2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Power Over Stephen and His Attempts to Free Himself from It in James Joyce's ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’

Throughout the process of growing up, people are influenced by everything surrounding them. This phenomenon doesn’t have to be negative, but as Stephen gets older, he begins to reject any power that isn’t himself, despite being vacuumed into always having a power when he was younger. In this essay, power is the influence other characters have over Stephen’s actions. While this said power affects Stephen’s growth, it doesn’t determine an outcome, Stephen’s own choices do. His choices attempt to get...
6 Pages 2715 Words

Biography Essay on Babe Ruth, One of the Greatest Baseball Players in History

My essay is about George Herman Ruth Jr., or mainly known as Babe Ruth. Ruth was a famous baseball player from the 1900s. He had a troublesome childhood, but when he started to play baseball, he learned some discipline. As many people know Babe Ruth was the best baseball player of his time. He set all kinds of records, like his home run record, which he held for almost forty years until it was broken on April 8, 1974, by...
5 Pages 2453 Words

Argumentative Essay on Teenage Curfews

Teens should be allowed to have much more freedom. Teenagers want to stay out and enjoy themselves with friends. Curfews for teens should be eliminated because teens need more freedom, it is a way to gain trust with parents, and teens can get in trouble at any time. People know for a fact that curfews do not actually do the job they are supposed to which is to keep teenagers out of trouble. “Nationwide more than 80 percent of juvenile...
5 Pages 2393 Words

Positive Peace and Its Attaining in African States: Informative Essay

Peace has been the greatest aspiration of humankind at a personal level and in communities they reside. Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in numerous ways. For better understanding on status of negative and positive peace in African context, it is crucial to first analyze the key terms majorly used in this write up: violence, conflict, peace, positive and negative peace. Peace is relative to many people and scholars have expressed their dissatisfaction in trying to attach a...
6 Pages 2734 Words

Metaphors in 'The Grapes of Wrath': Critical Essay

I think the setting is important in this piece because I believe the setting will affect many events in this book. I also believe it is important because the author believes the setting deserves its own chapter. “Every moving thing lifted the dust into the air: a walking man lifted a thin layer as high as his waist, and a wagon lifted the dust as high as the fence tops, and an automobile boiled a cloud behind it.” The author...
5 Pages 2383 Words

The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

The trans-Atlantic slave trade, which was also known as the Triangular Trade, formed one of the most significant historical events. Once the slave trade started from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, the trade route through the Middle Passage were used by Europeans to transport African slaves. Not only did the trans-Atlantic slave trade consist of a large migration of enslaved people from Africa to America, but it also resulted in the breakdown of the Indigenous American population. The Portuguese...
6 Pages 2590 Words

Theme of Limited Perception of Reality in Raymond Carver's ‘Cathedral’ and Alice Walker's ‘Everyday Use’

Is reality simply based on the things that can be seen with the physical eye? Are there things beyond the physical eye which leads us to a deeper perception of life? Can epiphanic moments be the key to this deeper level of perception where we are able to see things that require more than physical eyes? The inability to see beyond our physical eyes produces a limited perception of reality. However, the ability to see beyond the physical realm opens...
5 Pages 2385 Words

History of Education in America’s Colonial and Early Republic

The history of education in America’s colonial and early republic was a nationwide transition to a common public school powered by multiple factors. One major factor was the need for a democracy to be self-autonomous and for the population to be educated to keep a stable government. Another ruling factor was that people want to pass on their beliefs and traditions. This drive to pass on the former way of life led to the integration of religion in schools causing...
6 Pages 2662 Words

Evolution of Barbie in Society

Since 1959, the iconic Barbie doll has been one of the most popular toys worldwide. It has been the global symbol of a certain kind of American beauty for many generations and has been formed by the broader social climate of what is believed as the ideal female. The doll still circulates in our society today and has evolved to fit the needs of society. Sure, there have been a few missteps along the way, but Barbie has been beloved...
6 Pages 2683 Words

Canadian Education System and Its History

Whist researching my topic, I wanted some background noise to help me concentrate. So, I turned on my TV and started to play one of my favorite shows, ‘Black Mirror’. The episodes are all individually casted and have unique storylines. The topics on the show explore relevant topics, but with exaggerated storyline to create an unease about our modern society. As I was endlessly sifting through information and glancing up at my screen, I realized that the mind warping ideas...
6 Pages 2656 Words

