1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Corruption In Indian Sports System

Sport is a big phenomenon of today, it is very important part of today life. However, sport is rather contradictory phenomenon. It is connected with big humanistic values and it formats life and values of billions of people on the one side. It is also connected with dirty business, doping, corruption and violence on the other side. Corruption in sport should be matter of concern not of pessimism. To start with the definition of corruption the effects of corruption emerge...
4 Pages 1884 Words

Modern Sports Stars As The Role Models

The role model in the world of sports has been around since the early days of sports when they were just beginning and were then being invented. Then they were also around long before the Olympic games’ era had even begun or was even then thought of. So, then it was when the first type of sports had then begun to be played, that it was seen that the very first role model had then been introduced into the arenas...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Sports And Leisure Events: A Review Of Key Impacts And Current Trends

When an event occurs there are many consequences that impact both positively and negatively. Within this essay, there will be a review of impacts from sports events as well as current trends and different characteristics. The events that will be explored include Wimbledon, a professional tennis tournament, the London 2012 Olympics, where different countries compete within specific sporting events to rank for bronze, silver and gold and the Tour de France which is a 23 day cycling race that deciphers...
4 Pages 1920 Words

The Role And Effects Of Technology On Lifestyle

Technology has captured the attention of many people in the world especially the young generation and this has affected their lifestyle. They use electronic devices such as phones, laptops, iPods, tablets, computers and many others. The electronic devices are so addictive that they don’t use it because they need it or it is necessary for them to use but they use it for enjoyment. Due to this addictiveness, it has resulted in negative effects on people’s life and their mental...
4 Pages 1882 Words

How Past Experiences Contribute To Present Day Behaviour

Introduction In Todd Phillips 2019 film the Joker it touches upon a man named Arthur Fleck, an aspiring stand up comedian who is constantly mocked and made fun of by those around him. The film uses a past to present timeline as it shows how Fleck had already had poor mental health issues, therefore held a grudge on those who made him suffer as he wanted them to feel the same pain that he had gone through in his life....
4 Pages 1871 Words

The Physiology Of Emotions

What are EMOTIONS? Emotions are basically a complex experience of consciousness and they are strong impulses that demand immediate action. There is various definition of emotions. Aristotle defined emotions as: “Emotions are the things on account of which the ones altered differ with respect to their judgments, and are accompanied by pleasure and pain: such are anger, pity, fear, and all similar emotions and their contraries.” Hippocrates said: “Brain is the center of emotions.” Components of emotion: There are basically...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Engaging Learners Through Humor And Play

Part 1 Humanity is ever changing and over the past few centuries, we have gone through some dramatic transformations that have shaped our society as we know it. In his book, A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future, Daniel Pink highlights this point as he relates humanity’s most recent changes to “a three-act drama.” “Act I, the Industrial Age” led by the production of factories and assembly lines, was followed by “Act II the Informational Age”...
4 Pages 1886 Words

The Peculiarities Of Organisational Behavior

Introduction Summary Personality deals with the behavioral aspects of a person and for an organization, the attitude of employees is a key aspect in determining how the said employee will work in the current working environment of the company. Perception on the other hand is how a person perceives the reality. So, organization in itself like an organism with various quirks, hence how an employee actually feels about his or her work is really vital for supervisors to make them...
4 Pages 1916 Words

The Conception Of Public Communication Of Science

Science communication is informing and raising awareness for science-related topics broadcast throughout the public media. It also signifies communication between scientists sharing different issues. Scientists use their aptitude but also warmth to indicate that the topic matters to them. However, they tend to have been trained knowledge and rigorous focus on the research data/ details that their audience would most like. While talking to reporters or people they have to be aware of their audience’s aspect. In our society, today...
4 Pages 1946 Words

Religion And Nature In Wordsworth's Works

“Wordsworth observed natural scenes closely, mediated on them deeply, and from his earliest boyhood drew from nature a sense of exaltation that was almost religious” (Inglis and Spear 350). In Perkins’ description of the construction of the ‘romantic’ he emphases that during this movement of thought, poetic applications were those of adjective in the nineteenth-century to texts whose contexts were exotic, idealised, naturalised, irrational, or wonderful (130). This way of thinking is what Hartman describes Wordsworth’s faith in nature as...
4 Pages 1934 Words

How Do Machines Make Our Lives Better?

