2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Justification of Health Promotion

Wellbeing has been center of promotion, driving a holistic approach towards a positive overall health combining body and mind rather than dividing neutral state of mind from the physical. Health and wellbeing has been recognised as inconsistent, total health is not constant but ever interchangeable from circumstance and environmental factors therefore, overall health is valued to adaptation. It is the adaption of the individual that evidences overall health and wellbeing, framing health and wellbeing as a human aspiration not destination...
5 Pages 2466 Words

The Evolution Of Rights For The LGBTQI Community

Rights are “those things that one is morally or legally entitled to do or have” . They are the minimum threshold of equality in modern society. Today, however, the rights of certain sectors of society are not equal, rather they are frequently under recognised, depressed or absent depending on the societal group that individuals associate with. That said, rights have been, and are, constantly evolving, particularly so when consideration is given to matters of race, gender, ethnicity etc. Indeed, in...
6 Pages 2629 Words

Facebook Privacy and Issues and Challenges

Facebook needs to be extremely careful with it's privacy issues and needs to deal with it immediately. The ethics of privacy being exposed through social media is extremely sensitive and public. Thus, as Porter & Kramer state “Strategy and society is the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility” and companies need to address and protect this model. Companies usually learn from there mistakes, and as long as they fix these issues the issues can be resolved. This model...
5 Pages 2474 Words

Objective and Subjective Participation of Migrant and Refugee Children

Migration is an aspect that not just had a great impact on Germany as a country but also on Germany as a society. In 2017, 23,6% of the population in Germany had a migrant background (Bundeszentrale fĂŒr Politische Bildung 2018). This number is expected to rise since 39,1% of all children younger than five years old had a migrant background in the same year (Bundeszentrale fĂŒr Politische Bildung 2018). Besides regular voluntary migration for work or better education, one needs...
6 Pages 2689 Words

Domestic Violence Against Women As A Violation Of Human Rights

Abstract Every woman has a right to live , and right to live with dignity and freely express herself! In the present times, various crimes against women are prevalent in India ,including be it domestic violence, cruelty, desertion, or stalking, rape, harassment, extortion or other crimes. Vision is to spread legal and cyber awareness among all sections of our society, particularly children who are leaders of tomorrow ! The aims to contribute to the social cause of spreading legal awareness...
5 Pages 2253 Words

How Does One Become A Serial Killer?

Abstract The study investigated the contributing factors of why people become serial killers. The study methodology involved twenty case studies of killings that took place in the United States. The casestudies were limited to 1960s up to date. The case studies were screened for credibility and authenticity. Drug abuse, alcohol use, sexual-abuse, and child-parent relationship was specifically examined to identify possible development of psychopathic behavior later in life. Statistical tools, namely SPSS and Chi-square, were used to analyze the results....
5 Pages 2453 Words

What about Max Iago and the Master of the Navel in Othello?

When thinking of what makes someone a master puppeteer, a reader might consider a master puppeteer to be is an expert who perfectly handles his marionettes through his presentation, thus causing happiness, sadness, destruction or the creation of something with just a flick of his wrist. Reading Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, it is very noticeable how manipulative Iago is. From his actions and behavior might even make the reader think of him as a puppeteer; however, his not a...
6 Pages 2563 Words

The Cult And The Woman

This essay focuses on women, goddesses and their freedom and power in the classical world. It will investigate the differences and similarities between them, and attempt to cast a light on why goddesses were very powerful, whilst mortal women spent their lives mostly secluded from society. To achieve this, the position of the woman in society will be examined through the three main Greek periods, and the powers and cults of goddesses will be assessed. The lives of women in...
5 Pages 2257 Words

Infectious Diseases And Public Health

Meanwhile, Kathleen A. Alexander and others identified different factors that contributed to the most recent Ebola outbreak, during their paper called “What Factors Might Have Led to the Emergence of Ebola in West Africa” (2015). Some of their identified factors were the potential infection due to the consumption of dead apes, meteorological factors could have help in the spread of the disease, seasonal influences of forage and wildlife as potentially increasing during the contacts between wildlife species, the used of...
5 Pages 2277 Words

Legalizing of Recreational Marijuana

Recreational marijuana is legal in eleven states. The lingering stigma that was once attached to marijuana has rapidly diminished, and has more public support than ever before. According to the article “Marijuana Use and Its Impact on Workplace Safety and Productivity” by Terri Dougherty, “Social acceptance of marijuana may be increasing because fewer people see great risk associated with using it. In 2002, 38 percent of Americans age 12 and over saw great risk in using the drug once a...
5 Pages 2496 Words

