2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Problem Of Employee Theft In Hotels: Types, Reasons And Solutions

Introduction The problem of employee theft will discuss here. This assignment will explore employee theft based on the hospitality industry. It is the thieving of time, money and goods by the people who work for the organisation such as employees. This assignment will explore the difficult of employee theft through diverse departments, the incentive overdue employee theft in hotels and kinds of employee theft. This assignment will also explore the way to stop employee theft adopt by international hotels and...
5 Pages 2197 Words

Consequences Of Child Abuse And Effective Prevention Strategies

Child abuse refers to the maltreatment of a child by the parent or caregiver. It could also include neglect and might be physical, psychological, or sexual. Here, the parent or caregiver might fail to act causing actual and perceived harm to the kid. Abuse can occur at home, schools, or neighborhoods. Understanding the causes and effects of child abuse will help with the formulation of effective prevention strategies. Child abuse remains a global concern as it affects all cultures. Not...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Mass Hysteria Throughout History

Different mass hysteria events throughout history have displayed similar characteristics regarding their structure and characteristics. They each had a variation on the different components of a hysteria event, but can be vividly compared and contrasted. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the Red Scare/McCarthyism era, and the Chupacabra sightings each exhibit the irrational social behaviours and unique psychological states that instigate mass hysteria events; the growth of extreme paranoia that spreads pandemically; and the lasting impact they have on human conduct, laws,...
4 Pages 1950 Words

Control And Reduction Of Racial Profiling

The current practice of racial profiling has been used significantly all around the world for centuries, demonstrating the need for control and monitoring to prevent and incite change. Gathering facts, statistics, and stories from the local news will further explain why racial profiling needs to be put to an end. Some issues that have occurred as a result of racial profiling would include unreasonable search and seizures, stop and frisk, and their impacts. Implementing guidelines to control racial profiling and...
4 Pages 1957 Words

Writing Styles And Themes In Wuthering Heights And Wide Sargasso Sea

Emily Jane Bronte and Jean Rhys were born in a age that people depreciated woman and they have bias that woman cannot write a good novel, but they broke the bias by their famous article. Wuthering Heights and Wide Sargasso Sea were write by Emily Jane Bronte and Jean Rhys, they used exquisite writing to describe the characters’ activity in order to show character’s emotion and attract readers. They created a lot of influential characters, and their articles reflect the...
4 Pages 1992 Words

Symbolism In The Works Catcher In The Rye By Jerome David Salinger And Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams

The word symbol, derived from the Greek verb symballein, ‘to throw together’, is an animate or inanimate object that represents or ‘stands for’ something else.1 They use a concrete image to express implicit ideas or emotions, to be interpreted by the reader. In the 20th Century, for instance, the United States used Uncle Sam as an easily recognizable symbol in order to recruit soldiers for the Second World War. In “The Catcher in the Rye”, J.D. Salinger uses symbolism to...
4 Pages 2036 Words

Reforming American Immigration Act Of 2019: Main Ideas And Opponents

Section I. Title This Act may be cited as the “Reforming American Immigration Act of 2019” and is sponsored by Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham, who represents the state of South Carolina. Senator Lindsey Graham has long supported a comprehensive immigration reform. One that increases the number of legal immigrants as well as the number of visas for skilled workers. Graham supports a system that deports any criminals currently living here illegally. Amnesty may be granted to some of the individuals...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Racial And Ethnic Stereotyping In Advertising

The marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored and non-sponsored message to promote or sell a product or service has created a platform for the proliferation of racial stereotypes. Racial stereotypes are automatic and exaggerated mental pictures that we hold about all members of a particular racial group (University of Notre Dame 2019). This widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or actions plays a significant role in the manner in which...
5 Pages 2101 Words

Money Theme In Middlemarch By George Eliot

George Eliot, a 19th-century Victorian novelist, did not end her stories at marriage like other novelists of the time but added development and depth between individuals and their relationships through the use of thematic symbols such as money. Money appears in Middlemarch in several controversial and complicated situations which include greed, debt, wills, inheritances, stealing, and characters on the opposite end who reject money as a paramount necessity. It is through personal ideals and beliefs regarding money and the way...
4 Pages 1995 Words

Sweatshops And The Importance Of Labour Reform

Abstract The use of developing countries for cheap labour by multinational companies has become more prominent because of increased trading around the world. Supporters claim that MNCs are helping the development of third world countries by providing more job opportunities. However, others argue that MNC’s are using sweatshops to exploit their workers which causes many human right violations and deaths. A review of sweatshops in developing countries is that workers are usually forced to work long hours in dangerous working...
5 Pages 2038 Words