American Ideal of Democracy in the Education System

“Through liberty and justice for all!”. Each school day, these words leave the mouths of thousands of children across America. They stand up tall, hand over their hearts, declaring that this nation - our nation - is a place that provides for them, where they have a voice. It is a place of equality that is worthy of each of their undying allegiance. Each of these children pledges their devotion to a democracy, and in return it is expected that...
6 Pages 2715 Words

Sugar Cane Farming in Australia and Related Problems

Market failure is a situation in which the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient, often leading to a net social welfare loss (Ryans, 2015). Market failure problems revolve around, and/or are reflected in, risk and uncertainty, imperfect and asymmetric information, incompletely specified property rights, collective or public goods, externalities, economies of scale and monopolies, all of which influence the functioning of the market as a means for allocation of resources (Brown, 2013). An example...
5 Pages 2369 Words

Sexual Health and Midwifery Care

Throughout this paper, I will be looking at a variety of topics related to sexual health and how they influence midwifery care. According to WHO (World Health Organization), “Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences,...
5 Pages 2384 Words

Sense of Smell and Eating

Visual and auditory perception play fundamental and primary role in vital human activities such spatial orientation, communication and forming perception of objects within day-to-day activities of human beings. By these reasons, vision and hearing are considered objective and universal in conjunction with thoughts and decisions. Otherwise, sense of smell, taste and touch are involved in feelings and emotions such as perfumery and cooking, and, to a certain extent and only in combination with vision, pottery, sculpture, dance, and pantomime, which...
5 Pages 2375 Words

Segregation in the United States Public School System

In order to address how the district census affects education in lower-income and minority communities, one must first understand the modern definition of segregation. Heterogeneous areas that are broken into smaller, less diverse areas often have large discrepancies in school quality. The politics of exclusion theory maintains that political boundaries regulate housing, tax, and other resource policies in a way that protects and isolates its residents. Boundaries make residential sorting decisions more efficient because they convey demographic and socioeconomic differences...
6 Pages 2662 Words

Personal Beliefs about Eating Patterns

The way we are living, our attitude, our emotion, the basic mental state, how streamlined our minds are, the level of activity we are going through, all these are very much a part of our health. A person’s health is influenced by health behaviors that are part of their individual lifestyle. Any behavior that affects the individual physical health or any behavior individual believes may affect their physical health is health behavior or in a nutshell, a person's beliefs and...
5 Pages 2274 Words

Ludwig Van Beethoven's Genius

In her book ‘Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical politics in Vienna, 1792-1803’, Tia DeNora attempts to interpret Beethoven’s primary success and ‘the construction of genius’. The main concern she brings up is that “the crux of the problem with most Beethoven literature as it addresses the composer’s reputation is that, to varying degrees, that literature consists of retrospective accounts that isolate the quality of Beethoven’s works as the cause of his recognition… in retrospect, influence is conceived as...
6 Pages 2579 Words

Illiteracy and High Incarceration Rates in New Mexico

Although the United States is often thought of as an educated nation, the reality is that many individuals are illiterate or have very low reading skills. More than 36 million adults cannot read or write above a third-grade level (ProLiteracy, 2019). Approximately 43% of adults read at an eighth-grade level or lower (Zoukis, 2017). Illiteracy and low literacy skills cause many issues for individuals and society. This lack of skill can cause non-productivity in the workforce, crime, loss of tax...
5 Pages 2579 Words

How Eckhart Tolle's Book 'The Power of Now' Taught Me the Importance of Living in the Present Moment

Why are we constantly unhappy? Why our daily life is so full of regret and anxiety? What is making true relationships so hard to keep? Tolle gives answers to these questions in his book ‘The Power of Now’. By his sayings, the most important thing that matters and the one we think about least is the present. All life is a series of present moments. This book explains how living in the present moment, meditation, freeing from one’s mind and...
5 Pages 2366 Words

Corn: Significant Advances Then and Now

Corn, what is it and how did the genesis of corn begin from a tropical grass native to Mexico called teosinte that dates back more than 80,000 years ago to become maize that we all come to know as corn. When you hear or think about this simple word a few thoughts would pop in your head like popcorn, ethanol, or corn on the cob that you would find on your dinner plate. From multiple sources of information there are...
5 Pages 2451 Words

Corn as a Staple Food

Maize, also known as corn in the United States, Canada, and Australia is one of the most wildly produced crops in the world. It is almost assured that maize was first domesticated in Mexico and then reached the United States as a cultivated plant (Linton, 1924). Corn is one crop that is the most common in the everyday food we eat. But with a high level of production comes a very difficult level of labor. Labor causes loss of life...
6 Pages 2635 Words

