1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Celebration of Girls' Lohri: Descriptive Essay

Subject - the making of modern Punjab Introduction In today's modern era, women are second to none in any field, are it political or social or professional or scientific or art, women have a difference in media in every field. In our society women have been given low status for centuries and the male class is always given the highest priority as the head of the household. In the family, there is discrimination in behavior toward son and daughter. The...
4 Pages 1915 Words

Analytical Essay on Antisocial Personality Disorder: Literature Review, Criteria and Diagnosis

Abstract Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is a major and challenging mental health condition. Anyone suffering from ASPD shows a long-term pattern of deceitfulness, manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others without any remorse. It has been quite challenging for scientists and researchers to identify the primary source of antisocial personality disorder and is yet to be identified. However, through many studies, some methods have been developed that can help with the treatment of this awful disease. With the help...
4 Pages 1892 Words

Standardized Testing and No Child Left Behind: Analytical Essay

All students have the memory of sitting in class with a number 2 pencil being quite as the proctor reads a script about the test you are about to take. Standardized testing has become a right of passage for students starting in kindergarten all the way to seniors in high school. Standardized testing has been a part of schooling since the nineteen hundreds. In those days it was used to measure if students were developmentally behind their peers. Since then...
4 Pages 1933 Words

Public Engagement Through Public Art: Reflective Essay on Punjabi Culture

Public Engagement Through Public Art When humans came to existence, for human everything was new and humans began to struggle for his survival. Humans started to live near water resources (like rivers, canal) to bring easiness in his life because of human survival was first priority. They developed their specific way of living, struggling techniques (hunting), specific traditions and culture which leads them towards a civilization with time. With passage of time human developed their culture around their circle and...
4 Pages 1945 Words

Effect of a Natural and Synthetic Antibiotic on the Growth of Staphylococcus Epidermidis Bacteria: Analysis of Penicillin

1.0 Introduction: Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments. They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms and can be divided into two groups: gram-positive or gram-negative. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a gram-positive bacterium mostly found on human skin. Although most strands of S. Epidermidis are harmless, S. Epidermidis can become pathogenic and cause serious health implications if not treated correctly. The most common infection that S. Epidermis causes is golden staph. Golden Staph infections usually commence with...
4 Pages 1930 Words

Factors that Influence a Traumatic Birth Experience: Essay on Traumatic Childbirth with Disturbing Memories

Introduction Many people would refer to the birth of a child as a joyous experience, but for some women, it can be traumatic and lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. Much of the research has shown that there are many different things that can cause a woman to perceive their childbirth experience as traumatic. However, 54.6 % of women reported that it was related to lack and or loss of control (Hollander et al., 2017). Some other factors that make birth...
4 Pages 1911 Words

Argumentative Essay on Starting School Later: Influence on After-school Activities

The California Legislative Information alleges that the new California Senate Bill No. 328, permits high schools to begin academics no earlier than 8:30 am, furthermore, it requires middle schools to commence no earlier than 8:00 am. The repercussions from this settlement will be extensive for the California school districts. Currently, Benicia High School begins at 8:00 am, and the Benicia Middle School starts at 8:30 am. The principal of Benicia High, Mrs. Kleinschmidt, shared with me that Benicia High School...
4 Pages 1885 Words

Leadership Philosophy Essay

Introduction: The Importance of Leadership Philosophy This essay will discuss the significance of having a leadership philosophy; how my leadership philosophy was created, as well as how it has affected my unit. Additionally, I’ll discuss the traits of a successful leader. Next, I’ll recap on my interview with a commander, in which she discussed a difficult leadership challenge; what influenced her decision-making process, and the skill sets used to resolve the issue. I also talked about approaches and resources that...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Why I Want To Be a Social Worker Essay

Introduction: Aspiration to Pursue Social Work What can be more rewarding than finishing up your work, and going home knowing you have made a difference in someone’s life? In today’s society, we have people who need caring and support for them to have quality lives and be healthy people overall. Pursing a social work career is my aspiration and I am enthusiastic to apply to the Master's Degree in Social Work program at Jackson State University. I have always wanted...
4 Pages 1858 Words

Why I Want to Be a Teacher Essay

Why do You Want to Be a Teacher? My Interest in Teaching Schools are set up for providing young people the opportunity to receive an education (Young people and school, 2013). Teachers are taking an important role in the schooling system, as the decisions that they made regarding their teaching forms can affect different consequences of students’ learning, identity formations, and positionings (Comber, 2006). This essay will describe my three schooling experiences, which happened in the Writing class, Maths class,...
4 Pages 1853 Words

