1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Gay Rights and Issues of Abortion: Analysis of Roe vs. Wade

The period 1967-2000 saw a seismic shift in the rights of women and gay people in America. However, the gains which were made were accompanied by the development of a conservative counter-movement which tried to minimise what progress there was. This essay will define ‘conservative’ as an ideological position opposed to advances in women’s and gay rights, in favour of traditional values which may have a religious foundation, such as in the case of the Moral Majority. The impact of...
4 Pages 1864 Words

Ethical Issues on YouTube: Discursive Essay

Was it ethical for Youtube to cancel Felix Kjellberg’s (Pewdiepie) original series and de-monetize certain videos on his channel following Anti-Semitic content posted on his channel in 2017? On one hand, it was ethical because Felix Kjellberg violated YouTube’s policies that are meant to protect advertisers from their ads appearing on offensive content. Also, Youtube responded to hate speech on its platform and made action to protect its community from offensive content. Lastly, it was ethical because Youtube did not...
4 Pages 1875 Words

Essay on The Lais Marie de France: Book Review

The concept of the hero has evolved and is represented differently throughout literature. In the stories of Beowulf, the Lais of Marie de France, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the idea of the hero is present. However, each of these influential stories depicts different aspects of heroism, showing a variety of traits that define the hero in a novel. Overall the common theme of the hero is that they are an individual that overcomes conflict with the intention...
4 Pages 1855 Words

Essay on Sports Development Initiatives for Girls and Boys

Big World Impact is an international charity that aims to create safe sustainable futures for the youth of the world. Their mission is to educate, empower and sustain. They also aim to keep the youth out of trouble and instead get them interested and involved in different sports and areas within sports. An example of their work would be the progress that they have made in Leigh Park since 2014. After just 3 months of delivering activities at Leigh Park,...
4 Pages 1933 Words

Essay on Socialization: Issues of Youth Culture

Sociology- socialization, and culture 1. Read the item below and answer the following questions. All social groups, whether small or large, have to find ways of ensuring their members follow norms and values. In society, different groups use social control to maintain order. Teachers, for example, use detention if students go against the norms and values of the school. Social control may also be achieved by using rewards. (a) With reference to the item and sociological knowledge, explain the meaning...
4 Pages 1929 Words

Essay on Need of Sex Education: Literature Review

Literature Review In our society nowadays, where teen pregnancies and sexual empowerment exist, there is a need for sex education to be brought about. There are too many people that would benefit greatly from those lessons and that would teach a nice and healthy lifestyle. But then the battle of what topics should be taught comes about if it is even being taught at all. The following review of the literature shows evidence on whether sex education is even being...
4 Pages 1864 Words

Essay on Legal Studies: Australian Law on Assisted Suicide

Introduction Australia is revealed to be ranked 41 in terms of suicide—1,320,000 people in total having committed suicide and with approximately 3,287 dying annually—out of 183 countries (Suicide Rate by Country 2020, August 2019). One method that has recently been observed and could potentially end one’s suffering and the rate of suicide is assisted dying, or well known as assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is medically defined as “the act of providing the means to commit suicide knowing that the recipient...
4 Pages 1890 Words

Essay on Girls Abuse: Female Genital Mutilation Cutting (FGMC) in Dodoma Region

Female genital mutilation cutting (FGMC) in Dodoma Region Research titles. Assessment of prevalence of female genital mutilation cutting in Dodoma Region. Assessment of factors influencing female genital mutilation cutting in Dodoma Region. Assessment of the impact of female genital mutilation cutting in the Dodoma Region. Title objectives. Assessment of the factors influencing female genital mutilation cutting in the Dodoma Region The broad objective of the study. To assess the factors that influence the female genital mutilation practice in the Dodoma...
4 Pages 1866 Words

Essay on Du Boi's Notion of ‘Double Consciousness’

Du Boi's notion of ‘Double Consciousness’ and why it was so transformative to social theory. Du Bois was an American sociologist, activist, and author. He was born in 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and graduated from Fisk University in Nashville and was also the first black American to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard. Until recently Du Bois’ contributions to sociology have been greatly overlooked especially his ideas revolving around the notion of ‘double consciousness. Du Bois’ ideas and concepts of...
4 Pages 1948 Words

Essay on Diseases of Digestive System

Scurvy(Deficiencies): Causes? Scurvy is a disease that happens when the person lack of vitamin C. It can happen at any age but it would be seen more present at an older age or with people who have mental disorders. The main cause of getting scurvy is that It usually occurs because the patient is not getting the right amount of vitamin C within their body. In addition, the patient may not be getting enough vitamin c in their diet. This...
4 Pages 1891 Words

