2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Appropriate Age for Social Media

The Advent of Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Most teens in modern society have some sort of technology within their reach. As social media has become the norm for the youth, many donā€™t see the negative impact it has on their lives. Social media can potentially be the cause of most issues that these teens struggle with like mental health, bullying, and low self-esteem. For example, in the article ā€œGen Z is quitting social media in droves because...
5 Pages 2537 Words

Describe a Library: Descriptive Essay

Introduction The Traverse Area District Library (TADL), a network of community libraries, is a district library funded by a dedicated countywide millage. TADL was established by an agreement between the City of Traverse City and Grand Traverse County and then ratified by a vote of residents throughout Grand Traverse County. Within the district, there are six public library facilities supported by the district millage. They are the Main Library (Traverse City), East Bay Branch Library, Kingsley Branch Library, and member...
5 Pages 2420 Words

The America I Believe in Essay

Stand for America When talking about political issues, it is important to thoroughly understand both sides of the argument on a certain topic. In whatever issue you choose to speak upon, you must identify all of the facts and details to make the best possible decision to better your political values. This is what makes our beliefs grow and metamorphosis. This even allows them to change when we critically think about them and when we go deeper into every tiny...
6 Pages 2532 Words

Is Conservatism an Ideology Essay

The conservative ideology takes off in the eighteenth century during the French Revolution of 1789. The revolutionaries replace the Old Regime, an old society based on order and hierarchy, with a new society based on freedom, fraternity, and equality. At the moment when the National Assembly is constituted, two streams cross it: supporters of the king's power, attached to the model of France before 1789, they wish to preserve certain elements of ancient society and are placed on the right....
5 Pages 2259 Words

Anxiety Versus Anxiety Disorders: Comparative Analysis

Today, anxiety has become a widely recognized English word relatable to several panicky and uneasy moments. The reason is not farfetched as the number of people living in anxiety seems to be on a daily rise owing to different reasons from immediate family issues to several other external causes. This is why it has become an important issue to be discussed, because anxiety, if not properly handled, could lead to depression in the long run. Anxiety and anxiety disorders were...
5 Pages 2292 Words

Analytical Overview of Bipolar Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Diseases often manifest physiologically, when a person is diagnosed with an illness oftentimes you are able to see it with your own two eyes. If itā€™s the flu; you may see that they are flushed with fever, lethargic, and congested. Mental disorders, on the other hand, are not always easily identifiable and cannot be seen at first glance. The brain is an organ that is still very undiscovered, and mental health is not widely acknowledged around the world and is...
6 Pages 2647 Words

One Child Policy Essay

Introduction to China's One Child Policy In this Essay, I analyze the ethics of the One Child Policy and how this regime-mandated population rule influences the people living in China. This essay commences with a summary of the rule with the historic background of the rule and how it used to be applied. Then I attempt into presenting one unintended consequence that has been caused by the ā€œone childā€™s policyā€ of (Fong's, 2016) book and present other authors' views backed...
5 Pages 2334 Words

Vladimir Putin Leadership Essay

What is a leader? According to oxforddictionaries.com (lexico), a leader is a person who commands a group, organization, or country and leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. What is leadership? There are many different views and perceptions on leadership and what it exactly means. This is because there are many different types of leaders and many different views on them, but it can be concluded that leadership is the ability and skill to...
6 Pages 2530 Words

Why Is Barack Obama a Hero

Was Obama a Hero in Fighting Racism? Barack Obamaā€™s presidential election was significant in marking a change in the nature of attitudes and beliefs regarding race in American society. As the first African-American president, the build-up to his campaign was crucial as it enforced many to evaluate pressing issues regarding race and unequal opportunities amongst minorities. His election was important in increasing voter turnout from minorities and encouraged individuals to question their own identities, bringing them closer to politics. For...
5 Pages 2265 Words

Globalization Of Indian Health Care Industry: Health Care Reform and Medical Tourism

Preface In 2017, I read an article in a US news magazine about a recent phenomenon known as medical tourism. People were traveling thousands of miles from the US and other developed nations to developing countries such as India for medical treatment. I had never come across this topic and I wondered why anyone in their right mind would want to travel to a developing country for health care. After all, most people believed that the best health care could...
6 Pages 2572 Words

