2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Venezuela as a ‘Failed State’

“Corruption, bad policies, poor governance, and lack of development that generate the threat in the first place” (Kilcullen 2009, p. 289) perfectly describes Venezuela’s current state; a country once rich and prosperous to one now riddled with corruption and violence. Its political and economic descent in the last century and its transition to a more socialist move has caused instability across the country, sparking years of protest and more recently, the emergence of Venezuela’s insurgent president, Juan Guaido. Venezuela’s ruthless...
5 Pages 2152 Words

Essay About Economics, Ethics and Opportunities of Ecotourism

What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Moreover, sustainable development is a program for changing the process of economic development so that it ensures a basic quality of life for all people and at the same time protects the ecosystems and community systems that make life possible and worthwhile. Sustainability and sustainable tourism are becoming more and more common. But...
5 Pages 2164 Words

Example of a Field Trip Report: An Essay

The current assignment report is to highlight wildlife and cultural heritage visits in Ranthambore National Park and Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Some time ago known as Bharatpur Fledgling Haven, Keoladeo Ghana National Park is situated in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. It is a man-made wetland made in the mid-eighteenth century. During the 1850s, the territory remained as a waterfowl chasing ground for the Royals of Bharatpur. It was built up as a national park on 10 Walk 1982 and appointed as a feathered...
5 Pages 2237 Words

Essay on the Impact of Automation on Employment

Automation is a process through which technology and applications are used to carry out the work efficiently and reliably instead of being carried out by humans manually ('What is Automation?', ISA, 2020). Automation helps to efficiently carry out repetitive task which otherwise needed to be done by human manually and by doing so automation helps to save time and cuts down the cost of production or project. The use of automation is diverse in today’s world from defense and information...
4 Pages 2081 Words

Compare and Contrast Russia and the United States in Terms of Global Wheat Exports

Wheat is one of the most important commodities that Russia and the United States export in the global trade market considering the fact that the world-wide production of wheat in growing. This is due to the fact that the world population is growing and the living standards in many developing countries are improving over time. Over the past two decades, Russia has been defined as one of the larger exporters of wheat because of the large areas used for planting,...
4 Pages 1992 Words

Geopolitics of Brazil: Basic Geopolitical Approaches

Brazil is the biggest country in South America, occupying half of the continents land mass, being also the 5th largest country in the world by both size (8.547.403 km²) and population (more than 209.000.000). The country encompasses a diverse range of geographical features such as more than 5 biomes, many river basins and systems, mountain chains etc. From all of those, the most important are its position in the South Atlantic, the Amazon rain forest and the Amazon River basin...
4 Pages 2014 Words

E-Commerce in India: An Essay

“E-commerce (or electric commerce) refers to the buying and selling of goods and services via electronic channels, primarily the Internet. Online retail is decidedly convenient due to its 24-hour availability, global reach and generally efficient customer service” (http://www.mashable.com/). E-commerce is one of the sectors that have seen a rapid growth in previous years. If we talk especially about 2014, the growth of the sector has been unprecedented. If we want to name the major factor that has brought such development,...
4 Pages 2103 Words

Russia’s Involvement in the War in Syria

The Syrian conflict has been going on for almost a decade now and it has not become less complex. There are many actors involved, both national and international ones. All those actors have their own interests and hidden agendas that clash. These interests and hidden agenda can help to explain certain behavior of actors. This can be an important part of both academic and foreign policy debates. One of the major actors in Syria is the Russian Federation. Following a...
5 Pages 2109 Words

Essay on How the Internet Makes Life Easier

This modern world is totally incomplete without the Internet. We can’t even think our life without the Internet it will be so much difficult and we have to face so many problems. For our smallest to biggest work to do the Internet is mandatory now days. The Internet is very advance and successful achievements of our society. It makes our life style very easy and quick. For advance security system or to find if any think going wrong for that...
4 Pages 2036 Words

The Assembly and the Law Courts as the Main State Institutions in Athens

The Assembly and the law courts were democratic institutions. These institutions were political and contributed to the empowerment and betterment of the Athenian state. This essay will discuss how the law courts were the most important democratic institution in Athens through its executive role. By exploring how the Assembly and the law courts operated as independent institutions and how the Assembly by the 4th century BC was incredibly governed by the law courts. In addition, the weaknesses of the Assembly...
5 Pages 2162 Words

