1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Use of Media and Technology for Effective Communication of MBA Students

This research paper focuses on effective communication of MBA students through help of media and technology. It emphasizes the cruciality of English Communication for MBA students as they need to face interviews and group discussions for their good placements in employment sector. The paper highlights the gravity of media for improving communication skills. As the world is moving with 4G speed with the advent of technology, it is expected that the young aspirants should utilize the media for their own...
4 Pages 1920 Words

Oedipus' Denial of Fate and Its Role in His Life

Attending the University of Connecticut, becoming a professional athlete, marrying your high school sweetheart; what leads to all these things? From birth, do we have a predetermined life that is set by a supernatural presence which will result in the same outcome regardless of our actions or is it the actions we choose to take that determines the outcome of our life? Fate can be defined as the progression of events beyond a personā€™s control, believed to be determined by...
4 Pages 1890 Words

Understanding Pedagogy in Elementary Education

Famously known Albert Einstein said, ā€œIt is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledgeā€ (1). Based on Einsteinā€™s ideas, being a teacher extends far beyond providing basic classroom instruction, formatting daily lesson plans, and taking attendance regularly. Today, teaching has become an increasingly multifaceted profession as teachers assume parental roles and work as a role model for their students. The common perception of a teachers role in society has shifted dramatically as once...
4 Pages 1920 Words

The Benefits of The Elephant Nature Park, Thailand

They say an elephant never forgets and that may be true, but Iā€™ve experienced firsthand that they do forgive. When I initially started researching things to do for my trip to Thailand in April 2018, so many people recommended taking an elephant ride or visiting a elephant trekking camp. I was skeptical about riding elephants because I knew that, at least in the circus, they are abused and mistreated. So, I started researching to find out more about elephants in...
4 Pages 1903 Words

Evaluation of My Leadership Purpose

After studyinng on leadership course, I really understood in the power of self- reflection and purpose statements but the time and energy are needed to put into creating a leadership purpose statement which would be very daunting task when I started to form the powerful statement. I was confident in my ability to come up with a statement, and that I would have the courage to follow through with it.The most significant thing in a true leadership purpose statement is...
4 Pages 1938 Words

Personal Writing About The Idea of Freedom and Self-Sufficiency

The concept of freedom is not a skill to be learned, practiced or improved upon. Nor could it be utilized or withheld upon volition. It is only optional either in its existence or in its exercise. It can either be increased or diminished by wish or labor. The idea of being free begins when we are (what we believe to be) conscious of how we limit ourselves and our destinies to any of the confines of the presumed fate that...
4 Pages 1931 Words

How Has the Field of Foreign Policy Analysis Changed Over Time? Essay

The essay progresses as follows: First foreign policy is described which will be linked to foreign policy analysis, then followed by an analysis of major approaches within the topic from foundational texts to the more contemporary texts and then finally an evaluation of FPA. To understand foreign policy analysis, one must comprehend what foreign policy means as the two concepts co-exist together. Foreign policy is how states, institutions and people engage with each other in the International system which is...
4 Pages 1918 Words

The Year of the Flood Analysis

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood is a Science Fiction novel that was written in 2010. The novelā€™s complexity and futuristic happenings make the read exceptional even at the surface level. With further analysis, this novel is extremely notable tieing together themes that are of the utmost relevance today. The themes observed throughout the novel are developed as the story furthers itself, watching the progression of these themes go from basic to profound makes for an intriguing read....
4 Pages 1874 Words

Behind Closed Door: Heteronormativity Effect on Closeted Gay in Andrew Sean Greerā€™s The Story of a Marriage

Homosexual has been part of our community since decades ago, however their existence is not recognize until recently. It is not until 1973 where homosexuality is no longer regarded as an illness anymore. Nevertheless, although it is no longer an illness, people still treats homosexual differently. In our society, homosexual is considered as a marginalized group alongside lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ). The history of homosexual in America is not something that the country is proud of. In 1942,...
4 Pages 1918 Words

Origin, Definition and History of The Witches and Witchcraft

A witch, in the most simple form, is a woman believed to have magic or supernatural abilities and that these powers are used for evil or nefarious purposes. Many people accused of being a witch were thought to be associated with or worshipping Satan himself. In addition to worshipping Satan as a holy figure, which was extremely against Christian belief, they were also thought to take part in rituals to the devil that included many unforgivable acts such as human...
4 Pages 1861 Words