Essay on Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

As we have seen during Presidential elections our two-party system is extremely important during voting elections. American citizens either side with one party or the other during elections based on the beliefs and values they believe are important to them and the American people. Democratic and Republican ideas on how to change America for the better are similar yet very different. Americans ask many questions such as, are they honest and straightforward forward, or do they manipulate the system to...
5 Pages 2395 Words

Barack Obama Pros and Cons

Introduction to Barack Obama's Political Legacy Having received the assignment to characterize one of the political leaders of the 21st century, nothing really occurred to me for a very long time. Not because in our century there are no truly legendary leaders, whose activities can be proud of not only their country of origin, but the whole world. First of all, because so many events are happening now that it is extremely difficult to concentrate on one thing. Nevertheless, I...
5 Pages 2344 Words

Barack Obama Leadership Style Essay

Summary Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the USA and the first African American president, has been an exemplary leader in the political sector. Obama served two presidential terms from 2009-2017. He identifies as a person with collective leadership values. Obama possesses several qualities that make him a good leader, his personal traits such as humbleness, friendliness and his warmth proved him to be a Charismatic leader, and known as a talented speech expert, Obama conveyed his message to...
5 Pages 2441 Words

Compare and Contrast Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Introduction This study's main goal is to analyze how both Trump and Clinton conform to gendered speech styles and sociolinguistic interactional approaches to language and gender. This includes ā€˜the four Dā€™s', which is an approach to gendered language that contains the deficit, dominance, difference, and dynamic models. However, this study will not look into how the dynamic model can be applied due to its lack of relevance to this debate. During the 2016 election, both Trump and Clinton comply with...
6 Pages 2620 Words

Organ Donation and Racial Disparity: Analytical Essay

To live day by day is a blessing in itself. To go by worry free about your health is a luxury many take for granted, including myself. I never think about whether my lungs are okay, can my bones take another backpacking trip; will my heart give out on me if I try to run another mile. For me these are things I push to the back of my mind, and am extremely grateful for, but for others, those thoughts...
5 Pages 2297 Words

How Does Liberalism Compare with Mercantilism

International Political Economy The international political economy is the convergence of political and economic powers to produce a particular set of forces and dynamics in the world. The contemporary global system can be explained through three theoretical paradigms of Liberalism, Mercantilism, and Marxism. They are essential in understanding the characteristics of the economic system and the challenges it faces. This essay will explore the fundamental political and economic ideas or assumptions that underpin each of the key theoretical perspectives as...
5 Pages 2398 Words

Was Ronald Reagan a Good President Essay

Introduction: Reagan's Unexpected Presidential Journey How did Ronald Reagan win peopleā€™s hearts? What steps in Reaganā€™s life led him to be the respected, well-loved President that he was? What were his plans and foreign policies while in office? President Reagan was an optimistic, kind man whom many people loved. Because he wanted to do what was best for Americans, he made every decision with Americans in mind. It was unexpected for Reagan to become President since he was previously an...
5 Pages 2411 Words

Attitude of Nursing Mothers towards National Health Insurance Scheme in Ile-Ife: Analytical Essay

Introduction 1.1 Background to the Study Maternal health is crucial to the production and survival of healthy children in any society. It is often said that ā€˜health is wealthā€™. Applying this aphorism to maternal health, it means that the quality of maternal healthcare received by the nursing mothers helps in the production of future healthy population and the wealth of any nation (Kwanga, Kirfi, & Balarabe, 2013; WHO, 2005). Health has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as...
6 Pages 2577 Words

Bureaucracies in Texas

Texas Toll Roads: A Good Idea or a Self-Sustaining Bureaucracy? As a relatively new driver, I have often wondered why you have to pay to drive on certain roads in Texas. Here in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, it seems like most of the major highways, especially the new ones being built, have tolls. In addition, even some highways that were free now have pay lanes. The American ideal of freedom that you experience when you hop in your car to...
5 Pages 2305 Words

Impact of Taxes on the Public Services in Saudi Arabia: Analysis of Health Insurance

Introduction Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. And as something that is put to comparison with death in its certainty; most people fear even the mention of taxes the same as its counterpart, but it does not have to be that way. Taxes are considered as a form of a membership to the society, for the person to become of service to their society. To foster economic growth and development governments need...
5 Pages 2451 Words

