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Social Issues

Representation of Victorian Era in Tess of the d'Urbervilles: Analytical Essay

If one word could come close to characterizing the entirety of the Victorian Era that would most certainly be change. In all aspects and domains, from industrialization to scientific discoveries, the period stands for development and rebirth. But greatness cannot be achieved completely and the proof stands in the inequality that the development brought with itself .This change has also made an impact on the authors of the age for which the literature that they were offering to the audience...
5 Pages 2259 Words

The Usage Polymers In Heat Exchanging Materials: Analytical Essay

Abstract Polymers represent a good alternative option for current metallic heat exchangers. That is due to their low weight ,cost, and volumetric-thermal-capacity. Polymers also considered as stable anti-corrosive material. Furthermore, fouling is less likely to stick on polymer surface compared to metals. However, polymers thermal conductivity is way less that metals (more than 100 times). Several researches in the literature were dedicated to exploit the properties of polymers by several ways. The solutions reviewed here are: use polymeric coating for...
5 Pages 2362 Words

Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Adam Bede: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Adam Bede, both novels were written when Queen Victoria ruled the England from 1837 until her death in 1901. It is known as Victorian Age, an Age of great change. It was a time when development in science was observed as Queen Victoria was interested in the welfare of people, she worked hard to pass meaningful reforms. Her assets were her prime ministers; with them she decreased the powers of the monarchy. During Victorian...
6 Pages 2679 Words

Mechanisms for Periodontal Disease to Lead to an Increased Risk of Atherosclerosis: Analytical Essay

Through which mechanisms might periodontal disease lead to an increased risk of atherosclerosis? Introduction Periodontal disease is the irreversible chronic inflammation of surrounding and supporting structures of teeth (periodontal ligament) and it affects around 20-25% of the global population (Nazir. MA, 2017), it’s caused due to the infection from various gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, mainly; Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola. They create a biofilm layer which later develops into subgingival plaque, leading to alveolar bone resorption and ultimately exfoliation of teeth,...
6 Pages 2677 Words

Influence of McDonaldization on Society: Critical Analysis of Market

The Rise and Challenges of Uber: A Case Study in McDonaldization Uber is a massive company that was launched in 2012 and has changed the way people travel by car. Uber is a modern day alternative to taxi cabs that lets you request car service through an app on your phone. Uber is different than traditional taxis because the uber drivers do not have special licenses because they use their own personal vehicles. It can be entirely cash-less with your...
5 Pages 2519 Words

Analytical Essay on Vitamin K: Signs of Deficiency, Function in Animals and Bacteria

Introduction: Vitamin K is a group of structurally similar, fat-soluble vitamins found in foods and in dietary supplements. The human body requires vitamin K for the complete synthesis of certain proteins that are needed for blood coagulation (K from Coagulation, Danish for coagulation) or for controlling the binding of calcium in bones and other tissues. The vitamin K–related modification of the proteins allows them to bind calcium ions, which they can not do otherwise. Without vitamin K, blood coagulation is...
6 Pages 2696 Words

Analytical Essay on Children with Disabilities: Indigenous Disabilities Context in Canada

Preamble My first experiences in the education system began where I do not distinctly remember there to be any discrimination or bias. I had the opportunity to be surrounded by fellow children from all different walks of like, some of whom had disabilities. I had never considered what children in special education were going through, what their daily thoughts regarding their education were, nor how they had been assessed as such. Most of what I knew about the disabilities of...
6 Pages 2505 Words

Nutritional Status and Prevalence of Vitamin-D Deficiency in Pregnant and Lactating Females of Urban and Rural Areas: Analytical Essay

Abstract The role of calcium is important during gestation phase. Vitamin D status during pregnancy is essential for the skeletal composition and development of fetus. Low maternal vitamin D is associated with shorter duration of gestation and subsequently reduced growth of long bones in newborns. The requirement of vitamin D can be fulfilled either by eating as vitamin D2 or by blending in the skin as vitamin D3 by the activity of sunlight. The purpose of this study will be...
6 Pages 2621 Words

Analytical Essay on Tobacco Use: The Relationship between Socio-Economic and Environmental Factors and Smoking in New Hampshire

The Relationship between Socio-Economic and Environmental Factors and Smoking among Teens and Adults in New Hampshire Abstract The paper seeks to review the relationship between socio-economic and environmental factors with smoking among teens and adults in New Hampshire. The paper is developed from a qualitative research process that involved an extensive review of the literature regarding smoking and factors that influence the decision to begin smoking or continue smoking despite numerous information regarding the health consequences of health smoking. The...
6 Pages 2673 Words

Argumentative Essay on the Controversy of Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Introduction It can be seen throughout the history of sports that there have always been ways of enhancing an athlete’s performance. Some ways may be natural, but the one that brings the most controversy is the use of performance-enhancing drugs. These performance enhancement drugs are used by primarily athletes and bodybuilders to increase their muscle size and strength as well as their appearance and performance in events (1). The main type of performance enhancement drug is anabolic-androgenic steroids (2). The...
5 Pages 2276 Words

