1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Between the World and Me and Hillbilly Elegy: Comparative Essay

In both Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me and J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy contain an underlying theme of feeling as if both J.D. Vance nor Ta-Nehisi Coates do not belong in the place they were raised. However, one is more mental the other is more physical. In both books, Mr. Vance and Mr. Coates do eventually come to terms with their fear, and both face the thing that caused them to fear. The main differences and similarities are the...
4 Pages 1785 Words

The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas And Good Old Neon: Comparative Analysis

Everyone is aware that reading is an essential tool in emerging a successful life. Reading allows a person to take on new ideas and sharpen their intellect. Unfortunately, many people are too consumed with reading nonfiction books to the point that fiction books are forgotten. While nonfiction books help a person improve their lifestyle, fiction is still a gold mine that is not tapped into as often. The limits of storytelling are explored in, “The Ones Who Walk Away from...
4 Pages 1765 Words

Concussion Or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Literature Review

Introduction Concussions or mild traumatic brain injury has gain more attention in the past 10 years. The center of disease control describes a concussion as a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the...
4 Pages 1815 Words

A Lesson Before Dying And The Second Sex: Addressing Race and Gender Inequality

In the American Novel, A Lesson Before Dying, Ernest J. Gaines confronts the societal contribution of racism and discrimination in the lives of African Americans, specifically in regards to young Jefferson, who is convicted of a crime he did not commit. However, protagonist Grant Wigins, in light of all of the injustice, helps Jefferson become an example of positive change in the African American community, denying the habitual cruelty of the past. Jefferson is a simple-minded, black, young adult who...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Delusional Disorder: Types, Causes, Features And Treatment

Delusional disorder antecedently referred to as paranoid disorder, maybe a style of serious mental state and customarily rare mental state during which the patient presents delusions, however with no concomitant distinguished hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or vital flattening of having an effect on. Delusions may be 'bizarre' or 'non-bizarre', for a “non-bizarre” example having to try and do with things that might happen in the real world, like being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against or favoured from a distance....
4 Pages 1837 Words

Jamaica Kincaid: Breaking The Confinements Within One-Self

Constraints can limit oneself from reaching their highest potential, taking away someone’s identity and confining them to be seen in a specific manner. In the novel, Lucy written by Jamaica Kincaid the main character Lucy defies the restrictions of intersectional multiple oppressions and uses her writing as a sense of regaining herself. Lucy resists the constraints of gender, race, colonialism, and as an immigrant woman and through writings of her own and other artistic pursuits she gains a sense of...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Social Stratification in Caribbean Social Structure

“To what extent do you agree with the view that class rather than race/ethnicity or gender provides the best explanation for the system of social stratification in the modern Caribbean. “ Social stratification is a phrase well known by the world and in retrospect the entire Caribbean region. We may not know the exact definition of this phrase but we know the context in which it is utilized as its presence continues to form the basis of what we know...
4 Pages 1839 Words

Analysis of Europe after the Rain II and Travelling Woman

Analysis of Europe after the Rain II and Travelling Woman At the turn of the twentieth century, artists began experimenting with different mediums of art attempting to represent the world they lived in through abstract presentations. This was exemplified in many different social and political movements which spanned across the world. Many of the movements were centered in Europe. Two such artworks which exemplified avant-garde movements are Lyubov Popova’s Travelling Woman and Max Ernst’s Europe after the Rain II. These...
4 Pages 1777 Words

Cases And Causes Of Mass Hysteria In American History

History has shown that it is human nature, when an emotional and inexplicable situation arises, for people to fall prey to suspicion and fear. During these times, unscrupulous individuals can play upon a wide-spread panic, using this fear to their advantage. History is filled with many examples of this, one of the most powerful being the vengeance behind the hysteria of the Salem witch trials in The Crucibles by Arthur Miller which caused the inevitable deaths of 19-20 innocent victims,...
4 Pages 1780 Words

Ethnocentrism Versus Cultural Relativism: Comparative Essay

Both ethnocentrism and cultural relativism contradict one another due to having their own set of beliefs and , therefore, they share no common ground. Both types of culture are different from one another and have different strengths and weaknesses. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at other cultures and judge it by the standard of one’s very own culture. Basically, it’s the idea that one’s culture is the main standard that other cultures should be measured by. This type of...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Original Meaning Of A Romance In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

Romances are now commonly seen as simply love stories, but the original meaning of a romance is the story of a near perfect hero who goes on a quest. Even though all romances contain the of the same elements, often they differ completely by the way the author writes the story. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade show many romantic similarities that include: an evil enemy, supernatural elements, near perfect heroes, and female...
4 Pages 1845 Words