Dialectics of Literary Censorship in India

Recent times have witnessed increased physical and verbal assaults on the Indian writers, thereby placing greater restrictions on publications and creative thoughts. At such a juncture, it becomes worthwhile to explore the dictates of censorship in certain theoretical as well as non-theoretical frames of reference. Such efforts would assist in preserving the integrity of literature and creative freedom of the writers in a democracy through a more nuanced understanding of censorship. HYPOTHESIS/RESEARCH There has been a spurious inclination in the...
6 Pages 2590 Words

William Shakespeare, Women and Theatre

William Shakespeare is considered the most influential Elizabethan playwright: he was just a magician of the English language, as described by the critics who wrote “Reinventing Shakespeare”. His plays echo the political situation, problems, social antagonism: but although this reflects his age, he also was able to express “the new theatricality of English life”. Shakespeare was not of an age, but for all time - said Ben Jonson, Shakespeare’s contemporary and a friend shortly after his death. He showed certain...
5 Pages 2256 Words

Profile Characteristics Of Suicide Committed Farmers Of Mahabubnagar District Of Telangana State

Abstract Agriculture sector plays an important role in the growth of a developing nation like India. It is well known that economies of developing countries are based on agriculture sector. In India, every year the farmers have to suffer huge losses either due to droughts, floods or damage by pests and diseases. In our country farmers commit suicides after getting upset by economic exploitation at the hands of land lords and money lenders. This phenomenon of farmer’s suicides linked to...
6 Pages 2588 Words

Does Low Quality Sleep Cause Schizophrenia?

Many biological necessities that human take, such as eating foods or interacting with others can vary from one culture to another. Asian people mainly consume rice while western people consume wheat and they both are totally acceptable. Interaction with others is more diverse: Every culture has a unique style of showing their emotions. However, it seems sleeping has a small—perhaps no—difference among many religion, cultures or nations that exist in this world. As sleeping is universal and uniform action of...
5 Pages 2354 Words

The Social and Economic Impacts of the Legalization of Cannabis in North America

Marijuana grows in different parts of the world, and the initial production of the non-psychoactive hemp supported the development of fibers. At the start of the 18th century, Europe was introduced to marijuana when it was brought to the continent by Indian and African travelers, making it one of the last regions to encounter the plant and its properties (Madras 4). France would later pursue the psychoactive role of the plant to identify its medical purposes (Madras 4). However, during...
5 Pages 2435 Words

Buyer Behavior Regarding Coca-Cola Products

Introduction Consumer behavior is a branch of organizational study where the concentration is given on the preference of individuals, groups, or firms about goods and services. The mental, behavioral, and emotional state of a consumer or buyer gets the maximum priority for justifying the behavior. The buyer behavior study is becoming popular because of its relatable success with the competitive advantage. If a firm or an organization can investigate the key to drive a consumer toward purchasing their products or...
5 Pages 2540 Words

The Concept of Censorship in Society

The burning of books, cover ups of tragedies, and the muting of other points of view. These actions are frequent, oppressive and yet sometimes necessary. Censorship- the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security- is very prevalent in society and affects a big portion of your everyday life. Because of this, it is important to truly understand censorship, the history of it, when it crosses...
5 Pages 2254 Words

Sales, Marketing And Promotion

First, we shall concentrate on traditional marketing and then we will get into digital marketing and promotion. But for successful marketing to occur, companies must be internally organized around common goals and objectives. Marketing efforts follow the four P's of marketing; product, price, place and promotion. The product consists of the actual goods produced for customers as well as packaging the product. If we are looking at media, that would be the content or any of the shows that are...
5 Pages 2440 Words

The Portrayal of the Main Character in the Catcher in the Rye

The book “The Catcher in the Rye” follows Holden Caulfield as he faces the stage between childhood and adulthood. More specifically, the book describes the days after Holden gets kicked out of a prestigious boarding school (for the third time), and how he spends his days in the city before he tells his parents about getting kicked out. During his stay in the city, he faces many ordeals and is forced to evaluate his life and the shift into adulthood....
5 Pages 2270 Words

Impacts of Facebook Addiction on Student Academic Performance

Executive Summary Although some research has shown a negative relation between Facebook and academic performance more recent research suggest that this relation is likely caused by excessive use of facebook. This study examine the time spent with facebook.As well as the activities students engage on in the site. Facebook is a tool designed basically to communicate with the other but in recent study it is found that they all are using as the time wasting and spend their all energy...
5 Pages 2256 Words