American Foreign Policy in Regions of Conflict

This book centers around U.S. foreign policy towards the important locales of the world which incorporates Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia, Eastern and Western Europe. This book particularly focuses on the areas that are in dispute. The needs of U.S. regional policy are shifting off from Russia and Europe and moving towards Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The writer of the book, Howard J. Wiarda, examines the challenges faced by the U.S. in those...
4 Pages 1931 Words

Essay on Electoral College Pros and Cons

The Electoral College is a group of representatives derived from each state and the District of Columbia, whose major role is to elect the president and the vice president of the United States of America. The College is established by the constitution of the United States, and it has been a critical part of Americaā€™s political system for decades. The candidate who gets the majority of the electoral votes is given authority to lead the country after the outcome of...
4 Pages 1882 Words

Betrayal Crushed Sparta's Last Stand at the Battle of Thermopylae

In early June of 480 B.C., a mighty Persian army crossed the Dardanelles strait on two pontoon bridges to continue a brutal advance into Greece. Led by the great king Xerxes, the troops were bound for Thermopylae, a narrow mountain pass named for the areaā€™s hot sulphur springs (Thermopylae means ā€œhot gatesā€). Seated on the east coast of Greece, between the Malian Gulf and the Kallidromo massif, some 85 miles (136 km) northwest of Athens, it is a rugged, craggy...
4 Pages 1945 Words

Birches': Main Idea of a Book

Birchesā€ is a memorable poem that is rich and interesting enough to repay more than one reading. Robert Frost provides vivid images of birches in order to oppose lifeā€™s harsh realities with the human actions of the imagination. I recommend this poem to anyone interested in reading and studying poetry that meets many requirements for excellence. However, it can not be understood from a quick once-over in a classroom. Its meaning can only be revealed by reading it over and...
4 Pages 1934 Words

Wind Energy as an Alternative Source

This universe is composed of Matter and Energy. The genius of the last century, rather than the civilization Albert Einstein showed that the two ā€“ matter and energy are two faces of the same coin or two manifestations of the same. Also, that the two can be and are keep interchanging into each ā€“ other. However, not wandering into the philosophical aspect of the subject, it is better to restrict the subject in the realm of the day to day...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Workplace Violence Among Nurses and Midwives

Nurses and midwives made vital contributions to the healthcare industry, providing health services to people of all ages, experiencing various forms of diseases and illness (WHO, 2020). It is the profession that requires lots of compassion and dedication since ā€œbeing a nurse is not without its challengesā€. The shortage of staff, violence and assault in the workplace and environmental hazards are some the significant issues that nurses and midwifery are facing nowadays in Australia and globally. These problems have many...
4 Pages 1899 Words

Climate Change as a Real Issue Across America

ā€œPeopleā€™s minds are changed by observation not argument.ā€ Many millennials have taken action to better the world, whether it be global warming or lack of education. But studies show that many millennials are starting to care more about the future of the planet. Climate change is a big issue that more people should care about because the effects are a lot closer than many people think. Climate change is already starting to affect environments, habitats, and humans. Many millennials are...
4 Pages 1891 Words

What Type of Citizen Does a Democracy Need?

Introduction to Democracy's Evolution Democracy is a political idea of which there is great significance in many societies today for which we can thank fifth-century Athens. Democracy was created and molded throughout the years by Greeks who had great societal and political influence. In antiquity, the common form of government was an aristocratic and tyrannical form of government in which the upper classes of society dominated in a top to bottom framework. The economic and social divisions existed in Athens...
4 Pages 1862 Words

A Contrast Between Apology and Crito, Two Works by Plato

In both of Platoā€™s works Apology, and Crito, Plato portrays his mentor, Socrates, as he goes through trial, and thereafter in which he refuses to escape his punishment. In ancient Athens Socrates is on trial for corrupting the youth, which in reality is a crime that he did not commit. During the trial Socrates gives an incredible speech on how his whole life heā€™s only sought virtue and in his elder years the only thing that heā€™s really known is...
4 Pages 1894 Words

Plastic Pollution Problem Solutions

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of synthetic plastic products to the point where they create problems for wildlife and their habitats.(credible; cited sources) Thereā€™s approximately 2,68,000 tonnes of plastic in the ocean.(reliable; written by authors affiliated with the subject) There are several harmful consequences of plastic simply existing in the ocean, example: plastic blocking the surface preventing sunlight from reaching the marine animals and plants. Iā€™ve always been passionate about the environment and have participated in several rallies that focused...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Does Consensus Democracy Improve the Quality of Government? Essay

