2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on 'The Color Purple' Setting

In Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”, the novel depicts a black woman named Celie, who had been raped many times by her father. The author also makes it clear that this man fathered the two children she neared from this rape. Throughout the story, Celie is unfortunately abused many times and the only people who come to her defense are her sister, Shug Avery, and Miss Sophia; all of whom have experienced some type of abuse in their lifetime too....
5 Pages 2183 Words

Essay on Hedonism Vs Utilitarianism

The movie 'Gone Baby Gone' revolves around the abduction of four-year-old Amanda McCready. The plot was made more interesting by each character in the story who had their take on each situation given their moral compasses. The complexity of each situation exemplified the grey areas of reality. Moreover, it must be recognized if they fit the criteria for the responsibility of their human acts. Each personality has its motive, act, and consequence. Regarding the responsibility of the person, three circumstances...
4 Pages 1970 Words

Harry Potter Movie Review Essay

In this essay, I choose the movie “Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets” as the object, aim to discover its critical and commercial values in the popular culture industry; but more importantly, I will try to analyze key themes and approaches the movie tends to deliver, as well as discussing its strengths and shortages as an artifact from an audience’s perspective. Unlike written content, images have the power to dramatically depict the events and actors (Bleiker, 2015), which are more...
4 Pages 2045 Words

Essay on 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' Analysis

I started listening to “Let’s Go Away for Awhile” (1966) on YouTube after it appeared in the movie Baby Driver, which became my favorite track. While listening to it, I remembered the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” (1892) from The Nutcracker ballet I watched as a kid on Christmas and YouTube. The pieces are from different musical eras, 74 years apart. The first one is from the Beach Boys’ album Pet Sounds during a period where mutual inspiration between...
5 Pages 2048 Words

Essay on 'The Handmaid's Tale' Wives

“You wanted a women’s culture. Well, now there is one. It isn’t what you meant, but it exists.” (Attwood 127). The regime of Gilead claims that it supports the culture of female solidarity and unity, but only creates a culture of tyranny and oppression. In The Handmaid’s Tale by Marget Attwood, the author not only focused on the hierarchy between opposite genders but portrayed the disunity of women. This resulted in the consequent destruction of female solidarity. Women were not...
5 Pages 2118 Words

Essay on Stereotypes in Basketball

Introduction Due to globalization, international sports have not only brought about economic gains but also major cultural influences throughout the world. Such information is delivered by sports celebrities through the form of advertisements, endorsements, and marketing events. Amongst the prominent celebrities in the 20th century, Yao Ming was undoubtedly the most influential Asian icon who topped ‘The Forbes Chinese Celebrity List’ for consecutive six years (2004-2009) (Haozhou P, 2019, p.16) The 5 times NBA (National Basketball Association) All-Star player displayed...
5 Pages 2105 Words

Essay on Postpartum Depression Nursing Teaching

Introduction and Thesis Statement Depression is a disease that everyone is familiar with, but a branch of depression that people are not necessarily familiar with is postpartum depression or perinatal depression. When someone is having a child, the last thing that anyone would think is that the mom would be depressed, but depression is non-discriminatory. According to Grier & Geraghty (2015), postpartum depression has been defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as a major depressive...
5 Pages 2085 Words

Essay on Why People Go Vegan

Global The 21st century has witnessed a downward trend in air quality around the globe. To solve this major and urgent issue, the idea of everyone becoming veganism was generated. There have been numerous controversies surrounding this suggestion. Besides the variety of advantages to people’s health, the effect of veganism on the world economy is undeniable. According to the World Economic Forum, there is a proportional trend between the number of vegan individuals and the number of tax revenues for...
3 Pages 2205 Words

Critical Review on 'When Affirmative Action Was White': Critique Essay

Race is a common term used to describe people who have common visible physical traits, such as one’s skin color. Ethnicity is a common term used to describe people who belong to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. These two terms are different because race refers to physical characteristics that people inherit from their previous generations. On the other hand, ethnicity refers to tradition and it is not something that is inherited, rather it is...
3 Pages 2214 Words

Essay on Why Is Intersectionality Important

In this essay I will explore intersectionality and how it can contribute to the advancement of geographical thinking, specifically drawing on examples concerned with race, gender, and disability. Geographical thinking on race has been largely shaped by Critical Race Theory, encompassing the thinking of Derrick Bell, Richard Delgado, and Kimberle Crenshaw, a movement which can be defined as, 'a collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power.' (Delgado and Stefancic, 2012,...
3 Pages 2167 Words

