2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

An Essay on Democracy and Poverty

Later this month, Mongolia will host the 7th ministerial conference of the Community of Democracies (CD), an intergovernmental forum of democracies formed in 2000 at the initiative of Bronislaw Geremek of Poland and Madeleine Albright of the United States. Several civil society events will accompany it. The CD was launched at a conference in Warsaw in 2000, and its goals were announced in the Warsaw Declaration: strengthening democratic values and institutions, protecting human rights, and promoting civil society. The effort...
4 Pages 1986 Words

Impact of Poor Waste Management on the Health of University of Botswana’s Environment

Modification of the environment and increase in population are the main causes of the many processes of deterioration which have altered the ecosystem of our planet, including the generation of waste. There is a growing problem of solid waste management with the development of industry and the expansion of cities of many countries in the world. Wilson (2006) describes waste as anything which is no longer useful and needs to be got rid of. Waste is material discarded, used up...
4 Pages 1951 Words

Role of Catholicism for Mexicans

Catholicism has played an important role in Mexico since its introduction to present day. With a majority of Mexican people being catholic, 85% in 2010 according to a study done by the Pew foundation (Liu). Mexico’s catholic population is second in the world only behind Brazil which leads with a catholic population of roughly 126,750,000 while Mexico has a Catholic population of roughly 96,450,000. Catholicism was first introduced to Mexico through Spanish conquistadors or conquerors in their conquest of the...
5 Pages 2066 Words

The Migration in Pakistan

Migration is one the most prominent factor of population. Migration effects the population of a country in both right and wrong factors.AS it have positive and negative impact on the population and also on the country’s other factors, for example: Poverty, climate changes, development etc. These factors have influence on the people of the country. In further, we will discuss these factors in both positive and negative aspects that how they are affecting the country’s conditions .As the recent migrant...
4 Pages 1988 Words

Waste Management in Acres Homes of Houston, Texas

Abstract The research findings suggest illegal dumping is detrimental to the ecosystems and the biodiversity, implying it affects life. The Houston community has no option other than adopting the radical measures proposed, which include recycling of the waste products, dumping the waste products in accordance to the set laws and regulations, and finally shifting to the alternative sources of energy. The social worker should find ways of bringing together various societal members, including leaders of formal and informal organizations, the...
5 Pages 2156 Words

The Relationship Between Birth Weight and Body Composition and Blood Pressure at One Year of Age

The developmental origins of health and disease theory posits that early life experiences may be associated with adult chronic disease development, including obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Consequently, there has been interest in the associations between birth weight, body composition and chronic diseases, such as hypertension. At the 64th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Public Health Agency in 2017 it was noted that the Caribbean is in the midst of a childhood obesity epidemic with statistics showing that at least one...
5 Pages 2183 Words

Philosophy Of Socialism In Upton Sinclair’s 'The Jungle'

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle goes through a series of intense struggles experienced by a Lithuanian immigrant family who have migrated to the United States in hopes for a better life. Sinclair encompasses the realities the working-class experiences in the Urban America, he creates a sense of familiarity with the migrant family, making the struggles more deeply felt, ensuring that we empathize with the victims of the capitalist society. In his writing, Sinclair does not necessarily go through the concept of...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Comparing of The Maximalist and Minimalist Democracy

Democracy, according to Abraham Lincoln former American President is a government of the people by the people and for the people. In other words “Democracy is a system of government in which all the people of a state or polity are involved in decision making”. Most theories of democracy are based on the principle of “government by the people”. This implies that people participate in the making of crucial decisions that influence their lives and determine the societal environment. Bühlmann...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Influence of Social Media on the Interpersonal Communication

Introduction to Social Media's Impact on Interpersonal Communication In this paper, we discuss the impacts of social media on the interpersonal communication of the individuals in any society. The people who are using these newer connecting platforms tend to lose their actual relationship as it takes a toll on how people interact with others. We would also discuss what different theories tell us about the impacts of use of social media. Social media nowadays has quite a huge impact on...
4 Pages 2049 Words

The History of Antibiotics in Farming

Antibiotics are a category of drugs that are commonly used for the treatment of bacterial infections. Commercial antibiotic use in farms started in the 1940’s, and over time the uses have progressed to aid animal growth and to stop animal illness in small quarters. This development of antibiotics in farming may be a valuable economically, however there are drawbacks that have seen little attention. This emphasis on profit from antibiotic use, over animal welfare and human health, is becoming a...
4 Pages 1956 Words

