2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Psychotropic Drugs: Great Treatment Solution to Mental Illness

Mental illness has evolved over the last couple hundred years. From the theological model of the Middle Ages to today’s modern medicine, it is very clear that the understanding of mental illness has become better understood with time. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2018), “Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities” (para., 1). When...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Overview of Main Themes of the Film ‘Spirited Away’

Introduction to the Spirit World In the beginning of the movie, Chihiro’s father takes a shortcut in the way to their new place, which has been found as very far away from the center and somehow remoted, as Chihiro’s mother claims that she would have to go shopping in another city. This means that the tunnel is much likely to be located in the middle of nowhere where few people have reached. The shortcut is also suspicious, as the car...
4 Pages 2065 Words

My Teaching Philosophy as a Future ESOL Educator

Generally speaking, learning is a social process. When considering the specific process of learning a second or additional language, the social dimension of learning becomes more apparent. Because of our dependence on each other for new knowledge, my teaching philosophy rests on creating a community of learners. Creating an optimal space for a community of learners means considering several actions and dispositions that influence the classroom. For one, students need to see the value and importance of all languages and...
5 Pages 2111 Words

My Parents' Parenting Styles and Their Influence on Me

There are three types of parenting styles which are permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. Permissive parents believe that their kids should not be monitored constantly, should be able to think on their own, and have little control over them (Berks & Meyers, 2016, p.394). The second parenting style is authoritarian, which parents expect their child to follow their rules and are in control all the time (Baumrind, 1966). The last parenting style is authoritative, which parents are more involved in their...
4 Pages 2034 Words

My Journey through Human Development

Development is defined as a pattern of change that begins at conception and continues through one’s lifespan (Santrock, 2018). In this paper I will discuss my observations on five different stages of human development. These five stages include a six-month-old, a two-year-old, a ten-year-old, a seventeen-year-old, a forty-nine-year-old mother, and an eighty-four-year-old. I have applied the knowledge gained in my Psychology 211 course to each developmental stage. To keep their identities confidential, I will refer to each person as Subject...
5 Pages 2117 Words

Love Your Country Like a Hero: Essay

This subject taught me many things one is how to think deeper based on his works among all the works that we tackled only few and certain things remembered and gave me an idea of things, how can bravery take place as a woman, Filipino, youth and as a student. One certain thing struck me most and that is his work entitled ‘kundiman’ wherein he showed how love can conquer everything. He used the ‘kundiman’ type of love basically for...
4 Pages 2011 Words

Literary Devices Used by Suetonius for the Portrayal of Caligula's Character

Suetonius uses a variety of literary techniques in order to portray Caligula’s character in a negative light, which primarily revolve around the establishment of superficial praise for Caligula, in order to more strikingly condemn him later. In order to demonstrate this, we must observe the way in which Suetonius structures the Life of Caligula to maximize this effect, before noting the stylistic techniques which emphasize this structural criticism, and the use of specific language to maximize the contrast. In this...
5 Pages 2200 Words

Key Barriers Faced by NESB Students

The number of international students enrolled in Western English-speaking universities has significantly increased in the last 10 years, and is a trend expected to continue. There are 125, 392 international students studying in New Zealand, and New Zealand Education (2018) suggest a consistent growth of this number. In Australia, it is predicted that the number of international students will rise to over 800,000 by 2018, and will increase ‘sevenfold’ by 2025 (Ryan & Carroll, 2005). In Australia, 80% of international...
5 Pages 2225 Words

John Stuart Mill's Concept of Liberty

What does liberty mean, and what it’s like to be a liberal. The word ‘liberal’ originated from the Latin dictionary and it means free. Our nation’s First Amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America and in the Bill of Rights, is freedom of speech and in the First Amendment American citizens have the freedom to choose what religion they wish to practice, they have the freedom to speak their opinion without fear, and the press have their...
5 Pages 2151 Words

Job Roles in Gaming Industry

There is a wide variety of jobs available in the games industry following a degree in game development such as game developer, game programmer, UI and graphic programmer. There is also the ability to go into sound, animation and design making the industry large with multiple jobs available. This paper aims to compare and explore possible jobs in the industry and what each role contains and how to obtain them. One job role obtainable within the game industry is a...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Human Rights: Right to Liberty and Security

In this paper I talk about the history of human rights as a background. But mainly I focused on the right of liberty and security, which protects us against arbitrary unlawful deprivation of liberty. I chose this topic because in my thoughts it is interesting. What Are Human Rights? Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to everyone in the world, from birth until death. They are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Genetically Modified (GM) Food: Failure of the Innovation

