2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Serena Joy 'The Handmaid's Tale' Character Analysis

Societally, we are approaching a crossroads in terms of the rights of women -- one side leads back to a draconian patriarchal society, and the other leads towards a freer world. In her novel The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood provides a glimpse of what the future may look like were we to choose the former. Atwood’s use of different colors and species of flowers provides insight into Offred’s ever-changing relationship with Gilead and its way of life. Through this, she...
5 Pages 2404 Words

Negative Effects of Consumerism Essay

Today we humans are constantly driven to make our lives easier and more comfortable. The intent is good but the gains in efficiency are leading to newer consumption patterns. Over the past few years, we have seen manifold changes in gadget usage, shopping channels, and the global markets. Online shopping is one of the various forms of technology used to make our lives easier. However, its excessively increased usage brings about some serious negative impacts on consumers and the environment....
5 Pages 2338 Words

Essay on George Harvey Serial Killer

Themes Mortality becomes ever-present in the Salmon family ever since Susie’s elbow was found, and she was declared dead. It is because now they can see how ephemeral life is that they start making choices for themselves and their own lives individually, and no longer for the family. Dad engages in a battle for justice, while the mother goes away and tries to get to know herself again. Susie's death gave them all a key to look deeper into their...
5 Pages 2345 Words

Harry Potter Character Analysis Essay

The best-selling book series in history, Harry Potter, is known particularly for its impact on society and the generation who grew up on it. The author, J.K. Rowling, was praised for giving social, moral, and political inspiration to young readers all across the globe, teaching adolescents to grow up standing up against injustice in their worlds. Onlookers at the time even coined the term “Pottermania” to describe the absolute craze surrounding children's books. Avid fans held midnight celebrations for the...
5 Pages 2377 Words

Why Does Postpartum Depression Happen: Essay

The adverse effects societal changes such as urbanization have on the incidence of Postpartum Depression and measures taken to support women. Abstract With the incidence of Postpartum depression (PPD) at around 20%, this paper aims to explore how a current stressor such as urban upbringing (a factor that has not yet been studied about PPD could affect the incidence of PPD). It expands on the hypothesis that urban upbringing is linked to increasing stress hence a potential increase in PPD...
6 Pages 2540 Words

Essay on 'The Metamorphosis': Dream Reveals the Reality

The first sign of alienation that happens to him is his reaction to his physical change. Gregor Samsa feels that he has been treated as a lowly insect and comes to feel that he is one: the story leaps from “I feel like an insect” to “I am an insect.” [1] Whatever the causes, Gregor’s feeling is rooted in the collapse of his nature between his impersonal self (outside) and I (inner self). This collapse can be accepted in the...
5 Pages 2370 Words

Persuasive Essay on Propaganda

In this essay, I am going to look at intertextuality through propaganda and looking at the artist Shepard Fairey. Shepard Fairey’s work that I am going to look at is the poster called ‘Hope’ for the Obama Election campaign. I will also be looking at other artists who produce propaganda pieces and how they differ from Fairey’s piece. In addition, I will be viewing what intertextuality is what propaganda is, and its origin. How Fairey shows hope and peace within his...
6 Pages 2510 Words

Persuasive Essay on Vaccines

If a person has poor hygiene, decides to eat unhealthily, or refuses a seatbelt while driving, it does not have a direct impact on the health of others. Being unvaccinated, however, can affect the health of a community, and infectious diseases can be spread in places such as work or school. Vaccinations are a safe and highly effective way to prevent the spread of deadly diseases. They are one of the most “effective prevention tools available to clinicians” (Omer). Vaccines...
3 Pages 2384 Words

Drama Therapy and Psychodrama Essay

Introduction: In this essay, I am writing about how drama therapy can help people suffering from the mental health of different conditions and their severity. I was inspired to write this due to personal struggles with mental health, I found it an interesting topic to research about how this different form of therapy could be used to help all ages and mental health disabilities. This topic also interested me due to there is an increasing rise in mental health cases...
3 Pages 2250 Words

Essay on Corporate Strategy Google

Introduction Google was born out of pure interest in the linkage structures of the World Wide Web that Larry Page and Sergey Brin shared. They managed to develop an algorithm that did page ranking and used backlink data so that it could be possible to regulate the importance of any web page out there. In 2001, “Google” got its patent; This giant search engine started getting attention as people used the WWW more often to search for the information needed....
3 Pages 2348 Words