The Story Of Charles Manson

When I was eight years old, my father got to know and meet Charles Manson. I had no idea who this man was, but I understood that he must be someone very special since I heard of their meeting everywhere; on TV, on the radio and in social media. I asked my father what was so special about this man, but the only response I got was something like “he is someone I need to get to know to find...
5 Pages 2214 Words

Themes Of Life Lessons, Death And Acceptance In The Book Tuesdays With Morrie And Film Collateral Beauty

The novel Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom, and the film Collateral Beauty (2016), directed by David Frankel, explore themes of life lessons, death and acceptance, yet are presented to an audience differently to portray a message beneath those themes. Tuesdays with Morrie, a non-fiction biography, follows Professor Morrie Schwartz and his journey with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS disease). Albom, the narrator of the story, reflects on Morrie Schwartz’ classes in college. He realises he did not fulfil his promise...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Mary Shelley: A Brilliant Novelist Of The 19th Century

Mary Shelley, a brilliant novelist, created one of the most fascinating novels of the 19th century. She has had to endure many obstacles and trials in her life leading up to the creation of Frankenstein. The events that transpired during her life have left a lasting impression that can be seen in her novel. Frankenstein was inspired by a waking dream that ended her blight of writer’s block. In her wakeful dream, she sees the vestige of a pale students...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Depression And Equine Therapy Treatment

Mental illness has always been somewhat taboo in society today. I believe now is the time to shed some more light on the subject to raise awareness. Studies have shown, “Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S” (“Depression” 1). Out of all the mental illnesses, depression stands high above the rest with outrageous rates. To put this into perspective, depression stands as 99% of all mental illnesses (“Facts about Depression” 1). Depression has been rearing...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Down Syndrome In Children: What We Know And What We Need To Know

Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material is the cause of the developmental changes and physical features associated with DS (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018). There are 3 different types of DS; Trisomy 21 accounts for 95% of people who have DS and is a result of three copies of chromosome 21, instead of two. The other two rare types are...
4 Pages 1970 Words

How Dangerous It Can Be To Text Or Talk While Driving

Technologies in the ways of communications and technology-based have improved greatly over the last decade. Years before technology started to become advanced and simpler, there was the old fashion technology that was in use. This was the landline connection to houses, offices, stores, and phone booths to communicate with friends and family. The mobile device was invented, and around the 1990s was when a good amount of people could afford the phones and services. With this new technology, people could...
5 Pages 2105 Words

The Approaches Of Multiculturalism And Interculturalism In Modern Europe

Multiculturalism is a project of coexistence of different ethnic, cultural and ethnic communities with different religions, languages and races. Is multiculturalism still a useful tool when talking about European society? Why (not)? What other paradigms may be useful for discussing the changing societal and demographic dynamics in modern Europe? In this essay, I will discuss three possible approaches to this pressing yet complex issue. In the first aspect to answer this question, we begin by taking a closer look at...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Eco-friendly Dentistry Peculiarities: Barriers And Benefits

Dentistry is going Green? There are a number of eco-friendly disruptions brought on by socially minded groups that are happening in dentistry that are highlighting my dental practice’s competitive vulnerabilities, while at the same time representing opportunities to turn those vulnerabilities into sustainable competitive advantages for many years to come. As of late, there has been a tremendous debate in dentistry in the area of sustainability. This debate has brought together dental professionals from all aspects of the industry, including...
4 Pages 2045 Words

The Feminist Ideas In The Novel The Awakening

Kate Chopin (1850-1904) have become distinguished in the field of literature, especially in feminism and liberalism. She is quite remarkable by her independent spirit, her rebellious desires and her native aptitude for narration. At an early age, Chopin’s initial signs of depression can be easily spotted after the losses of her father, her great-grandmother, her half-brother and her friend Kitty in a short time (wikipedia). The death of her husband and mother aggravated the disastrous situation. Chopin was left alone...
4 Pages 1951 Words

Moving To America Or Canada: Pros And Cons

Introduction The overall world population in present time is 7.7 billion. This population is not uniformly distributed over the geographical area of the world. For instance, China and India cover 8.1% land area from the whole world, whereas it has 2.7 billion population which is 35% of total population. So, people migrate from these countries to different countries in search of more opportunities, better lifestyle and better environment to live in. Canada and U.S.A are two countries which cover the...
5 Pages 2182 Words

