1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Working with Diverse People Based on Punjabi Culture: Reflective Essay

Working with diverse people 1. Give one (1) example regarding each of the following aspects that make up your culture: attitudes, languages, prejudices, and structures Answer-1. Attitudes- In the Punjabi culture, attitudes are mainly the beliefs regarding something. It may or may not be positive towards someone or something. Languages- Punjabi is the main language in my culture. Besides Punjabi, people also speak Hindi and English in Punjabi culture. Prejudice- Most of the orthodox Punjabi people have a prejudice against...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Critical Race Theory Essay

Introduction to Critical Race Theory Critical race theory scrutinizes a paradox; how does racial subordination prevail despite international denunciation through state rules and norms of a moral society? (Harris, 2012, 1). This paper will argue that the main tenets of critical race theory maintain that one’s race, religion, culture, gender/sex and economic standing all intersect together to further oppress individuals (Harris, 2012, 1). Critical race theory is pivotal to the study of law and society as it establishes a framework...
4 Pages 1759 Words

Intel Corporation Supply Chain Analysis

Introduction: Intel Corporation was founded in 1968 and is now the biggest semiconductor chip manufacturer over the world. It now has more than 600 facilities within 107.4 thousand employees worldwide (Intel, 2016). The main businesses Intel providing are key components for computer production all over the world, including processors, chipsets, boards, systems and software, and so on. Nowadays, with the development of the internet and computer industry, the competition of hardware manufacturers becomes extremely fierce while Intel can still be...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Mobile Commerce in India: Prospect and Challenges

Abstract: With the development of mobile industry in India and easy accessibility of internet connections to the common people, the electronic commerce is changing its face and turning into mobile commerce. M-commerce has become an easier tool in the hands of users due to its better features and simplicity in its learning and using. M-commerce, being the non-complex way of using the technology, has seen tremendous growth in the recent years and has become very popular among common people of...
4 Pages 1841 Words

Improvement of Corporate Culture by Fast Food Industries: Analytical Essay

How fast food industries improve corporate culture by their stakeholders Introduction There is a saying goes “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Based on the need of convenience people need, fast food industries have become more essential in the economy life and filed nowadays. The corporate culture is a critical factor for company performance-enhancing and expansion of the market, on which the engagement of stakeholders could potentially increase the valuation of brand impression and culture. Kokemuller, Neil. (n.d.) indicate that...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Case Study of Lululemon: Analysis of Pricing Strategy

Case Summary: Lululemon a well-known athletic apparel company, founded by Chip Wilson, who initially embarked in the surf, skate, and snowboard apparel business for more than 20 years, when in the mid of 90s was introduced to Yoga for the first time, he got hooked and moved into the yoga trend at just the right time. In 1998 in Vancouver, Canada Lululemon was developed and defined as a yoga-inspired, technical athletic apparel company for women and men. The first designs...
4 Pages 1809 Words

Influence of the Theory of Scientific Management on the Design of Work in the Modern Organization

Illustrating your analysis with examples, discuss the influence of the theory of Scientific Management on the design of work in the modern organisatin, making reference to both its strengths and weaknesses in relation to its impact on organizational design. This essay will discuss the influence that Taylors' Scientific management has had on the design of modern organisations, specifically looking at the strengths and weaknesses it has had on organisational design and illustrating this by defining scientific management, as well as...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Impact Of Discount Pricing Strategy On Organizational Profits: Analytical Essay

Abstract: The purpose of this study to investigate the impact of discount pricing strategy on organizational profit and the importance of planning for a discount; the study was conducted depending on unreal numbers, and it clarify that discounts increase sales volume, but not always increase the profits. KEYWORDS: Pricing Policy, Discount, Organization, Profits, SMEs, Sales Volume Introduction Pricing decision is a decision that must be taken carefully, because of its nature and its effect on the overall goals and objectives...
4 Pages 1803 Words

Brand Audit of BMW: Historical Overview and Background

Brand Audit – BMW Historical overview and background Parent company background Existing brands History of chosen brand Any changes in positioning/target market Competitors Existing brand extensions (if any) The birth of BMW can be traced back to Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto. Their respective companies; engine maker Rapp Motorenwerke and aircraft manufacturer Flugmaschinenfabrik Gustav Otto, gave rise to Bayerische Motoren Werke. In 1923, BMW began its first metamorphosis when it expanded from manufacturing airplane engines to motorcycles. This was an...
4 Pages 1770 Words

Typology of Victim's Behavior: Analytical Essay

“Criminology is the interdisciplinary study of crime as both an individual and social phenomenon, with research on the origins and forms of crime, its causes and consequences, and social and governmental reactions to it” (2019). A victim’s behavior plays a major role in their victimization. Victim’s “potential” is made up of a combination of biology, socialization, and chance. Evolution and history have given humans the ability to engage in violent behavior (Alvarez,2017). Since the 1950s, Benjamin Mendelsohn has been the...
4 Pages 1794 Words

