2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Argumentative Analysis Of The Impact Of A Serial Killer’s Motives On Their Right To Legal Justice

Serial killers are a very interesting and (thankfully) infinitesimal percent of the population, and yet they take up a lot of space in the media, with mental health professionals and within other academic and social platforms. This year alone, Netflix released its docuseries on one of America’s most infamous serial killers, Ted Bundy, called Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes; Joe Berlinger directed a movie chronicle of Bundy’s crimes called Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile; detectives recently...
5 Pages 2340 Words

Cannabis Use as a Risk Factor for the Development of Schizophrenia

Introduction Mental disorders refer to conditions in which patients exhibit altered behavior and thought processes, emotional instability and limited social capacity; different illnesses being presented with different combinations of symptoms. Psychotic disorders, of which schizophrenia is the most studied, are considered by the field of psychiatry to be one of the more severe forms of mental illness. (Radhakrishnan, Wilkinson and D’Souza, 2014). Schizophrenia, a heterogenous condition of which the etiology is unclear, is a psychotic disorder featuring ‘positive’ symptoms (such...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Juvenile Justice System In India And Contemporary Challenges

Abstract The study of children under Juvenile Justice System in India. This research gives the perspective in the light of which the vast child rights has to be made. The concept of the juvenile justice system was derived from the concept of juvenile delinquency. The young children are unable to see the society in a broader sense as by adults so they fail and indulged in crimes. They are not easily consistive to the legal framework and the processes of...
6 Pages 2721 Words

The Aspects of Censorship in the Arts

Censorship has been around dating back at least to Plato. It is an ever-occurring issue that can be swept under the rug temporarily but could never be completely resolved. While it is recognised that censorship was made to safeguard the public from harm, to what extent does it apply? Is hiding and silencing the masses a tool to overlap the “unwanted harm” deemed by those who exercise censorship? The purpose of censorship is to limit freedom of speech to maintain...
5 Pages 2496 Words

The Basics of Business Ethics

Description of the case: Collapse of Rana Plaza On 24 April 2013, more than 1100 people were killed and another 2438 injured in a factory collapse in Sabhar, Bangladesh. (Disaster in Bangladesh, 2013) The cause of the collapse was quickly questioned in the media and the reason was serious: one day before the collapse, the industrial police had found cracks in the building and banned access. Unfortunately, industrial police’s crucial decision which could save thousands of lives and prevent huge...
6 Pages 2607 Words

The Different Sides of Iago in Othello

William Shakespeare is known throughout literature about his thoughts and ideas on the subjects of betrayal, death, and love. All three of these subjects can be found in Shakespeare’s piece of literature ​Othello. ​Although, the most dominant topic that I noticed in this piece of literature is jealousy. Jealousy can be seen as a central feeling shared between pretty much all of the characters in Shakespeare’s ​Othello. ​Throughout the history of literature, many literary critics consider Iago to be one...
5 Pages 2478 Words

Robinson Crusoe: Crusoe’s Creation Of An Ordered World

Arguably one of the most well-known events in Defoe’s 18th-century masterpiece Robinson Crusoe is Crusoe's discovery of the footprint in the sand. Crusoe can be seen peering downwards, appalled at the sight of an oversized and remarkably distinct single footprint which, oddly enough, is still visible several days later. The image, a construct of what the novel means; the adventurer in his goatskins, his isolation, the lingering danger from a tribe of vicious cannibals. The footprint scene comes well on...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Law and Morality: A Quintessential Predicament

Introduction Differentiating a human from mere animal existence gives them the benefit of the freedom to do or omit from doing an act, but when a legal duty is imposed on the individual by the State, the individual loose his freedom of choice, automatically consenting with the rules laid down. Evidently, rules and regulations merely facilitate adherence with the acceptable code of conduct and standards followed by society. Therefore, human conduct exists by virtue of multiple factors combined to effect...
6 Pages 2536 Words

The Peculiarities Of The Characters In Twelfth Night, The Country Wife, And The Rover

Disorientation is often the cause of much anxiety. The human inability to control the breakdown of social or personal order can be the source for significant panic and disarray; that which is many times mentally jarring. This element of confusion for characters within literary works often times becomes their downfall, as they are placed in situations in which reality is unknown. Confusion can cause individuals to become blindsided, and while it is usually a cause for concern, this inability to...
5 Pages 2269 Words

