1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Up from Slavery': Book Report

“Up from Slavery” is an abundant autobiography of Booker T. Washington. This paperback tells us about the energy story of Booker T. Washington who lived in Malden West Virginia after the Civil War. He was instinctive into slavery, and he necessitate to consciously operate tough to induce an education. He recalls his childhood as a slave with a plight of tougher and struggles that his family had to suffer. He look after working on the agricultural estate cleaning and cooking...
4 Pages 1821 Words

The Namesake': Literary Criticism

Nilanjana Sudeshna “Jhumpa” Lahiri born on July 11, 1967, is a contemporary Indian American author based in New York City. She is best known for her short stories, novels, and essays in English, and, more recently in Italian. She has been a Vice President of the PEN American Center since 2005. She contributed a lot to the Diasporic writings and Commonwealth Literature. Jhumpa Lahiri is one of the finest among the other fictionists. Lahiri’s work focuses on the Indian-immigrant experience...
4 Pages 1809 Words

Essay about the United Nations at the End of the 20th Century

The United Nations came into existence as a result of the worst war known to man, World War II. Around 85 million people died during the course of World War II. That is nearly 3% of the 1940 world population. The creation of the United Nations was an American-led effort to replace the failed League of Nations. Even the name, ‘United Nations’, was first suggested by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister,...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Essay about the Role of Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium and vitamin D are very important micronutrients for the body. Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth, while vitamin D helps in proper absorption of calcium in the body. They both work together to protect our bones and teeth. So, it is very important to take the proper amounts of calcium and vitamin D in the diet. The recommended amount of calcium intake is 1000 mg per day for women aged 50 and younger, and 1200 mg per...
4 Pages 1764 Words

Representation of Black Women on Reality Television

Reality television beginning in the 50’s was an amusement to the American TV culture, that used hidden cameras to capture normal people's reactions and everyday behaviors. Today’s television has dating views, ways into the music industry and even shows testing one’s survival skills. Reality television has become one of the biggest nominators in the entertainment industry, reasonings being its appealing presentation of real people and they are lifestyles. It has taken the turn of the century showing measures of falsity...
4 Pages 1754 Words

Exploring the Depths of 'The Matrix'

Have you ever had a dream that you were absolutely certain it was real? Envision that you weren't able to awaken. How would you know the difference between the dream and reality? This is the underlying theme to one of the most sought out transmedia executions the world has ever seen. ​The multitude of ways we communicate in today’s society allows for an alternate depiction in the ways stories are now told. The array electronics, platforms, and the Internet gives...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Criticism of Social Misogyny in Georges Bizet's Opera 'Carmen'

Introduction to Bizet's 'Carmen' and Its Social Context Adhering to the nature of opéra-comique, an exotic location, tragedy and depiction of the working class, Georges Bizet put a twist on this customary style of opera and created ‘Carmen’. The opera, set in Seville about the year 1830, is about Don José. He is enticed away from his duty as a soldier and his beloved Micaëla by the gypsy factory-girl Carmen he lets out of custody. Later, he is persuaded to...
4 Pages 1774 Words

Critical Assessment of the Merits of Marxism

Marxism is the political and economic theories put forward by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis of communism. It is of interest to me given the stigma attached to it, largely due to past regimes claiming to be Marxist but not accurately reflecting its core principles. For the purposes of this essay, I will be treating Marxism in its classical form, encompassing the works of Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, and...
4 Pages 1839 Words

19th Century Slavery in American Literature

Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries people were kidnapped from the continent of Africa, forced into slavery in the American colonies and exploited to work as indentured servants and labor in the production of crops such as tobacco and cotton. Slavery in America ended with the Civil War, but the long struggle to end slavery actually consumed much of the first half of the 19th century. The genre known as slave narratives in the 19th century were accounts by people...
4 Pages 1808 Words

Analysis of ‘Wall-E’ and Its Main Themes

Introduction: 'Wall-E' as a Cautionary Tale ‘Wall-E’ is considered as a cautionary tale about the Earth, highlighting how the rampant consumerism and neglect have turned the Earth into a garbage-strewn wasteland. The film highlights the problem of human consumerism, which is based on an unsustainable relation between the economics of production, consumption, and waste management. The film eliminates the presence of humans to allow for the independent dissemination of the subject. Humanity is depicted as having been evacuated by the...
4 Pages 1774 Words

