2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Classical And Contemporary Theories Of Play In Early Childhood Education

Introduction In early childhood education, play has been seen as a central concept that underpins the areas of teaching and learning (Fleer, 2013). Play also provides a supportive environment which offers children rich learning experiences that allows them to make sense of their world, to express their thoughts and feeling, as well as extend all levels of development (Crowther & Welhousen, 2003, P. 12). However, the concept of play is changing over time. Firstly, this essay will compare the classical...
5 Pages 2076 Words

Growth Mindset, Resilience And Perma

Growth mindset Growth mindsets, also known as implicit theories, are defined as core assumptions about the malleability of personal qualities. Students hold different implicit theories, from a more fixed mindset or entity theory of intelligence to of a more growth mindset or incremental theory. The concept of a fixed vs. growth mindset was developed by Carol Dweck.3 She observed that when students were given problems too difficult to solve, some gave up easily and some persisted. Those who gave up...
4 Pages 2028 Words

The Consequences Of The War On Drugs In The USA

Drugs in our world have been used for centuries, yet have been illegal for one 1% of our time. In 1971, President Nixon declared drug abuse to be public enemy number one. Tv shows and social media made it clear that drug dealers and cartels are villains and must be stopped. These social media networks decided to turn their heads the other way on the drug abusers and instead attack the hustlers and dealers. Nixon also put in place mandatory...
5 Pages 2139 Words

Gun Control One Of The Hottest Topics In American Politics Today

With the increase in technology today, violence has been able to manifest itself in every part of the country worldwide. Today, every country, society, and town is faced with some form of violence. In my entire life, I have to admit that there have been numerous injuries as well as death caused by gun violence. Today, the most controversial issue in America is gun control. This issue concerning gun control has been debated by politicians and lawmakers for quite a...
5 Pages 2081 Words

Iceland: Ways For Gender Equality

Iceland is fundamentally opposed to not only the national but also the global execution of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are incorporated into the government’s social, economic and environmental agenda, with significant interest in maintaining a civilized and just community, free of fear and aggression. Iceland has been the most gender-equal country in the world for almost a decade. Being a woman in Iceland is fortuitous in comparison to other countries. Iceland was the first...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Distracted Driving: The Roads Are The Death Traps To Those Who Drive On Them

“It doesn’t matter what I do ... it doesn’t matter what I accomplish; that will always come second. I will always be Reggie Shaw, the person who took two lives in a car accident” (Macavinta 1). These are the words from a man who was a part of an upcoming epidemic for the world, distracted driving. It was a rainy morning on September 22, 2006, and a young teen Reggie Shaw was on his daily commute from Tremonton to Logan...
5 Pages 2103 Words

The Relation Between Identity And Personal Choice

Being a human, everyone has their personalities and properties which people can base on to distinguish a group of people or an individual. There are many factors that affect our characteristics. Value and identity differ from person to person, therefore people should respect and accept it even it is good or bad. According to the writers in chapter one, there are three assumptions which are used to define the word “identity”: “Identity is what we’re born with”, “Identity is shaped...
5 Pages 2234 Words

Censoring And Banning The Book The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison As The Neglect Of First Amendment

Introduction to Censorship and Book Banning When material is censored, is knowledge being kept from the public? Throughout history, there have been countless instances in which people argued if certain pieces of literature should be banned. According to the first page of the article, “First Amendment and Censorship”, censorship is “The suppression of ideas and information that certain persons-individuals, groups, or government officials-find objectionable or dangerous”. One kind of censorship is book banning, which as stated by the article, “Banned...
4 Pages 2101 Words

Theoretical Grounds On Education Of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois And John Dewey

Introduction As a comparative essay is a theoretical identification of the similarities and differences in any two subjects, this document tries to establish the same between the two thinkers, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois and John Dewey. The main theme of discussion is how the idea of education of the two thinkers differ or concur and how relevant they are in the 21st century. While the time period of both the personalities coincided, they addressed vastly different aspects of education,...
4 Pages 2011 Words

Female Related Issues In Uber

UBER was established in 2009 by Garrett Camp, it is a transportation network company (TNC). Its headquarters are situated in California, San Francisco. Initially, Uber provided only a ride/taxi service but recently it has added many more facilities to its mobile phone app such as UBEREATS which is a food delivery application, a bicycle-sharing system, and a peer-to-peer ridesharing. Uber has completely revamped the meaning of the word “taxi”. It no longer means having to shell out exorbitant amount of...
5 Pages 2191 Words

