...
4 Pages 1802 Words

Inequalities in Jamaican Schools

Inequality is the distinction in economic wellbeing, riches, or opportunity between individuals or gatherings. High and rising disparity is one of Jamaica's most squeezing monetary and cultural issues. Rising imbalance probably won't be such a significant concern if our training, financial, and social assurance frameworks went about as compensatory instruments, helping people, and particularly young people, ascend over their introduction to the world conditions and improve their portability. The historical backdrop of training in Jamaica is maybe best clarified and...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Beauty Contest Setting up Non Achievable Beauty Standards In The Society

Introduction: The Controversial World of Beauty Contests Beauty contests are the competitions that focus on the physical beauty of its contestants and are watched all over the world. It sets up the benchmark for beauty in the society. The most often watched contest is Miss World Competition. These contests have been accepted in most of the societies which lead to the emergence of many local, national and global contests. These contest do give self-belief to some and on the same...
4 Pages 1838 Words

Who is to Blame for the Cold War? Essay

Introduction: The Complexity of Blaming a Single Entity for the Cold War To try place blame on someone is as human as breathing. We always tend to look for a specific cause to any sort of problem, be it in everyday life, historical events, or politics. However, trying to assign the moral responsibility of an event as complex as the Cold War is no easy task; in fact, this issue has historically triggered several discrepancies. The orthodox (or traditionalist) historical...
4 Pages 1752 Words

What are the Different Types of Air Pollution Essay

The ozone hole, is technically not a ‘hole’, meaning that there is no ozone present. This hole is actually a region of great depletion of ozone present in the stratosphere. The ozone hole above the Antarctic over the south pole, and appears every spring since the 1980’s. There has also been a depletion of ozone in the stratosphere in both hemispheres of the Earth too (EPA, 2018). Ozone is naturally created in the stratosphere when oxygen (O2) get broken up...
4 Pages 1752 Words

Tropical Rainforest Biome Essay

Biomes are distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate. The biome concept embraces the idea of community, of interaction among vegetation, animal populations, and soil. A biome may be defined as a major region of distinctive plant and animal groups well adapted to the physical environment of its distribution area. Biomes are large-scale environments that are distinguished by characteristic temperature ranges and amounts of precipitation. These two variables affect the types of vegetation and...
4 Pages 1791 Words

The Importance of Drinking Water Essay

The aim this study is to ensures the supply of safe drinking water that needs to be monitors within real time applications by using IOT(Internet Of Things)based system . This system consists of several sensors are used to measures the physical as well as chemical parameters of the water . The parameters such as temperature, pH , turbidity , conductivity , dissolved oxygen and hardness and also some chemical parameters of water. The measured values from the sensors can be...
4 Pages 1800 Words
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