2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Importance of Printed Media for the Spread of the Reformation

Martin Luther’s rise in popularity began when he nailed his ‘Ninety-Five Theses’ to the door of the Wittenberg Church on October 31, 1517. Luther aimed to show how corrupt the Catholic Church had become and in a letter to the Archbishop of Mainz, he wrote: “Works of piety and love are infinitely better than indulgences, and yet these are not preached with such ceremony or such zeal; nay, for the sake of preaching the indulgences they are kept quiet, though...
5 Pages 2206 Words

Concept of Aging Artists and Interest/Disinterest of Their Work on the Example of Tupac Shakur, Eminem and Britney Spears

Popular culture is everywhere, from adolescents to adulthood. Popular culture impacts us and lives on through different forms of media, memory and nostalgia. However, it is important to note that culture making is a social process: all meanings of self, of social relations, all the discourses and texts that play such important cultural roles can circulate only in relationship to the social system, in our case that of white, patriarchal capitalism. In this essay I will focus on 3 popular...
4 Pages 2010 Words

Taste and Factors Affecting or Affected by Taste

This paper discusses the topic of taste and more specifically on the factors that influence taste or are influenced by taste. Although it may not be apparent as to how taste is linked to psychology, it is key to realize that our ability to taste carries the aspects of evolutionary psychology, psychophysics, and behaviorism. Taste is one of our many senses that sends messages to the brain, which in turn allows the brain to interpret these messages and perceives the...
5 Pages 2104 Words

Sugar in World History

According to latest data, sugar cane in which sugar is abstracted from, is the third most precious crop after cereals, rice, and inhibits 26,942,686 square measures of the land crosswise the globe. It principal output, besides from commercial profits, is global public health difficulty. Which has been period of time in the making. This essay will discuss the history of sugar and its impacts on the making of the modern world, further tracing the spread of the plant in different...
4 Pages 2003 Words

Reflections on Whether Religion Is the Cause of Wars and Conflicts in Society

Profane humanists and atheists consistently make the profession that religion is the number-one cause of violence and war throughout the history of humanity. Wikipedia defines a religious war or holy war “as a war primarily caused or justified by differences in religion”. In the modern period, debates are common over the extent to which religious, economic, or ethnic aspects of a conflict predominate in a given war. Britain’s most outspoken atheist, Richard Dawkins, has averred that religion has been the...
5 Pages 2221 Words

Key Messages of Billie Holiday's 'Strange Fruit' and Childish Gambino's 'This Is America'

Billie Holiday was a powerful vocalist, a jazz singer, and an African American woman with a short tragic life for a voice that transcended time. She became a cultural icon known for her soulful voice and for her iconic 1939 protest song ‘Strange Fruit’, a controversial performance that shook all of America as she made a political stance against the violent lynching against black Americans. Protest songs are written to criticize society, and ‘Strange Fruit’ points out the pseudo-integration and...
4 Pages 2025 Words

Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities in Australia

In this analytical essay I will discuss the development of inclusive education over time with reference to key historical, political and legislative events (domestic and international). I will outline educators’ specific obligations in relation to the support of students with a disability under international instruments and Australian legislation. The Development of Inclusive Education There have been a number of key historical, political and legislative events (both domestic and international) which, over time, have contributed to the development of inclusive education...
4 Pages 1973 Words

Human's Uniqueness in the Understanding of the Theory of Mind

Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states which includes goals, beliefs, intentions and desires to oneself and to others. This essay is looking at theory of mind of adults and social cognition of infant and children. The presumption of humans’ uniqueness in understanding theory of mind is largely true and will be discussed in this essay through the false-belief test, a number of theories and mind blindness, which is a theory of mind deficit caused by brain...
5 Pages 2064 Words

Examining the Effects of Interference and Distraction on Immediate and Delayed Recall of Meaningful Words

The short-term memory is the very first system we encounter when we decide to recall information at the conscious level. The system register also gets information for a brief moment at an unconcious level. But before information can be transferred to the long-term memory, it needs to undergo rehearsal. Rehearsal maintains the validity of a code of information in the short-term memory, rehearsal needs to be done often to keep the information for a long period. Chunking of words makes...
5 Pages 2032 Words

Data Analysis and Visualization

2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day, and it’s only going to grow from there. By 2020, it’s estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on the Earth. The numbers are huge and such data cannot be examined without the analytical and visualization power. Why Data Analysis and Visualization Are Important Information examination and representation is exceptionally urgent as it permits numerous endeavors and people like you and me to conclude...
5 Pages 2249 Words

