1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Applications Of Animal And Plant Biotechnology In Food Industry

Food science is defined as the study of the physical, biological and chemical of food, which most of the studies related to food processing and food deterioration while food technology is the application of it involved in packaging, preservation and food safety (Institute of Fodd Technologies, 2019). The fields that closely related to the food technology are such as biotechnology, engineering, nutrition and quality and safety management. In this review, biotechnology will be discussed on its roles and applications towards...
4 Pages 1941 Words

The Collapse Of Cricket And The Rise Of Ice Hockey In Canada After The Confederation

Canada confederated in 1867 after four provinces joined together. There were major social, economic, and cultural differences that were observed before and after the confederation. There was a rapid change seen in Canadian society during the second half of the 19th century. The changes seen in the society are highlighted through the type of sports played in these different times. The time period at which any sport is played in history reveals a lot about the social and political conditions...
4 Pages 1875 Words

The History Of Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism traces its beginnings directly back to Sakyamuni, the leader of the Buddhist religion. The Buddha realized that even if we have everything we desire, we are still unhappy. This is because true happiness does not depend on what we have, but on what we are. The core ideal of Zen Buddhism is the endeavor of comprehending the meaning of life, without being deluded by logical thought or language. Zen helps to look inside each individual to find enlightenment....
4 Pages 1888 Words

Lunar And Solar Eclipse Meanings In Different Cultures

Introduction “The moon deserted her course and the sun at once veiled his beam threatening, no longer to give you light, if Cleon became general...” [8] This was the first western written record of the lunar eclipse by Aristophanes. Before that, people usually misunderstood it as some unnatural power controlled by witches or prediction of a city’s demise. The person who brought changes to the world was Christopher Columbus. He discovered and made a clear observation record when he was...
4 Pages 1895 Words

The Meaning Of Tattoos In The Modern World

There are people who believe that tattoo dates back to the days of creation in the bible. They are of the belief that the first tattoo to ever exist was drawn by God on Cain’s body when he marked him saying ‘the mark upon Cain’. Others are of the opinion that it originated from the land of Egypt when some early man fell into hearth and charcoal got logged onto his skin. This history is also recorded differently in some...
4 Pages 1851 Words

Sibling Rivalry: Known And Unknown Facts With Parent Involvement

“From a young age, children are sensitive to difference in parental treatment” Today kids are tomorrow pillars of our country. The precious gift to mankind who is most beloved and perfect in its innocence is a child. When the child grows many problems were faced by to the Parents, especially the parents who having more than one child sibling rivalry are one part of it. In India a survey was conducted, there is more than one child in the family;...
4 Pages 1942 Words

IELTS As A Condition For Employment In English Language Teaching Field

We all have knowledge that education is very important nowadays. And every advanced country has improved education. Teaching Field is one of the most substantial things in each country. And English language teaching is one of these things. Nowadays to work in the teaching field in any educational institution, school or in universities there are some requirements must implemented. And IELTS exam is one of these important requirements. IELTS exam (international English language testing system) is an essential requirement of...
4 Pages 1878 Words

A Study On Work Life Balance: A Real Challenge

Abstract Work-Life Balance is a very important strategy for every organisation, group and individual for happy-living. Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is a necessity. A proper understanding of work-life balance can amount to more efficiency and productivity, better relationship among peers and superior-subordinate structure. Reaching out to a balance is a challenge to every employee, and understanding and helping the employee is a tough task to every organisation. However, companies have to consider this and develop strategies...
4 Pages 1873 Words

Indian Sign Language To Text Conversion

Abstract Communication is the exchange of information by speech, visual signals, writing, or behaviour. Deaf and dumb people communicate among themselves using sign languages, but they find it difficult to expose themselves to the outside world. There is a need for research in this field to bring deaf-mutes more into the light of society and to increase their interaction with common man. The system developed in this paper aims at extending a step forward in this field by developing a...
4 Pages 1893 Words

Data Analysis In DNA Sequencing

Abstract In conceptual view of big data, some living data is selected and that data is called medical data, this data contains a crucial piece of details that used for analysis purpose, after performing such kind of analysis methods the biologists can easily know the outcome of bioinformatics science more efficiently. This research is like an outline of the data sequencing and method of analysis by providing details about the DNA. It also shows the dissimilarity between the two analysis...
4 Pages 1919 Words

Orthodox Judaism, Homosexuality In The Film Disobedience

Disobedience is a romantic drama starring Rachel McAdams, Rachel Weisz and directed by Sebastian Lelio. Lelio teamed up with Rebecca Lenkiewicz to write the film based on the novel of the same name by Naomi Alderman. In this review, I will discuss the plot and how the film portrays Jewish identity through the lens of Orthodox Judaism, homosexuality and the struggle of having to choose between the two identities. The film is set in an Orthodox Jewish community in North...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Contemporary Issues In Language Education