Introduction In our generation of highly developed technologies, scientists from different spheres are eager to find solutions to various daily problems of mankind. But now we will talk about neuroprosthetics of human hands. Millions of people around the world face abnormalities at birth or loss of a limb due to illnesses, accidents, and so on, followed by the need to amputate that limb. Neuroprosthetics is in great demand, because the lack of limb of the hand brings great discomfort and...
4 Pages 1902 Words

Parkinson Disease: Calorie- Restriction- Mediated’ Prevention Of Neurodegeneration

ABSTRACT Parkinson's disease is a progressive and degenerative disorder that results from the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. This study includes age-related neurodegeneration such as PD. As the human lifespan is undeniably increasing, there is an increase in the constant threat of being affected by age-related diseases like PD, Alzheimer's, etc. According to recent studies, it has been reported that calorie restriction has a salient role in modulating age in living organisms. They have implemented a series of experiments to find...
4 Pages 1916 Words

Finding The Constant To An Accelerating Universe: The Hubble Constant

Ever heard that the universe is expanding? We may just be floating into the abyss of space until the universe just tears apart. As terrifying as that sounds, scientists have been busy trying to figure out the rate at which the universe expands: the Hubble Constant [1]. This number has been debated since the 1920s which was when Edwin Hubble, along with Georges Lemaitre [2] discovered one of the most crucial aspects of cosmology - that the universe is expanding...
4 Pages 1881 Words

Law And Economics On Religious Places: Hinduism, buddhism, Jainism, And Sikhism

ABSTRACT India is the central hub of culture and diversity for holistic places, India’s religious practices and lifestyle is what attracts people from across the globe. With having more than 1000s of temples in each state and hundred thousand or more religious temples, mosques, churches and other religious pilgrims across the country, it’s said they you’ll find some religious object or worship or house of god for every 500meters in India, Creators of games such as Pokémon-GO use such to...
4 Pages 1887 Words

The Representation Of Male Body In American Psycho In Relation To Film's Criticism Towards Capitalist Society

Introduction In 2000, the director Mary Harron released a thriller film based on Bret Easton Ellis’s most well-known book called American Psycho, which was published in 1991. This movie is not only a portrait of the capitalist society satirically by giving an exaggerated stereotype of 1980s’ Chief Executive Officer of Wall Street who is holding an axe in the finest CEO suit and tie as a serial killer, but it also criticized the Yuppie culture which is the social value...
4 Pages 1942 Words

Meat Vs Plant-Based Diet: An Overview For The Healthiest Diet For Strength-Based Athletes

Nutrition plays a key role in building muscle and enhancing athletic performance, as athletes will utilize different diets that they see as the most optimal [1]. However, the health benefits of meat and plant diets have not been fully elucidated to weightlifting athletes. This review analysis focuses on the ideal and healthiest diet for strength-based athletes to perform, specifically it addresses the common notion that bodybuilders must eat meat to succeed. The goal of any diet for strength-based athletes is...
4 Pages 1884 Words

The Evolution And Development Of Eugenics

Eugenics is the practice of upgrading the human species by selecting specific people to reproduce with a wanted hereditary trait. The term Eugenics means “good creation”. The main idea is that it will breed out disease and undesired traits from a human population. It is believed that eugenics could breed out illnesses like mental illness, criminal actives, and even things like poverty. Eugenics influenced people who agreed with the practice to reproduce with people who had good traits other than...
4 Pages 1923 Words

Decision Making In Dementia

Dementia is considered to be as a cognitive disease, which arises due to neurodegeneration of the nerve cells of brain. In these specific condition neurons of the central nervous system has been reported for their neural coating with different kinds of proteins. As a result, an unexplained neural damage has occurred. This condition is prevalent in older age when body is immunologically suppressed for several reasons. Dementia is characterized by loss of memory function, lesser decision-making capacities even with limited...
4 Pages 1896 Words

The Effects Of Fishing On The Environment

Introduction Today we will be looking into the impacts that fishing has on the environment, about how when we fish we connect to God’s marvelous creation and about some management strategies we together as a community can implant to minimise the impact fishing has on our beautiful environment. Why is fishing considered an enjoyable activity? Many old and wise people associate fishing with health and happiness. If you think about fishing , it is one of a few ways for...
4 Pages 1883 Words

Drugs And Alcohol Abuse In Quran

Introduction This is the main thing which is facing by Muslims in current social challenges. Muslims are facing now many of problems but it is first and main problem around them. The Holy Quran which is the book of Allah and only Muslims read this book. According to Muslims all the things which are written in this book is all of Allah and we took Islam so we are Muslims and we all about of Allah. Allah asks in this...
4 Pages 1919 Words

