1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Death and the King's Horseman': African Tradition and Culture in a Play

Death And The King’s Horseman by Wole Soyinka tells the story of the importance of tradition in African culture. The play follows the life of Elesin Oba, who had the career title of “The King’s Horseman”, and his obligation to follow an African tradition of a ritualistic suicide following the death of their king. As the play goes on, Soyinka illustrates the importance of this tradition in African culture and shows what it means when the tradition is not fulfilled...
4 Pages 1752 Words

How Successful Was George Washington's Generalship

George Washington is remembered for being one of the highest major and well-known leader and one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. George Washington today is remembered as having high morale who was an honourable man.George Washington fought in 9 battles i.e battle in New York 1776, battle in New Jersey 1776 at Trenton. George Washington had three parts of leadership, he was a commander in chief on the side of the Continental Army, he was...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Review of Chinese Debt on Pakistan

Pakistan have always been patriotic and emotional nation when it comes to national security and sovereignty despite of that how come Pakistan got hurt and lost its significant part in 1971; well many expert suggests that it happened mainly because of lack of political awareness among the public of that time reasoning less advanced source of public reach that is media, same is also endorsed by the military establishment of the country in recent times. Pakistan is in need of...
4 Pages 1780 Words

“The Bean Trees” by Barbara Kingsolver Analysis

Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees is one of the most popular and urgent literary works nowadays. It touches upon burning issues of the modern society such as the conflict between ethical and legal, racism, adoption laws, homelessness, multiculturalism, kidnapping, depression suicide, the conflict of nature and nurture etc. We are going to analyze the importance of nature and nurture for a child’s bearing and development presented in Kingsolver’s work. It should be noted that the author does not contrast the...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Alexander Pope: Life Career and Work

Alexander Pope was an 18th century English poet, best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson. It was in 1819 that a controversy arose over the question. Was Pope a poet? To have asked that in 1719 would have indicated that the questioner was ignorant; to have asked it a half...
4 Pages 1750 Words

Essence of Economic Freedom By Plato

America is the freest nation in the world. A lot of people dream of getting into this country and have the same opportunities that Americans have. In other words, opportunities mean freedom, freedom of choice. The concept of freedom, as the right of choice, originated in ancient Greece, it has played a fundamental role in the development of people over the past few thousand years. It was gradually transforming each person from a passive object of biological evolution into an...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Attention Processing and The Impact of Stroop Effect

Considering the stroop effect, automaticity, and the different types of attention- their relationships can help researchers better understand the cognitive processes activated in order to correctly identify the desired stimulus. In recent years, researchers have dedicated time studying attention and the different types, focused and divided. Attention is defined by the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary as being the act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something (Attention). Focused attention is one’s ability to be...
4 Pages 1780 Words

How to Explain Donald Trump’s Election Victory in 2016? Essay

A significant portion of Donald Trump’s victory can be accorded to his popularity in rural areas, especially in the Rust Belt. The Rust Belt is a region in the US that was known for its thriving iron and steel industries, which has now been ravaged by economic decline due to deindustralisation, population loss and urban decay (Abadi and Gal, 2018). The loss of locally owned industry not only greatly diminished the people’s economic prospects for the future but greatly eroded...
4 Pages 1779 Words

Chernobyl Accident – One of The Most Tragic Engineering Disasters

Engineering is arguably one of the most important professions in the world. Engineers create the bridges society uses everyday to get from place to place, engineers create the cars society uses to cross those bridges and engineers are even the reason why society can power those cars. These are only a few of the thing’s engineers create, the list goes on and on. However, all these elements have one thing in common which is the involvement of heavy parts, fast...
4 Pages 1833 Words

How did Muslims affect European (especially Spanish) Literature

This is because after the Abbasids took power and established the Abbasid caliphate, the Umayyad dynasty had no choice but to flee. His only option was for this dynasty to move to Córdoba, now Spain. There they defeated the Visigothic king Don Rodrigo in the battle of Guadalete, thus began the Arab domination of the Iberian Peninsula that would last eight centuries, until 1492 (and more attenuated until 1608). And thanks to that they managed to form their own caliphate...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Measure for Measure': Deep Understanding of Shakespeare's Problematic Play

