2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu and Truman Doctrine: Analytical Historical Essay

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu How did The Battle of Dien Bien Phu cause a shift in U.S. foreign policy and involvement in Vietnam? The Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 is often considered to be one of the major turning points of Vietnamese history. An event that marked the end of the First Indochina War, it is difficult for its significance to be downplayed, causing a shift in foreign policy across the globe. The largest engagement of...
5 Pages 2201 Words

Roles of Athena, Poseidon, Calypso, and Circe: Analysis of Relationship between Gods and Morals in Homer’s Odyssey

This essay will be answering about the relationship between gods and morals in Homer’s Odyssey and particularly how do the lives of mortals differ from those of the gods and also how similar they are, then drawing a conclusion from this. In Homer’s Odyssey, the major gods that share significant roles are Athena, Poseidon, Calypso, and Circe with minor gods such as Zeus that has a supporting role in the story. Whilst Odysseus is one of the warriors that fought...
4 Pages 1950 Words

Critical Analysis of Rich Dad Poor Dad: Summary of Chapters

Chapter 1: The rich do not work for money. Many people mistakenly believe that this means that the rich do not work. In fact, the situation is quite the opposite. The truth is that most wealthy people work hard, but their way of doing things is different from most people. The rich and those who want to get rich are working and learning to make money every day. As Father Rich said: ‘The poor and the middle-class work for money.’...
5 Pages 2059 Words

Analysis of the Concepts of A House and Home in The Haunting of Hill House

A House and home, both a location and an idea, is impenetrable and assorted. Domestic space is cardinal in establishing both personal and familial identity, and therefore, the relationship between humans and the spaces in which they dwell is of utmost importance. it is the house that serves as a shelter to insulate its inhabitants from outside pressures - a place we can call home and embrace the feeling of safety, warmth and comfort. An intimate and nurturing home that...
5 Pages 2160 Words

Analytical Essay on War and Peace: History of Creation and Main Characters

In 1863, Leo Tolstoy began writing a novel simply named ‘1805’, intending to focus on the Napoleonic wars and later, the Decembrist revolt after the death of Tsar Alexander I. By the end of 1863, however, Tolstoy ended up with a 900 page manuscript focusing on, largely, five wealthy Russian families, the Bezukhovs, the Bolkonskys, the Rostovs, the Kuragins and, to a lesser extent, the Drubetskoys. The novel began to be serialised in the newspaper The Russian Messenger in 1865,...
5 Pages 2231 Words

Concept of Overcoming Social and Emotional Isolation in The Little Prince

“Many sensitive characters want to experience companionship, but when they cannot achieve this, they become alienated” (Laleh and Rikani, 2016:660). This statement can be applied to the protagonists of both Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince. The Little Prince for example, feeling betrayed by his rose, leaves his planet to find someone worth loving, only to find no one worth being with, which leaves him lonely and isolated. On the other hand, although Holden isolates...
5 Pages 2066 Words

Analytical Essay on Cancer Epidemiology and Biology: Study of Pancreatic Cancer

Introduction Cancer epidemiology Cancer biology Carcinogenesis Molecular basis of cancer Cancer metastasis Pancreatic cancer Epidemiology In the current age of the cancer research, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is one of the most hostile and deadly cancer worldwide (Zhuo-Xin Cheng et al., 2011). Pancreatic cancer is a sixth leading cause of death due to cancer in Europe and in United States it is the sixth due to because of various reasons like poor diagnosis as well as prognosis, lack of screening...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Relationship between Sports, Social Development and Mental Breakdown in Athletes

A Breaking Point “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Many young athletes have probably heard this phrase from their coach, or parent at one point in time while participating in a youth sport. Encouraged by coaches and parents with many visions of scholarships and glory. As more professional athletes are becoming younger, especially in the NHL and NBA, there is a lot of pressure to grab a giant piece of professional pie to go to the “BIG LEAGUES.” This...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Analytical Essay on Parthenon and Federal Hall: Periclean Democracy Versus Constitutional Democracy

Lying on Acropolis, the magnificent birthplace of Greek myths, Parthenon serves as the most representative figure in Greek culture, and was built to worship Athens' patron deity, Athena. Funded by the Delian League in memory of the victory in the Persian War, Parthenon has also seen a demonstration of absolute Athenian dominance, built right on the debris of the original temple that was destructed by the Persians. Similarly, Federal Hall is presently seen as the democracy milestone in America’s history....
5 Pages 2155 Words

Impact of the Voyages of Explorers on European Commerce and Economies: Analytical Essay

This period of discovery lasted from about 1418 to 1620. During this time, European explorers made many daring voyages that changed world history. A major reason for these voyages was the desire to find sea routes to East Asia, which Europeans called the Indies. When Christopher Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean, he was looking for such a route. Instead, he landed in the Americas. Columbus thought he had reached the Indies. In time, Europeans would realize that he...
5 Pages 2118 Words

