2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Coconut Tree Climbing And Harvesting Robot

Abstract India is the third largest producer of coconut in the world. Usually all over India conventional harvesting method are used. It is very difficult to climb a coconut tree manually due to structure and the contour of the tree. Generally trees have branches onto which a person can climb and extract fruits but not in the case of trees like coconut tree, areca nut, palm tree, where there are no branches for support. Due to the risks involved, nowadays...
5 Pages 2230 Words

The Use Of Robots In Space Exploration

Ever since the mid-1900s technology has been growing at a rapid rate and as of recent has become a huge part of modern society. Technology used to be just a want from the people who had the money to purchase it and did not have a truly beneficial purpose but as of recent with all the different types of technology that have been created like the telephone, computer, Internet, self-driving cars, and robots, technology has become more of a need...
4 Pages 1964 Words

Performance Analysis Of Effective Microorganisms On Chicken Manure Composting

ABSTRACT New technology in organic waste management converts poultry manure into high-quality biofertilizer using effective microorganisms (EM). The high price of currently used imported EM limits compost production. Without treatment, the application of untreated manure in agriculture will contribute to fly problem. Therefore, it is necessary to find locally available, cheap and effective EM alternatives. This study aims to determine the suitable local EM based on compost quality in terms of NPK values, nutrients and cost. Five batches of chicken...
4 Pages 1971 Words

The Asian Values Discourse Against Westernization

In a globalizing world LGBT rights activism is more and more prevalent and included in the universal human rights discourse. This discourse can, however, largely be attributed to Western hegemony under the United States, and LGBT rights are not upheld and accepted in vast parts of the world (Wilkinson et al., 2017). In this essay, the focus is on two neighboring Southeast Asian countries, Singapore and Malaysia. Both have semi-authoritarian political structures with similar electoral systems and laws declaring the...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Volunteering: Factors And Benefits

Volunteering refers to a person willingly offering services to the society without expecting in return. Volunteering can be as simple as giving a helping hand to a person to lift up a heavy bag to rendering time and services in activities organised by any non-profit organisation. Having volunteering experience on one’s records has become increasingly important in today’s corporate world. As companies are more inclined towards CSR (corporate social responsibility) to standout in this competitive market, they are also looking...
5 Pages 2219 Words

Evangel Bible: Jesus Is The Rock

Introduction This paper is focuses on the Matthew 16: 13-20, that marks an important point in Matthew’s narrative. After having followed Jesus for some time now in His Galilean ministry, Simon Peter speaking on behalf of the disciples, makes the declaration that Jesus is not merely a prophet but the Messiah and the Son of God. After this recognition of His true identity by the disciples, Jesus begins to elaborate on what being the Messiah and consequently a follower of...
5 Pages 2182 Words

The Peculiarities Of Buddha Art

During the life of Buddha Shakyamuni and for many centuries after his departure to parinirvana to the north-west of India, there was a country called Gandhara. At the beginning of our era, Kanishka, the most famous ruler of the Kushan empire, ascended the throne in Gandhar. The years of his reign brought the country a real flowering of crafts and were marked by the advent of Buddhist fine art. It was in the Kushan Empire that Buddhist sculpture and painting...
4 Pages 1961 Words

Narcissism And Self-efficacy: Similarities And Differences

Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether there is any relationship between Narcissism and self-efficacy, to see if participant who score high on Narcissism also score high on Self efficacy. For the present investigation a sample of 60 were selected and is segregated into 3 age group, Adolescents (10M 10F) , Young Adulthood ( 10M 10F), Middle Adulthood ( 10M 10F). Correlation Analysis, t-test and ANOVA was done on the data using Mega Stats. It was...
4 Pages 2061 Words

In Defence Of My Faith: The Church Will Regain Its Lost Vitality

I am a tradition-minded Catholic. I adhere with my whole heart and with my whole soul to Catholic Rome, the guardian of the Catholic faith and of those traditions necessary for the maintenance of the faith. I am writing this article to express my annoyance at the way modernism has infiltrated into the Church around the world. Had an article like this been published before 1965, nobody would have questioned it. But many reading it now may have their eyebrows...
5 Pages 2163 Words

How Can A Believer In The 21st Century Have The Mind Of Christ

Introduction The 21st century is the period after the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and is the period we currently living in. The believers inthe 21st century face many challenges and distractions that affect their relationship with Christ. These can be in the form of daily life challenges, distraction through social media, television, government policies and regimes, and the different types of religions around the world and emigration. Therefore, it is of importance that believers must...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Biosafety Issues Of Unintended Horizontal Transfer Of Recombinant DNA