Father of Liberalism: John Locke

1. John Locke: The Father of Liberalism English philosopher John Locke's works are considered the foundation of modern philosophical empiricism, political liberalism, and the early age of enlightenment. Lockeā€™s ideas were used as the basis for the revolution of the English colonies in North America. It is posited that philosophy is often a reflection of personal disposition and life circumstances. Locke was deeply involved in the political affairs of his country which no doubt influenced his philosophical work. John Locke...
5 Pages 2448 Words

Realism vs Liberalism Essay

The comparison between Realism and Liberalism Introduction When considering realism and liberalism in terms of international relations both these theories can be regarded as useful. However, these two theories can be used as tools for exploring and explaining what are the subjects. According to Bayliss and Smith (2005:186) Realism as a theory is the ā€œnatural party of government and Liberalism (as) the leader of the oppositionā€. The purpose of this essay is to distinguish between realism and liberalism and apply...
5 Pages 2365 Words

Why Is Education Important Essay

What is Education? The term education is derived from the two Latin words Educare and Educere. Educare means to nourish or to bring up, while Educere means to lead out. It is a systematic process of gaining knowledge and skills and applying it to real life. You can read Educare and Educere: Is a Balance Possible in the Educational System?, by Randall V. Bass and J. W. Good. It cannot only be obtained from bookish knowledge but it can be...
5 Pages 2289 Words

Aesthetics of Exclusion: Nazi Propaganda and the Ideal World of the Third Reich

In order to unify the people of a nation or race, a regime must find an enemy for their people to unite against. For the Nazi regime, the national and racial enemies of the German people were everywhere. From Bolsheviks to Jews, the Nazis had many scapegoats to blame for almost all of the problems faced by Germany. The issue for the Nazis was, however, that the truth of their enemies was much less harsh than the imagined picture of...
6 Pages 2663 Words

Essay on Media Analysis: Concept of Narrative Agency and Narrative Analysis

As part of my final essay for DME1000, will be discussing the concept of narrative agency and I will also analyse two set media texts of my choosing. Within this essay whilst analyzing my media texts I will proceed to discussing various narrative theories, differentiating the key difference between a story and plot, as well talking about the significance of the technical and symbolic codes of my chosen media texts. When analyzing a movieā€™s narrative ones must know the difference...
6 Pages 2690 Words

Tell Me About Yourself Essay

I am lucky to come from a very diverse background. I do not identify solely with any one group. My parents were both born in their respective countries and were not exposed to other cultures until late adulthood; however, they do not conform to many of their cultural norms. I understand the cultures but have also been Americanized. My background, perspective, and choice have all placed me in a position to be more culturally competent. Overview and Heritage I currently...
6 Pages 2648 Words

News Bias Identification: Critical Analysis

Abstract: Nowadays several humans square measure longing for fake news-associated drawbacks. The individuals square measure simply victim for over many faux info like social media, newspaper,etc. personalities will now not perceive whether or not the new is pretend or real. Bias news is the biggest drawback in our day-to-day life. it's acceptable to possess a system to modify users to access balanced news content to work out whether or not a brand new article is faux or biased. Most existing...
5 Pages 2489 Words

Granville Stanley Hall and William James: Analytical Essay

Abstract Granville Stanley Hall was considered a prophet of science, psychology, and youth. He was eager and well-equipped to share his views on psychology and how he believed it could change and revive education and religion. Hall originally set out to become a minister but was far too interested in literature and philosophy. He pursued his education and was able to teach and give lectures on philosophy and pedagogy both of which he was remarkable at. When he heard about...
6 Pages 2504 Words

John Locke Versus Socrates in Ideas Concerning Just Society: Analytical Essay

In John Lockeā€™s book The Second Treatise of Government, he expresses the importance of property rights in regard to its reflexiveness toward labor. With property rights, others are able to own different things with full ownership and use it towards their own advantage however they would like. Thereby, Locke demonstrates that labor demonstrates the legitimacy of oneā€™s possessions even if the Earth is held by the commons. On the other hand, Socrates would disagree with Lockeā€™s idea of the importance...
6 Pages 2662 Words

Attachment Theory Versus Attribution Theory, Politeness Theory Versus Face Theory: Comparative Analysis

The detailed study of language, usually interpersonal communication, came in the history of humanity and we consciously or unconsciously interpret what the body of the other says to give meaning to words. However, interpersonal communication is defined by the exchange of messages and codes between two individuals. The implication of the notion of distance constitutes an important point of communication because it identifies what kind of communication the interlocutors are granted. The concept of proximity refers to this interpersonal distance...
6 Pages 2743 Words
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