The Role of the Biometric State in the War on Terror: Analytical Essay

In this analysis, I develop a definition of the biometric state based on Muller’s interpretation, constituting, ‘securitization, governing through risk, and the widespread application of biometric technology and surveillance, within the context of specific assumptions about liberty, security, and identity.’ It is my contention, the biometric state emerged as a new mode of governance in the United States following September 11, 2001 (9/11). The biometric state is playing a role in the War on Terror by attempting to unify a...
4 Pages 1808 Words

Impact of Taliban’s Power in Afghanistan: Analytical Essay

The words, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain . . . ' ring all too true for the Taliban uprising in Afghanistan. In 1996, this young fundamentalist group built on harsh regulations and strict implementation of Islamic Sharia law took over the country. The rise of the Taliban’s power in Afghanistan would create the formula for future radical organizations to follow and set the stage for the Taliban’s resurgence in...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Development and Issues of Victimology: Analysis of Victims Behaviour

The Office of National Statistics stated than in England and Wales, in the year ending June 2019, there was 11.1 million criminal offences. Does this mean that there are 11.1 million victims? Are all these victims the same and do they go through the same experiences? Victimology is essentially the study of everything to do victims of crime and how they are affected. In this essay I will aim to provide a deeper understanding of Victimology as a branch of...
4 Pages 1793 Words

Presence of the Ku Klux Klan in Post-Reconstruction America: Analytical Essay

Radical White Supremacy From the ashes of a deceased Confederacy rose the newly obtained freedom of the former slave. In his wake, the freedman brought with him uncertainty and disunion, laying the foundation for one of the widest ideological divides in American history – the Era of Reconstruction. Initially a period of rehabilitation and effort to pay reparations to the freedman, the enactment of more progressive legislation in Reconstruction era America was abandoned in principle in its final stretch as...
4 Pages 1785 Words

Pedagogical Significance and Quality of Interaction Which Affect Toddler’s Learning Outcomes: Analytical Essay

The audio recording is conducted during an indoor playtime and was engaged using cue cards, relating to the best interest topic of the focus child, to better enhance the communication. The purpose of this work is to analyze the pedagogical significance and quality of interaction which could potentially affect an infant or toddler’s learning outcomes. “Pedagogical documentation is a process that helps educators, families, children, and communities to understand and value children’s learning” (Arthur et al., 2018). After a thorough...
4 Pages 1795 Words

Should Ecosystem Services be Given Monetary Value? Essay

Ecosystem services are ecological characteristics, functions, or processes that indirectly or directly contribute to human wellbeing and benefits such as food and materials that people derive from ecosystems (Constanza,1997). They are characterised by their amenities, goods, physicalities, or services (Everard, 2017). Created by living organisms interacting within their environment, ecosystems provide both conditions and processes that sustain life. Thus, they are essential to our existence despite being taken for granted. Natural capital, stock that yields service flow over time, interacts...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned

I will never forget March 25th, 2016. It was the day that turned my life on its toes. It was the day I was granted the opportunity to pursue a truly unmatchable educational, experiential vision. I was flooded with overwhelming feelings of relief, gratitude, excitement. The time leading up to my freshman fall quarter was defined by conversations on whether I should be a consultant, an engineer, a designer, an interesting combination of those, or something entirely different. For me,...
4 Pages 1780 Words

India's Policy of Conservation Forest

Forest is a terrestrial cover, where habitats like plants and wildlife interact with each other and with the physical atmosphere of nature, which is also their hereditary home. They are an important source for our natural resources. Without forests the world would come to a halt and would become grey. Various countries all over the world differ in forest cover, which in turn depends on numerous factors like weather, availability of landscape, water, rainfall and the number of the population...
4 Pages 1843 Words

Water and Soil Pollution: Effects on the Environment

In this research, we are going to explore the adverse effects of pollution on our environment. Pollution is the process of contaminating the environment (Oxford advanced learners dictionary pg 900). This causes discomfort, disorder, instability or even harm to physical features and living things of a place. It comes in various forms, but the main four are air, water, soil and noise pollution. The increase of human activity on the earth consequently increased pollution. It has been very hazardous. This...
4 Pages 1783 Words

Nature, Environment and Wilderness Conservation

In recent decades, human development by means of industrialisation and colonisation has acted as a catalyst for global environmental destruction. By recognising the undesirable effects produced by various human activities, questions surrounding conserving elements of the environment have arisen. The following essay will analyse the ways in which cultural assumptions held by differing societies are intertwined within conservation efforts and management plans. Through exploring ‘wilderness’, ‘nature’ and ‘the environment’, this essay will demonstrate that humans continue their efforts of attempting...
4 Pages 1838 Words