Impacts of Pesticides Use and Its Influence on Pest Management

The total Agricultural land area of Ghana as at 2012 stood at 14,038,224 hectares, out of which 7,847,300 hectares is under cultivation (MOFA/SRID, 2013). The population of the country keeps increasing at an alarming rate of 2.2% as at 2012, with its attendant increased mouths to feed. In order to continue cultivating and increasing yield, farmers are faced with the task of using various pesticides to control weeds, pests and diseases. The rate of deforestation in Ghana is estimated to...
5 Pages 2163 Words

Impacts of Dementia on Daily Living

Dementia is overall term that is used to describe various wide ranges of diseases and/or conditions that are often diagnosed by the loved one or caregivers of a patient suffering from signs and symptoms of a decline in memory, language, and problem-solving skills. This condition affects the patient’s thoughts, responses, feelings and all aspects of life. Individuals diagnosed with dementia often go through a range of emotional changes including depression, loneliness, anxiety, and stigma. Dementia is important because of its...
5 Pages 2113 Words

The Bystander Effect in Terms of Social Psychology

The effects of being a bystander are very critical. You may be left with saving a persons life trying to intervene those seconds and minutes matter. Appose to you standing around watching. The reduction in helping behavior in the presence of other people, has been explained predominantly by situational influences on decision making. Diverging from this view, there are cases that highlight recent evidence on the neural mechanisms and dispositional factors that determine apathy in bystanders. There is a theoretical...
5 Pages 2164 Words

Modernist Characteristics In Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf

As a well respected American writer of many extraordinary texts, Edward Albee was able to demonstrate many modernist and absurdist characteristics in his play “Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?”. His play was able to give an insight to the readers about what had influenced the play. This play is more than just a story about the imperfect marriage between the two main characters; when analyzed more thoroughly it can be seen to have a deeper understanding of the 1950s. Edward...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Cleaner Transportation Reducing Greenhouse Emissions

We see every day the use of person vehicles and how much we depend on them as a society. People in this society travel to work or school by car as it is seen as the most efficient way. We can complain about the issue of traffic, but the individual would still sit in traffic, waste fuel, and increase greenhouse emissions every day as needed. This issue is seen every day and as a society we accept it regardless of...
5 Pages 2148 Words

Emotional Support Animals for Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues concerning individuals in the US and it is the most common cause for student disability amongst college students. It causes negative educational, social, economic outcomes, and even suicide. Depression treatment effectiveness is specific to each individual. Animals have been used throughout history to assist human interaction and wellbeing. Particularly, emotional support animals have shown to aid in reducing the biobehavioral processes associated with depression. It is important to research all...
5 Pages 2116 Words

Measure for Measure': Isabella's Human and Divine Powers

Isabella is the strongest female character in “Measure for Measure.” She debates with Angelo on an equal level and is not undermined by his authority. Her strength as a character derives from several sources; her chastity being one of the most significant. Isabella’s chastity provides her with a tool which most of the other females in this play lack, since they have all been sexually dominated by men. Her status as a nun also helps Isabella convince others of the...
4 Pages 1982 Words

Emerging Feminist Consciousness Through Global Network Society

The emergence of the global network society in the late 20th century led to a significant rise in the global feminist consciousness. In this essay, I aim to examine this fundamental globalisation process by relating it to the contemporary Chinese #MeToo Movement. The internet as a TCP/IP domain system was a democratic, all-inclusive space which provided women with an equal pedestal to voice their opinions and share their thoughts. Unlike the private and the public sphere, where women’s participation was...
4 Pages 2041 Words

Critical Analysis of Literature to Support the Statement of Leadership in Today’s Business World

The definition of leadership is an ever-evolving theory. This report aims to critically discuss Vicere and Fulmer’s (1997) suggestion that ‘it is a new world for strategic leadership development’ and identify whether this statement remains true in the current business world through the lens of the national health service (NHS). In order to understand where leadership is heading, it is important to understand its past and how some theories can be relevant today. In fact, it is suggested by Northouse...
5 Pages 2084 Words

Research of The Risk of Gentrification in Chinatown

Over the decades, Toronto has been celebrated for its multicultural roots and cultural landscapes. With a variety of distinctive enclaves at every corner, they connect people to their cultures and invite a wide variety of diversity. With the growth of new development and the priority to increase purchasing power, gentrification imposes a controversial issue for many. Gentrification is a process involving modifying or changing a neighbourhood to conform to a higher class taste. Chinatown, a vibrant ethnic enclave located at...
4 Pages 2060 Words