Throughout the extensive criticism written on Shakespeare plays, the definition of these problematic plays has been a constant topic for debate. Kiernan Ryan suggests critics focus either on these plays all having in inherently ‘political implications’, or a form of deconstructive, or psychoanalytical analysis. Yet the potential for another opinion could still be valid as expressed by critics such as Jonathon Dollimore and Kathleen McLuskie who have implied that the plays are not at all problematic in the ways previously...
4 Pages 1814 Words

Research of Why The Cherokee Removal Was Illegal

According to the article, “Cherokee Petition Protesting Removal, 1836”. Along time before, the idea of Indian removal (https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/theshort-and-long-term-effects-of-indian-removal-act/) has its origins rooted earlier in the eighteenth-century. A form of Indian removal was first proposed by Thomas Jefferson. However, Native Americans resisted the violent attack of American settlers. Other worker to adapt to American culture and defend themselves using particularly American weapon like lawsuits and petitions. the removal of Cherokee Indians happened during 1838, when the United States military required some...
4 Pages 1754 Words

The Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking has been a hot environmental topic in our society today. Fracking is the process of drilling into the layers of the Earth’s crust using a high pressurized mixture of water, sand, and chemicals. This process is used to release natural gas that is buried in underground shale rocks. In today’s society, the need for natural gas is becoming more necessary. Because of this, debate about if fracking is safe for the quality of groundwater...
4 Pages 1826 Words

Right to Work Legislation and It's Implications

Right-to-Work Law and Its Implications for Labour Legislation in CanadaIntroductionFor the last few years, a major showdown has been shaping up between the progressive sections of Canada, which have always been associated with the trade union movement and social democracy, and the rightist sections which promote anti-unionism. While the former groups seek to consolidate the labor organizations, the latter groups aim at eliminating the trade union rights. People like me think that trade unions are working for the collective good....
4 Pages 1824 Words

Water in the World: Water Crisis in Jakarta, Indonesia

With nearly 70% of the world covered in water, only about 2.5% is drinkable, causing some countries to have limited or no access to fresh water. One of these countries suffering from a water crisis is Jakarta, Indonesia. Having more than 10 million people living in Jakarta, there is not enough fresh water available to drink and use for everyday use. With the growing population, people in Indonesia are having to rely on rivers and wells for water, but even...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Why the Electoral College Should Not be Abolished? Essay

Understanding the Electoral College Should the electoral college be abolished? Many people within the American electorate believe that they, themselves, vote for the president of the United States. Little do they know, the president is elected by one of the most undemocratic political institutions in this country – the Electoral College. Presidential elections are determined not by popular vote but by an electoral college in which, in all but a few states, electors are assigned on a winnertake-all basis. Representation...
4 Pages 1795 Words

Biography and Political Career of James Madison – One of The Founding Fathers of The USA

James Madison once said, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.” This quote stood out to me because over the past month we have been talking and learning about the executive branch and how the Framers were scared that the president/ congress could have too much power causing a monarchy. James Madison was born on March 16, 1751, at Port Conway, Virginia. Madison entered politics as a young delegate to the...
4 Pages 1827 Words

Explanation and Marginalization of Toxic Masculinity

Deconstructing the notions of centrality and marginality against the background of masculinities embosses the suspicion that what is at the centre often hides a repression. Toxic Masculinity as a concept finds its origins in the objective of cultivating a tolerance of variance in masculinities. However, its integration into modern feminist discourse has been preceded by an operation of binaries being put into place. The popular usage of Toxic Masculinity as an explanation carries the presupposition of an explainable society and...
4 Pages 1827 Words

Teacher’s Student’s Relationship’s Effect on Student Learning

There is a lot of covenant of literature that gives the considerable and authentic evidence that strong and well build relationship between teachers and students are the most important essential and necessary mechanism to the healthy and vigorous academic development of all students in schools. The body of that literature includes the roots and genres of the previous researches that have been conducted in past three decades on investigating or finding the interactions have on learning. The genres of this...
4 Pages 1775 Words

The Problem of Value in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida

The world of Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida does not distinguish decidedly between the Greeks and the Trojans. Though the Greek camp is a makeshift assembly of tents pitched on the shores of Troy, and the Trojan society is the courtly palace of Priam and his sons, both societies value the same ideas and objects: honor in men, and beauty and faithfulness in women, as revealed haphazardly through appearances and acts. The inadequacy of such measures of worth, their failure to...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Virtue Ethics in Philosophy