Review of Plot of The Little Prince: Descriptive Essay

The novel starts as the narrator laments on his childhood as he constantly tried to draw a Boa Constrictor eating an elephant. When he would show grown-ups his drawing they would constantly assume that it was a hat despite all his efforts in drawing it differently. The grownups around him encouraged him to quit drawing and pay more attention to more practical things and so he became a pilot. As a pilot the narrator would encounter many grownups and when...
5 Pages 2078 Words

Representation of Females in the Art and Design Industry: Analysis of Fashion Models

This essay will demonstrate and identify how females are represented in the art and design industry. Firstly, concentrating on feminists in the fashion industry and discussing other themes we see within industry. I will base my essay from the 1920’s up to and including contemporary designers of early 21st Century. It will include the four core contextual themes, which follow Practice, Product, Discourse and reflection. The first theme being practice, would involve “The actual application or use of an idea,...
5 Pages 2138 Words

Identifying Stroop Effect at Reading and Color Naming: Analytical Essay

Apparatus Standardized instructions were read to participants prior to the experiment, ensuring the instructions were understood. In addition to word lists (see Appendix A), which were required to carry out the experiment and provide participants with stimuli. The sets of cards (reading and writing conditions) each had 80 words (8 rows of 10), letter strings or X’s printed on one side (font style and size Arial black 14). Cards used in the control conditions (testing reading and naming accuracy) either...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Representation of the Concept of Grave in Antony and Cleopatra

According to the OED, the etymology of the word ‘grave’ illuminates that it originates from Germanic dissent and can be traced back to the Old English word ‘graef’, the Dutch word ‘graf’, and the German word ‘grab’. Adding on, grave also comes from the Old English root, ‘grafan’, which means to dig, or to engrave. Similarly, the Old High German word graban has meanings such as to dig and to carve. The modern versions of the word ‘grave’ include the...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Positive and Negative Reinforcement in Education of a Child: Analytical Essay

Positive reinforcement at home and school – good or bad? There are plenty of factors contributing to the education of a child. Family disputes, bullying, and learning disabilities are just some of the issues children are faced with, even from a very young age. Discipline, however, could be a major contributing factor to the behavior of a child. Furthermore, how exactly does discipline affect a child’s education Throughout the school system in the U.S., teachers working with students, even with...
4 Pages 2034 Words

Medical Testing for Allergy Responses: Descriptive Essay

Having an allergy to peanuts is characterized by serious anaphylactic reactions, which usually has lifelong persistence. In the United States of America, tree nuts and peanuts are among some of the most common food allergens that produce an anaphylactic reaction in humans. This fact is concerning because seemingly harmless substances like dust, gluten, milk, and shellfish should not be of concern to people. If one were to also look at the difference between rates in the United States versus the...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Understanding Tragedies in Trojan Women, War and the Iliad , and Survival in Auschwitz: Critical Analysis

When people are thrown into the harshest environment in which they are faced with hopelessness and certainty of death, their most distinguishing trait is revealed: determination to keep going. One’s power of perseverance is essential since it indicates whether the result will be positive or negative. These harsh environments are created by force which is the motive of why and how we do the things we do. Simone Weil defines force “as that x that turns anybody who is subject...
5 Pages 2197 Words

Effects of Bone Deformities on Muscle Moment Arms: Analytical Essay

1.1 Abstract In this paper, we try to answer the question which is “How Bone Deformation Effect on Muscle Moment Arm” and showing how that is affect in the motion of human body. By knowing the reasons of these deformations in bones we have an ability to simulate that in the “Solid Work” program. The next step “Effect Bone Deformation on Muscle Moment Arm” is a topic that needs more time and as possible an accurate work to get well...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet in Movie Versus Book: Critical Analysis

Joe Wright has portrayed Elizabeth correctly and in accordance to how Jane Austen intends her to be viewed. He does this by using relevant cinematography, sound effects, editing and mise-en-scene to contribute to the overall effect of Elizabeth’s character in the film. Elizabeth remains constant with her beliefs and does not accept the marriage proposals of two very capable men. Patriarchy in the nineteenth century was prevalent. It involved women marrying men of equal status, men dominating the household and...
5 Pages 2232 Words

Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamases Producing Multi Drug Resistant Uropathogens E. Coli and Comparison of their Treatment Choices

Abstract Multidrug-resistant-ESBL-producing E. coli are on high emergence in UTIs and other infections. Such E. coli are big challenge and responsible for serious threats to healthcare professionals, treatment failures, increased morbidity and mortality, and render beta-lactam antibiotics ineffective. A total of 9391 uropathogenic E. coli (non-repetitive) were isolated and identified on the basis of standard biochemical reactions. The antibiotic susceptibility testing was accomplished by the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method by following Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines. MICs of various...
5 Pages 2115 Words