Does consensus democracy improve the quality of government? The first matter I will address are the variables in the question. This will allow for a more thorough discussion about whether consensus democracy increases the quality of government, because I will refer to the elements in each variable, in my causal analysis. Lijphart distinguishes between two forms of democratic government systems: consensus democracies and majoritarian democracies. These differ in two ways: the executive-parties dimension and the federal-unitary dimension. The executive-parties dimension...
4 Pages 1879 Words

Helping the Internet of Things in the Covid-19 Era

The Internet of Things, called the IoT for short, is a new interconnection of technology heralded as the next industrial revolutionā€”implying radical change, disruption, and an entirely new paradigm for the planet. Specifically, the Internet of Things is an extension of the existing connections between people and computers to include digitally-connected ā€˜thingsā€™. These things measure and report data. This data can be simple numbers from a stationary or mobile sensor (such as a temperature sensor), or more complex findings from...
4 Pages 1949 Words

Personal Development Comes from Overcoming Fear, Failures, and Isolation

Have you overcome a fear, only to look back and wonder why you were so afraid? I recently went to Sky Zone and had to psych myself up for about 10 minutes just to do a backflip, but once I did--it was so natural. Stephen Crane published ā€˜The Red Badge of Courageā€™ in October 1895 about soldier Henry in the American Civil War in 1861. Ernest Hemingway printed his book ā€˜The Old Man and the Seaā€™ in September 1952 about...
4 Pages 1930 Words

Effect of Cost Control and Cost Reduction Techniques in Organizations Performance

Cost Control Businesses use cost control ways to watch, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the potency of specific areas, like departments, divisions, or product lines, at intervals of their operations. Cost management is reviewing each fastened and variable prices, and tries to cut back expenses. Inventory may be a variable value which will be reduced by finding alternative suppliers to supply additional competitive costs. It could take longer to scale back fastened prices, like a lease payment, as a result of...
4 Pages 1911 Words

Analysis of the Jack the Ripper Case

In the East end of London, White Chapel District, 1888, a string of 5 murders occurred within the span of 3 months. The 5 canonical murders were committed by the same ruthless killer going under the name ā€˜Jack the Ripperā€™. The 5 Canonical Victims Mary Ann Nichols (Prostitute) - body was found on August 31st, 3.40am. Nichols with her throat was slashed and she was disemboweled. Annie Chapman (Prostitute) - body found on September 8th. Chapmas was found with her...
4 Pages 1918 Words

Recovery Approach in Mental Health Care

Mental health refers to our psychological, emotional, and social well-being, where an individual realizes his/her capacity and can handle the normal stress of life. It is the way people feel, behave, and think. Mental health is essential in every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence through adulthood. Basic human psychological needs like self-actualization, self-esteem needs, belongingness, and love need, safety needs, and psychological needs are the needs that are related to a human being's mental health. If these needs...
4 Pages 1917 Words

Plagiarism as an Example of Violation of Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is the use of exact words and ideas of other people or another author without giving proper acknowledgement to the owner. It is also defined as the use of another personā€™s works, ideas, theories, strategies, and interpretation without permission from the author or person. This act of dishonesty is a serious offense in school communities, that could possibly result to expulsion or suspension. It can be diverse in its extent based on its amount. Student commits plagiarism by just...
4 Pages 1870 Words

Big Data and Its Impact on International Trade

The main aim of the essay is to explain what big data highlighting the key opportunities and challenges for associated with using this system, as well as how it affects international trade. International business is the exchange of goods and services among individuals and businesses in multiples countries, such as when multinational companies or international business engage in businesses with different countries. Globalization as allowed business to trade international markets which as very positive to as they increased their target...
4 Pages 1932 Words

ā€˜The Metamorphosisā€™: Masks, Strangers and the Existential Anxiety

'I am separated from all things by a hollow space...and I do not even reach to its boundariesā€ - Kafkaā€˜s diaries. It is no wonder that Kafka felt such a hollowness between himself and everything around him, considering that he existed within a monotonous, traditional, patriarchal and a habitual society. Such anxiety and separation from meaningfulness in life has not only been utilized by Kafka to practice self-reflection within his own stories but has also been a focal point of...
4 Pages 1864 Words

Detailed Review of the O.J. Simpson Murder Case

Orenthal James Simpson was a renowned American football player who became more famous after being accused of a double murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman. The case became one of the most distinguished and interesting court cases in modern American history while the murder case of the two still remain unsolved. After prolonged court sessions, OJ was acquitted of the crimes and walked home as a free man. The jury cited the lack of consistency...
4 Pages 1856 Words
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