2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

‘12 Years a Slave’: Movie Review Essay

Introduction to '12 Years a Slave' The film ‘12 Years a Slave’ depicts slaves were treated as property in antebellum south slave states and we subjected to barbaric torture and were used as labor for farms and household activities. Solomon Northup's Journey from Freedom to Slavery The film ‘12 Years a Slave’ is about a man named Solomon Northup, who was born a free man in New York in 1808. In 1842 he was tricked, captured and sold into slavery...
4 Pages 1958 Words

Rosebud’ Symbol in the Movie 'Citizen Kane’

A magnificent mansion, a remarkable 'Rosebud' and a fragmented crystal ball opened the heavy curtain of ‘Citizen Kane’. ‘Rosebud’, such a beautiful but plain word, is associated with the death of a famous newspaper tycoon. In the whole film, it becomes the cause of the story, but it is like a kite with a broken thread, instead of linking up any secrets that have been hidden for many years, it brings the important people who appeared in Kane 's life...
5 Pages 2061 Words

12 Years a Slave' and Its Main Themes

In Steve McQueen's ‘12 Years a Slave’, the themes of racism, sexism, economic structure and neglect are shown throughout the film. Based on a true story, the film portrays the perils of slavery and its later effect. What I find incredible is even though we have had many tragedies like African American slavery, Native American genocide, and the Holocaust we don't seem to learn from our mistakes. All these themes have built up to these mass enslavements and killings of...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Physical, Natural Environmental Issues Affecting the Food Industries

There is no doubt that the food industry is one of the world's biggest industries. There are some interesting factors at play in this space, such as rising labour costs, which make it uncertain how profitable food companies will continue to be. This report will go into further analysis on PESTEL, specifically the elements such as environmental, political and sociological. (Refer to Appendix one as an example of a PESTEL framework of all elements). It will also provide key findings...
5 Pages 2214 Words

How Persepolis Challenges Common Perceptions of Iran

In the years since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the country of Iran has built up some very negative reputations in the West. The actions of certain extremists cause the world to associate Iran with terrorism, corruption, and production of deadly weapons. This is represented in President George W. Bush’s 2002 State of the Union Address, when he classified Iran as part of the “axis of evil”. However, the vast majority of the Iranian people are not evil terrorists. They are...
4 Pages 1956 Words

Affluent and Black and Still Trapped by Segregation

Everyone at some point in their life has to move, it can either be for university or for work-related purposes. There are many elements a person considers when it comes to deciding where they would want to rent/buy a house. These elements could be the closeness to their work building, the rate of crime, the price of the house, or even the education of their children. This often leads to the concept of racial segregation, from employment, to marriage, to...
4 Pages 2041 Words

How did Karl Marx and Max Weber Differ in their Theoretical Assumptions? Essay

Modern society, or modernity, according to Giddens (1990) is defined as modes of social life or organization which emerged in Europe from about the seventeenth century onwards & which subsequently became more or less worldwide in their influence. Karl Marx and Max Weber are two prominent social scientists who had different views on modern society, but it is still important to compare and contrast their work in order to better understand modernity. Karl Marx was a deep and complicated thinker,...
4 Pages 1976 Words

What is Online Dating and What are its Impact on People? Essay

In “Swiping right: Alcohol, online dating, and sexual hookups in post college women”, talks about how Online dating is relatively new and there is limited research on how it has impacted casual dating relationships or mental health. Afterall Most online dating websites and apps do not promote themselves for hookups, but rather to find a serious, committed partner. However, apps like Tinder, has become known as a hookup app, as it provides an avenue to meet up with others who...
5 Pages 2165 Words

Was the US Justified in Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan? Essay

Introduction As many as 220,000 people may have been killed in the Allied nuclear attacks upon the Japanese cities of Kiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War. With such a tremendous loss of life, it is right to question whether or not it was a necessary act, given the general success the allies were having in the months leading up to the atomic attacks. This essay will not explore whether or not the atomic bombings were...
5 Pages 2246 Words

The Importance of Sustainable Earthquake Resistant Building Design in The Philippines

The Philippines is known to be one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world. It is in the list of the ’10 Earthquake Prone Countries in The World’ (10 Earthquake Prone Countries In The World 2019) and is located within the area known as the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’, which comprises of a string of sites of seismic activities around the Pacific Ocean. (Society 2019) Therefore, it is very much susceptible to earthquakes. The country has experienced numerous...
5 Pages 2184 Words