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from animals or plants whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified. For example, by the insertion of a gene from another organism, in a fashion that does not occur normally. Combining genes from different organisms is known as ‘recombinant DNA technology’, while the resulting organism is claimed to be 'genetically modified', or 'genetically engineered', or 'transgenic'. The technology is sometimes referred to as 'modern biotechnology' or 'gene technology' or 'genetic engineering' often as...
4 Pages 1989 Words

Food Wastage and How Restaurants Could Influence a Circular Future

According to Reset Editorial, an estimated 1.3 out of 4 billion plenty of food is wasted globally every year. Therefore, an estimated one-third of all the food produced within the world goes to waste. While the food goes to the landfills and starts to rot, it produces methane. This greenhouse emission could be a greater threat than carbonic acid gas. In step with World Wild Life, about 11% of all the gas emissions are produced thanks to food wastage alone....
4 Pages 1962 Words

Factors Contributing to China's Economic Growth and Constraints to Future Growth

China’s economy has undergone extraordinary growth over the past four decades. The country was one of the poorest nations worldwide in 1978 with its real per capita gross domestic estimated to be one-fortieth of the US level. However, the nation has become a vital economic power since it opened up to the world following the end of Mao’s rule (Yang, 2013). The country’s real per capita GDP increased from 5.5% of the US level to around 25% in 2014 (Zhang,...
5 Pages 2192 Words

Evolution of Camera: Eastern Development

The invention of camera had changed the world entirely: creating image to spread across and later, the mass media. What is not a widely known fact is that Ibn al-Haitham (also known as Al Hazen) had made observation of the nature leading to the formation of theory that light reflects off an object and enters the eye, creating what we know today as sight. To prove his theory, he built the first camera obscura model ever called ‘qamara’. This became...
4 Pages 2079 Words

Effects of University Relationships on Students

University education is an important milestone in the life of a person who has had the privilege of going through one. The purpose of university education is to train the mind to learn to think and develop virtues that will prepare you for life. University education is essentially the last step a person takes before venturing into their prospective careers. University education gives a person the necessary skills and knowledge so that he/she will be ready for employment or self-employment...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Disproving Preconceptions about Effects of Video Games on Adolescents

Since video games sudden rise to popularity in the 1970s, many games were made and developed in a variety of genres. From relaxing games such as Animal Crossing and Minecraft to the hard hitting violent induced games such as Doom Eternal and Grand Theft Auto (GTA). Especially games such as Mortal Combat who introduced the mechanics of fatalities which a player has an option to decimate their opponents in gruesome finishers such as skull bashing or even pulling their guts...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Characteristics of Adulthood with Analysis of Characters of the Movie 'The Breakfast Club'

When we arrive at early adulthood, our physical development is finished, in spite of the fact that our stature and weight may increment marginally. In early adulthood, our physical capacities are at their pinnacle, including muscle quality, response time, tangible capacities, and heart working. Most expert competitors are at the highest point of their game during this stage, and numerous ladies have youngsters in the early-adulthood years. The maturing procedure, although not unmistakable, starts during early adulthood. Around the age...
5 Pages 2212 Words

Changing Values of the Jewish People During the Holocaust in Elie Wiesel's Story 'Night'

The most immediate and prominent thing that changed values for the Jewish people in the Holocaust was food. Straight off the bat, the Jewish people were deprived of food. In Elie’s situation, as soon as he was forced to wait in line to load up into the train, and when he was actually on the train, he and his fellow community members were already very hungry. The Jewish people were starving from the beginning of the book. Immediately, the Jewish...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Can Video Games Develop Successful Surgeons?

Home video gaming systems have been around for decades. Older generations may remember home console gaming systems such as Atari, ColecoVision, or even IntelleVision. Parents of the 1980’s were equally concerned about the dangers of playing video games as they are today. What many critics of video games don’t appreciate is the enormous potential these games have in developing optimal hand / eye coordination, endurance, and focus for careers that will depend on these key characteristics for success and survival....
4 Pages 1950 Words

Awareness of Climate Change and Marine Welfare as Main Goal of ‘Chasing Ice’ and ‘Our Planet’

Documentative films provide evidentiary support on information from visuals and language that are factually based on real events or individual subjects. The cognizant awareness of climate change is increasing substantially both locally and universally, with science providing evidence of the increasing temperature, melting glaciers and ice caps, and dramatic biological temperature changes within rainforests and deserts. Biopic documentaries are considered lucrative forms of publication to promote climate change. The main focal points include the impact of climate change on animals...
4 Pages 1977 Words

Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe? Essay

Ten thousand years back at the starting of farming, humans picked up traits, adapted and evolved due to selective breeding and artificial selection. Selective breeding modified human nature repeatedly throughout numerous generations. Many characteristic traits were determined by genes and today’s day and age scientists can use those exact genes to shift around ‘cut-and-paste’ an organism’s genes into another. By snipping those genes scientists can precisely select the exact trait that will be pasted into another plant, animal or bacteria,...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Get Out Film Analysis Essay

Unveiling Racial Dynamics in 'Get Out In 2017, ten years after Obama's presidency, director Jordan Peele released his physiological horror film ‘Get Out’. In the film the audience witnesses a society where white people desire to take control of African American's bodies through implanting a piece of their mind into theirs, resulting from white liberals’ belief that African American’s bodies are superior, while their own minds are superior. The film follows the story of the main character, Chris Washington, who...
4 Pages 1966 Words

Analysing Cancer Control as a National Health Priority Area (NHPA) in Australia

Cancer control is one of the key National Health Priority areas in Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells of the body divide and develop uncontrollably, with the ability to infiltrate and infect nearby cells (World Health Organization, 2018a; Yabroff, 2019). Cancer is the result of various alterations in the processes that guide and control cell proliferation, spread and invasion (WHO, 2018a). This leads to downstream changes that alter the sequencing and...
4 Pages 2015 Words

Essay About Journey of a Breast Cancer Patient

In this essay, a patient’s journey from diagnosis to completion of treatment will be discussed. The topics dealt with will include causes, to life after treatment. The text below will suggest the best possible actions and care for the patient. Etiology and Epidemiology Intraductal Carcinoma of the breast is classified as an in situ tumor where the lining of the duct mutates and become cancerous but does not spread (Cancer Research UK, 2017). In 2015, this accounted for around 7,900...
4 Pages 1957 Words

Essay about Emma Goldman's Viewpoints on Marriage and Love

Emma Goldman: An Introduction to Her Life and Ideals Native Lithuanian Emma Goldman was born on June 27, 1869. She immigrated to the United States in 1885, where she worked in clothing factories. It was in that setting that she came in contact with anarchist beliefs. A fiery speaker, she was jailed for inciting riots and advocating birth control. Goldman spoke often and widely, not only on anarchism and social problems but also on the contemporary dramatic works of Henrik...
5 Pages 2223 Words

Analysis of the Causes of University Students' Discontent in France in 1968

May 1968 saw some of the largest protests in contemporary French history witnessing a month of demonstrations, university buildings being taken over and economic standstill resulting in a snap legislative election. An article published in The Guardian on May 13th highlighted a number of reasons why these protests had broken out such as a lack of lecturers, the expansion of student numbers, authoritarian regulations and the loss of freedom suggesting that “France [had] only herself to blame…” for the unrest....
5 Pages 2240 Words

Alcohol and Aviation: Case Study

Hundreds of decisions and actions are to be taken during flight operations of an aircraft, ranging from pre-flight processes like weather interpretation, fueling, route selection and checklists, to flight operations such as taxing, take-off, cruise and landing. Proper procedures must be correctly executed to ensure safe completion of flight operations and that no risks are taken or hazards are created that may affect the aircraft, aircrew, passengers, cargo and other airplanes. A pilot’s ability to make decision, and or execute...
4 Pages 2004 Words

Brief Description of Cancer

Cancer is a word that most people think of to be a death sentence. It is one word that nobody wants to hear in a doctor’s office. Sadly, over the past decades, cancer prevalence has continued to rise. It was thought to be more common in elderly people but now it is becoming a lot more common in younger adults and even in children. There are many types of cancer that can develop throughout the body. Luckily, cancer is curable...
4 Pages 2028 Words

‘Casablanca’ Vs ‘Apocalypse Now’: Classical Hollywood Vs New Hollywood

‘Casablanca’ can be greatly contrasted to ‘Apocalypse Now’ to highlight how different the creative control was from the ‘Golden Age’ of Hollywood and ‘New Hollywood’ films. One clear difference between these two films is that ‘Casablanca’ was produced by Warner Brothers, whilst in ‘Apocalypse Now’ the director was also the producer of the film, therefore emphasizing how the director was the most important influence on ‘Apocalypse Now’. ‘Casablanca’ was directed by Michael Curtiz with Warner Brothers. It is a Hollywood...
4 Pages 1993 Words
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