Foundations of Gerontology and Elder Care: Analytical Essay

Abstract This research paper will be on older drivers and the social support or against older drivers. I will brief on four online articles that deal with the rules, regulations, and stigma that are associated with driving as an elder. After reading the class textbook (Hooyman, N. R., & Kiyak, H. A. (2011) Social Gerontology. A Multidisciplinary Perspective 9th ed.) I realized that among the many things that the elderly must relinquish because of diminishing cognitive skills is driving a...
5 Pages 2266 Words

Internal Heat Loads in the Lunares, an Analog Space Base: Case Study

This case study work focuses on recognising and quantifying internal heat sources in the first European analog space base: the recently constructed Ppolish LUNARES habitat. The paper explains the necessity of conducting analog space missions prior to an actual manned exploration of the Moon and Mars. Notions of internal heat loads and gains have been elaborated along with their significance for developing space building physics. This paper presents the results of thorough inspection of all internal heat sources, conducted by...
6 Pages 2658 Words

Analytical Essay on Force Effect: Momentum Impact of Jet

Abstract When a body is in a state of motion, the total momentum is maintained, such that the product of mass and the velocity vector, until that moment when an external force is applied to it. This law is called the conservation of linear momentum, this principle somewhat corroborates the conservation of energy principle which states that energy is neither created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to the other, like mechanical energy transformed to electrical energy...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Acute Myocardial Infarction: Clinical Problem Solving

Introduction First of all we have to know about heart, heart is a fist-sized muscular organ that is located in the center of the chest behind sternum slightly titled to the left, it is basically double pump, it provides the force needed to circulate the blood through the two major circulatory systems and it is composed of four chambers (two thin walled blood receiving, the atria and two thick walled blood pumping, the ventricles). Myocardial infarction (acute myocardial infarction or...
5 Pages 2341 Words

A Review Paper on Heat Recuperation of Micro Heat Exchangers

Abstract This paper shows a thorough examination on various methods for upgrading heat transfer rate and pressure decrease in different compact or micro heat exchangers. The sole target of this study is to gather major thermodynamic highlights of micro heat exchangers displayed by fluent analysis and numerical examination for creative planning reason. The impact of balances and cylinders dispersing, geometry and shape on heat move execution are broadly talked about. The impact of various balances types and their design, tallness,...
6 Pages 2548 Words

Examination of Reactions of Magnesium and Oxygen, Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid, and Dehydration of Copper (II) Sulfate Based on Atomic Theory

Abstract Crucibles, Bunsen burners, a hot plate, and an evaporating dish were used to examine the reactions of magnesium and oxygen, zinc and hydrochloric acid, and the dehydration of Copper (II) sulfate. The results were MgO, ZnCl2, and CuSo4 + 5H2O. Introduction Individual elements are chemically combined to form new, complex compounds through synthesis reactions. Synthesis reactions follow the pattern of simple to complex; which means that simple elements are combined in order to create complex compounds. Reactants get manipulated...
6 Pages 2555 Words

English Language Teaching Strategies for Deaf Students at Elementary Level: Analytical Essay

Abstract The task teaching English language to the special students is more difficult than for the normal students. According to our research in 2020 less than half of the 18-year student are deaf who learning in high school are reached at 5th-grade level in reading and writing skills. Reading and writing skills are considered to be more difficult for these special students as compere to the normal student. For example who are deaf and blind? They usually relay on writing...
6 Pages 2735 Words

Correlation Between Age and the Exercise Habits of Individuals by Building a Linear Regression Model

Introduction: Since young, exercising has always been a part of my life. When I was 8, I was selected to join the development team and afterwards the school team for gymnastics. Regular physical exercise was something I had been engaged in since a very young age. However, after leaving primary school, I did not join a sport, and hence it led to a reduction in my exercise habits. Simultaneously, the amount of food consumed during my training days did not...
5 Pages 2425 Words

The Determination of One's Destiny in Aeneid by Virgil

The topic about death, fate, and destiny troubles the human heart and mind, and every human tend to ignore this discussion. While many people believe in life after death, most people choose to keep away from the talking about it because of fear of the mysterious afterlife. However, when people decided to discuss what they think about the fact that life is not permanent and it has to come to an end one day, people begin to wonder whether there...
5 Pages 2461 Words

Re-reading Indira Parthasarathy’s Legend of Nandan from the Millennial Perspective: A Saga of Pain and Pathos

Nandan is a legendary hero in Tamil literature, whose story is first mentioned in by one of the Saivite saints, Sundarar in the 8th century. His story has been sung by many poets down the ages. The slender skeletal story of Nandan is expanded and enhanced by Sekkizhar. According to the myth Nandan belongs to the lower caste of the society who has an ardent love for Lord Natrajar at Chidambaram temple. Owing to his lowly birth he dared not...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Relationship between Leverage, Dividend Pay-out Ownership Concentration and Firm Value: Analytical Essay

