2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Bioremediation Technology Against Environmental Pollution

Pollution of the environment can be classified into various forms; air pollution, visual pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, noise pollution and water pollution. All these different forms of pollution contribute to health predicaments and also lower the quality of someone’s life. For example excessive noise pollution can lead to hearing loss. In addition, pollution contributes to climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and global warming. Water pollution refers to liquid spills, surface runoff, leakage into groundwater and...
4 Pages 2009 Words

The Problems Related to Sweatshops and Solutions to It

The consumer goods we buy in our day to day lives have a lot of work and a big story to tell behind their making, but the story may not be so pleasing. Sweatshops commit an abundance of crimes that most of us are unaware of. There are five violence behind the sweatshops. The restaurant, apparel, and meat-processing industries are believed to have the most serious and widespread problems with multiple violations. Forty of the 53 federal regional officials surveyed...
5 Pages 2117 Words

Carbon Cycle Analysis

Carbon is part of our bodies but it's also part of our current industries, therefore, Carbon compounds from history plants and algae structure the fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, which we use today as energy sources. Hence, when these fossil fuels are burned carbon dioxide is released keen on the air, most important to higher and advanced levels of atmospheric. Furthermore, the increase in level affect earth's climate and is a main environmental anxiety worldwide. It is...
5 Pages 2243 Words

Recycling of Materials: Entrepreneurship Assignment

Recycling of materials has been a very crucial part of our economic activities. It forms a part of the national income and also secures jobs for some individuals within the economy. Recycling itself involves the transformation of the already used products in other useful products that can be sold for re-us (Markessini, p05). This sector has also helped to reduce pollution of the environment since the waste products from materials such as paper, metal; electronics are put into other useful...
4 Pages 1954 Words

Air Pollution is One of the Major Killers and a Threat

Air pollution is one of the major killers and a threat that affects everything around the world. According to usatoday.com nearly 7 million people die each year from air pollution. We live and breathe in polluted air which puts our health and life in a very high risk. It is comparable to other diseases that cause many deaths like HIV or malaria. If we care about the environment, why haven’t we done anything yet? Do we still have time to...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Littering Solutions Essay

Etymologically, litter means rubbish carelessly dropped or left about anywhere, especially in public places. Sadly, people are found littering the road or any other public place with impunity. Quite often, we see even educated persons travelling in an expensive car roll down their car’s window to dump trash on the road. They do not think twice about throwing half-eaten sandwiches or throwing empty soda can which hit the car coming from behind us with its driver trying to avoid it...
5 Pages 2123 Words

Thomas Jefferson and the Meaning of Liberty

The relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the United States government is a complex yet vital party of American public policy and national security. The balance of power between these two branches is important to maintain because humanity is naturally evil and corrupted by sin. Yet, when the two branches can work together, it shows a nation that can set aside differences and work for the greater good. Many times throughout history the two branches have clashed on...
5 Pages 2173 Words

Print Site this Loss Prevention and How It Was Affected by Hurricane Katrina

Introduction Hazards and natural disasters have until recently caused uncountable losses to property and life, with some calamities giving losses in hundreds of billions of dollars. An example is the most damaging flood in United States’ history, known as the 2005 Great New Orleans Flood or the Katrina. It is estimated that the damages incurred in 2005, by insurance industries, rose to hundreds of billions in United States Dollars. Among the Insurances that gave these figures, include Risk Management solutions,...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Studying and Work Experience in England

When I think about the knowledge and skills that I have acquired during the past three years, I can’t help but feel excited about my future career, proud of my achievements and grateful to my family, for having supported me in every possible way. Even though my parents have always encouraged me to educate myself and to seek new opportunities, as an international student, I have faced several difficulties during my studies in England. My ambition and desire to become...
4 Pages 2038 Words

Examining Lost Identity and Dignity Through Stevens

The novel The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro examines the different facets of dignity. The protagonist, a butler named Stevens, adamantly seeks to become a great and dignified butler, a task that he believes only the most imperturbable can achieve. As he examines his life while on a motoring trip, the self-deception and disillusionment fostered by this concocted ideal become clear. Through Stevens’ interactions with his own personal affects, including his name, his room and his clothing, Ishiguro...
5 Pages 2180 Words