Report on My Internship in The Banking Industry

Throughout the summer 2019 semester, I got the opportunity to receive a Management Information System internship in one of the various well-known corporations in Viet Nam. The association I connected to being HongLeong Bank Vietnam (HLBVN). ‘The Bank is technology-focused and emphasizes the development of financial capabilities to serve its clients across Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. Hong Leong Bank Berhad is listed on Bursa Malaysia Berhad and forms part of the Hong Leong Group. Headquartered in Kuala...
4 Pages 1753 Words

Discussion of History of UK Drug Policy

The drug policy in the UK has generated concern into the effectiveness of its legislation. One main characteristic of such debates is the paradox between whether the drug ‘problem’ should be a punitive and legal issue or a health issue. According to Holloway (cited in Barton, 2011), there are three distinct models of regulation around drug control, the first of these is ‘consumer sovereignty’ which refers to there being no formal or legal restriction to access drugs, using or purchasing...
4 Pages 1805 Words

Monetary Policy of India

The goal of financial strategy is to accomplish the ideal extension of economy by encouraging the accessibility of cash supply required for the development. The job of defining financial strategy in India is performed by Reserve Bank of India. It is gone for guaranteeing the accessibility required cash supply for all the genuine financial exercises while it ought not to be accessible in order to make inflationary pressure. The essential point of money related strategy in India is to keep...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Rediscovering the Bond between Mother-Nature and the ‘Second Sex’

The relationship between Environment and Man (Human) is evaluated principally based on two fundamental theoretical grounds – Determinism and Possibilism. Environmental Determinism had ruled over Possibilism for the greater part of our entire human civilization. Gradually the perception has changed and opportunities were made from a different vantage point. How can Gender be excluded while analyzing the very vantage point? Gender roles are commonly described, as the gender appropriated roles or behavioural outcomes learned by a person throughout her/his life....
4 Pages 1813 Words

Water Conservation Practice in Olympia

Introduction Olympia city has a comprehensive water conservation program which involves many projects. The city puts much effort in the conservation of water. To achieve this end, various organizations and agencies have invoked various procedures so as to meet the target. From educational programs to technological inventions the planners seize every opportunity to achieve the consumption of water. The programs have therefore been of great success. Population, Temperature and Annual Precipitation Depth Population Being the largest city in the county...
4 Pages 1842 Words

Constitutional Provisions Safeguarding Child Rights

Rights cannot be overemphasized, as it is a privilege enjoyed by each and every citizen in the country. A right is a legal requirement and civil liberty which everyone naturally must have irrespective of the gender, religion, culture, tribe, race, disability, status or citizenship of the individual. Rights are constitutional and must be adhered to by the citizens and the government of the country. Everyone is entitled to enjoy his or her right and with the constitution in place which...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Problems and Solutions of Cyberbullying

What are the problems and solutions of cyberbullying? Introduction The topic of cyberbullying was chosen because I am interested on learning how much of a problem this is and how to decrease this problem. Cyberbullying is linked to the topic of digital world. Social media and phones have become a necessity in most people’s lives. Although most of these online experiences end up being positive, many can also be negative. Using a form of technology to threaten or harass someone...
4 Pages 1777 Words

Analysis of The Arabian and Vietnamese Cultures

Cultural competence is an expected component of professional nursing practice. Culturally competent care means conveying acceptance of the patient’s health beliefs during assessment and while sharing information. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the client’s culture, health-related needs and culturally specific meanings of health and illness. Culture has a powerful unconscious impact on health professionals. A nurse who understand his/her client’s cultural values, belief, and practice is in a better position to interact with his/her clients and provide culturally acceptable care...
4 Pages 1840 Words

The Highwayman': A Literary Analysis of a Book

‘The Highwayman’ is an exhilarating and dramatic poem involving love and betrayal. It is a narrative poem that was written by Alfred Noyes, an English poet at the age of twenty-four. It was first published in the August 1906 issue of Blackwood’s Magazine, and it went on to be included in Noyes’ collection, Forty Singing Seamen and Other Poems. The Highwayman is classified as a narrative poem because it is read by the reader instead of one of the characters,...
4 Pages 1822 Words

Death and the King's Horseman': African Tradition and Culture in a Play

Death And The King’s Horseman by Wole Soyinka tells the story of the importance of tradition in African culture. The play follows the life of Elesin Oba, who had the career title of “The King’s Horseman”, and his obligation to follow an African tradition of a ritualistic suicide following the death of their king. As the play goes on, Soyinka illustrates the importance of this tradition in African culture and shows what it means when the tradition is not fulfilled...
4 Pages 1752 Words
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