Essay on the 2008 Credit Crunch

Before the havoc wreaked the markets in the United States and across the globe in 2007, the world’s economy was booming and expanding, growth rates of output significantly increased. Surprisingly, this expansion started to stop when the housing prices which has seen an increase over the years began to fall. Some economists were of the view that the fall in the pricing of houses would not result to a credit crunch, although it can decrease the spending of customers. Their...
5 Pages 2051 Words

Why Was Finland Able to Achieve Its Independence in 1917, and Ukraine - Not?

In 1917 the Russian Empire officially incorporated over one hundred nationalities and ethnic groups, which by 1926, under a more accurate census definition, had risen to one hundred and ninety-four. There were crucial factors in 1917 that worked in favor of the creation of national consciousness such as the war; the new freedom of propaganda and agitation; the forced involvement of villages in national politics; the collapse of old values and authority; and the search for new authoritarian guides. In...
5 Pages 2185 Words

Long-Distance Dating Relationships are a Bad Idea

Long-Distance Dating Relationships (LDDR’s) do no work! LDDR’s have become an ongoing phenomenon in our society today through social media. There's a lot that goes into studying if these types of relationships work or not. Many people find it hard just to be separated from their significant others while some find it makes their relationship stronger. There is no definite answer to this type of dating relationship style to say if it’s effective or not but I can tell you...
5 Pages 2232 Words

Different Approaches to Development of Leadership Management Skills

Although organizations may worry about dedicating time and resources to learning, if L&D professionals get the approach right, then the organization and people will benefit. L&D practitioners must engage with and support leaders and show that there is a more effective way to achieve the organization’s core purpose through a future-focused learning and development plan that enables it to flourish. The first step must be for L&D professionals to establish robust personal development plans to transform the knowledge and capabilities...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Solar Energy Essay

Abstract The World faces the problem of chemicals polluting our air in energy being wasted all the time. There are hundreds of ways to save the earth but solar is the most reliable and it's everywhere. Solar has varieties from which you could get more energy in. Including panels, shingles or even to produce money over time you could have a whole solar farm. Although it is a small portion of the world that actually uses solar we need to...
4 Pages 2051 Words

Disabled or Different Essay

Ms. Arunima Sinha lost her leg because of being pushed out of a moving train by some men. Even with a prosthetic leg, two years after her accident, she became the first woman amputee to climb the great Mount Everest. She disliked the look of pity and sympathy in everyone’s eyes and did not want to be looked upon as a handicapped person. She has proved that a strong determination and will is far more important than a strong body....
4 Pages 2020 Words

Death of a Parent College Essay Example: Losing a Parent

Introduction: The Profound Impact of Losing a Parent “Love your parents and treat them with loving care, for you will only know their value when you see their empty chair” –Unknown. Currently, in America, most children take their parents or guardians for granted. Most children presume their parents are “out to ruin their lives” and are awfully bothersome. However, it is extremely difficult for children to imagine their lives without their parents. What if a child woke up one morning...
5 Pages 2244 Words

Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

Human behavior and climate denial Some people may be more skeptical about news sources, some may know more about climate change and some may be experiencing the effects of climate change. These all could affect how someone perceives anthropogenic climate change. In addition, personality traits or other parts of identity may affect an individual’s views. This section will look at how differences in human behavior and personality affect the likelihood to deny climate change. Climate anxiety Anxiety is a feeling...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Causes of Air Pollution Essay

1. Introduction Pollution is when a harmful substance is introduced to the environment causing damage to living beings. Pollution can be found in many aspects of life such as marine, air, and soil pollution; with air pollution posing a great health risk to humans (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Air pollution has numerous causes and effects. According to Kampa and Castanas (2007), the main natural sources of air pollution are volcanoes and fire in general and the unnatural source is Industrial...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Causes of Stress Essay