Why Should We Honour Veterans Essay

This paper explores the history of events related to the experience of African American veterans' rights leading up to today. The earliest African American veteran involvement in the U.S. Military will be covered dating back to the Revolutionary War. The challenges veterans faced during World War 2, leading up to the Civil Rights Movement will be surveyed. Furthermore, this paper delves into the African American veteran's experience with Jim Crow statutory laws the G.I. Bill along employment challenges. In addition,...
3 Pages 2531 Words

Social Justice Immigration Essay

Introduction Migrations, either by land or by sea, have always characterized human existence. To understand the extent of this phenomenon we have to be aware of the fact that nobody could say that they have never had direct experience with migratory phenomena or, in any case, with their effects[footnoteRef:1]. Therefore, what is the best prospect for analyzing migrations? Should immigrants be considered legitimate citizens or foreign invaders? Furthermore, should it be considered legitimate for a state to control its borders...
3 Pages 2566 Words

Gay Adoption Persuasive Essay

Homosexuality was a foreign topic until 1900’s; to the majority of people, eventually, due to an expanding number of individuals openly declaring their sexuality, people started to become familiar with the existence of such. Along with this rise in number, questions and controversial viewpoints regarding this subject also increased. According to, the ‘Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender,’ Homosexuality is simply the quality of being sexually attracted to people of the same sex. However, to accurately represent those who are sexually...
3 Pages 2621 Words

Capitalism and Freedom Essay

There has been much talk in the last 10 years about changing our market and economy to a socialist economy. I believe this topic is public policy because of the controversy it has started. This is also one of the biggest factors in American life. The market and economy can make or break a life. And in this case many lives. There has been a huge debate about abandoning the Capitalist free market. Many of these suggestions come from the...
3 Pages 2453 Words

Capitalism Vs Environment Essay

Green capitalism is a form of green politics/conservationism that highlights the economic value of ecosystems and biological diversity and attempts to reduce environmental impacts on the human population. Green capitalism is also referred to as “natural capitalism” (Hawken, Lovins, and Lovins 1999), “free-market environmentalism”(Anderson and Leal 1991), “blue-green environmentalism,” or “eco-capitalism.”This guarantees that the importance of environmental services is mirrored in the operation of markets. It starts from the appreciation that ecosystems perform a wide range of services called ecosystem...
3 Pages 2563 Words

Absurdity in 'The importance of Being Earnest' Essay

There is no one kind of humor: Numerous types of humor surface in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde and The Monty Python and the Holy Grail by Graham Chapman. Looking at the texts The Importance of Being Earnest and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, it is evident that humor is demonstrated differently between both plays. Both texts significantly possess many humor types, indicating that there is no one kind of humor. Monty Python and the Holy...
3 Pages 2275 Words

Painful Childhood Experience Essay

Once, I was a boy and my dad used to tell me that one day I would be a Kikuyu man and walk in his footsteps. Raise a family and assume manhood responsibilities. To provide for, protect, and guide my family the way he did, because that’s what a Kikuyu man, a Kikuyu warrior is supposed to do (History, H, 2018). He always told me to enjoy boyhood as much as I could because it passes by as fast as...
3 Pages 2596 Words

Essay on Bob Marley Racism

Prejudice is and has been a massive part of today’s society and has been seen throughout history. Prejudice is the pre-determined hate towards someone or a group of people that belong to a certain ethnicity, or look and act different from everyone else before you have even met that person, prejudice can be harmful to a person and can scar them permanently. This idea of prejudice is shown in The Fat Boy by Owen Marshall, After You My Dear Alphonse...
3 Pages 2483 Words

Essay on What Is Intersectionality in Sociology

Critical race theory began as a scholarly movement in the early 1970s because of the writings of an African American civil rights lawyer Derrick Bell who presented a theory to understand Western racial history as well as the conflict of interest in civil rights litigation (Delgado & Stefancic, 1998, p. 467). As years passed new critical themes to this theory were presented by critical scholars such as; Delgado, Matsuda, and Crenshaw who discussed interested convergence, while focusing on the social...
3 Pages 2373 Words

