2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath: Representation of the Harshness of the Dust Bowl and Great Depression

General informantion Title: The Grapes of Wrath Significance: It shows the harshness of the Dust Bowl & Great Depression and trigger sympathy for the struggles of migrant farmworkers like the Joads family. Genre: Novel, Historical Fiction Date of Original Publication: 1939 Author: John Steinbeck Relevant Biographical Information: John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902, to a middle-class family in Salinas, California. His father, John Ernst, Sr., was a miller and local politician, and his mother, Olivia Hamilton, taught school....
6 Pages 2570 Words

Plot Summary of The Hunger Games

The story starts off in dystopian future America, called Panem led by President Snow. There was a war many years ago, which resulted in the country being divided into twelve poor districts and one rich totalitarian capital. The twelve districts all represent different characteristics and beliefs based off the resources they have. District twelve, known for mining coal, is where the story takes place and where the main characters Katniss and Peeta are from. In the history of Panem, many...
6 Pages 2598 Words

Measles Outbreak in Birmingham and Effectiveness of Vaccination: Analytical Essay

Introduction Measles is a dangerous and highly contagious viral disease causing major morbidity and mortality among children and adults if not controlled by the vaccine (Gay et al., 1995). Measles is one of the most disturbing and unpleasant communicable diseases that can cause serious illness with many complications, including the caused of millions of deaths globally (Griffin, 2012). Before measles vaccination was introduced, more than 100 deaths are reported annually in the United Kingdom (Jansen et al., 2003). Measles vaccination...
6 Pages 2747 Words

Critical Evaluation of Effects of Globalization on Lego Company

Introduction: The company that has been chosen to be analyzed is LEGO. LEGO is a company that manufactures a line of plastic construction toys and is owned by The Lego Group. It was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen in Denmark initially. After passing over almost 85 years – LEGO has accomplished its transformation from a small carpenter’s workshop to a modern, global enterprise. Correspondingly, Lego groups contain 17,000+ employees in 15 countries nowadays. (Lego.com, 2019). It becomes the...
5 Pages 2454 Words

The Effects of Historical and Modern Racism on Student Achievement: Analysis of the Achievement Gap

Abstract This paper seeks to explore the complex relationship between the racist policies of America’s past and the “achievement gap” as coined by James Coleman in his 1966 eponymous report, also referred to as the “Equality of Educational Opportunities” report (EEO) (Coleman et al 1966). By tracing the history of the treatment of African Americans in the United States, we can identify and address the long-lasting effects of de jure and de facto racism, such as slavery, Jim Crow laws,...
5 Pages 2413 Words

Critical Analysis of the Legacy of the Louisiana Purchase

The response to the Panic was largely local and state, as the federal government lead by the Jeffersonian were reluctant to intervene in the crisis. The Second Great Awakening would have roots in this response, as troubled men turn towards their faith for guidance out of the abyss. The concept of a federal government was ill-defined in those days due to the fact that the new deal won’t occur for a century, left the model of relief increasing into private...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Adolescent’s Motivation to Abstain from or to Use Drugs or Alcohol: D.A.R.E. Program

Adolescents, generally considered ages 11-21, all over America are exposed to drugs. It is not just a problem in the inner cities or urban areas. Adolescents in the US use illicit drugs (but not alcohol) more than adolescents in Europe. Teens do drugs for reasons including; to relieve boredom, satisfy their curiosity, self medicate depression and anxiety, to feel adult, for social acceptance, to improve their mood, to increase performance, succumbing to peer pressure. However, many adolescents reject alcohol and...
5 Pages 2250 Words

A Marketing Strategy Based on Consumer’s Perception of Pet Food Industry and Brand in Korea

Introduction Background Recently, the pet industry in Korea has grown greatly. According to the nonghyup economic research laboratory (2019), the market size, which stood at 1.8 tillion won in 2012, has grown rapidly to 2.89 trillion won in 2018 and is expected to grow to 5.8 trillion won in 2020 (The domestic pet market is worth 3 trillion won. Get the peddlers, get the petfam! 2019). As the pet market grew, there were even new words ‘Petfam’ (pet+family) and ‘Petconomy’(pet+economy)...
6 Pages 2549 Words

HPV and Cervical Cancer among Indigenous Amazonian Hunter-Gatherer Groups: Analytical Essay

In 1999, Elizabeth Reichel looked at worldviews surrounding global religions based on the culture and the ecology that encompassed gender-based knowledge among indigenous Amazonian hunter-gatherer groups. The dynamic difference between gender-based knowledge among hunter-gatherer groups is tied closely in with cosmology and perception of their worldview. This is heavily worked into the social structure of these indigenous groups; their cosmology and worldview impacts everything from property rights to the status of chiefdoms. Looking at the concepts that surround Thoughts of...
5 Pages 2263 Words

OJ Simpson and Murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman: Analytical Review