Gang Violence: The Issue Of The Violent Nature Of Crime In South Africa

South Africa is unceasingly making headline news being affected by crime and violence. The country has been afflicted by this problem for centuries and seems to be forever troubled with such indignations. Unfortunately, this issue is a deep-rooted one, and goes way back as far as the period of colonialism. The history of violence and its roots are therefore a very sensitive and contentious subject. This paper will therefore look at violence in South Africa by first doing a brief...
4 Pages 1760 Words

Feminist And Psychoanalytical Critical Approach To King Lear

This essay aims to take a look into the play ‘King Lear’ authored by William Shakespeare, using both the feminist and psychoanalytical critical approach. Like most of Shakespeare’s tragedies, King Lear can be identified on various levels and from a diversity of critical perspectives, due to its complexity. The result of the play not having one particular meaning, it leaves the readers vulnerable to feel stunned by the intricacies of the storyline. The typical conflict of good vs. evil is...
4 Pages 1795 Words

Heroin: General Characteristics And Problems Of Addiction

For a long time, the likelihood of non-reliant and controlled heroin use has been generally disregarded. There can be types of dependant heroin utilize that bring few of the issues typically connected with the drug. The exceptionally politicized nature of drug strategy implies that, in their clear explanations, government officials and their guides in general pressure that all types of unlawful drug use are problematic. Given the media treatment of heroin and open worries about drug use, it is not...
4 Pages 1849 Words

Sexual Orientation: Gender Identity And Gender Studies

In today’s world, gender has been an overlooked topic in society. But what some may not be aware of that there are more than just your basic male (boy) and female (girl) gender. Hence, to point out clearly, there are many different genders that people in the world use to identify themselves. Our generation needs to understand and know the variety of genders that are out there, as it is important for what they want to be known and referred...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Gender, Class And Race Intersection In The Namibian Society

Gender identity is known to originate from experiences that happened in our lives and these type of experiences do not only differ based on gender but also by race and class factors. Stereotypes are formed under narrow structures of these different identities which creates a system of social control. Gender, class and race mechanisms are intertwined in these societies. In the race and class system there is a superior group and the inferior group and in the gender system women...
4 Pages 1755 Words

Paradigm Shift In Opioids: Heroin

History of the opioid crisis: There is a long history of opioid dependencies, dating back to 1806 when German chemist Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner isolated a substance from opium. This was later named “morphine” after the god of dreams, Morpheus. Morphine soon became a regular treatment for doctors in the United States when treating pain, anxiety and respiratory problems. Frequently used as an aid for consumption and female ailments, Morphine became a common painkiller during the Civil War. However, many...
4 Pages 1816 Words

Medea Analysis: Synopsis, Themes And Character Analysis

Medea Analysis Write a 500-word Synopsis of the play Medea (10 marks) Euripedes’ play opens in Conrith with Medea in a state of conflict. Not only does her husband Jason marry another woman (Glauke, daughter of Creon the King of Corinth) but on top of this, Creon banishes Medea and her children from the city. In the play’s opening, the nurse summarises events that took place before the play began. After a long series of trials and journeys, ultimately forcing...
4 Pages 1829 Words

Attachment Theory: Secure and Insecure Attachments In Children And Adults

“Secure attachment was once viewed as important for infant development. More recently, it has been deemed the most important ingredient for successful relationship formation, strong self-identity & confidence to function and achieve in our lifetime.” Introduction A child's experience in their early formative years largely influences their later development. The influence largely accounts for the development of their cognitive skills, emotional stability, personality, and social skills. According to Bawdy (1977), attachment is the emotional bond that individual forms towards another...
4 Pages 1777 Words

Worldwide Problem of Child Labor: Critical Analysis

The project is about a very questionable issue child labor. This report talks about worldwide problem of child labor and how different countries are exploiting children by making children work for longer hours and gaining benefits out of it. Child labor is a multi-dimensional issue. There are four main sections in this report the first and foremost section talks about the detailed introduction of the dilemma and the report itself. The next section is based on the facts and figures...
4 Pages 1805 Words

Communication and Collaboration Development: Applications and Limitation

Introduction Gravitational waves (GWs) travel at the speed of light and are caused by a disturbance in spacetime by an accelerated mass.[footnoteRef:2] The idea of these waves was first suggested by French theoretical physicist Henri Poincare in 1905, and later predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916.[footnoteRef:3] For many years the existence of these waves was unproven. The evidence for the gravitational wave theory was finally proven to be true in 2015 by a laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory (LIGO).[footnoteRef:4] Many different...
4 Pages 1770 Words