Personnel Law and Ethics: Case Study of Polygraph

Case Assignment Case Study #3: Elvis Stewart Issue: The dispute spotlights whether an employer’s established practice of employees’ searches is motivated by racial discrimination. Rule: According to the rule of law on ethics based on what is right and what is wrong, an employer should not make any decision on employees based on race, religion or color. Title VII prohibits an employer against discriminating of employees whether it’s during hiring, promotion, assignments or giving benefits. Analysis: there was an earlier...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Violent Crimes and Guns: Analytical Essay

Night after night on the news, there is always a new violent crime that is being reported on. It seems like as a society we can’t get away from the trend of violent crime. Most people relate violent crimes to only shootings, but violent crimes are actually and crimes that involve an aggressive acts such as; rape, aggravated assault, and shootings. The media has brought much attention to these crimes, especially the ones that involve massive death tolls from a...
4 Pages 1884 Words

Analytical Essay on Eyewitness Testimonies: Executing Polygraph Tests

In the course of 1977, Randall Dale Adams, or Mr. Adams was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of a police officer in Dallas County, Texas. An alleged eyewitness, who in fact was the actual killer, set up Mr. Adams and received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony. It turned out that Mr. Adams was not involved in the crime at all. The facts came to light after filmmaker Errol Morris took an interest in the...
4 Pages 1856 Words

Causes and Effects of Coal Mining in Australia and China: Comparative Analysis

What is coal mining? Coal mining is the procedure of removing coal from the ground. Coal is a necessity for human beings nowadays, generating most of our energy. It is a popular item on top of the market with high demand. Coal is a non-renewable resource meaning after we have used it all up it will take millions of years to replenish it, so governments are trying to find alternatives, so we do not run out. Mining takes place in...
4 Pages 1938 Words

General Strengths and Weaknesses of Gap Inc.: Analytical Essay

A. Company Introduction: GAP Inc. 1. History and Brand Portfolio List of GAP Inc. brands as of 2018 GAP Includes GapKids, babyGap and GapMaternity Banana Republic Acquired in early 1980s Offer style from business formal to casual Old Navy Launched in the 1990s Positioned at lower price with casual apparel PiperLime Online fashion market launched in 2008 Closed in 2015 Intermix Boutique retail chain acquired in 2013 2. GAP Inc.’s global presence Gap Inc. is a global company with almost...
4 Pages 1890 Words

The Undergraduate Students’ Perception toward The Implementation of Gamification in E-Learning

Abstract This research was conducted to examine the undergraduate students’ perception of the implementation of gamification in E-Learning. The subject of this research are 36 students of Fifth semester in English Language Education, Ganesha University of Education. The questionnaire is the instrument of this research. The researcher analyzed 36 filled questionnaires, which had been shared via Google Forms link, by 5th semester of undergraduate students in English Language Education, Ganesha University of Education, concerning the implementation of gamification in E-...
4 Pages 1857 Words

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Healthcare: Analytical Essay

Abstract Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a method of resolving disputes without any type of litigation. The purpose behind ADR is to allow parties to a dispute and settle their differences by agreement and discussion. Letting individuals/parties actively participate in and have control over the process of the solution helps in the method of ADR. I am a social worker and we have major responsibilities in managing conflict in a productive manner. Every day social workers are involved in conflict...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Forecasting in Pharmaceutical Industry Using Artificial Intelligence: Current and Future Aspects

Abstract: “Forecasting” The term broadly refers to the process of prediction as per the customer’s demand based on the huge historical sales data in the pharmaceutics industry. The aim of forecasting help to understand the market value and enable to predict the optimum level of customer demands. Thereby business management facilitates augmenting the future requirements from the previous sales quantity documents by considering both major and minor factors in a broad spectrum. This full-length Paper discusses the details of marketing,...
4 Pages 1941 Words

Case Study of Influence of Managerial Escalator on Career Paths of Managers

1. Introduction Management is the process of getting things done through people as defined by Mary Parker (1941). Henri Fayol (1916) identified the elements of management which are to forecast and plan, organise, command, coordinate and control. The key objective of this report was to interview two different managers to examine the extent to which the career paths of these two people whether conform with the concept of the managerial escalator. The first section of the report focuses on background...
4 Pages 1872 Words

Accounting in Society: Analysis of Inventory Management, Cash Flow Issues and Poor Choice of Business Strategy

Assessment Prompt 1: Applying stakeholder theory, explain the factors that affected inventory management at DSG over the period 2013 to 2016. What impact did inventory management have on profitability? The process of inventory management illustrates the effective approach to ensuring an entity has an appropriate amount of stock on hand to be sold, and to ensure that this stock is not held for such a time that it becomes obsolete. From the information provided, Dick Smith Group (DSG) executed a...
4 Pages 1946 Words