Discursive Essay on Whether Torture Justified

Is Torture Justified when used for national security and the society's perspective on that matter? Statement of the Problem The thesis question is if torture is justified when used for national security and the views of society on if it is necessary. The problem of this topic stems from those who do know that if there is torture going through our government and those who are not aware of it. Currently, the ones who do know about it are those...
4 Pages 1915 Words

Development of Vision in an Infants Eye in the First 12 Months: Descriptive Essay

Vision is the faculty of being able to see. The human eye allows us to have a sense of sight, enabling us to learn more about the world than we do with any other senses, hence why it is so crucial to maintain our vision by getting routine checkups. I will discuss many properties of vision development including Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, the retina, color vision and depth perception. An infant’s vision changes drastically in the first year of their...
4 Pages 1900 Words

Descriptive Essay on Cerebral Palsy in Children

Cerebral Palsy is an intellectual disability and neurological disorder with which professionals estimate that approximately 10,000 babies are born every year. Cerebral Palsy affects muscle movement, tone, and necessary motor skills, which overall hinders a person’s ability to move and live in a coordinated and healthy way. Since there is no cure for this disability, there are exclusive remedies to live with it and ways to become more aware and understanding of how this disability affects an individual’s life. Cerebral...
4 Pages 1907 Words

Da Vinci’s Role for Human Anatomy Study

In the words of Isaac Asimov, “Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering that changes the world” (“Isaac Asimov Quote”, n.d.). Engineers have been world changers, by trade, throughout history. Contributions from the field of engineering have shaped the modern landscape, and have continuously improved the quality of life for humans on earth. Today, an engineer can be generally defined as: one who makes ethical, practical applications with the knowledge of sciences, as in the construction,...
4 Pages 1906 Words

Critical Analysis of Viktor Frankl 'Man's Search for Meaning'

This paper claim that man’s comprehension of human condition as it emerged in the most outrageous and harshest of conditions will even find meaning in life. The researcher will support his claim by presenting that what lie beyond any man’s condition is a meaning that only he himself can comprehend and appreciate and not any other, even in the harshest process in life one will still be able to find meaning in it. The researcher will also provide thoughts from...
4 Pages 1851 Words

Critical Analysis of the Main Character in Invisible Man

Ellison’s Journey through life trying to figure out who he was as a person is incorporated into his writing by revealing the adventure in life of becoming an individual that one would be proud of and realizing that the world is not perfect and will never be completely fair for everyone in it. In Ralph Ellison’s novels he communicates the influences of his life through the words on the pages. In Invisible Man the narrator of the novel is an...
4 Pages 1857 Words

Controlling of China’s Social Credit in The Giver

In this century, many authors have been producing many novels about utopian or idealistic society to describe the world in a perfect environment. For example, in The Giver, Lois Lowry tells the story of the absolute perfect community. In The Giver, there are full of many controlling in society such as controlling of relationships, career, languages, behavior and, knowledge in order to maintain peace and harmony. People must follow the strict rules for making the elimination of war or unpleasant...
4 Pages 1852 Words

Concept of Consumerism: Analytical Overview

The typical American household contains an average of 300,000 items (MacVean). This staggering, slightly terrifying statistic displays America Consumerism is the idea that the mass purchase of goods and services is economically desirable (“Consumerism,” 2018b). It all stems from the belief that of high amounts of economic activity and strong consumer purchasing habits make for a better society (“Consumerism,” 2018b). These strong purchasing behaviors allow for large amounts of money to flow through the economy (“Consumerism,” 2018b). This probes economic...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Community Teaching and Community Assessment: Reflective Essay

I did a community teaching at a community church; the lesson was designed to help children of primary school, aged between 6-11 years, understand primary prevention or health promotion on the prevention of diabetes type 2. The lesson was estimated to last for 40-55 minutes. In my plan, I will deal with primary health campaigns focusing on obesity in children, which causes diabetes, which lies under the nutrition and health status objective of the HP2020 world initiative. According to CDC,...
4 Pages 1895 Words

Chastisement of Humanity in Gulliver’s Travels: Critical Analysis

Johnathan Swift is known as the greatest satiric writer in all of English literary history. Born m, without a father and his mom abandoning him to return to England, he was raised by his relatives. Swift’s childhood was impaired with Meniere's disease which caused vertigo, nausea, and hearing loss. In 1688, Swift migrated to Leicester, England, after the Glorious Revolution struck Dublin where he was attending Trinity College. In England, he worked as a secretary for Sir William Temple, a...
4 Pages 1902 Words