Principles of Alternative Energy Analysis

In this report I will be researching and gathering research on the different types of alternative energy. I will be looking into how each renewable and non-renewable energy technologies operate, and I will compare both energy technologies to see how they operate and what environmental issues and benefactors are produced by both technologies. Operating Principles and sustainable energy factors of Renewable energy Technologies Wind Turbines Wind is a form of kinetic energy, when It comes to kinetic energy the goal...
4 Pages 1985 Words

The Issues and Importance of Clean Water Access

Clean water is imperative to live. From our drinking water to sanitization, to modern technology such as fracking it is vital. Humans and animals alike require water daily for survival and comfort. Just three days without water and we would all suffer greatly. Clean water should be equally accessible to all humans. Water legislations are personal to humans as it is such an important factor in life. It should be taken on a personal level. From clean drinking water to...
5 Pages 2127 Words

Coral Reef Depletion and Possible Solutions

Abstract Coral reef depletion is not a new phenomenon as coral reefs in most parts of the world have gone through substantial alterations in their history. As early southeast the 1870s, coral reef mortality existed in many places although the trend of depletion has Southeast increased in recent years. Natural disturbances such as hydrographic disturbances, unusual drops of sea levels, rain, and storms, as well as earthquakes have for a long time altered coral reefs. In Australia for example, recurrent...
5 Pages 2118 Words

Authoritarianism and its Effect on Nationalism within Russia and Mexico

The 20th century marked turning points for many nations in terms of governance and governmental structure. Two nations that were no exception include Russia and Mexico. Both of these nations went through a revolution; Mexico in 1910 and Russia in 1917, which led to vast changes in their governments. Although the Mexican revolution resulted in a constitution and and outline for democratic principles, the nation quickly became a one party state. After the 1917 revolution in Russia, the Soviet Union...
4 Pages 2001 Words

Economics Assignment on Three Biggest Economic Challenges Faced by the Australian Economy

An economic problem or challenge occurs when a country fails to meet the needs or wants of its population with the scarce resources it has. It could be said that when an economy fails to meets its micro and macro-economic goals it creates an economic problem for them. Since 2007 the world has seen a setback economically and even the most stable countries have faced challenges in their economy. While developing countries are spending more on rectifying issues with poverty...
4 Pages 2018 Words

Soon to be an Artificial Ocean? Essay

Today, society is experiencing, first hand, one of the most unprecedented and ongoing environmental crisis’; ocean pollution. This worldwide catastrophe is caused greatly by the production of plastic products and the need for oil or petroleum. Although these issues affect many variables, oceans are seeing the worst of it. Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the ocean, enough to circle the Earth roughly four times. To add, in U.S. waters alone, 1.3 million gallons of petroleum are spilled...
4 Pages 2006 Words

Failure the War On Drugs in Vietnam

Drug users have increased both nationally and internationally. Drugs/illicit drugs are substances that have both positive and negative impacts on the human body. Tye indicates the seven types of drugs include the following; stimulants, depressant, hallucinogens, dissociatives, opioids and lastly cannabis the worst of all. Each year millions of people die using illicit drugs. Drugs come in many shapes and forms, from illegal drugs to synthetic drugs which are easily accessed from the counter. Throughout this report, there will be...
5 Pages 2129 Words

The Possibility to Move Through The Hierarchy of a Society

When the topic social mobility arises, we naturally question ourselves: Is it possible to move through the hierarchy of a society? Social mobility is possible to a certain degree in most of the cultures and societies that exist nowadays. My purpose with this paper is to prove that more chances are available in the society we live in and that the term is not just a bedtime story, but an existing and working system. Social mobility is the movement of...
4 Pages 2007 Words

A Study of The Origin of The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

Throughout the history of the United States there have been many important and critical events that have affected the country, but one of the most important is The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. This was one of the most terrifying moments the United States has faced because this was the closest the world had ever came to nuclear war. Many people feared it was the end, but fortunately, after compromise and negotiation from President John F. Kennedy and Premier Kita...
4 Pages 2048 Words

The Music Delaying the Deterioration of the Cognitive Processes in Relation to Dementia

Dementia effects approximately 50 million people world-wide with almost 10 million new cases every year. It is a syndrome which is the deterioration of cognitive functions that is not considered normal deterioration that comes with age. It effects calculation, learning, language, memory, thinking, judgement, and comprehension among other things (World Health Organisation. 2019). The difference between dementia and normal aging is that it is significant enough to interfere with independent daily functioning (Seth A. Gale, MD, Diler Acar, MD, Kirk...
4 Pages 1973 Words
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