Comparative Analysis of the Radical Movements of the Reformation with Modern Fresh Expressions of the Church and Emerging Churches

Episcopal Bishop Mark Dyer has observed that the only way to understand what is currently happening to us as twenty-first-century Christians is to realize that the church feels compelled to have a massive shakeup about every five hundred years. He describes this shakeup as a ‘rummage sale’. Five hundred years back from our 21st century places us in the 16th century and what is now being called the Great Reformation. Theologian Tickle names this 21st-century rummage sale as the ‘Great...
5 Pages 2100 Words

Big Data Analysis: Challenges, Issues and Tools

Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. Big data decodes previously untouched data to derive new insight that gets integrated into business operations. However, as the amounts of data increase exponential, the current techniques are becoming obsolete. Dealing with big data requires comprehensive coding skills, domain knowledge, and statistics. In the digital world, data are generated from...
4 Pages 2008 Words

Analysis on GDP and Its Effectiveness as a Standard of Well-Being and the Effects on the Focus on Economic Growth

Economic growth around the world has meant countries has been able to develop at an exponential rate, particularly those economies in third world countries. Gross domestic product or GDP gives an indication of the country’s economic situation. Many economists would use gross domestic product to provide figures to help determine the rate of growth and the size of an economy for various countries. GDP can be calculated by taking the total value of products and services that are manufactured by...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Plastic Pollution Essay: Navigating a Global Crisis

Plastic once considered a modern triumph, has evolved into an unprecedented environmental predicament: plastic pollution. This pervasive issue extends its reach from the remotest corners of our oceans to the bustling heart of urban landscapes. Its consequences reverberate across ecosystems, impacting marine life, human health, and the delicate balance of our planet. As our reliance on plastic soars, so does its detrimental aftermath. In this introductory exploration, we unravel the multifaceted dimensions of plastic pollution. We delve into the origins...
7 Pages 2107 Words

World War in '1984': Critical Essay

In the book 1984, which was written in 1948, George Orwell exhibits a tragic culture that intended to be a notice about the eventual fate of our reality. Despite the fact that at the time the truth that was set for the novel was practically unimaginable, from various perspectives, our general public has come to look very like the anecdotal one Orwell made. One way that our genuine world and Orwell's anecdotal universe look like each other is in the...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Why Did the Vietnam War Last So Long: Analytical Essay

On March 8, 1965, the United States Marines traveled to Da Nang Bay. They were the first military combat troops to arrive in South Vietnam. The United States' intervention in the Vietnam War progressed in small stages over a long period of time. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the one who first introduced the “domino theory.” This theory would lay down the foundation for America’s involvement in Vietnam. The main idea of the domino theory was, “…if one new country...
5 Pages 2206 Words

What Were The Underlying Causes of World War 1: DBQ Essay

World War I also known as the Great War began in 1914 until 1918. This was not just an ordinary war, but it was a major conflict that affected everyone whether young or old. Most continents were involved due to the popularity of this War. The Great War began in Europe mainly in Russia, Britain, France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. More than sixteen million people were killed-both soldiers and residents.1 Many of the soldiers died in trench warfare and the residents...
4 Pages 1963 Words

What Does the Christmas Tree Symbolize in a 'Doll's House': Critical Essay

Henrik Ibsen’s ‘A Doll's House (1879) is situated during a dominant patriarchal society where women conform to traditional roles, however through the portrayal of the character Nora, we see that she goes against these roles as she is quite deceptive and secretive towards her husband Torvald Helmer. In contrast, Bret Easton Ellis’ ‘American Psycho’ taking place in 1980s America presents investment banker Patrick Bateman as a person that would be described as a ‘yuppie’, but in truth, he is a...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Unjust Law Is No Law at All: Persuasive Essay

Everyone wants justice to be served, and it is the obligation of the judicial system to ensure that goal is achieved. Justice involves enhancing fairness in a conflicting argument or claim. In other words, it is a just behavior or conduct in response to a situation contradictory situation. However, in most cases, people find themselves denied justice when most needed. History tells of cases of people who have been wrongly convicted for crimes they never committed, while others denied justice...
5 Pages 2179 Words

There Is No Life After Death: Argumentative Essay

Introduction Life is known as the experience or state of being alive. Death signifies the end of a person's life therefore life after death is referred to using the term 'Afterlife', 'which has the definition: an existing life, which begins after death. There is no solid scientific proof of life after death, hence people believe in an afterlife due to their religion, holy book, or traditions. This theory of life after death dates to prehistoric times. There is a widespread...
4 Pages 1961 Words