The Most Common Early Signs Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism is a mental condition that affects children the most, however, it can affect adults too as it’s an incurable disability, so children grow up having that condition throughout their lives. Autistic children often are not able to form relationships, it’s very hard for them to even show affection at times even to their family. Depending on how severely autistic an individual is they often show these symptoms which are; avoiding eye contact, difficulty in communicating with others, and also...
5 Pages 2116 Words

Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck: What Each Individual Character Represents In The World

Of Mice and Men ​was published in 1937. At this time it was the beginning of the end of the age of modernism in literature. Modernism focuses more on the progression of characters rather than religious, political, and social views like Victorian literature did. However, Steinbeck is thought to have been influenced by sexism and racism that were both heavily apparent in history during the time he was writing ​Of Mice and Men​. The protagonist of ​Of Mice and Men...
4 Pages 1955 Words

The Relationship Between Empire And Universal Human Rights

The rise of and expansion of Empires has been closely related to Universal human rights as clearly depicted in the judicial cases that took place in the 1870s within the British Empire in Hong Kong and the Gold Coast now Ghana. In each case the Judge, had a daunting task of establishing human rights violation in the form of slavery in the British colonial empires. In the process of doing so, the important connections between establishing empires and limitations of...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Does The Amount Of Money An Interest Group Pose Mean More Influence?

In our democratic society, we vote to elect our political representatives at the state and federal levels. State voters ultimately decide who will represent them at a national level in Washington D.C. and the United States Congress. Each congressional district on the House side is up for re-election every two years and every six years on the Senate side. These elected officials represent their constituents and decide what federal legislation is written and how much funding can be directed back...
5 Pages 2172 Words

Ageism: Definition, Types And Stereotypes

Discrimination of the elderly or, ageism, is defined as a form of discrimination which is based on an individual’s age (Hitchings & Day, 2011). The advance in age, the reduction in independence and the limitations in social participation affect society’s views and approaches towards elderly individuals. Due to such attitudes, the elderly are frequently stereotyped and subjected to positive or negative prejudice (Cinar et al., 2018). Ageism and age discrimination may manifest themselves differently in various social, economic, work, health...
5 Pages 2152 Words

The Concept Of Individualism In Iliad

The denotation of individualism is the principle of being independent from group mentality and having freedom of actions and thoughts without limitations. Ancient Greece placed an emphasis on the individual, making it a major aspect of Western Civilization. Greeks were the first to experiment with ideals of individualism through direct democracy, in which certain citizens were encouraged to take an active role in government. As this idea developed and spread throughout Greek culture, people were encouraged to act and create...
5 Pages 2059 Words

The Similarities And Differences Between Utopia And Power

“Utopia,” Abraham Ortelius A ‘utopia’, purely from my own understanding, describes an ‘ideal place’ or ‘paradise’. According to the Oxford definition of the word, this understanding is not far from its actuality. It is defined as ‘an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.’ This word, like many other in the English language, is of Latin origin and stems from the prefix ou meaning ‘not’ and the suffix topos meaning ‘place’. When translated the phrase ou-topos...
4 Pages 2053 Words

Marriage Customs And Traditions In The Islamic Middle East

The Middle East is the origin of the three main religions in the world, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Historical facts reveal that Christianity dominated the Middle East in the period around the 1st century until the Muslim conquest occurred in the 7th century AD. There are diverse traditions and beliefs prevalent in the Middle East Christianity, which differs from other parts of the world. Presently, Christianity is only 5% in the Middle East population from a whopping 20% in...
5 Pages 2024 Words

Themes, Style And Symbolism In The Novel A Thousand Splendid Suns

Introduction The novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, written by an Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini and published in 2007, deals with the themes of redemption and friendship depicted in various parts of the novel. A Thousand Splendid Suns is an impressive, heart-wrenching novel of an unforgiving time, an unlikely friendship, and an indestructible love. Moreover, the novel relies on different stylistic and language conventions such as imagery, symbolism, and different perspectives of the protagonist to explore the themes of redemption and...
5 Pages 2101 Words

The Main Ideas And Literature Techniques In Old Man And The Sea

Introduction The Old Man and the Sea is written by Ernest Hemingway in Cuba. It’s a novel. It was a last major work novel to be created by Hemingway and this novel famous work of his life time experience. It is a point and based of attraction for Santiago. He is a old fisherman who struggle who struggle for catching to marlin fish. It is a simple story about a fisherman Santiago and his battle with a large marlin fish....
4 Pages 1983 Words