Individual Rights: Definition and Examples

Individual rights are those considered so essential that they warrant specific statutory protection from interference. While the U.S. Constitution, for example, divides and restricts the powers of the federal and state governments to check their own and each other’s power, it also expressly ensures and protects certain rights and liberties of individuals from government interference. Most of these rights, such as the First Amendment’s prohibition of government actions that limit the freedom of speech and the Second Amendment's protection of...
4 Pages 2016 Words

The Portrayal of Socrates' Beliefs in The Apology and Clouds

In the Apology and in Clouds, we are shown two very different depictions of Socrates’ beliefs on the gods of Athens. In the Apology, we see a version of Socrates that is fairly unconcerned with the discussion of the gods, and more interested in the discussion of the public good. In contrast, the Clouds shows us a picture of Socrates, ready to argue and debate the presence and nature of the gods. Demonstrating his outlook on life at vastly different...
5 Pages 2083 Words

The Islamic Societies History

Islam plays a significant role in lives of many believers. It has been the unifying factor for many Muslims due to belief in one God and Muhammad as His Prophet. This essay explores the views of Muslims on the role of religion, politics, and military affairs, and how did this play out in the territorial expansion of Islam. Prophet Muhammad founded Islam in the seventh century AD. The religion spread through trade routes of the time. He claimed that he...
5 Pages 2207 Words

Apollo 11 Mission: Details and Speculations

On July 20, 1969, Man took their first steps on the moon. This was an enormous triumph for NASA, but also the United States as a whole. It is a day in history that paved the way for many future space missions and discoveries, and it is one that will most definitely not be forgotten. In my essay, I will highlight the details and speculations of Apollo 11, the first manned moon landing. The three astronauts on the Apollo 11...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Consequences of Rhino Horn Poaching

Out of all things in the world, a horn of keratin is valued more than gold, diamonds or cocaine. Rhino horn poaching is and has always been an imposing and significant environmental issue. We have been poaching rhinos for centuries on end, and usage of rhino horn is fundamental in many cultures. In a world ruled by money, where so many people live in poverty, the money that can be gained from rhino poaching is extremely tempting. And even more...
5 Pages 2101 Words

Cases of Air Pollution in Malaysia

Air is one of the most important elements to all living things. However, in this 21st century, air pollution has become a growing threat to all life on Earth. Air pollution can be described as the contamination of the atmosphere by various pollutants that are harmful to all life, reduce visibility and produce odors that are undesirable. Some of the pollutants are released by natural sources, for example: the smoke emitted or eruption of volcanoes, hot springs and many more....
5 Pages 2169 Words

Analysis of Language Assessment of Primary Grades

The Department of Education (DepEd) shall administer the Language Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG) for grade three learners and National Achievement Test (NAT) for Grade 6 learners nationwide (DepEd Order No.: 19, s. 2014). It is a program that will develop and aims to assess the reading skills of grade three learners in terms of their comprehension and grammar in the three languages: English, Filipino and MTB. Based on the Department of Education records on the National Achievement Tests results...
5 Pages 2230 Words

Is it More Important for a Junior Officer to be a Good Manager or a Good Leader? Essay Sample

The footprints of effectual, efficacious leaders have always marked history. The Royal Air Force itself was founded on the vision of two notable 20th century leaders, Jan Smuts and David Henderson; both of whom imagined a force capable of exploiting the full range of possibilities of an aerial realm to ensure the fulfilment of objectives. Yet with the growing prominence of industry and services within our modern world, a new style of command rose to the forefront: management. Since managers...
4 Pages 2009 Words

The Archetypical Character of The Trojan War: Its Reflection in Art

There have been many iterations of the tale of the Trojan War, with the Iliad being the most referenced account of the heroes that fought. William Shakespeare, having borrowed heavily from fellow writer Geoffrey Chaucer, recounts the Trojan War with the same events and heroes. However, in true Shakespeare style, the famous playwright offers his own spin on such events and heroes, introducing a very distinct sense of realism throughout the conflict in his play Troilus and Cressida. The Greek...
5 Pages 2235 Words

Leadership and Its Function in Developing Psychological Connect

Currently the organizations are in the phase of transition economy characterized by liberalization, macroeconomic stabilization, restructuring & privatization, legal & institutional reforms and resultant privatization, price liberalization, trade & foreign exchange, competition policy, infrastructure reform and many more. Essentials to survive this change include better technology, better infrastructure and better people with effective communication. Leadership plays a major role in developing people with effective communication (Yukl, 2010). This paper focuses on important leadership function of “giving feedback” utilized by leader...
5 Pages 2230 Words