Etiology of Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Abstract This paper explores many aspects of the etiology of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) including specific characteristics, cause of pathology, impact on subsystems and an overview of a full assessment. Bernthal, Bankson and Flipsen (2017) discuss that childhood apraxia of speech is a speech sound disorder with distinct difficulty in motor planning and execution. There is no cumulative list of exact features children with childhood apraxia of speech possess, but the American Speech-Language-Hearing association released a position statement in...
6 Pages 2608 Words

Prevalence of Obesity Diet Environment and Genetics

Eyeing to ground the research on academically acknowledged accounts, the researchers reviewed related and relevant literature and studies in the field of inquiry. The current chapter is pronged into two headings. The first section reviews the literature on weight management framework and highlights the behavior modification in pursuit of obese-reduction. This heading also delves into the exploration of eating habits, activities, and genetics contextualized among obese individuals. The second heading of this chapter examines existing research studies concentrated on the...
5 Pages 2463 Words

Critical Practice and Perspectives in Health Promotion

Introduction Diabetes is defined as those people having a fasting blood glucose value of greater than or equal to 7.0 mmol/L or on medication for diabetes/raised blood glucose. Since the last 30 years there has been an epidemic rise in the number of people between ages 20 to 60 with diabetes especially in Asia. The purpose of this essay is to debate who the experts in health promotion are. The aim of this essay is to investigate the literature regarding...
5 Pages 2454 Words

The HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the World

Introduction Many communicable diseases have been evolving around the world resulting in millions of deaths and no cure. Communicable diseases are infectious diseases that can spread easily through direct contact such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is an infection that causes AIDS and can weaken the immune system. It has become a global and public health concern causing approximately 35 million deaths worldwide (WHO, 2018). HIV is the leading cause of death in Africa. It has had the most...
5 Pages 2467 Words

How Does Video Games Affect The Children In Our Generation?

How does video games affect the children in our generation? Video games affect children in our generation in multiple ways. In this research you will find that video games affects children in our generation because it causes lack of being social , lack of sleep/rest, and causes bad habits/bad influences .Therefore , it distracts them from everything and that is the only thing they are focused on instead of their schoolwork, their family,or anything that actually matters. Can video games...
6 Pages 2527 Words

The Aspects of Gender Equality Policy in the UK in Relation to Employment and Childcare

Over the last 40 years, UK government and policy makers have been focused on gender equality, as a rather recent phenomenon as we migrate into modern society. With the UK behind many European countries in achieving equality, as issues of monopsony override policies that are attempted to be implemented. Nancy fraser (1994) proposes models of gender equality which are suggest ways in which policy makers should use to adapt and ensure a gender equal society taking various different factors into...
5 Pages 2343 Words

E-Learners’ Perception about YouTube as a Media in Learning

ABSTRACT This study investigated how E-Learners perception about YouTube as a media in learning. YouTube has become a closest internet website for learners in this century. This study also combined several research perception to be an evidence that YouTube can integrated with learning process. Learners’ perception be a main consideration in this study. This research obtain the data by a questionnaire which contains 4 questions about E-Leaning and YouTube. Their answers will analysed by using Google form. After all, this...
5 Pages 2401 Words

Ethics and Financial Markets

INTRODUCTION Ethics in a finance and a financial markets a has perhaps a never been a as relevant a as it is today. In an industry a where the a conclusion and a enforcement of a contracts is based on trust - trust from the provider of capital that he is fairly rewarded for the risk of potentially losing some of his assets; trust from the borrower that he is charged a fair price for his access a to capital...
5 Pages 2310 Words

Adolescence and Smoking: Reasons, Factors and Effects

Adolescence is a time in someone’s life that can shape the future and who they are as a person. Introduce smoking –a highly addictive habit- to an adolescent at this time of rapid growth and change, that could negatively impact their life forever. Despite the fact that not all adolescence choose to smoke, for the ones that do, it can cause serious health problems in the future, and even negatively affect them shortly after or during the process of smoking....
6 Pages 2605 Words

The Peculiarities Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Abstract Alzheimer’s is a progressive degenerative disease that ultimately leads to death due to the degeneration and plaque build up within the brain. Memory is an important aspect of daily life and for performing every day activities and when that is hindered it could be detrimental to the individual and how they are able to function throughout their life. Alzheimer’s may be hard to initially diagnose due to some believing that it is just due to older age but after...
5 Pages 2437 Words

Willy Loman as a Tragic Hero

Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and David Mamet’s “Glengarry Glen Ross” are two American dramas that have sparked fierce debates among analysts, writers, literary critics, scholars, and even readers when it comes to tragic heroes. The major characters and central focus of the two dramas, are Willy Loman in “Death of a Salesman” and Shelley Levene in “Glengarry Glen Ross.” In watching these characters, one can perceive the disparities between a modernist tragic hero and a postmodernist tragic hero....
6 Pages 2572 Words