Essay on Difference between Public Health and Healthcare

Public health is about helping individuals stay healthy by protecting them from possible threats to their health, this can be done through promoting medicine and nursing but before individuals get to the state of needing medicine, public health may put in place resources to improve their health and wellbeing and reduce the causes of ill health. This is done through the work put into these three domains which include health protection, health improvement, and healthcare public health. Health protection is...
3 Pages 2570 Words

Essay on Intersectionality Feminism

In politics ‘gender’ is both acknowledged and dismissed. The notion of political ambitions and actions has created a divide between policy and gender inclusivity. Throughout history, the political neglect towards women in society has led to the need for an activist response. It is understood that “the market women and the marketplace influenced politics and economics in the capital” (Jarvis) yet women are exponentially undermined in the faculty of politics. The role of gender in modern-day politics and globalization as...
3 Pages 2467 Words

Essay on Life Changing Movies

The news comes in many different shapes, forms, and ways. One very common denominator out of them all is simple: Trump. Social media news comes at you fast, and all seem to aim for a juicy headline or “clickbait” as some may call it. Social media is where I get most of my news, but sometimes if a headline is too descriptive or juicy there’s no need to even click on it, the story is in the headline or URL....
3 Pages 2611 Words

Essay on Customer Service and Communication

There are a lot of benefits of online shopping because it is easy to use for most people of many ages and also, it takes little time to do as the forms take a short amount of time to complete (if your details are already saved on the business's website). When someone sees a product advertised on a social media site, it is easy for them to look at it specifically as various links can take the user to the...
4 Pages 2647 Words

Affirmative Action Essay on Pros and Cons

Introduction and background Affirmative Action (referred to as 'AA' for later) is an executive order issued by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to 'take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin' (Birnbaum 17). While few challenge Kennedy’s morality for AA, many question the efficacy of his policy. Popularly believed to aim at amending identity-based disparities, AA has sparked controversies around a...
3 Pages 2369 Words

First Amendment Argumentative Essay

I hope this finds you well. After reading and analyzing the majority and concurring opinions of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., I want to reflect on and report my findings in this memorandum. I will outline the opinions addressed in the precedence case as well as apply those opinions and arguments to the case at hand to determine whether the school can suspend M. W. or whether doing so would be an infringement of her right to free speech....
3 Pages 2604 Words

Essay on Adoption Controversial Issue

Introduction The Cambridge Dictionary defines adoption as 'the act of legally taking a child to be taken care of as your own.' (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d.). It is something that can give children a better life when their parents are not there or are not fit to take care of them. Even though certain guidelines say that every child has the right to grow up in a family environment, this is not always possible. Sometimes this can even mean that a...
4 Pages 2698 Words

Vaccines and Autism Argumentative Essay

After being born, children begin a long process that will help their bodies grow immunity to certain, otherwise possibly deadly, diseases. The first shot a child receives is given a mere 24 hours after their birth, ideally. The antibodies in that shot are designed to protect the child from Hepatitis B. That shot, however, can also be administered later on in life, for the disease is not as life-threatening. The most important shot any person receives is given between 12...
3 Pages 2259 Words

Essay on Public Healthcare in the US

Introduction The healthcare system is a popular topic of study throughout the world. Their popularity is due not only to the universal human need for health care but also to the various means of delivery systems and financing around the world. These many differences depend greatly on each country's political culture, history, and level of wealth (Saunders, 2002). The tight link between the United States and appears to be reflected in most developmental areas in recent years. These two countries...
3 Pages 2602 Words

Life Changing Events Through Human Interactions Essay

Collaborating and Advocating for Diverse Clients: The Case of Jun Context Jun is a 15-year-old girl whose parents have contacted me to request that she enter counseling.  They indicated that they had concerns about her “plummeting grades” and shared that this decline in academic performance coincided with the death of a beloved grandmother who lived with them.  Jun has reportedly withdrawn from her usual activities and distanced herself from friends and has verbalized to her parents that she has been...
3 Pages 2667 Words

Essay about Immigration to the European Union

Over the last 15 years, Europe has witnessed many changes. Since the establishment of the European Union in 1957, the countries of the region have tried to cooperate on various subjects such as economy, commerce, and security matters. After the fall of communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s, more countries have been entering the Union, giving the idea that peace and prosperity have, eventually, been accomplished. But by the end of the 2000s, clouds gathered again over Europe,...
5 Pages 2417 Words
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