Ban on Twitter in Nigeria: Analytical Essay

The impact of the Twitter ban on the Nigerian economy is examined in this article. The Nigerian government's move to ban Twitter could have serious economic consequences. The reason for the restriction appears to be the social media companies' decision to delete a tweet by President Muhammadu Buhari that was labeled as 'abusive behavior' by Twitter just a few days ago. Twitter is one of Nigeria's most widely used social networking platforms. Later, it was discovered that the Twitter ban...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Analysis of Violent Actions upon Women in ‘Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?’ and 'Yellow Wallpaper’

Women have been mistreated, enchained and dominated by men for most part of the human history. Until the second half of the twentieth century, there was great inequality between the social and economic conditions of men and women. The battle for women's emancipation, however, had started in 1848 by the first women's rights convention, which was led by some remarkable and brave women. One of the most notable feminists of that period was the writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Her story,...
4 Pages 1876 Words

Analysis of Issues Involved in Media Ethics

Abstract The various and competitive nature of the media industry brings so many diverse people and ideas together that a need for standardization and normality must be applied. The media industry has faced a very big increase in recent times, which is very good, and here are some of the factors that caused this increase: Globalization: This is when information goes viral and can be seen or heard from different places around the globe. Commercialization: advertisements are a huge source...
4 Pages 1926 Words

‘Cartons of Yesterday’ Versus ‘Memes of Today’: The Changing Notion of Comical Satires among the People of India

Abstract of the term paper The term paper is about how different types of satire were received by the Indian audience. For this paper, I have taken 6 cartoons of the renowned cartoonist Mr. R.K. Laxman, which talk about some social, political & religious issues in a satirical way as seen through the eyes of his character: ‘The Common Man. I have also taken 6 different memes that were popular on social media be it WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter....
4 Pages 1912 Words

Treaty of Versailles: DBQ Essay

Subject and Background The Rhineland, located at Germany’s borders with France, Belgium, and the Netherlands is a demilitarized zone as implemented under the Treaty of Versailles as well as its enforcement, the 1925 Treaty of Locarno. Under the power of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, the area was compromised by his sudden attack, challenging the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. Claiming that the treaty was hostile to Germany, Hitler sent German troops into the Rhineland in March 1936, disobeying the...
4 Pages 1905 Words

Essay about Moral Values

Nietzsche claims that “The sight of man now makes us weary”, and “We are weary of man.” He points out that in modern modes of life and social convention, moral values are “hostile to humans and their lives.” In this paper, I am going to argue that I agree with Nietzsche's argument and his conclusion about modern modes of individual and social life, moral values, and norms. It is a justified argument, and the reason why he gets this conclusion...
4 Pages 1884 Words

Montgomery Bus Boycott Essay

During the 1940s-1960s, America's Civil rights movements and the treatment of African Americans from the Jim Crow Laws was ongoing issue for generations. I decided to choose the Montgomery bus boycott as my topic because of prior knowledge about the first black women’s arrest against the laws of racial segregation which sparked my interest in The Montgomery bus boycott as they were both on the constitution of segregation. research shows that The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the first...
4 Pages 1867 Words

Essay on Just Walk On By

Consider the story of Mary Campbell, a young ten-year-old girl with red hair and freckles, who someday was caring for her neighbor's children in Western Pennsylvania only to.PLOP! Be kidnapped by natives and adopted into their families for the next six years. Although there was evidence that she lived a happy life with her Indian tribe, her story became a cautionary tale that planted hatred of natives in the hearts of Europeans, Therefore, leading to a massive racial genocide that...
4 Pages 1896 Words

Internship: Reflection Paper Essay

This quarter, I had the opportunity to intern at the Colorado Department of Transportation as a Budget Analyst. This public organization is one of the twenty-eight departments under the Government of Colorado, and its primary purpose is to execute state transportation responsibilities in creating a safe and multi-modal transportation system for Colorado. It is a billion-dollar institution that incorporates engineering, maintenance, and financial aspects to achieve its goals. Its core values are safety, integrity, excellence, people, customer service, and respect....
4 Pages 1864 Words

Hobbes Versus Locke: Essay

Compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes's and John Locke`s state of nature. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was an English political philosopher who wrote in the 17th century and was compelled to flee to France for eight years as a result of the dominance of civil war at the time. John Locke (1632-1704), on the other hand, was an English political philosopher and physician who was regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of the modern period. Hobbes and Locke utilized the state...
4 Pages 1937 Words
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