1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Health Benefits Of Music Therapy For Child

Hans Christian Andersen said “When words fail, music speaks”. Our world is full of choices. Parents world-wide are bombarded with these choices to help their child in the best way they can with the current information available, but despite our efforts the National Center for PTSD still reports about seven or eight out of every 100 people will likely have an encounter with Post-Traumatic-Stress at some point in their lives. (“Post-Traumatic”) While many seek out psychotherapy if symptoms persist long...
4 Pages 1801 Words

Society And The State Theme In Gulliver's Travels

The way a society runs heavily influences the thoughts and actions of the people who live there and will teach immigrants the differences between cultures. In Gulliver’s Travels, there are vast differences in the societies Gulliver visits, from the varied physical appearances of the inhabitants, to their laws and values. During his time abroad, Gulliver sees just how different societies are that he encounters and how they contrast with his homeland in England. In Gulliver’s Travels, the theme of each...
4 Pages 1816 Words

Motherhood As One Of The Gender Inequality Roles In The USA

Gender equality is an opportunity for all Americans to grow. Equality is a fundamental human right that needs to be achieved in order for society to reach its full potential. A crucial feature in reaching gender equality is women’s empowerment. This includes women having autonomy, freedom, opportunities, power, and self-worth. Despite the rise in women’s rights throughout history, women were restricted to gender roles that society deemed appropriate for them. There were only two careers that were viewed to be...
4 Pages 1808 Words

White Collar Crime In Education Sector

Background The concept “white-collar crime” was introduced in late 1930s, when sociologists thought that crime is associated with poverty and only poor urban commits the crimes. That was the time when Edwin H. Sutherland (1930), an American sociologist comes with theory of crime. According to him criminal acts are not associated with the poverty, but the people of upper elite class commit more harmful acts due to their social respectability and gain more benefits for their social & business purposes....
4 Pages 1833 Words

Is Building Positive Organizational Culture Manipulative?

Introduction In todays society it is difficult to find a business you truly want to work with. There are so many businesses competing for employees and clients. Each business has to constantly promote and market themselves as a company that people want. They have to prove their value to consumers and eligible employees. For future employees and consumers, they need to do excessive research on each company to find out if their reputation is positive. If a company has a...
4 Pages 1803 Words

Representation Of Women In The Colour Purple And Native Son

Introduction This study is about representation of women in the African American Literature as written in Native son and The Colour purple. African-American literature has undergone a revolutionary change from Phillies Wheatley, the first African-American poet to publish her works, to Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Walter Mosley, Alice Walker, Gloria Naylor, and Paule Marshall, the contemporary top Black writers. Phillies Wheatley, who was sold as a slave child to America, “the child was a victim of the largest involuntary human...
4 Pages 1814 Words

Identity Establishment In The Novel Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

Within the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie Crawford, the main protagonist, takes herself through a journey to establish her identity and find herself. The journey that Janie is on is moreso a means for her to find herself, which expertly articulates feminism in a period that does not listen to the voices of women. Zora Hurston, The author, parallels both Janie’s pathway in life along with her desire to have self fulfillment and control....
4 Pages 1844 Words

Child Abuse And Its Effects On Society

Introduction Being a survivor of child abuse I know it’s a problem, it’s affected my in so many ways, I am still suffering from it today. However, I am curious to know how child abuse effect society. One of the reasons I am so interested in this topic is because I am going into Criminal Psychology, and a huge part of that job if examining and determining why a criminal does what they do. Ted Bundy is one of America's...
4 Pages 1811 Words

What Is Documentary?

Documentary photography is a style of photography that is about capturing the decisive moment, some people treat it as a synonym for photojournalism. It gives us a clear and precise portrayal of individuals, events, and items, and is regularly utilised in real life reportage „Documentary relies on the construction of an image in the representation of reality” - David Bate. There is often a story behind the documentary photography which is to affect social change. This type of photography shows...
4 Pages 1791 Words

Principles Of Social Justice By David Miller And John Rawls In The UK

Introduction In general, Social justice is defined as the reasonable and just distribution of, resources, power and responsibilities in society to all people, irrespective of ethnicity or race, age, ability status, gender, and religious context (Van den Bos, 2003). When talking about youth social justice is very important. According to research social justice in the young population effects are damaging. Family dysfunction and Poverty serve as risk factors for a number of hindrances in youth, comprising emotional, mental and behavioral...
4 Pages 1750 Words