Evolution of Herbicide Resistance Weeds On a large geographical scale, many independent evolutionary events could simultaneously interplay for the emergence of herbicide resistance (Bonny, 2016). Regular use of glyphosate on a considerable proportion of GM crop fields makes the assumption of glyphosate resistance development a reasonable hypothesis. It is not mandatory for weeds to be a poorer competitor than susceptible weeds as no fitness differential was detectable between susceptible and resistant biotypes (Busi et al., 2013). In tolerance development, various...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Jewish Ethics Investigation Response

Religion forms the foundation of morality for many societies and individuals and continues to inform the ethical views of adherents within a contemporary society. The relevance of world religions in modern society is undeniable as it plays a predominant role in shaping responses to complex ethical questions that have been raised in recent years due to modern scientific developments. According to esteemed professor of religious studies, Peta Goldburg (2009) the term ethics can be defined as a “a major branch...
5 Pages 2236 Words

Improving Self Awareness: A Road To Self-discovery

INTRODUCTION Firstly, I will put a focus on self-concept and tell something about personal inventory like my moods, physical conditions, beliefs, social characteristics and then an analysis of self-concept what’s my thinking and what’s people’s perception about me. Secondly, I would be explaining about social identity and more about the Johari window and four areas in that open area, hidden area, blind area, and undiscovered area. Lastly, I would be telling about me and how self-awareness leads to organizational effectiveness....
4 Pages 2030 Words

Critique And Weakness Of Nestorian Theological Standpoint On The Nature Of Christ

Introduction The researcher presented critique and weakness of Nestorian concept on Christology. The emphasis of Nestorius suggested the independence of the two separate persons of Jesus Christ, which are his humanity and divinity. Nestorius emphasizes on distinction between the two natures as person in act, one nature one at a time. This creates a complication because Jesus Christ is one person. Human has limitations, what God intends us to understand, should be the focus. Man cannot understand all things; man’s...
5 Pages 2116 Words

IoT Based Heart Attack Prediction

Abstract The main objective of this paper discusses the various technologies consisting of the internet of things which is used to predict heart attack disease. This paper not only explains the existed heart attack prediction, which is also discussing the aware and monitoring system to the patient who is under the cardiovascular disease probably. In this paper, we revisit convinced kinds of literature and present a survey on heart attack prediction techniques. Introduction In today's modern world, heart disease is...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Understanding The First Aid Kit Use In Saudi Arabia

Introduction How can we better educate individuals on using first aid people in Saudi Arabia? How can we give these individuals a better understanding of how to use the first aid kit? How can improve their knowledge on this topic to act upon emergency situations? The usage of the first aid does show high importance in Saudi Arabia, many people have a general understanding of this topic. I choose this topic to help people to improve their knowledge on this...
5 Pages 2098 Words

Can Salt Solution Bathing And Education Improve Skin Care For Atopic Dermatitis?

Abstract Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial, chronic inflammatory skin disorder resulting from disruption of the epithelial barrier and inflammation. A wide range of treatments are currently available for AD, aimed to restore impaired skin barrier and control inflammation. In order to avoid systemic therapy, the soak and smear technique, the wet-wrap treatment (WWT) with physiologic lipid-based barrier repair therapy and proactive use of topical corticosteroids, can represent an alternative and excellent option, with encouraging results. We report this strategy...
4 Pages 2029 Words

Changing Roles Of Fatherhood in The Family

Introduction The constatnt change of our society viwes it effects With the rise of the feminine movement it is becoming common for women wanting to continue twhat the common household roles are. From the very beginning women were known as the caretakers of the family and men as the breadwinners. With the rise of the feminine movement it is becoming common for women wanting to continue their education or staying in the workforce while having kid(s).This also shows to have...
4 Pages 2010 Words

Skills, Roles And Evolution Of A Nurse

Role of a Nurse The nurse takes part in a major role in the medical field. A patient suffers desolate and irritated at the moment of disease or any treatment. At the moment, the nurse goes about as a friend to the patient. The nurse gives the most ideal consideration for them. Additionally, the patients get psychological help, which causes them to get well soon. Nurse ought to urge families to participate in exercise they appreciate and strengthen the medical...
4 Pages 2003 Words

Language as A Communicative Device

Language is an instrumental apparatus that serves a multiplicity of purposes; however, many, if not the majority of people do not fully understand, nor comprehend the importance of language. Many people view this vital tool as trivial and simple; a frivolous convenience. Nevertheless, in reality, in actuality, language is an entirely important device. The art of communication is as beautiful and incredibly useful as it is crucial and indispensable. The idea of different tongues and how we use them in...
5 Pages 2206 Words