When OJ Simpson allegedly committed the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman the ensuing criminal and civil trials relating to these events began a media storm in which the subject of race figured very prominently. In the 90s racial tension between blacks and whites was very high, two years before this trial race riots had occurred in LA as a result of the vicious beating of Rodney King by the LAPD. This high tension caused a...
5 Pages 2396 Words

Critical Analysis of Video and Reading Concerning Black Power Movement

The twelve pieces that I will talk about is all connected to the reading and videos that we have done for the weekly assignment. It will describe how each of the stories intersect the pieces that I have chosen which is basically the similarity of them. Some of the pieces could be from the online article that I have chosen to work with it. The weekly assignment that we have done so far is: feminism, union workers, Afrocentricity, black power,...
6 Pages 2705 Words

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” and “The River”: Comparative and Literary Analysis

In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” which was published in the year 1953, the word “good” is considered to be poor judgement or blind faith. This is similar to the literary elements in “The River,” a short story as well about Reverend Bevel Summers, a traveling preacher who is going to perform a healing at a local river. Two of Flannery O'Connor's short stories are 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' and 'The...
5 Pages 2287 Words

Research Proposal on Fighting against Piracy: Problem Setting and Literature Review

1.0 Introduction or Problem Setting 1.1 Background Piracy can be traced back since ancient time about 800 BC where attack took place near the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean Sea. Since 20 century piracy became a global problem which occurring in every sea that affecting the security of the entire maritime transportation in the world in various aspects. Maritime crime conducted in gulf of Guinea is rising security threat along the area and making the region current piracy hotspot in...
5 Pages 2421 Words

Analytical Essay on Sugar Trade: Demand, Supply and Price Formation

Consumption Consumption also is rising (as it has been for the last 25 years), as it has been already referred above, not only because of the increasing demand from the exporting and producing countries, but also due to expansion and growth in markets such as Egypt, Indonesia and Pakistan. The global consumption of sugar amounted to 176.45 million metric tons in 2019/2020 and it is projected to boost even more the upcoming years. Dominated by this high demand, exports are...
5 Pages 2478 Words

Post 9/11 International Politics: Analytical Essay

Summary Contemporary terrorism is a transnational problem. Advanced, modern nation states now no longer engage in open combat with one another. Terrorism – whether it is the product of freestanding groups or of groups allied with particular states – reflects the rise of ‘asymmetrical warfare’. Terrorist acts therefore from part of a strategy reflecting war between two or more actors who have vastly different military capabilities. The US has a state-of-the-art military capability: the 2007 US defence budget was some...
6 Pages 2524 Words

Exploring Matriarchy in Ancient Greek Religion and Move to Dark Ages: Analytical Essay

For people of Ancient Greece, religion was present both directly and personally in all areas of life. Whether it took the form of rituals including animal sacrifices, creation myths that explained human origins and humanized gods, or temples and festivals to worship gods, religion was never far. Although individuals had their own degrees of religious belief, some even being completely skeptical, there existed basic truths to the ideas of Ancient Greek religion that must have been widespread in order for...
6 Pages 2524 Words

Case Study of Pepsi Syringe Crisis of 1993

Introduction PepsiCo is an American multinational food, snack and beverage company which is located at Purchase, New York, USA (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). In 1993, the company faced a crisis which is called the Pepsi Syringe crisis (Paul Holmes, 1993). It was started as a threatening local incident which turned into a multimillion-dollar disaster for the PepsiCo after some time (Newsweek Staff, 1993). A couple reported that they found a syringe in Diet Pepsi can and returned the...
6 Pages 2553 Words

Connection between Brain’s Reward Pathway and the Development of Drug Addiction: Discursive Essay

Introduction Drug addiction is increasingly becoming a universal issue, both expense wise, but also the impact it has socially. With an estimated cost to the healthcare of $1 trillion, it is clear why there is a high demand for further knowledge and treatments (NIoDA, 2017). Not only does the cost of addiction put a strain on a country’s economy, but it also has a disruptive effect on an addict’s personal life, the impact of drugs is not just to the...
6 Pages 2658 Words

OJ Simpson Crime Binder: Criminal Activities and Applied Criminal Theories

Biography: Born Orenthal James Simpson, also called “O.J.” was born July 9, 1947. He is a former NFL football superstar, actor, broadcaster and convicted armed robber and kidnapper. He is known for being acquitted of the murders of his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Simpson was a college football stud at USC, winning the Heisman Trophy in 1968. He later had a record-setting career in the NFL with the Buffalo Bills and became one of,...
6 Pages 2597 Words

Positive Outcomes of Diversity: Argumentative Essay

If we have perspective on what others know, we can learn how to achieve things in a new way. When we try to do something that has worked many times in the past, but doesn’t work now, that is called a mental set. When we are set in doing something the way it has worked before, this causes complications and hinders our work. With the point of view of others, we can do things in new approaches. Perspective is what...
5 Pages 2261 Words