What Is Geography: Essay

Geography was a slow discipline to emerge, and ‘until the early 1960s, ‘change in British geography was slow and slight’ (R. Johnston: 2006). It lacked imagination as well as promotion, however, took a turn in the 1950s when regional geography dominated. This included ‘identifying, describing, and to some extent accounting for (if not ‘explaining’) areal differentiation or the varying characteristics of the earth’s surface as the ‘home of man’ (R. Johnston: 2006). The 1970s saw the emergence of ‘new geography,...
4 Pages 1756 Words

What Does Being Hispanic Mean to You: Opinion Essay

Ethnography tells about culture and the members that comprise this culture. A definition in the scientific description of the customs and individual people of a culture. The progress of doing this assignment allowed me to explore another aspect of a culture group different from my own. For this assignment, I chose to interview my mother in laws friend named Rosio. I was aware of her Hispanic culture when I first met her just based on her first name and the...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Trade as the First Direct and Sustained Link between the Americas and Asia: Essay

The Pacific route has existed since Andres de Urdaneta's discovery of Tornaviaje in 1565, connecting Manila to Acapulco on a regular basis until 1815. In exchange for silver from the mines of Zacatecas and Potosi, Asian goods such as silk, porcelain, ivory, and spices were brought to Acapulco. Many of these merchandise was then transported to Veracruz through Mexico City, where it was loaded onto the West Indies Fleet. After a stop in Havana, the ships sailed to Seville bringing...
4 Pages 1810 Words

The Wizard of Oz’: Critical Analysis Essay

When I was four years old I decided to go as the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz for Halloween. I wobbled around my room spinning and leaping, pretending my legs were made of straw. I convinced my babysitter to teach me and my brothers how to do the iconic foursome skip from the film. As we ran outside eager to collect buckets of candy from our neighborhood homes, we linked arms, stepped one foot in front of the other,...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Critical Analysis of ‘The Help’: Essay

The Help, written by Kathryn Stockett, is based on a true story and is an attempt to bring to light the issue of racism at this point in time. Targeting a primarily white audience, The Help was a box office hit that earned $216 million since its release as well as won many awards. However, this film created much controversy on whether or not it was successful in portraying the reality of racial injustice that occurred in the midst of...
4 Pages 1807 Words

Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘West Side Story’: Comparison Essay

Both Bernstein and Prokofiev share similarities in certain musical elements depicted in their unique compositional skills. Both these composers are of the 20th century, but as their history, purpose, and skills differed we see compositions of different qualities as well. Structure & Form: The structure and form of both Bernstein’s and Prokofiev’s compositions are similar in their utilization of leitmotifs. Bernstein incorporated leitmotifs for his main characters, Maria and The Jets in his ‘West Side Story. These leitmotifs are introduced...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Essay about Personal Conflict

According to Hocker & Wilmot conflict is an “expressed struggle” between at least two “interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals” (13). In what way or manner individuals react to and/ or handle conflict decides if conflict will limit success or bring about a better understanding of each other. In most conflict situations, people have a conflict with people they know, and there are many alternatives to solving conflict situations (Hocker...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Essay about Periodic Table

The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Introduction Periodic trends are plans that appear within the occasional table that lay out different viewpoints of a certain component, tallying its gauge and its electronic properties. Major occasional patterns incorporate electro-negativity, ionization imperativeness, electron enjoying, atomic clear, dissolving point, metallic character, and ionic clear. Intermittent patterns, developing from the course of activity of the irregular table, allow chemists with an invaluable gadget to quickly expect an element's properties. These designs exist since of...
4 Pages 1754 Words

Essay on Classical Era Trade Networks Compared to Ancient Era Networks

Greece has an extraordinarily rich tradition in the history of trade. The introduction of trade into Greek culture was one of the most defining points of Ancient Greek history. The need for trade came from the fact that all the resources that were needed in Greece were not always available hence the reliance on importing and exporting goods. Initially, trade had been done by swapping goods of a similar value and it was not until around 590BC that coins started...
4 Pages 1805 Words

Freedom Vs Security: Analytical Essay

The problem of reliance on something more powerful in order to achieve individual security. In this essay, I aim to outline Hobbes's account of the state of nature, as well as evaluate it as a theory to see how it has affected the current climate of modern politics and the benefits it has provided by giving us societal security and freedom. This essay will also show how Hobbes believes society`s state of nature can transition into a modern political state...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Essay on Teamwork in Healthcare