The Contribution Of Industrial Microbiology To Economic Growth

Organisms are not as it were the adversaries, but they creating income is an approach to form them self-sufficient. Practices just like the fabricate of biogas or conventional microbial matured nourishment items like pickles, vinegar, purpose, and kumis may offer assistance the poor people in producing a source of salary by learning the correct abilities required for deciphering these strategies into an genuine commerce. Microorganisms, even though their small size, play an vital part within the evaluation and support of...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Significance And Sources Of Protein

Protein is an important nutrient. Aside from its many benefits, it can also help you shed that stubborn weight you have been trying to lose for months, and make you feel full for longer hours. However, it is essential to control the intake of protein as too much of it can cause more harm than good. There are many sumptuous dishes that can supply you with proteins, regardless of the diet you need. Contrary to people’s opinions, healthy protein sources...
4 Pages 2061 Words

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis Of Djarum 76 The Island Version Advertisement

ABSTRACT The study identifed and analyzed linguistic, visual, audio, strenghteness and weakness components associated with the selected advertisement of Djarum 76. The research uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze and elaborate the data. Data analysed in this research are the words and sentences converted to written text of Djarum 76 advertisement. The steps of data collection technique are by downloading the advertisement, reading and listening the text, checking the video verbally and visually, and identifying the data. The results showed...
5 Pages 2152 Words

Gene Editing For Crop Improvement

As we are facing a climate change epidemic, alongside population growth and food insecurity, the future of crop production must be carefully considered. Crops may have adapted to certain environmental stresses, however, with weather extremes occurring more frequently, the integration of gene editing technologies may enhance the tolerance, yield, and overall success of crop plants. Failing to increase yields in a sustainable manner will negatively impact our ability to produce large amounts of food in the future. “Sustainable intensification” of...
5 Pages 2213 Words

The Inequality Of Sports For Women

Hanson is explaining, is that there is a large difference in relation to and inequality between women and men in all sports. This is mainly because the sports are dominated by a good majority of men and they tend to gain more media coverage when compared to women. One reason for this is because, live media coverage lags far behind, as some coverage of the media for women will mainly focus around their femininity and gender. This portrays women’s achievements...
4 Pages 2016 Words

Theme Of Superstition In English Literature

Superstition is a valuable part of English literature. From Homer to Shakespeare, the supernatural is used to create a more interesting story. According to Merriam Webster, “superstition is a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance or a false conception of causation”(Merriam Webster). Superstition has played a part in literature for centuries. Some examples of superstition are witches, gods, goddesses, monsters, ghosts, and fate. “Witches are credited with usually malignant super powers”...
5 Pages 2174 Words

Concentration Of Heavy Metals In Borehole Water From Ikono Urban, Ikono Local

The concentration level of heavy metals (Pb, As, Cu and Fe) were assessed in five boreholes waters from Ikono Urban. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer was used to analyze the water samples. The results showed that Pb ranged from 0.15±0.040 - 0.40±0.094 mg/L; As, 0.05±0.008-0.10±0.041 mg/L; Cu, 0.02±0.008-0.06±0.016 mg/L and Fe, 0.20±0.016 - 0.37±0.025 mg/L. The concentration levels of Pb and As in the borehole samples were above WHO, NAFDAC and SON permissible/allowable limit, Cu is lower than the allowable limit while...
5 Pages 2193 Words

The History Of Social Workers In The United States

During the Industrial Revolution, social workers were needed because of all the societal issues. Also, at this time, the economy was booming. Lots of people had jobs in factories, assembly lines, coal mines, etc. However, at the time, America was a capitalist economy which meant that people had the freedom to do whatever they wanted to, in order to make money. There was little government interference in the economy. In the result of this, there was no minimum wage, no...
4 Pages 2042 Words

The Reasons Why MMA Is Safer Than Boxing

The sweet science of boxing has been prime, household entertainment for over a century. To this day, it leaves us on the edge of our seat, craving more. However, past all the fun and fanfare, there are major safety concerns, as time and brute force have not been kind to its practitioners. With the popularity of MMA rising, a lot of boxing fans are turning to MMA as an alternative. It is a sport that encompasses all the best elements...
4 Pages 2059 Words

The Concept Of Work Life Balance in Modern World

As the name suggests, work life balance relates to the equilibrium between the professional life, personal life and family life of the individual. This is a relatively new concept being brought on by the seismic advances of technology, the stigma of being regarded as “average”, and the disruption of the traditional 9-5 work culture. Not exclusive too, but heavily weighted towards, the balance of work and family life especially with the involvement of children and family. Lack of organisations engaging...
5 Pages 2085 Words
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