Introduction Code-switching is one of the controversial topics in English Language Teaching (ELT) practice. It has been studied from different perspectives and has received much critical attention from researchers worldwide. This paper aims at providing critical reflections on two selected articles from the course core readings. The first article is Learner code-switching versus English only by Andrew Sampson (2012) and the second one is Metrolingualism: fixity, fluidity, and language in flux by Emi Otsuji and Alastair Pennycook (2010). This paper...
4 Pages 1911 Words

The Peculiarities Of Chiral Chromatography

INTRODUCTION Food analysis is a very important branch of analytical chemistry which provides data about chemical composition of food stuffs, contaminants and ensures safety of foods during import and exports. Many compounds which are found in nature, can be chiral which may have one or more chiral center and can exist as enantiomers. Enantiomers exhibits similar physico-chemical properties with assymetric molecular configuration and they are not superimposable mirror images of each other. They rotate the plane polarized light in opposite...
4 Pages 1928 Words

Biotechnology Of Extremophiles

Abstract Biotechnology of Extremophiles such as Thermus Aquaticus and Deinoccous radiodurans have a plethora of ways to improve human life. This paper reviews the use of said extremophilic enzymes, bacteria and some methodology of the current biotechnology that can take advantage of the extremophiles. Introduction Biotechnology is involved with our everyday lives, ranging from crops production, PCR and more. There’s a huge economic incentive to invest in researching extremophiles to be used in said applications. The paper looks at components...
4 Pages 1890 Words

A Study On Work-Life Balance Of Women Employed In Teaching Profession

ABSTRACT In India changing societal attitudes, inflation and rising educational levels made more women than ever before to drive into the paid workforce. The Indian women, who were confined only to the socially acceptable jobs like banks, teaching, nursing etc., are now stepping into various sectors. Irrespective of education, income and employment, professional women in India are still doing three jobs - office, housework and child care. Professional women hardly find space for themselves to accomplish basic necessity of life...
4 Pages 1932 Words

How Has The Content And Cultural Elements Developed Through The Interactive Orals In A Doll’s House?

Introduction A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is a 19th century Norwegian play with a lot of controversial parts to it. This means that historical context matters a lot when understanding the play. Social class, gender roles and status at the time of the play all change the understanding of how the play was received back when it was originally produced. From the interactive oral, I discovered that the context of the time period affects the audience and reception of...
4 Pages 1908 Words

The Practices And Beliefs Of Conservative Judaism

Introduction to Conservative Judaism Conservative Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world that has survived some structural and religious changes over thousands of years. Judaism is an ancient Jewish religion that is predominantly practised in Northern America popularly known as Marti Judaism. Conservative Judaism is based on the basic principles of the Mosaic Law strict observance of the scriptural teachings based on the old testament of the bible. This paper seeks to outline the religious practices of...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Integrating Faith And Work In The Modern Society

Integrating faith with work among the society comes as a response to the sluggish attitude and sloppy work among Christians especially during the 21st century when work has become so important in terms of domestic consumption and national growth (Kansiime, 2015). A few people view work as though it was something accomplished for individual advantages. To them, when and how it is accomplished is not an inquiry identified with the feeling of the Divine or higher requesting. A society has...
4 Pages 1903 Words

Plant Biofuel And Bioenergy

Need of biofuel production In the previous human history the fossil fuels are being used widely in the word by humans for all purposes such as cooking, heating, transportation, construction etc. but with the passage of time different problem arises due to more usage of fossil fuels. Burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution. When they burnt dangerous air pollutant like oxides of nitrogen, carbon go into the air and not only pollute it but also causes climatic changes, acid...
4 Pages 1857 Words

First Impressions Of Community Service At Lion’s Eye Hospital

BACKGROUND INFORMATION As I am a fourth-year student, I am entitled to do community service as a course through United States International University (USIU-A). It was a very easy pick for me when I obtained the list of places you could do the community service, I immediately decided that I would be doing it at Lion’s Sight first Eye Hospital (LSEH). The hospital holds a unique place in the community because it is one of the very few hospitals which...
4 Pages 1884 Words