The Cold Wars Effects on Modern Day Wars and Relations

Throughout history, there have been multiple causes of war and volatile relationships between countries. One of the most prevalent causes of war being communism. Starting in 1945 and coming to an “end” in 1991 the Cold War made its presence known. Threats of missiles and war were constant on not only government officials minds but rather all citizens whos homelands were involved in the conflict between the United States and its allies against Eastern European Countries The most well known...
4 Pages 1956 Words

Symbolism in 'The Book Thief'

Crossword Puzzles Every Thursday, when Leisel collects and delivers mama’s washing and ironing, she looks for newspapers with crosswords to bring home for Max. Every week she looks forward to finding a newspaper with an empty crossword to give to him. They sit together in the basement while Liesel reads and Max does the crosswords. The narrator, death, explains, “Where Hans Hubermann and Erik Vandenburg were ultimately united by music, Max and Leisel were held together by the quiet gathering...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Social World of Coffee Analysis

This book is about the life of the people socially connected through coffee. Paige West, the author of the book has tried to provide an account that roams around the globe, from a small village of eastern highland of Papua new guinea(PNG) to western Europe and the USA. As the title of the book suggests the Social world of coffee, it elaborates the ethnography of people of Papua new guinea. In PNG people lives from diverse culture and ethnicity. It...
5 Pages 2088 Words

Should the USA Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan? Essay

In 1939, the President of the USA, FDR, was informed by US intelligence that Germany was on her way to making a nuclear bomb of their own. This led to the creation of the Advisory Committee on Uranium, a team tasked with harnessing and weaponising uranium. Based upon the committee’s findings, the US started funding research by Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard, which was focused on uranium enrichment and nuclear chain reactions. The name was changed to the National Defence...
4 Pages 2002 Words

Propaganda in Different Wars

To understand how certain events took place in history, it is vital to look at the effect propaganda had and still has on its people. By definition, propaganda is the spreading of information that may be biased to promote or oppose one’s cause. In actuality, propaganda is much more complicated and powerful than this definition can convey. By studying how the brain works, social scientists have discovered fundamental patterns in human thinking that are more susceptible to being influenced by...
4 Pages 1967 Words

Lasting Effects of the Cold War

Ronald Reagan once said,“We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth,” but that was in 1985 and there is no sign of the complete destruction of nuclear weapons (thereaganvision.org). This is exemplified in the ongoing War on Terror in Iraq and Syria. For quite some time, Americans have been debating whether or not to use nuclear force as a deterrent on ISIS and other terrorist organizations. This is all due to the...
4 Pages 1975 Words

How Does Solar Energy Work? Essay

It's generated when the sunlight hits solar panels, which then transform sunlight in electricity suitable for our homes. This process of transformation is the way in which this energy is produced. We will analyze in depth how does solar energy works and how a domestic solar system harnesses the sun's energy. The process of creating electricity from sunlight begins with the most important part of a solar installation: solar panels. Usually a panel is made of monocrystalline silicon, but it...
4 Pages 1985 Words

How Did WW1 Change American Society? Essay

After World War I the Americans became tired of war and responsibilities. They wanted to return to a normal way of life. This made the Americans suspicious of foreigners and people who have views that were different than the average American’s. Some Americans were especially afraid of the Russian Revolution. In 1917 a Communist state was set up in Russia by the Bolsheviks. They attempted to convince workers across the globe to overthrow capitalism. Many American citizens were afraid that...
4 Pages 1998 Words

Essentials You Ought to Know About Car Accident Settlements

Essentials You Ought to Know About Car Accident Settlements Do you own a car? When you own a care it is of abundant importance to ensure that you cover your car with one of the cover companies. There are many organizations out there where you can register and get your engine secured for compensation. Anybody and any car can get involved in an accident. It might either be: a head on coalition, side bruise on your car and many more....
4 Pages 2029 Words

Environmental Issues Faced by Indonesia

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is the largest island country in the world, with more than 17,000 islands, and at 1,904,569 square kilometres. With more than 261 million people, it is considered to be the fourth most populous country in the world. More than half of the country’s population lives in the island ‘Java’. As far as the government in Indonesia is concerned, it is a presidential, constitutional republic with an...
4 Pages 1984 Words