Floods: Stages, Types, Effects, and Prevention

If you’re writing a paper on floods, make sure to check out our “how to prevent flood” essay sample! Here, you’ll find information on types, effects, prevention, and stages of floods. Keep reading to get inspiration for your essay on flood and flood prevention essay! How to Prevent Flood Essay Introduction Floods rank as the most destructive water-related problem that faces mankind. It is also the most regularly occurring natural disaster. While the most flood-prone area in the world is...
4 Pages 1988 Words

The Future of Pacifism

There is no paradox in the fact that the American people are profoundly pacifist and yet highly impatient of the present activities of many professed or professional pacifists. The disposition to call the latter pro-German and to move for their suppression is an easy way of expressing a sense of the untimely character of their moves at the present juncture. But the war will pass, and the future of the profound American desire for peace, for amity, for unhampered and...
4 Pages 2053 Words

White Like Me': Book Review

Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son by Tim Wise provides the reader with a very personal take on racism, whiteness, and white privilege in America. Wise explains how racism damages and effects not only people of color but white people as well. He also provides a powerful and accessible social introduction to the construction of racial identities. In this review, I will first be discussing the positive aspects of the book and thereafter I will discuss the negative. Wise...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Whether Evaluating Sound Insulation of Partition Walls Between Two Dwellings Can be Considered Simple or Indeed Difficult

In the following essay I will discuss reasons why I believe evaluating sound insulation of partition walls between two dwellings can be considered simple or indeed difficult. For extra clarity, I will describe a dwelling as a self-contained unit of accommodation used by one or more households as a home, such as a house, apartment or other 'substantial' structure; for extra reference and ease in comparisons I will also link other instances in which the same techniques and thought processes...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Research on The History of The Trojan War

Thesis The Trojan War started in c.1200 BC when Aphrodite offered Paris of Troy Helen of Sparta for the apple of discord, He accepted her offer. Aphrodite made a plan to make Helen of Sparta fall in love with Paris; She disguised Paris as a diplomatic emissary. Then he went to Sparta, Helen welcomed him with open arms, while Menelaus was away in Crete, The god of love Eros, shot an arrow at her making her fall in love with...
4 Pages 2049 Words

Life Without Principle': Summary

Thoreau describes a lecture he recently attended at a lyceum. He found the topic thoroughly uninteresting because the speaker did not seem to discuss matters of genuine importance. Thoreau declares himself willing to deliver a public lecture as long as the audience is willing to hear him speak the truth. He addresses readers of his essay directly and promises to write truthfully of his topic, to 'consider the way in which we spend our lives.' According to Thoreau the world...
5 Pages 2163 Words

Hiring Employees in Vietnam

There are different ways to recruit and hire high-quality employees in Vietnam that companies can use if they have been formally established. Due to some existing problems that are common when employing Vietnamese employees, many companies employ foreigners to occupy certain positions. A Vietnamese company is allowed to hire foreigners to work as managers, executive directors, experts, and skilled labor where local job seekers are not able to meet production and business requirements. Vietnamese representative offices are also able to...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Impacts Of Ocean Plastic Pollutants

The first decade of 21st century has produced more plastic than the whole of the years before the start of this century [1]. Most of the plastic are single use materials, which get dumped into the ocean after their purpose. Great Pacific Garbage Patch is one of the active regions of plastic accumulation in the ocean. Every year nearly 15-51 trillion pieces of plastic enter the ocean and began to stay there forever [1]. These plastics affect the marine life...
5 Pages 2183 Words

Reflection Paper on Leadership

What is leadership? Many people believe that leadership is simply being able to get individuals to work towards a common goal but leadership is more complex than that. Leadership can be defined in many ways. One definition of leadership is that it is how an individual utilizes influence over other people by inspiring, motivating and directing their activities to help contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organization. Additionally, a leader is interpreted as someone who sets the direction...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Meno': Summary

One of the founding documents of Western philosophy, Plato’s Meno recounts a dialog on the nature of virtue between Socrates and his pupil Meno, a rising star among the leaders of ancient Greece. They discuss how virtue can be recognized, where it comes from, and whether it can be taught. Plato, Socrates’s most famous student, wrote down his recollection of the conversation. It offers a clear picture of Socrates’s method of thinking on difficult topics, and it highlights Socrates’s quick...
4 Pages 2007 Words
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