Industries That Being Disrupted By Elon Musk And His Companies

It is said that one of the best ways to learn something is to study and watch the people who are very successful at this task. So, if one was wanting to get better at business and the strategies behind it, a great way to learn would be by studying and learning about some of the greatest businessmen in the world. One of the most talked-about businessmen in the world currently is Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a very hardworking,...
5 Pages 2214 Words

Enron Administration Personal Qualities That Led To The Company Bankruptcy

ABSTRACT The administration and top executives at Enron were caught involved in unethical activities such as abusing their power by manipulating data, getting involved in inconsistent treatment with internal and external voters, proving unable to provide proper oversight over responsibilities and putting their own interests before that of their stakeholders. As a result, educators of leadership qualities must exercise: Share some of the blame for what happened at Enron, Integrate ethics into the rest of the curriculum, Highlight the responsibilities...
4 Pages 2005 Words

Cloning: Types, Benefits And Myths

It basically involves a method for developing a replica of tissue, organ or cell which are inherently similar to each other.it occur in nature- for instance, when some cell replicated itself asexually without chromosomal mutation and linkage. In prokaryotes, bacteria can produce a genetically alike copy of itself with help of binary fission. On other hand, in eukaryotes like in humans all cells such as skin cells, digestive track lining cells go through mitosis thus produce clones, except from the...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Obamacare: Legal And Ethical Issues In Access To Care

Introduction With regards to approach issues, 'access to care' centers around access to health care services, products and medical coverage. This incorporates having the option to discover clinicians and care suppliers, including medical clinics and drug stores, that give the consideration humans need. Such consideration ought to be geographically available and secured by medical coverage. Access to protection additionally includes having the option to discover coverage that addresses a issues and incorporates the specialists, different clinicians, and care suppliers that...
5 Pages 2112 Words

The Philosophical Concepts In The Book Fight Club

The film ‘Fight Club’ is based off a book by Chuck Palahniuk. On first glance, the movie would not seem to hold any philosophical meanings. However. it does seem to advocate violence, toxic masculinity and gender segregation. But after a slight deeper analysis, it can be easily read as a parody of the same. Even its philosophical concepts become much clearer. The film surely makes its audience think and connect the dots. Despite the film and book being released years...
5 Pages 2069 Words

How Immune System And Antibodies Work

Covid 19 is still raging more than ever with 700,000 cases worldwide as at time of writing. The single most important way to fight this scourge is to build up your immune system. We will explore how the virus attacks cells immune system that produce antibodies. We will discover the ways a virus attacks the cells blinding the immunity system. Discovery on how to strengthen and boost your system will also be explored. What are the immune responses to viruses...
5 Pages 2140 Words

Identity Crisis In Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake

Abstract The thematic study sheds light upon the issues based on the identities. The immigrants were lost their originality because of the adaptation of new culture in Alien Nations. The immigrants have suffered a lot and also longing for their original life style. So, the paper deals with the identity crisis in the novel Namesake. The novel shows that how a Bengali family adapts the foreign culture. The problem of identity is writ large all over diasporic fiction. The title...
4 Pages 2075 Words

Theories Of Personality: Sigmund Freud Vs Carl Rogers

Introduction to Freud and Rogers' Theories of Personality Psychology has been a part of our lives for many years and there are a multitude of perspectives on human personality. Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers theories of personality have changed the world of psychology forever. There analysis on human progress and the steps it takes towards building and shaping our personalities is truly genius. Among both theorists you will see as they are both ventured into in great detail how they...
4 Pages 2030 Words

The Idea Of American Dream In Death Of A Salesman

The Illusion of Success: Willy Loman’s Pursuit of the American Dream In the play, Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller establishes a variety of themes such as the American Dream and disillusionment. Under a Marxist perspective, Death of a Salesman is a critique of a capitalist American society and materialistic lies that are written deep within the American Dream. Willy Loman, the main character of the play, is a prime example of a hardworking middle-class man striving for the success...
4 Pages 2154 Words

The Patriot Act As One Of The Policies For Constitutional And Civil Rights Of American Citizens

Introduction Predictive methods of assessing threat methodologies rely on the belief that humans behave in predictable ways and that future behavior can be predicted. New policing technologies collection is a fundamental capability for the identification of individuals. The collection of multiple sources of information provides an increased probability for positive identification (PID) of an individual using emerging technology. Because predictive policing and intelligence-led policing involve gathering a wide range of different types of data, they inevitably raise concerns among civil...
5 Pages 2179 Words
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