The ethics of virtue is a normative moral theory, one of the essential aims of which is to help people to make good decisions. Human beings are worthy of moral consideration. This is controversial rhetoric since theorists and ethicists who are in support of this claim believe that it’s only humans that can be wronged. Philosophers and ethicists give reasons that humans are worthy of moral consideration because they recognize that they can be morally wronged. There are some specific...
4 Pages 1822 Words

An Ethical Matter of Dr. Ralph Potter's Potter Box

In almost every decision we make there is an ethical choice that come along with it, some more pronounced than others, and still, some more demanding than others. Some choices are clearly the “wrong” one, for instance to kill someone or not to, but others are not as clear cut. The potter box, developed by Dr. Ralph Potter, is designed to help evaluate which choice is the ethical one is these murky situations (Apple, 1). The potter box is composed...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Therapeutic Interventions for Children who Have Experienced Trauma Through Abuse and Neglect

This review will focus on the therapeutic interventions for children who have experienced traumatic experience of abuse and neglect. Furthermore, it will explore the link between the effective interventions and the projects in Peopleknowhow People Know How’s(PKH) provided for the childrenPositive Transitions Service supporting children and young people. Child maltreatment is a vital public health concern. Abuse and neglect include physical, emotional sexual abuse, as well as physical, emotional neglect such a Child maltreatment including all types of abuse and...
4 Pages 1827 Words

WhatsApp Vs Telegram: Comparative Analysis

WhatsApp and Telegram are two highly coveted and extremely popular cross-platform messaging apps that have been designed with the sole intention of facilitating quick and easy communication between its users, whilst promising to respect their privacy; a desirable and necessary trait in this day and age. Whilst WhatsApp and Telegram may at first appear similar, there are some important differences between the platforms that are worth knowing about. Apart from the obvious point that WhatsApp has a far greater number...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Marketing Strategy in Automotive Industry: Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai

About the industry The automobile industry has developed substantially over the previous decade. Computerized innovation, change in client notion and financial well-being have assumed a fundamental role in this advancement. OEMs and other key industry players are observing this development and investing vigorously in non-commercial strategic approaches of assembling vehicles. Substitute income sources are quickly assuming control over the market. Transport organizations, for example, Uber have grown exponentially in the course of the most recent couple of years and established...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Reflection on How Taboo Themes Are Presented in Japanese Erotic Art

Shunga (春画) is a genre of Japanese erotica art, often in the form of woodblock prints or illustrations, and directly translates as 'pictures of spring' - a euphemism for sex. Shunga reached its peak, of both popularity and accessibility during the Edo period, between 1603 and 1867, due to the wood block printing techniques that allowed a mass production style of distribution. In this essay I will be focusing on this period for my analysis due to the abundance of...
4 Pages 1754 Words

Pop Art Influence on Graphic Design

Pop art was an art movement that originated in post-war Britain and by the 1960s where it was popularized in the United States was incredibly influential in shifting modern art. Pop artists generally worked with the techniques and imagery of pop culture, amalgamating everyday objects like comic strips, supermarket products, billboards, magazine advertisements and images of celebrities into their work. Some of the most established and significant artists include Richard Hamilton, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Rauschenberg. In this...
4 Pages 1793 Words

The Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage: An Essay

Introduction to Minimum Wage History and Current Challenges In 1938 during the Great Depression, President Roosevelt established The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which introduced the federal minimum wage to the United States. It was introduced as a way to stabilize the post-depression economy and as a way to protect workers in the labor force by establishing a certain amount of pay. In the beginning, the minimum wage was $0.25 per hour and has been raised twenty-two times since....
4 Pages 1795 Words

The Essence of ‘Thinking Sociologically’

“The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society” - C. Wright Mills, ‘The Sociological Imagination’. C. Wright Mills defined the sociological imagination as “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”. When he published his book in 1959, his attempt was to connect these two seemingly unrelated and abstract concepts of life- the ‘individual’ and the ‘society’. For most people, their ‘universe’ is made up...
4 Pages 1758 Words

Service Positioning of Amazon and Flipkart: Comparative Analysis

Service positioning is a unique identity of a service in competitive market. Positioning is concerned with the identification, development and communication of a differentiated advantage which makes the organization’s products and service perceived as superior and distinctive to those of its competitors in the mind of its target customers. Positioning a service is difficult as compared to products based on its key characteristic: intangibility; degree of variability or heterogeneity of quality; inseparability. Service positioning involves following steps: 1) determining the...
4 Pages 1753 Words
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