The Environment of Victorian Era in Oliver Twist and Great Expectations

Charles Dickens is considered by Dr. Diniejko of Warsaw University to be England’s first “great urban novelist” (par. 1). When the Poor Law of 1834 was established, poverty escalated in the streets of London and the lower class citizens were forced to work in the egregious conditions of the workhouses. Through his traumatic childhood experiences, social involvement, and understanding of Industrial England’s flaws, Dickens was able to expose the “economic, social, and moral injustices” of the Victorian Era by drawing...
6 Pages 2722 Words

Similarities and Differences of the Main Characters in Catcher in the Rye and the Great Gatsby

Lost Youth: Escaping the Conformity of Adulthood Many movies, novels and stories featured in the media revolve around the idea of a hero, and the perfect person who comes in and saves the world. More recently, the idea of the antihero has become increasingly popular. The reader will often find themselves being able to relate to the antihero more, because their flaws are often more prominent than their positive traits. Jay Gatsby and Holden Caulfield are both antiheroes. Holden Caulfield...
5 Pages 2419 Words

The Peculiarities of Characters in Death of a Salesman

In Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, many dynamic characters play important roles. The protagonists in the story are the father Willy Loman and the antagonist is his son Biff Loman. Both of these two characters go through changes throughout the play. As we know, the main character in a story or a play always has to be somewhat likeable or relatable. Who does not like to feel like they can relate to their favorite character in a story?...
6 Pages 2590 Words

Are Serial Killers Born Or Bred?

A serial killing, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone. While there may be variations in the definition of serial killing, one must not forget how serial killers have been referenced in popular culture. Since the 1970s, with the help of law enforcement, media and entertainment agencies, these serial killers have been transformed into so-called ‘celebrity-monsters’. Instead of...
6 Pages 2656 Words

The Understanding and Peculiarities of Health Promotion

This assignment consists of defining the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that healthcare professionals use to apply to advance wellbeing. This will emphasis on quitting smoking in the adolescent (16-25 years old) population in the community environment, with particular reference to national NHS health guidelines. This assignment is aimed at this population because if adolescent individuals carry on smoking it would lead to a wide scope of health problems and the development of a serious disease in adulthood; for example, hearing...
6 Pages 2554 Words

The Ideas Of Justice, Law And Morality In The Tempest, Republic And Medea

Throughout time, there have been many different controversial ideas debated throughout different writings. Today, I am discussing the ideas of justice, law and morality as they are discussed within The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Republic by Plato, and Medea by Euripides. These three ideas can all be connected with each other. Justice is not as widely discussed in Medea, but it is the main focus in The Tempest and Republic, while the other 2 ideas connect to it. With the...
5 Pages 2487 Words

Obesity: Causes, Complications, Factors and Preventions

Introduction Obesity is becoming more common everyday and is a serious global epidemic affecting many countries in the world. As of 2017, the US is the most obese country in the world, with more than 100 million people to be classified as overweight. The condition can result from different varieties of causes, some which people claim to be from genetics but is mainly related to poor lifestyle choices. Obesity is a medical condition described as excess body weight in the...
5 Pages 2415 Words

The Main Identity Traits That Serial Killers Acquire

Identity What is a serial killer? A serial killer by definition is a person who has consecutively murdered 3 or more people within the time period of 30 days or more. Serial killing is one of the most bewildering crimes that occur in the United States and all over the world. Many serial murderers take a major cooling-off session. The cooling off session could either be weeks, months or sometimes even years long. In this essay, I will be researching...
6 Pages 2518 Words

Domestic Violence And Women

Violence against women constraints the enjoyment of women’s human rights everywhere. It is a manifestation of power and control and a tool to maintain gender inequalities, disrupting the health, survival, freedom of women around the world. A 2013 analysis conducted by World Health Organization (WHO) , indicates that ‘30 percent of women worldwide have experience either physical and or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. The prevalence estimates of intimate partner violence range from 23.2%...
5 Pages 2416 Words

Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education and Recommendations

Early childhood is a significant and distinct period in life that must be nurtured, respected and valued. Recently, there has been a growing recognition of the importance that the first 5 years’ of life carry through the development of the First 5 Strategy which sets out an optimum vision for ECEC. As highlighted, children deserve the best start in life. (DCYA, 2019). As Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System’s Theory (1989) highlights, children are profoundly affected by the experiences surrounding them. These encounters...
5 Pages 2431 Words
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