Introduction In a clinical setting, teamwork and compassion are paramount to ensure patient safety and quality of care are adequate. It is important that healthcare professionals (HCPs) work in teams and practice self-compassion to reduce compassion fatigue and burnout. Self-compassion means that HCPs will have better mental and physical health so that when they are caring for patients they can give them their full attention and provide the best care possible. If they are at risk of burnout, it becomes...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Pros and Cons of Vaccinations: Argumentative Essay

According to MedicineNet, vaccination is defined as “the injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease.” Vaccines also called immunizations work by invigorating the immune system, the biological disease-fighting method, and producing antibodies to destroy and immobilize the invading bacteria and viruses. Immunizations prepare the immune system to fight off disease. It is the twenty-first century and medicine is advancing further and further, even to the point where researchers and...
4 Pages 1848 Words

Cultural Assessment of the Movie 'The Help'

Introduction This paper is a cultural assessment of the movie “The help”. The setting of the movie is Jackson Mississippi in the 1960s. During this time, racial discrimination was very prevalent as well as the civil right movement. The cultural assessment will include a description of the movie family, family processes, values, socialization and child-rearing, healthcare beliefs, adaptation, and assessment of development or functional competency. It is important to realize that cultural assessment entails being open-minded to others and understanding...
4 Pages 1830 Words

Banking Concept of Education Essay

Introduction Freire`s banking concept is a brief about the relationship between teachers and students. As we all have been a student at some point in our life, but the difference between a scholar student and an average student is the teacher and the technique used by that particular teacher. The Banking Concept of Education states that knowledge is a gift earned by people who consider themselves knowledgeable. It also states that the old-school way of teachers teaching and students learning...
4 Pages 1832 Words

Argument Essay on Pro Death Penalty

The death penalty, also known as Capital Punishment is the most egregious and very controversial punishment, that’s why I chose to talk about it in my report. Capital punishment is only sentenced to crimes of the worst sort, such as murders, terrorists, and maybe rapists. Capital punishment has engendered ubiquitous arguments debating whether it's advantageous or erroneous whilst exploring both its morality and criminal behavior. The death penalty's primary aim is to reduce the number of heinous crimes. Some argue...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Thoughts on Why Animation in the 1960s Was Extremely Vibrant

‘Vibrant’ can be defined in a few different ways, one can describe vibrant as “pulsating with life, vigor, or activity” (Marriam Webster, 2021), whilst another’s definition of the word is an adjective of “sounds that are strong and resonating or colors that are bright and striking” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021). This essay will be focusing on the latter definition for the word. I will delve into the comparison of 1960s animation from animators such as Ryan Larkin, Norman McLaren and Walt...
4 Pages 1813 Words

Analysis of Teenagers’ Depression: Basic Knowledge, Possible Causes, Effects, and Treatments

“Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also harder to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say ‘My tooth is aching’, than to say ‘My heart is broken’” (C.S. Lewis, 1996). According to World Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of people from all ages suffering from depression is more than 300 million people and nearly 800 000 people commit suicide when being depressed every...
4 Pages 1761 Words

Essay on Teenagers and Social Media

Imagine having suicidal thoughts going through your head because you are not like other people. People tell you that you are not pretty or either you look at yourself and you don’t like what you see in the mirror. Imagine if your definition of pretty comes from what you see online on social media sites. All those thoughts cause teenagers to go through a deep depression and for some of them, it has led to suicidal thoughts or the act...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Reflections on Whether Globalization Is Diluting Musical Individuality of a Culture Using the Example of K-Pop

Just like society, music will experience evolution. Said evolution may manifest itself through factors such as the ability for the world to be globally connected. Through this inevitable evolution and connectivity, the loss of cultural meaning may be a consequential factor for some genres of music, however, this may not reign true for all genres. The possibility for redefinition or emphasis of cultural facets within music is still achievable. Pop music is generalized category which includes music that adheres to...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Reasons for K-Pop's Popularity: Analytical Essay

K-pop is a type of music originating in South Korea. Korea pop music is influenced by styles and genres from around the world. For example, jazz, hip-hop, country classical are all K-pop roots. K-pop idol culture began with the boy band H.O.T. in 1996. In 2003 TVXQ and BOA started a new generation of K-pop idols. Now as for development, not only in East Asia and Southeast Asia, but also in India, Latin America, North Africa, the Middle East and...
4 Pages 1796 Words
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