The Causes Of Conflict And Its Resolution In Healthcare

As nurses, it is paramount that we learn how to deal with conflicts on a daily basis. These conflicts can range from patient care, to being a strong patient advocate. Some conflicts are easily corrected and others take more time and energy away from what should be focused on the patient. Many times these conflicts can take away from patient care, and can ultimately cause harm or some type of neglect to the patient. When a conflict arises we as...
4 Pages 1751 Words

The Benefits Of Instagram Outweigh The Harms

The ongoing debate over whether Instagram provides more benefits than harms is a controversial topic that is important to our society due to the public’s excessive use and over-reliance on social media. One of the most popular Social Networking Sites (SNS) named Instagram was first released in October of 2010, featuring an innovative approach that focuses on visual content, unlike other SNS like Facebook or Twitter which focuses on the textual content (Lee et al. 2). Instagram is a photo...
4 Pages 1784 Words

Revenge And Mortality In The Cask Of Amontillado

Introduction to Revenge and Mortality Edgar Allan Poe is most known for his short stories containing the same gothic themes. In most of Poe’s stories all the characters sound alike but in The Cask of Amontillado Montresor is different and has his own voice (Morsberger 336). In the act of committing a crime, it is for certain the criminal will do anything to justify what they have done whether they are right or wrong. The Cask of Amontillado is the...
4 Pages 1803 Words

Affirmative Action: For And Against

Introduction to the Controversy of Affirmative Action Today, it would be racists who use the tags “minority” and “intellectually impaired” together. However, it is that precise attitude that is promoted by the defenders of affirmative action, a system that is firmly entrenched in the mindset that minorities would be unable to succeed on a level playing field. Based on historical precedence, the legal basis for affirmative action is not well supported. It attempts to protect equality and promote diversity, but...
4 Pages 1822 Words

The Idea Of Hate Speech Prohibition Laws In Light Of International Human Rights

“If you’re really in favour of free speech, then you’re in favour of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favour of free speech.’ – Noam Chomsky Chomsky’s quote begs the question of what exactly is ‘free speech’ and what exactly is ‘freedom of speech’. While they have been used interchangeably in conversation, casually and even in and by those more free-thinking about any perceived difference between the two statements, my initial thoughts were,...
4 Pages 1831 Words

The Definition And Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

'Children with autism are colorful - they are often very beautiful and, like the rainbow, they stand out.' (Devine, 2014). In life there are sunny days as well as blustery days, which in some cases can be a great or terrible day. Meeting and knowing an individual that has autism spectrum disorder is an experience for those who do not have autism, to learn that not all people are the same. People with autism are blessings to those who nurtured,...
4 Pages 1755 Words

Steve Jobs' Life And Leadership Qualities

“Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, 24th February 1955, and put up for adoption.” (https://howlingpixel.com/i-en/NeXT) “As an infant, Jobs was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant, and Paul was a Coast Guard veteran and machinist.” (https://www.biography.com/business-figure/steve-jobs) “Jobs is an American business industrialist, entrepreneur, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He attended Reed College in 1972 before dropping out that same year and traveled to India in 1974,...
4 Pages 1841 Words

Technical Skills For Forensic Science

It is recorded in history that the first police laboratory to open in the United Kingdom was the Metropolitan Police Laboratory that opened in 1935 at Hendon, Barnet. This laboratory only had a small number of personnel working there at six, a possible reasoning for this would be that Forensic Science was a new area of advanced science which had not been discovered back in that time era. The Home Office opened several laboratories across England and Wales under the...
4 Pages 1762 Words

The Reasons And Circumstances Of Bosnian Genocide

Well, genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. There are many genocides that happen throughout history. The one genocide that seems interesting is the Bosnian Genocide. The Bosnian Genocide happens from 1992 to 1995. The location of this genocide is in the Balkans area in Europe. Many survivors have stories to tell us about what happened in the genocide. Lots of Bosnian citizens were identified as either...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Substance Abuse In Ireland And Portugal: Reasons And Solutions

Introduction The sustainable development goals (SDGs) 3.5 “Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol”, targets prevention and treatment of substance abuse worldwide. The overall aim of the SDGs is to achieve a better more sustainable future for all and reducing the rate of substance abuse is a major factor for achieving this. Worldwide substance abuse is a major problem, it was estimated in 2016 that globally 164 million people had...
4 Pages 1761 Words