Effects of Music Therapy on the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Abstract Clinicians have, over the years, recognized and utilized the therapeutic properties of music in alleviating the psychological and behavioral symptoms of dementia for patients and their caregivers. Dementia encompasses a range of conditions and diseases characterized by the progressive impairment and deterioration of a person’s cognitive domains. Without a cure or treatment available, various non-pharmacological interventions are necessary to optimize the effectiveness of the provided remedies and enhance the well-being of the patients and their carers. Numerous studies have...
4 Pages 2032 Words

Ecological Impacts of the Probable Extinction of Biological Indicators

The presence of biota in the environment such as microbes, plankton, plants, and animals are indicative of the qualitative conditions of the environment, commonly referring to as biological indicators. Invertebrates account for the 95% of species in the animal kingdom (Smith, Ph.D., 1991) and have become widely used to evaluate and monitor major pollutant stress both inland and aquatic environments, and its rapid loss of species in both habitats led to abundant efforts on studies that focus on biodiversity (Pechenik,...
5 Pages 1986 Words

Earthquake Magnitude Prediction Using Machine Learning

A sudden release of energy into the outermost shell of the earth that creates waves of energy that results in shaking of earth's surface is called an earthquake or tremor. Earthquake prediction is a branch of seismology science concerned with defining the date, location, and magnitude of potential earthquakes within specified limits, and in particular determining the conditions for the next strong earthquake to occur in a area. Predictions are considered meaningful if progress can be demonstrated beyond random chance....
5 Pages 2210 Words

Critical Reaction Essay: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from antiquated Mesopotamia about a king who is two thirds god and one third man. The king does not fulfill his leadership expectations as he is selfish and often angry with the gods. Gilgamesh goes off on a quest to attain immortality when his companion Enkidu dies. In this quest he fails and eventually dies, but he came to terms with his own mortality and lived on his greatness through his travels....
5 Pages 2218 Words

Cost Analysis of Small Businesses Utilizing Solar Energy

Sustainable energy has been striving to reduce the impacts of carbon dioxide emission for many years. Solar technology has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years and is becoming more affordable by the day. This paper evaluates the feasibility of different sizes of small businesses to convert fully to solar energy, and how that would impact the environment. The findings indicate that it may be too expensive with today’s technology, as it would be a very significant investment upfront...
5 Pages 2149 Words

Bottled Water Should be Banned Argumentative Essay

Introduction: Examining the Rise in Bottled Water Consumption Water is the most important and vital issue in our everyday life, it has a significant effect on our well-being , hence most governments have tried to provide clean and safe drinking water to its inhabitants. However, a rising global consumption of plastic bottled water has been noticed recently either in developing or developed countries regardless whether the tap water is drinkable or not. Globally, the total bottled water consumption topped 87...
4 Pages 1955 Words

American War of Independence and Seven Years War

In the 18th century, the colonies experienced long term economic, political, social changes that provided a foundation for the revolutionary War of 1775 - 1783, that preceded the independent Nation or what is now the United States of America. The American war of independence was an insurrection by the 13 colonies patriots to the British imperial rule; it grew as a result of the tension between residents of Great Britain's 13 colonies and the colonial government representing the British crown....
4 Pages 1969 Words

Airliners and Contrail Effects on Climate Change

Over the past several decades, airplane travel has been discussed in the scientific community and the media as a contributing factor to climate change, but there is a lot of disagreement about the claim’s validity and the contributing factors. Climate change is defined as the “periodic modification of Earth’s climate … [because of] changes in the atmosphere [and] interactions between the atmosphere and various other geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors within the Earth system (Jackson, 2018)”. Contrails are a...
5 Pages 2011 Words

Max Weber Bureaucracy Essay

Introduction to Max Weber's Bureaucracy Theory Bureaucracy theory was introduced by Max Weber, one of the greatest sociologists in the history of the early twentieth century. According to Max Weber, a bureaucracy is an administrative organization or system that enforces the rules of law in society. Bureaucracy is not only a rational system, but also an effective management system, and it has greatly promoted the industrialization of capitalism. On the one hand, bureaucracy meets the needs of complex industrial production...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Pollution and Recycling Essay

The sustainability of global economies and the survival of all living species primarily depends on how clean their surrounding environments are. Clean ecosystems ensure that all living organisms thrive well within their ecosystems, something rare in present times due to increased environmental pollution and degradation. When comparing the past and present world, it is not wrong for one to argue that there are likelihoods of extinction of all living species if pollution continues with the present rate. This is because...
5 Pages 2220 Words
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