The Ethical Dilemma Of Using Euthanasia

Introduction to Euthanasia and Ethical Dilemmas Today, there are various opinions on what should be considered ethical and/or unethical. At an early age, many people learn the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, but we all tend to develop our own ideas of why something is right or wrong and/or good or bad. Although we learn these concepts early in life and develop our own opinions rather quickly, there are some situations in life that may cause individuals...
5 Pages 2155 Words

Illegal Immigration: Internal Conflict With The Idea Of Freedom And Opportunities

We come into contact with texts every day; it is everything we see and experience. A thesis is what we are attracted to and an antithesis is what we are opposed to. These texts make up the self, who we are as individuals/people. This essay will examine how the perspective of individuals attempts to comprehend the perspective of those who are opposed to illegal immigration and those who are illegal immigrants. This will inform our own outlook in life, particularly...
5 Pages 2236 Words

The History Of Epilepsy: From Ancient To Modern Days

Despite the significant clinical and therapeutic progress for centuries, people with epilepsy continue to suffer from discrimination due to the idea of epilepsy is caused by spirits or divine experiences. Epilepsy is one of the most common serious brain disorders but is often surrounded by prejudice and myth, which can be overcome only with enormous difficulties. Epilepsy was frequently documented in ancient times. Throughout the ages, in different parts of the world and in different cultures, epilepsy has been associated...
4 Pages 1998 Words

The Concept Of Gender, Gender Stereotypes And Conventions In Elizabeth I’s Speech To The Troops At Tilbury And Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress

The seventeenth century – and the times before that – were not particularly great times to live in as a woman. Today we live in a mostly patriarchal society where men often have a lot more to say than women, but we also have feminism and feminist theory. Simone de Beauvoir states that “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman” , which suggests the society at large and its arbitrary rules concerning boys and girls, men and women,...
5 Pages 2202 Words

The Main Topics Of Candide

The satire Candide, a slightly humorous, overly optimistic story about the journey of a German man, was written by Voltaire, a renowned philosopher and author of literature who subtly critiques society and government. Candide was published in January of 1759 and translated by William F. Flemming. The second most important part of this text, the introduction, was written by Philip Littell. This mocking illustration provides a platform where people can find error and flaw within a society in a way...
4 Pages 1961 Words

The Impact Of John Green On American Culture

“True love will triumph in the end—which may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, it’s the most beautiful lie we have” (John Green). Born on August 24, 1977, Green was raised in the small town of Indianapolis, Indiana where he attended his first public school. At a very early age, Green developed a fascinating interest towards writing and literature; however, his unique hobbies eventually turned him in to a victim of bullying. Throughout the...
4 Pages 2048 Words

Intersectionality: Evolution, Development And Social Equality

Introduction: what is intersectionality? Intersectionality is an academic approach that helps us makes sense of the complexity of social reality by acknowledging the interdependence of different social ‘locations’ or ‘categories’ in people’s lives, such as gender or race, to explain their social situation and life experience. Intersectionality also helps us understand the mechanisms by which social inequality is reproduced in our daily interactions. Because of this, intersectionality provides strong discursive tools to fight inequality. I personally chose to work on...
4 Pages 2003 Words

How Martin Luther King Jr Impacted Society

Over thousands of years of history has shown how humans have survived and adapted to change and conflict. For a long period in American history, African Americans were considered second-class citizens and were slaves to white Americans due to their skin color and wealth. After years of being discriminated against, African Americans started to fight back and try and gain equal rights. The book “ The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.” edited by Clayborne Carson it showed Martin Luther...
5 Pages 2140 Words

Racism, Politics And Media As The Main Factors Of Islamophobia

Not once in modern world history, where human beings can live peacefully and harmony with each other. There is always going to be that conflict, that tension, those disagreements that will make a wall in between. One of the biggest conflicts that has been roaming around for decades is, islamophobia. It started with the religion called islam and the people who believe in it are called muslims. According to the sources, Islam has existed for more than 1,400 years. The...
4 Pages 2000 Words

History Of English Literature And The Canon In The Victorian Era: The Importance Of Being Earnest

Section 1: Social, Political and Philosophical Context The Victorian era was one of great change and importance. The industrialisation of England during this time forever changed how and where people lived. The shift from rural to urban work accelerated with the rise of factories and the advancement of technology. The lower classes were overworked and suffered from horrible workplace conditions. Both adults and children worked tirelessly for sixteen hours per day on repetitive, strenuous and often dangerous tasks. For this,...
4 Pages 2019 Words
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