Instagram’s Negative Effects On Teens

Introduction to Instagram's Impact on Teens Nowadays everyone uses instagram. Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service. It’s one of the most popular social media sites. People use it for entertainment and to post pictures of themselves and their lives. They also use it to see what their family and friends and their favorite celebrities post. There is a downside to it and it’s that it affects most teens in a negative way. Social media plays a role...
4 Pages 1771 Words

Gender Norms As A Consequence Of Social Norms

Social norms can be defined as “the informal rules that govern behaviour in groups and societies” (Bicchieri et al, 2018). Individual interactions result into social norms; therefore, they vary across cultures. Although some scholars disagree, some norms are thought to exist for a purpose, and this might be the reason why they persist (Hechter and Opp, 2001). However, there are many others that are inefficient and often have a negative impact or fade away. This can be observed on gender...
4 Pages 1811 Words

Effects Of Attachment Theory On Children's Relationship Development

The idea of Attachment Theory is that ​as an infant we form these attachments with our caregivers that will later affect how the child behaviorally and emotionally develops into adulthood. These attachments the child makes with their caregiver from the very beginning can affect their relationships in the future; this concept lately has become a big debate on whether or not these attachments you form as an infant really do determine the kind of relationships you'll have in the future....
4 Pages 1765 Words

Experience Of Service Learning At Mecklenburg County Park

Whenever I thought of service-learning, I would usually only connect it to just volunteering. Going out into the community to lend a hand, and help out with no expectation for financial gain whatsoever. Hearing about the service-learning requirement for this biology class, I thought I just had to go out and just get hours for cleaning up somewhere with an organization. However, upon reading the rubric for this project I came to gain a better understanding of what was required...
4 Pages 1766 Words

The Importance Of Inclusion For People With Intellectual Disabilities

Introduction Miller and Katz (2002) defined inclusion as: “.. a sense of belonging: feeling respected, valued for who you are; feeling a level of supportive energy and commitment from others so that you can do your best.” It is about respecting each individual/person, giving them equal access to services and supports and removing discrimination and other barriers in order for a person to reach their full potential.. Inclusion of people with disabilities into day to day activities includes practices and...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Ethics Of Security And Surveillance Technologies

With the innovative ways of technology, the dynamics of the current environment, the need to fight terrorism, national security, and privacy concerns in respect to rights and justification, the gravity and nature of electronic and Internet surveillance have increased in recent times, which has sparked debates on ethics and surveillance. This issue has been at the forefront due to the vigorous use of modern technology in surveillance and the complexity that surrounds it. As we accept how technology has and...
4 Pages 1843 Words

The Nutrition Diet And The Lifestyle As Main Factors On Human Health

Introduction: This century is a century of medical improvement. all over the world, understanding of the pathology of many diseases has extremely increased, as a result, more effective treatments have been developed. It was a sight near the end of the twentieth century that was at the end, we can develop a drug for any disease in order to completely eliminate the disease from the population. However, this generation began to realize that a drug might not be what we...
4 Pages 1784 Words

Dyslexia: Causes, Symptoms, Aspects And Overcoming

Affecting between 5 to 10 percent of people, dyslexia is a common condition characterized by a learning disability in reading (Team, 2019). Those who are dyslexic often have trouble reading at a stable pace and they have a hard time reading without stumbling over words and making mistakes (Team, 2019). In addition, they struggle also with comprehension, writing, spelling and even math (Team, 2019). But beyond just the clinical definition, dyslexia has a deeper effect on the people who have...
4 Pages 1822 Words

Interpreter Of Maladies By Jhumpa Lahiri: A Novel Of Diaspora And Cross-Cultural Identity

As Lahiri points out of her status as a racial discrimination of other creates ambiguity about her individuality. The stories has given of the readers, that the subtle way in which the fictionist probes into the various maladies and that disrupt relationships between the protagonists living in exile. They cope with the life in new world, and their emotional turmoil continues had to been the focus of Lahiri’s involvement. Being an immigrant of herself, Lahiri used to made her soul...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Logistics And Supply Chain Management: Advantages And Benefits

Logistics Logistic initiates the overall process of managing how the resources are obtained, stored and transported towards their final destination. Logistic management involves various aspects in which they identify the various perspectives of their distributors and suppliers and moreover determining their effective and accessibility. The term logistic was initially used by the military and it is referred to as the military personnel obtained, stored, and moved their equipment and supplies. Nowadays the terms are used in every business sector, particularly...
4 Pages 1771 Words
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