The Aspects of Ethics in Marketing

Abstract The main aim for this study is to understand what does it means for ethics marketing. The study focus on theoretical by use liter-ature review own ideas of researcher, and to define, examine the nature and scope, identify issues, provide a decision-making framework, and trace the historical development of marketing ethics from a practice and academic perspective.. Findings – good marketing is ethical marketing. Good marketing is about satisfying and developing a long-term rela-tionship with your customers. Caring about...
5 Pages 2258 Words

The Dystopian Elements In Representations (Visual, Literary, Cinematic) Of Urbanism, Past And Present

“A futuristic imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.” DYSTOPIA The oxford dictionary defines dystopia as ‘an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post- apocalypti.’ A dystopian society is an imagined society where people will be living in a constant fear of stepping out of the line. All of their actions...
6 Pages 2514 Words

The Similarities And Differences Of Artificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence

Abstract We have tried to give a short summary of what intelligence is, and then we have compared the key components which separate the human intelligence versus the artificial one. Different examples of contemporary AI agents have helped us illustrate the pace in which the field is being developed. Parallel to this development, many risks have appeared concerning the future of human civilization. We have also tried to present a solution to the addressed issue, based on our research in...
5 Pages 2290 Words

Nutritional Behavior On Adolescence

Adolescent is the transition period between childhood and the adulthood - age range from 10-19 years where child undergoes emotional, physical and social changes, nearabout 16% of the world population is made up of adolescents. (UN, 2018). Healthy dietary behavior and the lifestyle acquired during these stages may have a greater influence on their growth, health and wellbeing; high intake of sugary food, low consumption of fruits and vegetables, inadequate supplementation of iron, calcium are the cause which may have...
5 Pages 2265 Words

Family Values through Satire in The Simpsons

Introduction How the world would have been without satire? A world where everyone should be serious and without having a little bit of irony in what they are saying? Believe me or not, no one would like to live in a world like that because even though satire appears in different types and tries to show something, for example bringing serious issue to people’s faces but in such a way that it does not bother anyone. However, satire brings happiness...
6 Pages 2750 Words

Construction of Cultural Identity in Immigrant Youth

Introduction The study of acculturation is rooted in a number of subfields of psychology including social psychology, counselling psychology and cross-cultural psychology (e.g. Liebkind, 1996; Wang, Schwartz, & Zamboanga, 2010; Yoon, Hacker, Hewitt, Abrams, & Cleary, 2012). A number of studies have defined acculturation to be a concept involving two different processes of cultural and psychological changes that take place due to contact between at least two cultural groups and their individual group members (e.g. Berry, 2005, Smith & Khawaja,...
5 Pages 2369 Words

The Portraits Of Woman As Other In Harold Pinter

Her objection is ridiculous because there is no reason why a simple visit by a man should necessarily imply sexual encounter. One can imply that as reflection of a neurotic state of a sexually repressed woman. Rose is afraid of the revealing of a guilty past, that of a whore. There are several clue that she might have formerly been a prostitute and is trying to have an honest life now. Her strong denial to Mr. Kidd that she knows...
5 Pages 2288 Words

Gender Ambiguity In Twelfth Night And The Movie She Is The Man

The play ' Twelfth night' by Shakespeare, makes us question ourselves, is gender really matters? Is gender defining who am I? many questions and ideas spins in my mind while reading this play. Gender ambiguity is one of these ideas. First, I'm going to define what gender ambiguity is, 'It applies to a person that looks both male and female, in other words u can't tell which they are. It most commonly occurs when someone is wearing clothing that would...
5 Pages 2364 Words

Ethical Behavior When Using Technology

When we using a Technology, we have a right to use it. But sometimes there is a policy to use it. Because Technology is around the world, so people would see it. Technology is There are a Behavior when we using Technology, which is a creating tool that processing action. Just easier to understanding is that a skills and technique to do something or to accomplishment of object. Which is use it for study, works or even for play. People...
5 Pages 2388 Words

Modern Day Racism In The USA

ABSTRACT In modern day America, racism is still the most pressing issue which is against humanity and is causing people to hate each other. The ratio of this hatred will only increase if a final solution is not followed. Even after the rapid industrial and economic growth of the United States of America people still have racist believes and they find themselves superior or inferior to each other based on their physical appearances. When we see a man in the...
5 Pages 2334 Words
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