Contribution of Intermittent Fasting and the Atkins Diet to Weight Loss and Health Benefits

One of the most essential methods to lose weight is to control your diet. Almost every weight loss program suggests following a strict diet or eating pattern, however, how many of these programs actually offer a concrete solution to weight loss? According to Boston University School of Medicine, Americans spend approximately $33 billion dollars per year on products for weight loss (Weight Management, 2017). If this is the case, wouldn’t it be logical to conclude that America is getting healthier?...
6 Pages 2653 Words

Australia's Gross Domestic Product: Development and Diversity

Gross domestic product (GDP) gauges a nation's financial exhibition over a given period, commonly one year or one quarter. Thus, estimating the economy of the nation is the most significant monetary measure. This paper investigates the development and diversity of Australia's gross domestic product. Australia’s Growth Decade As indicated by the report by Aslani et al. (2017), the growth rate of Australia's gross domestic product was 2.8%, with a gross domestic product of US$734.283 million. In 2005, it was predicted...
6 Pages 2524 Words

Analysis of Mohsin Hamid's Novel 'Moth Smoke' through Marxist Criticism

Literature from Marxist point of view is a reflection of the human existence in such a society which is divided into different classes on the basis of economic conditions. This paper aims to explore various aspects of exploitation, systems of domination, oppression and socioeconomic conflicts that arise in the novel ‘Moth Smoke’ by Mohsin Hamid. The novel weaves a complex story of corruption, greed, unjust distribution of money and invites reader’s attention towards miserable characters, their wrong doings and especially...
5 Pages 2460 Words

Essay about the Country of Mongolia

According to history, Mongolia is situated in the North-Central Asia. It can be roughly identified as being oval in its shape with the following measurements 1,486 miles (2392km) from the western to the eastern part at approximately a maximum of 782 miles, which is equal to 1259km when measured north to south. The land of Mongolia is approximately equivalent to that of the different countries that are located in the Central and Western part of Europe. It lies on the...
5 Pages 2323 Words

A Woman's Place in the Literary World

Learned women make men nervous. This is prevalent in reality, and is thus mirrored in literature. The journey of women in the literary world has long been bruised by stereotypical portrayals, often prompted by the laughable lack of women authors in comparison to the predominance of men. The misguiding 'male view' of females has dug its claws deep into the literary canon, and subsequently, girls have strived to mold themselves into a 'suitable' caricature of womanhood. Confronted with such tropes,...
6 Pages 2640 Words

Work Life Blending: Synthesis Essay

Background There is a creating preparation in the present working environments that representatives don't give up their lives just in light of the fact that they work. Work and life remain the two most fundamental regions in the life of a used single individual. In any case, the trial of changing work and non-work demands is one of the present central mindfulness toward the two individuals and associations. With the creating contrasts of family structures addressed in the present workforce,...
6 Pages 2677 Words

Why Whaling Should Be Banned: Argumentative Essay

The first World Climate Conference was held from February 12th to 23rd in 1979 in Geneva. It was one of the first international meetings on climate change. NASA states, since the late nineteenth century, carbon dioxide and human-made emissions were, and still are being released into the atmosphere which has taken a toll on the planet’s surface temperature. Temperatures have risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit. From 2010 to now, has had five of the warmest years recorded with 2016 being...
6 Pages 2493 Words

Why We Crave Horror Movies: Critical Essay

The purpose of this study is to identify how the horror genre/sub-genre exploits and feeds off the sociocultural fears and anxieties of its time. Within this paper, I intend to focus on various critically acclaimed movies -including Night of the Living Dead, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Exorcist- ranging from the 1960s and 1970s to pinpoint how these films were influenced by the common fears of that time and the preceding films. The Horror genre focuses on societal fears that are...
6 Pages 2538 Words

Why Was the Renaissance Referred to as a Time of Rebirth: Argumentative Essay

The Renaissance period is an era that took place in history back in the 14th and 17th centuries. The place Renaissance began was Florence, Italy. The word Renaissance was derived from the French people which means rebirth. This era was in between the Middle Ages and Contemporary history. This period created so many great and creative thinkers like philosophers, artists, scientists and so much more. The people that lived in this era, got to learn so many new things and...
6 Pages 2580 Words
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