Does Growth Opportunity Moderate the Relationship between Leverage, Dividend Pay-out Ownership Concentration & Firm Value? Introduction Back Ground of the Study Corporate finance initially started with the assumption of complete and perfect market. It argued that fund raising is independent of its capital structure by assuming perfect competition cost, no agency cost and no bankruptcy cost, no transaction cost. Modigliani and Miller 1963 also said that dividend policies have no major role in value creation process of firm but with...
5 Pages 2274 Words

Analytical Essay on Dust Bowl: Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Droughts

The Dust Bowl Question One - What is a drought? A natural hazard is a natural phenomenon that commonly have a negative effect on flora and fauna or the environment. These consist of earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, cyclones, hurricanes and more. Natural hazards occur in all biomes in different ways, and at different times. We must always be prepared for these hazards to take place, to prevent or to reduce their impact. Our chosen natural hazard is drought. A drought is...
5 Pages 2525 Words

General Mathematics PSMT Linear Function of Car Depreciation: Correlation of the Data

Introduction Depreciation in the value of a car over time is a good example of a linear function with a proportional change in value over the cars age. For research purposes, in this investigation the values of two different makes and models of cars from the past nine years will be compared and explored through multiple mathematical concepts and ideas to determine if a linear function develops. To gather the data necessary for evaluating the depreciation rate of cars and...
6 Pages 2542 Words

Analytical Essay on Dubliners: Portrayal of Oppressive Nature in Araby

Araby is one of fifteen stories from Dubliners which is written by James Joyce. Each story in the collection involves some failure and illusion, which results in realization and disappointment. Araby is one of those stories that follow a theme of uncertainty between the real and the ideal in life. The young boy’s journey from his first love to despair takes the readers to the intense content of the literary world. We can evaluate and interpret a piece of work...
5 Pages 2510 Words

Vindication of The Rights of Women: Analytical Essay on Societies' Double Standards

Log One: Societies' double standards Taylor Swift has grown to be a global superstar and household name. Swift wrote and released her first, self-titled album ‘Taylor Swift’ when she was just sixteen years old and has amassed an empire since then. In 2019, Swift realised her much anticipated seventh studio album, ‘Lover’. This brings us to the theme of Log One: double standards within society. ‘The Man’ is the fourth track on Swift’s album ‘Lover’ with the song’s underlying theme...
5 Pages 2276 Words

Alfred Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott”, and John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn”: Comparative Essay

The conflict between life and art mimics that of a double-edged sword. Art is made to imitate life, simultaneously enhancing it while being elevated by it. In contrast, art inspires life, and life is ameliorated through the performance of art. The binary contrasts of life and art are broadly explored within the literature of the nineteenth century - particularly in poetry. Lord Alfred Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott”, and John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, though two vastly different...
5 Pages 2331 Words

Influence of Learning Disability on the Process of Learning: Analytical Essay

How learning is affected when having a Learning Disability From starting a fire to writing a thesis learning has always been the bridge to any goal attainment. It generates new knowledge which in turn gives us the ability to make better choices in both daily and academic life. Almost every western society promotes the importance of learning because it can be a determinant of a good job and high wage. Because of this, governments and leaders created educational institutions to...
5 Pages 2334 Words

Attitude of Japanese People toward Westerners: My Experience of Work with Exchange Students

Japanese are considered to be one of the most polite nations in the world. Are they, however, polite when it comes to Westerners? I question this because of the Japanese homogeneity and the fact that they were closed to the world, which even more strengthens the existence of a so-called West and East dichotomy, one of the most major cultural dichotomies ever known that creates a different attitude. This dichotomy was brought up mainly because of a polar difference in...
6 Pages 2737 Words

Gender and Family in Traditional Japan: Issue of Childbirth in Modern Era

How and why the childbirth in Heian and Tokugawa period were so different than today’s childbirth? In the words of Marco Gottardo, “Pregnancy and childbirth in early-modern Japan within a religious framework, as they were charged with religious meaning at the popular level”[footnoteRef:1] represents one of the best angles to analyze this phenomenon. By this quote, we can understand that women’s role in medieval Japan had several faces. Their positions were linked to religious assessments-Buddhism and Shinto, but other social...
6 Pages 2730 Words

Effectiveness of Childbirth Education on Labour Outcomes among Antenatal Mothers: Analytical Essay

The birth of a baby is a powerful life event that has implications for a woman's well-being and future health. But less attention is paid to interventions for the safety, and comfort of the antenatal mother and makes her feel positive about her experience during childbirth. A positive birth experience promotes a sense of achievement, enhances feeling of self-worth, and facilitates confidence—all of which are important for a healthy adaptation to motherhood and psychological growth. Childbirth classes help them to...
5 Pages 2333 Words
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