Analytical Essay on the Essence of Food Stamp Act

Charles Lindblom’s theory of incrementalism is argued to be the model that is used for policymaking when the rational ideal breaks down. However, because the conditions necessary for rational decision-making to take place is quite unlikely or even impossible, it is inevitable that policymakers will have to turn to incrementalism. In other words, incrementalism helps to explain the “realistic” way in which policy making occurs. In an ideal world, legislators would be able to know all the possible alternatives and...
6 Pages 2581 Words

Authentic Function of the Intellectuals: Analysis of Anti-Americanism and Anti-Capitalism

The role of the artist and intellectual in twentieth-century politically convulsed Europe was ambiguous and altogether disagreeable. The source of this dispute is deeply rooted in moral and ethical grounds and, in order to offer a more refreshing view on it, the sociological dialectics of Niklas Luhmann will be exposed. Nevertheless, first we shall consider the philosophical state of the author’s writing context: Postmodernism, and more specifically, poststructuralism. By the time Luhmann ponders about the meaning of interaction, or better...
5 Pages 2367 Words

Costco Wholesale Corporation: Analytical Essay on Financial Management and Markets

Introduction Costco is among largest wholesale Corporations in the world right after Walmart. It has 760 warehouses, which make it largest wholesale club operator. What make them even larger is the fact that they have wide variety of merchandise and services. Some services include Food Service, Optical, Travel, Auto Program, Photo, even Online Shopping, which makes Costco extremely convenient place for its club members. As a club-oriented company, Costco has around 100 million members in 11 countries, 44 US states...
6 Pages 2572 Words

Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on Economy and Society of the USA: Analytical Essay

Opioid Epidemic Each day, more than one hundred people die in the United States from overdosing on a prescription drug, commonly known as opioids (“Opioid Overdose Crisis”). Opioids are a type of drug that is derived from the opium poppy plant, or that have been man made to match the same chemical structure of said plant. The ever-so-abundant abuse of these drugs has led to a national epidemic. Using prescription drugs for purposes other than what they were prescribed for...
5 Pages 2366 Words

The Analysis of Green Marketing Strategy in Fashion Based on the Stakeholder Theory: Company, Consumer and Environmental Organization

Introduction Green is becoming the mainstream. When the fact that the fashion industry has become the second largest polluting industry, of which fast fashion has made a huge impact (Chavero, 2017), is discovered, many fashion companies which use toxic chemicals, produce lots of waste and pollute the environment have been facing serious problems. To build better brand impression on consumers, promoting a series of marketing strategies which is related to green has become more popular among those companies. This might...
5 Pages 2284 Words

Analytical Essay on Due Process: Case Studies

Question I I. Introduction Entitlements are central concepts throughout jurisprudence in the United States. They are the basic legal form utilized in the range areas of law such as contracts and torts. They are created by human actors who make moral decisions about who is deserving or undeserving within a chosen economic structure. In 1935 the rise of social welfare entitlements began under the Social Security Act. The Social Security Act enacted OASDI, a retirement income supplement, Unemployment Insurance, a...
5 Pages 2294 Words

Issue of Single Parents in “The Distance Between Us” by Reyna Grand: Analytical Essay

Being in a different place Have you ever been raised differently either by a single parent like a father or mother? Even just being raised by your grandparents since your parents could be there for you. Many children have been abandoned by their parents or family in terms that they could be there for them in those times. Many Latina Mothers in their perspective struggle a lot in just being able to feed their child. In forms that they can't...
5 Pages 2336 Words

Contribution of Taxation System of the British Empire to The American Revolution: Analysis of the Stamp Act

Identification and evaluation of sources. In this investigation, the exploration of the question “To what extent did the taxation system of the British Empire contributed to The American revolution and the declaration of independence?” will be discussed. The exploration will mainly focus on 1770’s. The regions investigated will be USA and the question will investigate the extent of the taxation system of the British empire contributing to the American revolution and the declaration of independence. The first source to be...
5 Pages 2613 Words

Analytical Essay on Theoretical Approaches to Study of Genres and Discourse Community

Contemporary Genre Theories (ESP, New Rhetoric, SFL) The term comes from the French (and originally Latin) word for ‘kind’ or ‘class’ and appeared in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory, and more recently in linguistics as referring to a distinctive type of ‘text’. Different approaches applied in order to form a basis for defining genres. Vandenberg provides the following definitions of genre as these appear across many different disciplines, for example: Hyon (1996) stresses that there are three main approaches to...
5 Pages 2258 Words

Essay on Eleanor Roosevelt and Marian Anderson: A Voice that Sang Above Racism

A Voice that Sang Above Racism Marian Anderson once remarked, “ When I sing, I don’t want them to see that my face is black. I don’t want them to see that my face is white. I want them to see my soul.” In every aspect of her life and career, racial prejudice and segregation obstructed Marian Anderson’s path to fame. They were relentless forces throughout her life, always finding ways to deny her equality and fair opportunities to share...
6 Pages 2709 Words
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