General Overview of Metabolism: Descriptive Essay

We all love to eat, in fact, it’s essential for us to eat. However, most people don’t actually seem to care about the amount they are taking into their bodies until it’s affecting them in a way they a not fond of. For example, you may be asking yourself why is so and so not getting fat and I am yet we eat about the same, or maybe you say to yourself okay so I’m not trying to lose weight,...
4 Pages 1962 Words

Analytical Essay on Atherosclerosis: Review of Literature

List of abbreviations Cardiovascular disease (CVD) transient ischemic attack (TIA) low-density lipoprotein (LDL) very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), World Health Organization (WHO) World Heart Federation (WHF) Background Why did I take this up for a detailed study? First of all, atherosclerosis is one of my favourite topics in cardiovascular system that we learned. It is one of the topics that I am highly interested and this topic has been always the talk of people who have heart diseases. Moreover, it has a...
5 Pages 2122 Words

Light Sensing Using Photodiode: Analytical Essay

Abstract The main aim of the project is to design a circuit which would allow the detection of light by using a photodiode and to critically assess in details how a light sensing circuit using a photodiode works to obtain a desired output. This is achieved by using a transistor Darlington pair, four resistors (2*330, 1k, 4.7k), one LED and a photodiode. In all processes of design all simulations, breadboard design and printed circuit board yielded the results that were...
4 Pages 2065 Words

Relevance of Psychological Interventions in Chronic Pain Management: Analytical Essay

Discuss the relevance of psychological interventions in pain management. In this essay, I am hoping to discuss the relevance of psychological interventions in pain management and how these interventions work and help in the management and treatment of chronic pain if they do at all. I will investigate the various types of psychological interventions and how they contribute to a patient’s physical and mental well-being and also if this psychological intervention can being used alongside healthcare and manual therapy. Chronic...
5 Pages 2213 Words

Issues of Deaf Education Impact on the Latinx Deaf Students: Analytical Essay

The marginalized communities experience the challenges in the U.S.— systemically, socially, mentally, and physically. A closer scope in the marginalized communities, among the Latinx d/Deaf people experience oppression in the U.S. school that impacts their identities and languages. The education in U.S. are running by the white, temporary abled-bodied hearing people in the past. The U.S. school subjects are designed by white, temporary abled-bodied hearing people. Which means the U.S. school subjects are not able to benefit the Latinx d/Deaf...
5 Pages 2214 Words

The Physics of Sports-Related Injuries and How to Recover From Them: Analysis of ACL Tears

Abstract This paper explores the physics behind sports-related injuries and how to recover from them. There are four published articles that will be presented in this paper reporting sports-related injuries and how physics affects the severity of the injury and the best ways to recover and potentially prevent the injury. Mirksy (2010); Pelletier (2006); Cai, Wu, Zhao, Li, Wu, Ji (2018); Colvin, and Lynn (2010) have all presented reasonable arguments as to why injuries in sports such as football, baseball,...
5 Pages 2235 Words

Performance Enhancing Drugs and Athletes: Argumentative Essay on Legal Use

Shouldn’t all athletes be able to compete on an even playing field? Most high school, college, and professional athletes participate in sports for the chance to put their abilities against those of their peers and to experience the gratification of competition that comes from playing to high standards. “A nationwide study of 12th-grade male students found that 6.6% had used anabolic steroids at some point in their lives” (Walker). Anabolic steroids are usually synthetic hormones that are derivatives of testosterone,...
5 Pages 2063 Words

Case Study of Forever 21: Based on Pfeffer and Salancik Resource Dependency Theory and George Ritzer’s McDonaldization Theory

Forever 21 has been one of the largest fast-fashion companies within the last decade. Recently, the company has announced its decision to file for bankruptcy to resolve financial difficulties that have affected the company for some time now. The enactment of bankruptcy for this organization could provide a clean slate for the company. According to Linda Chang, the Vice President of the Forever 21 company “bankruptcy was “a strategic move on our part”(Maheshwari 2019). However in accordance with Pfeffer and...
5 Pages 2029 Words

Analytical Essay on Aspirin: History, Types of Use and Benefits

Introduction Aspirin is a widely used drug worldwide, and it is regarded as one of the most important achievements in pharmacy and medicine in the 20th century. medical historians have traced the birth of pharmaceutical aspirin to 1897, it dates to approximately 3500years back when willow bark was used as a painkiller and an antipyretic by the early Sumerians and Egyptians and then in Greece and Rome by the physicians. In modern medicine aspirin has had precursors like salicylates in...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Critical Analysis of The Waste Land: Use of Societal Criticism by T.S. Eliot

T.S. Eliot, in his notes on The Waste Land, mentions that “Tiresias
is yet the most important personage in the poem, uniting all the rest” (Eliot 70). Essentialy, all the characters in his poem, all the sexes, merge into the figure of Tiresias; he is the “substance of the poem” (70). Eliot uses two apparent methods of connecting characters to Tiresias ¬¬–– prognostication and genderfluidity. He takes characters that superficially do not seem to align with Tiresias and relates them to...
5 Pages 2055 Words
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