Introduction to Teen Stress in Today's World Today’s growing youth faces many challenges. Teenagers face the constant struggles of schooling, after-school activities, workloads, and social pressure. With today's society and the growth of technology, teenagers deal with even more stress and pressure than they would’ve twenty-five years ago. Stress is the response to pressure or threat. Stress can make us feel tense, nervous, or on edge. Ever wonder what the number one cause of stress among teenagers is? Due to...
4 Pages 2070 Words

Causes of Climate Change Essay

I believe that climate change is a real issue today. There are numerous pieces of evidence and facts to support this statement. Since 1880, the annual temperature has been steadily rising. There are at least five different science agencies that concur with this statement including the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The ten warmest recorded years, according to NASA, have all happened since 2005. According to another study done by NASA, 2016 was the...
5 Pages 2210 Words

Causes of Divorce Essay

Introduction to Divorce and Marriage What is the meaning of marriage one might think it’s the happiest thing in the world, while others might think it’s the worst thing one can do in life. All human beings think differently depending on the situation. Divorce can be defined as a legal dissolution of marriage because of many factors which can be internal or external. Marriage is a bond that unites two people who decide to live together for the rest of...
4 Pages 2028 Words

Challenge Essay Example

Overview Design thinking is a dynamic discipline that has taught me to believe in myself, to aim at making a difference in my daily activities, and to make intentional attempts at generating innovative and relevant solutions to the problems that I face. It has equipped me with a strong belief in my ability to be creative when faced with a challenge and an attitude to view such a problem as an opportunity to apply my design thinking skills(Wang, 2013). Design...
4 Pages 1970 Words

Budget Essay

The objective of this essay is to critically evaluate the effectiveness of budgetary control in an increasingly unpredictable environment. We will start with a brief introduction to management control systems and explain what budgetary control is and how it fits in the general framework of planning and control within management control systems. Then we will move on to the advantages and criticisms of this system. After understanding how budgetary control works, we will then move on to analyze how effective...
4 Pages 1993 Words

Is Odysseus a Hero Essay

Introduction to the Archetypal Hero: Odysseus A hero is defined as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal'. The definition of a hero is someone who is respected for doing something great and is respected for doing so. An average hero, or an archetypal hero, also has flaws to accompany his heroic acts. Archetypal heroes are people who do noble or heroic...
4 Pages 2022 Words

A Fetus Is not a Person Essay

Introduction In this paper, I will argue that Mary Ann Warren fails to effectively address objections to her argument that a fetus is not a person and therefore not entitled to full moral rights. Initially, I will summarize Warren’s argument in support of abortion. I will then examine two objections to Warren’s argument: infanticide and potential person objections. Then I will scrutinize Warren’s responses to assess whether they effectively refute the objections. I will conclude by showing that Warren’s thesis...
5 Pages 2160 Words

Pet Essay

Effect of keeping pets in health The most possible reason for the low prevalence of high blood pressure among pet owners is the increase in exercise or physical activity since even the American Heart Association urges people to exercise at least 30 minutes at least five days per week. Lots of physical activity came along with the presence of pets such as bathing, feeding, walking the pets washing their cage, aquarium, and others. Exercising regularly makes the heart of a...
5 Pages 2049 Words

Hurricane Essay

Introduction: What are hurricanes? “A tropical cyclone is a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized deep convection and a closed surface with circulation about a well-defined center.” (“Hurricane Science” 2010-2015) They usually appear in places with low pressure that have strong winds and heavy rains. A typical hurricane speed is over 110km/h. Its usual width is between 160 km to 500 km and its height is 10 miles. The middle of the hurricane is...
4 Pages 1954 Words

Internship Experience Essay

Abstract The internship is a career-based learning opportunity given by employers both in the non-profit and for-profit sectors to potential students which involves a “real world” work environment. It offers a hands-on opportunity for the students to work in their desired field. It is a period of time in which students can gain work experience related to what they have learned in their universities. Internships can either be paid or unpaid. The trend is increasing towards the former. An intern...
4 Pages 2096 Words

Climate Change Essay Example

Climate change has become such an important global issue that over the past two decades, leaders from around the world have gathered annually at the United Nations summit to develop plans to address it. Climate change refers to changes that entail the alteration of the composition of the global atmosphere (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992). For years, scientists have acknowledged the existence of global climate change and its associated risks such as longer droughts and more frequent...
5 Pages 2045 Words
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