Essay on Racism in the 1950s

The concepts of ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ are found in French sociologist Émile Durkheim’s work, ‘The Elementary Forms of Religious Life’. It is not questions of religious interpretation, rather ‘sacred’ being things ‘set apart, evoking powerful feelings with those symbols representing those of a greater power.’ When people worship such symbols, they unite as a moral community. Durkheim sees it as a question of moral agency, juxtaposing ‘profane’ as things with no special significance, being ordinary and mundane. The first step...
3 Pages 2206 Words

Stress Management and Prevention Essay

The target population in this stress management and prevention program will be parents who have children with disability. Notably, when children are undergoing a difficult time or facing a challenging problem, their prospective parents become more stressed. However, the parents of children with disability endure a level of stress that is overwhelming. What makes these parents feel overwhelmed and worried is doing something that is not right for their children might harm them, or might not save them in a...
3 Pages 1980 Words

Failure of Capitalism Essay

 Although capitalism has been the dominant form of economic system globally in the past 50 years, its success in allowing individuals to self-thrive has been constantly criticized (Meltzer, 2012). Karl Marx’s Volumes I, II, and III of Das Kapital, published in 1867, 1885, and 1894, respectively, famously theorizes the collapse and self-destruction of capitalism. Capital, known as being “a bible of Communism”, gave rise to what is considered modern economics, and underlines issues regarding the absence of equality and productivity...
3 Pages 1984 Words

Essay on Intersectionality in Education

Intersectionality, as espoused by Kimberle Crenshaw, is a theoretical framework that we can use to identify how those with identities that are othered and oppressed by mainstream society are pushed to the intersections of society. The use of an intersectional framework helps us to be able to highlight how those who are othered by the mainstream are left to fend for themselves. They may not be entirely accepted into their communities because of an aspect of their identity and therefore...
3 Pages 2153 Words

Essay on Money in 'Pride and Prejudice'

During the eighteenth century, the English social life in early eighteenth century such as marriage and social class has been described clearly. The society used marriage as a way to find both financial and romantic fulfillment. Men have great advantages than women in the society because they are more entitled to inherit the land and money that is left off to them from their family and from their wife’s family. Specifically, women get less material resources, social status, and power....
3 Pages 2060 Words

Essay on Climate Change and Capitalism

Introduction Since the 1990's there has been an environmental debate increasingly focused on the issues around 'climate change' brought about by global warming. Global warming, established as an increase in the earth's temperature, is believed to be due to heat trapped by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (Wainwright, 2010). Some would argue climate change is the most urgent challenge currently confronting the international community. In 1992 the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was inaugurated, also known...
3 Pages 2136 Words

Karl Marx on Capitalism Essay

My essay will be addressing essay question number three which states “Discuss the significance of the ideas of Karl Marx to an understanding of capitalism. Discuss Marx’s core ideas of alienation and exploitation. Are these key ideas in our attempt to grasp modern capitalism?”. To understand the concept of ‘capitalism’ it is important to know the definition of the term ‘capital’. According to the encyclopedia, the term “capital” refers to the very first or initial place where the accumulation of...
3 Pages 1979 Words

Honour in 'The Iliad' Essay

When looking at the similarities between all of the great Greek characters, one stands out the most, the idea of honor and glory. During this period, these heroes were viewed as celebrities in their society, where they were forced to live life with honor and glory. This great idea of honor and glory is what caused an epic war where many men would die and would change the way we see this idea now. The goal of the Greeks in...
3 Pages 2191 Words

Essay Analysis of Narrator in 'Fight Club'

Even though “Fight Club” evokes somewhat mixed feelings among many viewers, a few years after the premiere, the film was recognized as one of the most outstanding pictures of our time and rallied around an army of ardent fans who preached Tyler Durden’s philosophy. 'Fight Club' was created based on the novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk, published three years earlier. The main roles are played by Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter. Norton plays a...
3 Pages 1967 Words

Essay on 'Invisible Man': Book Review

Title: Invisible Man Author: Ralph Ellison Publication Date: April 14, 1952 Memorable Quotes Quote + Explanation “Suddenly I lay shaking with anger. It was no good. I thought of young Emmerson. What if he’d lied out of some ulterior motive of his own? Everyone seemed to have some plan for me, and beneath that, some more secret plan. What was young Emmerson’s plan...? Who was I anyway”(194)? Ellison uses increasingly discomposed diction and tone to assert the Invisible Man’s lack...
3 Pages 2190 Words