The Meaning And Features Of Child Labor

A child is legally defined as a human being or person who is under the age of 18, in majority’s perspective a child is someone who is not yet capable to decide on their own and still under the guidance of parents, they were supposed to enjoy their childhood and create dreams for their future. They are our younger generation who holds the future of our nation that is why we should mold them to be a better citizen, help...
4 Pages 1934 Words

CRISPR: The World's Leading Gene Editing Technology

Gene editing, a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism's DNA, is of vital importance in cell and gene therapy. CRISPR is a revolutionary gene editing technology which has become the hottest research tool in the field of biological sciences in just a few years since its introduction in 2012. However, people may still wonder if there are any other types of gene editing technologies. A short review of gene editing clinical trials Although CRISPR...
4 Pages 1863 Words

The Formation Of Lactic Acid Bacteria

What modification was done? Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a long history in application of fermented food products. Progress in gene technology allows their modification by introducing new genes or by modifying their metabolic functions. These modifications are important as may lead to improvements in food technology. LAB are widely used as starter cultures for fermentation in the dairy, meat and other food industries. Their properties have been used to manufacture products like cheese, yoghurts, fermented milk products, beverages, sausages,...
4 Pages 1885 Words

The Impact Of Gratitude On Social Trust

A significant amount of scholarly research on gratitude and social trust has been done by a number of academic leaders in psychology and other fields such as McCullough, Nowak, and DeSteno, yet few scholars have provided a systematic, intuitive, and coherent discussion of the relationship between the two. To address this gap in scholarship, this essay proposes a view based on extensive theoretical content and experimental research that gratitude influences psychological process, emotional experience and decisions making during the trust-related...
4 Pages 1856 Words

Foster Care: History, Aspects And Improvements

Foster Care Foster homes, currently in the state of Alabama, house approximately 6,000 youth (under 21) in the foster care system. Internationally in the US there were over 670,000 in the foster care system. The idea of foster homes in America was birthed from the English Poor Laws. These laws, before Charles Bruce’s influence, made it possible for citizens to take in beggars and displaced youth in exchange for indentured servitude until adulthood. The origins of Elizabethan Poor Laws began...
4 Pages 1919 Words

What Is Abnormality And How Does Culture Play A Role Into Abnormality?

How do psychologists determine what symptoms or behaviors are abnormal enough to diagnose their patients with a disorder? It can be difficult to diagnose sometimes, especially when culture plays a role into the diagnosis as well. The goal of a psychologist is to help the patient, but they don’t want to diagnose them with something if they don’t truly have the disease, but they also don’t want to not diagnose them and not give them a treatment that they could...
4 Pages 1937 Words

Road Traffic Injuries Among Motorcycle Taxi Riders In Uganda

Introduction Road traffic crashes (RTCs) claim 1.35 million lives and cause 20–50 million injuries resulting in disability each year, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (WHO, 2018). In Uganda, road traffic injuries are a fast increasing public health problem and, currently, the tenth leading cause of disability and death (IHME, 2019) (Figure 1). Although RTIs affect all road users, some groups are disproportionately affected. Motorcyclists are more likely to get fatally injured than other motor vehicle users (NHTSA, 2007). For...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Coronaviruses Characteristics: Structure, Naming, Multiplication, Implications And Control

ABSTRACT The viral family of Coronaviridae has an important genus that affects humans called Coronavirus (CoV). CoVs distinct spike surface protein projections and its single stranded enveloped RNA give this virus its distinguishable structure. It is the spike surface proteins which bring about virus entry into host cells and the RNA to facilitate multiplication within the host. Once multiplication has begun this virus causes a range of respiratory illnesses; some methods of control based on the virus's physical structure and...
4 Pages 1894 Words

Influence Of Parents’ Involvement In Education On Their Children’s Performance

A child’s community is made up of the immediate members, relatives, friends and neighbors. The role of parents in the education of their children is very crucial. Obonyo (2018), defined Parents’ involvement as a combination of commitment and regular participation of parents in school and learning activities. In West Indies Pakistan, Perriel (2015), indicated that the presence of parents in schools contributed to pupils’ academic achievement. Mtaragwi (2012) in a study in Africa stated that many parents spend more time...
4 Pages 1894 Words

Role Of Phytohormones In Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance

INTRODUCTION The human population is rapidly increasing and needs a substantial increase in agricultural productivity worldwide. However, various biotic and abiotic stresses are majorfactors limiting crop productivity [1]. To feed the world population, productivity must be increased by 70% for an additional 2.3 billion people by 2050.The mechanism underlying environmental stress response and tolerance in plants are different and more complex than improve crops nutritionally and economically. So here lets discuss the phytohormones and their roles in abiotic stress response,...
4 Pages 1945 Words
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