A Review On Synthesis Of Polyaniline And Its Doping With Lewis Acid And Base

ABSTRACT During last few years, many researchers have worked and are working in the field of conducting polymers . This review article focuses on conducting polymers and their applications. Conducting polymers (CPs) have drawn considerable attention because of their economical importance, good environmental stability and electrical conductivity as well as due to their useful mechanical, optical and electronic properties. The effect of this oxidation or reduction on polymer is called doping. INTRODUCTION Intrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs) are organic polymers that...
4 Pages 1935 Words

The Importance And Role Of Money In A Doll’s House

In the book doll’s house, written by Henrik Ibsen. A Norwegian dramatist who portrays the feminist society to the world. The society back in 19th century was focusing on serious social conflicts. Which focused more on the male domination and feminism. From my point of view, Ibsen discusses the major concerns of naturalism and realism. And also highlights the importance given to the cultural conflicts. The way Ibsen portrays Nora in the play talks vastly of how women were treated...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Jainism: Liberal Arts And Contribution To Culture Of India

Introduction The etymology of the word ‘Religion’ states that the root of the word is ‘religio’ i.e obligation/ bond/ reverence for the bond between humans and the gods. In today’s world, it is defined as the belief and worship of a superhuman controlling power in rudimentary terms. Religion is essentially a cultural system of various elements of behaviours, practices, morals, views, texts, sanctified places etc. which relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental and spiritual elements. A very crude explanation for religion...
4 Pages 1917 Words

Verb Transitivity Of Malay Palembang Language (Systematic Functional Linguistics Perspective)

Abstract In language there is a metafunction, namely, Ideational; correlation of the usefulness of language in conveying experience in the form of expression and understanding of the perception of life that is carried out consciously called transitivity. This study attempts to analyze the transitivity process of Palembang Malay verbs with Linguistic Functional Linguistics categories. The research method uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative (mixed method). The source of the data collected in the form of a conversation in Palembang...
4 Pages 1942 Words

Controlled Adsorption Of DNA Origami Nanostructures Studied By Atomic Force Microscopy

Abstract DNA origami nanostructures can be utilized as functional materials depending upon their arrangement into higher orders using molecular lithography process. DNA origami triangles and DNA origami 6-helix bundles (6HB) are synthesized under sodium and magnesium rich buffer solutions, adsorbed and desorbed on the negatively charged mica surface. The adsorption of origami depends upon Mg2+ that forms a salt bridge at the surface because of electrostatic attraction which further leads to a weak mobility of origami on surface and thereby...
4 Pages 1915 Words

Cell Cycle In The Terms Of Breast Cancer

Abstract Cancer is a frightful disease and represents one of the biggest health-care issues for the human race and demands a proactive strategy for cure. Exploration of natural product containing anticancer agent provide a promising line for research on cancer. Moringa plant (Moringa oleifera) is one of the medicinal plants used in traditional medicine for the treatment of cancer. Several studies have reported that water and alcoholic leaves extracts of M. oleifera have anticancer activity in some cancer cell line,...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Origin And Spread Of Christianity

Long before Christianity came to our communities, people used to worship, sing praise songs to gods. Somehow they had faith in the acceptance of their sacrifices and prayers by gods. Christianity then came taking over and condemned most of the traditional worshipping.the main difference was that conventional way of worship based on superstitions and gods. Christian faith on the hand revolved around the bible and worshipping only one God.Over time Christianity has almost eradicated all the African traditional beliefs. The...
4 Pages 1852 Words

The History Of Nazarene Church

Introduction Nazarene Church is a well-known Church which started in Kansas City, United States of America. It talks about holiness without compromising sin. It addresses only rightness to influence people who commits sin in their lives to change and focus kingdom in life. This church rapidly spread all over the World and many souls have been saved. So, how did the first Missionaries bring it into this Pacific Island country called Papua New Guinea? They faced challenges or committed themselves...
4 Pages 1858 Words

Gayness In Print Advertisement: A Semiotic Analysis

INTRODUCTION Advertisements are ubiquitous; hence, these are seen in different forms such as print and electronic which make the advertisements more interesting, creative, attractive, and persuasive especially in terms of appearance. Cook (1992, p.5) says that advertising is a well-known type of discourse in the society. Moreover, it is well-established and it has also been progressing especially in the modern era that people live in. Companies advertise in order for the people to recognize and eventually patronize their products. According...
4 Pages 1855 Words

The Evolution Of Women In Workspace

“A women should be taught to believe in protecting herself on her own and not to depend on a man for her protection. She has the power to protect the world and not just herself.” “ HISTORY OF WOMEN’S SUPPRESSION During the early days, agriculture was the chief human occupation and it was based on heavy physical labour. Men never involved in the occupation of agriculture. It was women who did the hard labour jobs like grinding grain, carrying water,...
4 Pages 1858 Words
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