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder Essay

Introduction Adam dropped out of school at 19 years old to join the music. He traveled the country with his music band. In his twenties, he met his wife when h but the marriage did not last for long. Adam has been drinking excessively and suffers from long periods of depression, has been unemployed for three and a half years. Tom, who loves his father, Adam, is reluctant to visit because he feels nervous staying overnight, especially when his father...
3 Pages 2089 Words

Personalized Customer Service Essay

Introduction To seize more market share, personalized customer service has become popular in all industries. Personalized customer service makes the voice of customers heard by inviting them to come up with novel ideas, which would be materialized by service providers. This practice can make customers better served for their specific needs, abilities, and expectations. Different from the traditional model in that businesses decide what kind of products and services to supply, companies now aspire to tailor offerings to meet the...
3 Pages 2131 Words

Essay on Public Relations in Healthcare

Abstract— The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of maintaining good public relation in a healthcare unit. The public has been broadly categorized into two categories- External as well as Internal. Gone are the days when a healthcare unit was only considered at the time when a disease would arise. Fortis Hospital Ludhiana has been chosen as the area of study so that the efforts that an organization banks upon to maintain good market image can come...
3 Pages 2052 Words

What Does Sustainability Mean to You: Essay

Nowadays, sustainability is becoming more and more attention all around the world. To save the planet and achieve a sustainable future, governments, organizations, civil societies, and private sectors need to work together and make new regulations and actions. People usually hear the word ‘sustainability’, but I can say that many of them do not know what it means. I got closer to it at my workplace when the sustainable strategy was announced in the last year. This is one of...
5 Pages 2200 Words

Persuasive Essay on Peer Pressure Is Bad for Teens

People believe the teenage years to be a difficult time for young adolescents because there are a lot of changes going on in their bodies and minds. They are making choices about who and what type of person they will become. A friend, or group of friends, can be a large factor in how teenagers make their decisions. As a whole, society regards having relationships, platonic or romantic, as a significant part of a person’s life. In adolescence, children and...
5 Pages 2116 Words

Social Reconstruction Essay

“Curriculum Theory: Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns” by Michael Schiro (2013) introduced me to the four main curriculum ideologies or theories. It allowed me to compare and contrast the different elements and carefully and analytically examine my current philosophy. I’ll be discussing all four ideologies: scholar-academic, social efficiency, learner-centered, and social reconstruction and how they have influenced my teaching today. Scholar Academic ideology is defined as the process of preparing kids for society, to be productive citizens through academic disciplines....
5 Pages 2126 Words

Problem Solution Essay on Renewable Energy

Introduction Can we imagine a life without Electricity? Electricity is a very basic amenity in today’s world. Apart from the basic requirement of electricity, electricity is one of the basic pillars of the economic development of the country. The country cannot progress without electricity consumption in today’s world as every economic activity needs electricity, for example, all Industrial activities whether it is small scale or large industrial establishments require electricity. The availability of electricity at an affordable cost and environment-friendly...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Essay about Customer Loyalty

This paper discusses the various elements of customer loyalty. Past researchers have concluded that with the right set of value elements and investigating what customers truly need, companies retain customers effectively thus ensuring greater customer loyalty. It has been concluded by various researchers that cognitive, affective, conative along motivation contribute immensely to customer loyalty. The terms customer and consumer have been used interchangeably in this paper. This paper’s literature review studies the dynamics of customer satisfaction and emotional attachment and...
5 Pages 2126 Words

Essay on Divorce Rates in 1950s

The concept of family has been a topic of considerable discussion for social scientists. In particular, they have analyzed the changes and continuity that are happening within family structures. Family is defined as a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption (Richardson,1993). From a sociological aspect, changes in the family are a result of post-industrialization which has led to traditional changes in social life (Gillies,2003). This essay aims to outline the key changes in the family since the...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Essay on the Making of a Divorce Culture

Filipinos have always been regarded as family-oriented citizens. The Philippine Constitution considers family as the basic unit of society thus, ideally, couples who are joined in marriage are expected to have children, build stable bonds as a family, and stay together until the end, which is the common Filipino concept of family life. However, Sta. Anna-Gatbonton & Hunt claim that some marriages crumble for one reason or another which frequently leads to wanting for a permanent legal dissolution of marriage...
4 Pages 2029 Words
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