The Spiral of Silence and How Media Effects It: Analytical Essay

Given the volatile political climate of the west as well as the accessibility of the internet, social media, as well as media in general, has become a battleground between political parties that in turn has caused a large divide, however back in the days before the internet, many people were not as vocal about their political views, especially if it was a view held by a minority of the population, a good example being right-wing Trump Supporters in the US...
4 Pages 1987 Words

Stronger Gun Control Laws Will Save Lives: Persuasive Essay

Gun control is one of the most debatable issues in the United States. Americans are in conflict about whether gun control is necessary, or if their right to the second amendment is being taken away. Many believe that if we have strict gun control would reduce gun violence. Many other people believe that people should have the right to bear arms for protection, or even for the desire of hunting. In the Bill of Rights, it is stated that Americans...
5 Pages 2102 Words

Spanish American War as a Turning Point in United States Foreign Policy: Argumentative Essay

US Foreign Policy Before World War Two The first United States President, George Washington, established non-interventionism in his farewell address to the nation. Non-interventionism was maintained throughout the majority of the 19th century. Non-interventionism is a minimal foreign policy that bases its notion on minimal foreign interference. Non-Interventionism states that; “Political rulers should avoid interfering in the affairs of foreign nations relations but still retain diplomacy and trade while avoiding wars unless related to direct self-defense.” Non-Interventionism also discouraged making...
5 Pages 2042 Words

Reflective Essay on Hedonistic Lifestyle

Introduction In this reflective piece, I will draw focus on my own behavior regarding sustainable consumption. I chose myself because I thought I would easily be able to explain my own sustainable consumption. However, in reality, this has been a difficult process. I believe this is due to the fact a majority of my purchasing behavior occurs on an automatic/ subconscious level. For example, when I purchase a new clothing item it is often not due to necessity, it is...
4 Pages 2036 Words

Recognition of Prior Learning for Master of Nursing

Introduction This assignment explores the concept of professional values and professional practice including safeguarding that is required to support the role transition from healthcare support worker to Registered Nurse (RN). It also highlights and discusses the key roles and duties of a healthcare support worker needed for the transition to an RN. The key concepts of professional values and professional practice discussed in this assignment include safeguarding and preserving safety, practicing effectively, prioritizing people, and promoting professionalism and trust, care,...
5 Pages 2056 Words

Reasons for not Falling in Love in 2021: Argumentative Essay

“This is why you should not be in a relationship in the 21st century” Feriel Oueslati From the cradle to your tomb, you live in a world where love is its core. Love used to be such a powerful word that death would be welcomed with open arms if it meant saving the other half from any possible harm, where sacrifices were made in a heartbeat; the chivalrous kind of love. We all have drooled over pictures of soldiers leaving...
4 Pages 2037 Words

Negative Effects of Advertising on Body Image: Critical Essay

It is evident that media plays a significant role in many aspects of Western culture. From music to videos, to advertisements, so much of what we do, the things we buy, and the thoughts we think are influenced by the media. This paper outlines several ways in which the media can affect one’s thoughts on body image, and eating through the critical analysis of an advertisement and a music video. Within Western culture, advertising images are so apparent that they...
4 Pages 2002 Words

Narrative Essay about Meaningful Experience

Introduction The analysis of case study three will be centered around Jill who needs housing and is a victim of oppression in the forms of domestic violence, and discrimination through stereotyping and worker ideology. She is a client of a domestic violence organization that works on empowering clients to deal with issues centered around oppression and discrimination. As such, I decided to apply an Anti-Oppressive Theory, adapting Thompson’s PCS Model of discrimination to make her realize that she is not...
4 Pages 1966 Words

Michelangelo Contributions to the Renaissance: Synthesis Essay

Abstract In the center of Florence at Piazza della Signoria, stands one of the most iconic sculptures from the Renaissance, Michelangelo’s David. Daily looked upon by hundreds of tourists, its sheer size and beauty make it not noticeable. Although the one standing at the Piazza is a copy, the original statue can be found at Galleria dell’Accademia Firenze where it was relocated in 1873. While it is today seen as a tourist attraction, it had a deep political value during...
5 Pages 2218 Words

Mathematics Documented Essay

Mathematics Documented Essay The world's population has been exponentially rising for the past decades, causing an increase in the demand for food which gives major challenges to the food security of the world. Food security is achieved when most people have economic and material access to adequate, safe, and healthy food. Unfortunately, this reality is non-existent for the majority of the world's population. Approximately 900 million people are still malnourished and don't have access to quality and nutritious food (FAO,...
5 Pages 2102 Words
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