Importance of Critical Reflection in Social Work

Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. In Gardner’s Being Critically Reflective: Engaging in Holistic Practice she writes a section called ‘Theoretical Underpinnings’ which talks about the four theories that both Jan Fook and she ‘use the primary underpinning blocks for critical reflection (Fook and Gardner, 2007). Gardner (2014) also mentions that psychodynamic and narrative approaches are also...
4 Pages 1824 Words

Population Growth Needs To Be Part Of The National Economic Conversation: Investigation Report

A report discussing the potential risk towards the nation’s economic well-being, through the influence of population growth. Whilst considering the effects upon the following factors on the upcoming federal election, immigration, education, The Australian budget, living standards and wages. Bibliography/Reference https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-14/population-growth-and-economic-growth-intertwined/10615352 “Population growth should be part of the economic conversation” https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-24/verrender-immigration-and-the-economic-illusion/846542 “Immigrants advance Australian economy, but what happens if we 'close the door?” https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/FlagPost/2019/April/Population_Policy_and_the_Budget http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/81820/1/Is%20population%20growth%20good%20or%20bad%20for%20economic%20development_%20-%20IGC%20Blog.pdf https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2158244017736094 http://www.economicsdiscussion.net/economic-development/population-growth-and-economic-development-2/26308 The discussion surrounding population growth and whether it should be part of the...
4 Pages 1809 Words

Correlation Between 9-11 And Hate Crime

Introduction: It is undeniable that the September 11 (9-11) attacks were an extremely significant event. Specifically, 9-11 refers to the attacks on September 11 where al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked airliners and flew them into the World Trade Centre and Pentagon (Manar 2014). However, the significance 9-11 had and continues to have across a multitude of areas in not abundantly clear. Thus, what is the significance of 9-11? This paper will seek to explain what said significance is, exploring a number of...
4 Pages 1847 Words

Growth Mindset and PERMA: Brain and Learning Essay

Part A: A growth mindset is the ability to look for strengths even after the biggest failures. For example, a subject perhaps maths at school is known to be a challenging aspect for students to cope up with. Growth mindset is the capacity of not giving up even after one is criticising and/or facing tough challenges yet continually learning from that. However, there is no such thing as one growth mindset, kids and adults can have a different growth mindset...
4 Pages 1823 Words

Therapeutic Role Of The Modern Day Chinese Herbal Medicine

Du Huo is a Chinese herbal medicine that is normally used in treatment of cold and dampness. It is a Chinese herbal medicine that is mainly found in various parts of China including Sichuan, Hubei and Anhui provinces (Zhou & Milne, 2003). The origin of this Chinese herbal medicine is the roots of herbaceous plant known as “Angelica Pubescens Maxim.f.biserrata Shan et Yuan”; which is a popular herbaceous plant that is found in the family of Umbelliferae (Sacred Lotus, 2018)....
4 Pages 1775 Words

Organizational Behavior And Management

Introduction: Bush, Bell and Middlewood (2019) observed that leadership is one of the most significant aspects of leading the staffs towards proper direction and thus generates positive behavior among them. Leading the staffs towards proper direction is one of the major aspects of improving organizational productivity. As discussed by Stegen et al. (2018, p. 49) in the context of healthcare organization, effective leadership is an important factor in providing high quality of service to the patients. Present paper would put...
4 Pages 1823 Words

Stakeholder Analysis Report: Facebook

Executive summary- Facebook is a global technology company that is a well-known provider of online social media platforms. The company is US based and Mark Zuckerberg is the key management personnel. Facebook has been a huge success in online social media and is immensely popular with billions of users globally however in the recent past the company has been facing certain challenges especially with regards to improper use of user data etc. The report aims to study the stakeholders of...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Animal Abuse: Cruelty of Animal Testing

It is stated that more than 100 million animals die each year in experimentation. Only a small percentage of them are going to survive. The issue of animal testing has brought a lot of controversies around the world. Is animal testing for non-essential medication morally wrong? There are many aspects to the problem. There are both people in favor of and against animal testing. In my opinion, any kind of animal abuse is morally wrong. First and foremost, we should...
4 Pages 1832 Words

The Prevalence Of Breast Cancer In Minnesota And Cottonwood County: Insurance Coverage, The Required Healthcare, And The Cost Of Treatment

Introduction High treatment costs, strenuous treatment plans, and emotional stress on the patient and on her family are the burdens women with breast cancer have to handle. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women in the US with 245,299 new cases and 41,487 deaths as a result in 2016 with higher rates present in both cottonwood county and in Minnesota (USCS, n.d.). This paper will evaluate the prevalence of breast cancer in Minnesota and Cottonwood county. It will...
4 Pages 1784 Words
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