Balance of Community Values and Individual Rights: Analytical Essay

Domestic Violence Laws in NSW 1. Describe your chosen issue, outlining any relevant legislation. Domestic violence, as defined by the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007, refers to an “offence committed by a person against another person with whom the person who commits the offence has (or has had) a domestic relationship, the commission of which is intended to coerce or control the person against whom it is committed or to cause that person to be intimidated or fearful...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Teen Driving: Annotated Bibliography

Should the Driving age be raised? Annotated Bibliography Source 1 Citation: Steinberg, Laurence. 'Brain Development Limits the Decision-Making Skills of Teen Drivers.' Teen Driving, edited by Michele Siuda Jacques, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EJ3010521227/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=eaa24bf8. Accessed 21 Jan. 2020. Originally published as 'Brain Development Science Sheds Light on Teen Driving,' Edmunds Auto Observer, 25 Feb. 2011. Type of source: Article Relevance: The relevance Of this article is that many people think that inexperience is the...
4 Pages 1871 Words

To What Extent is Populism a Threat to Democracy? Essay

Populism is notoriously difficult to define but most academics appear to agree that it has two main elements: firstly a claim to speak on behalf of ordinary people and secondly the ordinary peopl must stand up in opposition to an elite establishment or institution which stops them from fulfilling their political ambitions. In this essay, I am going to use a definition created by Cas Mudde, Professor at the University of Georgia. He defines populism as, [An] ideology that separates...
4 Pages 1894 Words

Volcanoes, Hotspots, and The Geographical Impact of The Eruptions of Kilauea Kalapana, Hawaii

The Kilauea volcano, the second-youngest volcano in the Hawaiian Ridge, has continued to have a significant impact on the surrounding environment and its population since its current phase of eruption started in 1983. This eruption is thought to be the longest-lasting in Kilauea’s entire history – a history between three-and sixhundred thousand years long. It is also a history that has also literally produced the island of Hawaii itself, due to the shield volcano’s gently sloping sides, which constitute fifteen...
4 Pages 1948 Words

The Psychoanalysis Concepts of Intersubjectivity

There are many ways to conduct therapy, in this essay I will start off by giving insight on what is Psychoanalytic theory and then critically discuss a few ways of conducting therapy which are relational psychoanalysis psychotherapy, intersubjectivity and the analytic third. I will also discuss how these concepts assist the therapist in working with clients Psychoanalytic theory was coined by Sigmund Freud in the during the late 19th century between 1939 and 1956. His theory was based on the...
4 Pages 1920 Words

History of Wildlife Conservation in The USA and Canada

The US and Canada are known as one of the areas which lead the wildlife conservation action in the world. In Canada, there are governmental associations such as Canadian Wildlife Service (CWA). There are also some NGOs including Canadian Wildlife Federation, Nature Canada and WWF Canada are known as the national level and playing a significant role with government conservation agencies. In the US, there are also many governmental scientific institutions for research, laws and associations. There are also non...
4 Pages 1862 Words

Is This a Good Idea for the Developing World? Essay

One of the central goals of development economics has been to understand how to raise the quality of life of the people. As Adam Smith (1776) made an emphasis on his book, Wealth of Nations, “No society can be surely flourishing and happy, of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable”. In developing countries – where people are socially excluded, deprived from exercising their political rights, dwell on dilapidated areas, have little to no...
4 Pages 1934 Words

The Connection Between Employment Law and Employment Status

This essay comprises in extent the variant kind of relationships that may be found in the organisations. Particularly, the contrasts in regulation and common law between a worker, an employee and independent contractors are advised and the variant kind of agreement that command the employment relationship are protected. Aylott (2018) stated that ‘’Employment law is meant to protect and to support employers to improve their relationship with their employees and to gain further competitive advantage.’’ Employment Status determines the rights...
4 Pages 1883 Words

Oil and Gas Industry Response to Global Warming

How should the oil and gas industry respond to global warming? Global warming is a contemporary serious threat to our planet for the combustion of oil, coal, and natural gas contributes in changing the atmospheric balance of carbon dioxide, and other naturally occurring ‘trace gases’ as well as chemicals created by various oil and gas industries. Current threat to global warming is from the oil industries which after burning petroleum products seek ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions while looking...
4 Pages 1937 Words

Winesburg Ohio': Plot Summary

Winesburg, Ohio is a collection of loosely interconnected short stories that focus on the troubled inhabitants of a small midwestern town. Although each of the 25 stories focuses on a different character, the novel’s central plot arc is protagonist George Willard’s gradual coming-of-age. In “The Book of the Grotesque,” an elderly writer in town has a dreamlike vision of a grotesque figure, which he records in a book. The writer believes that truth is man-made and that becoming possessed by...
4 Pages 1940 Words
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