2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Legalization of Marijuana in the Terms of Criminal Justice

Abstract The debate over the legalization of marijuana rages on. The facts are clear. Marijuana is now known to be effective in the treatment of several diseases and medical marijuana is legal and available from dispensaries in over twenty-five states. These states have seen increased tax revenue through the sale of legal marijuana and there have been no reported serious drawbacks to legalization. Jails are overcrowded with people whose only crime was possessing a natural plant that has medicinal purposes....
6 Pages 2681 Words

Caring about Migrant Care Workers through Ethics of Justice and Ethics of Care

Increased women’s participation in the workforce in recent years has seen a rise in demand for low-paid migrant care workers (MCWs) as surrogate caregivers. Home-based MCWs in Singapore perform a dual role as both a care worker and a domestic worker “as they provide child care/eldercare within home-space… [and] other household responsibilities.” (Yeoh, 2009, pg 75) Datta theorises that other than caregiving, care work contains an element of nurturance that involves emotional investment and attachment. Care work entails a diversity...
6 Pages 2654 Words

Color Vision Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, Types And Treatment

What is it? Color vision deficiency, also known as color blindness, is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to differentiate between colors, specifically those of similar hues. The inability to distinguish between colors results from either a partial or total loss of color vision, depending on the type of color blindness present (National Institutes of Health [NIH], n.d.). Symptoms The most common indicator that someone has color blindness is the lack of ability to decipher between the three primary...
5 Pages 2425 Words

Freedom of Dress: the Aspect of Chinese Traditions

It all started when Kazakh actress Reyizha Alimjan arrived in Shanghai in July 2019, wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a low-cut yellow camisole that highlighted her figure. This choice of clothing led to Alimajan being cyber-bullied, with some netizens accusing her of seeking attention with her breasts rather than her work, and others criticizing her for showing too much flesh. These judgments ignited a long-running debate that is at the intersection of sexism, freedom of expression, social...
6 Pages 2616 Words

Finding Mental Healing through or in Spite of Stories in our Animal Hearts and the Catcher in the Rye

While published more than half a century apart and set in locations thousands of kilometers away, the novels Our Animal Hearts by Dania Tomlinson and The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger both tackle the stories of the unpleasant and difficult coming of age of a conflicted youth. Our Animal Hearts is the story of Iris Sparks, who suffers the difficulties of having to care for her cold and unloving mother, Llewelyna. Llewelyna supplies Iris’ imagination with a...
5 Pages 2468 Words

Psyche Of Sexual Serial Killers

Serial killers are traditionally known as people who have committed a series of two or more murders usually driven by a psychological force. Individual killers often have their own ‘trademark’ pattern of killing that consists of similar actions taken upon each victim. These actions essentially result in moral evilness within these individuals and the reasons as to why these killers withhold this evil and others do not is unknown. Most people are not capable of committing these types of heinous...
5 Pages 2395 Words

The Typology And Patterns Of Serial Killers

Introduction: The Complexity of Serial Killers Homicide is the act of one human killing another. A homicide requires only a volitional act by another person that results in death, and thus a homicide may result from accidental, reckless, or negligent acts even if there is no intent to cause harm. Where as a serial murderer is defined as any offenders, male or female that kill over time, have a minimum of 3 to 4 victims. Usually there is a pattern...
5 Pages 2424 Words

Types of Conflict Situations that Can Occur in the Aviation Industry

Conflict is a fact of life and occurs for a variety of reasons, such as differing perspectives, priorities or solutions to a problem. Typically, there are three types of conflicts which all lead on from each other; Disagreement Conflict usually begins with a disagreement. For example, a passenger flying from East Midlands airport with his family with no pre-selected seats has been split up. The family wanted to be seated together but as it was a full flight and most...
5 Pages 2276 Words

The Juvenile Injustice System: The Horror Of Kid VS Criminal

Meet 14-year-old Kenneth Young who was misguided by his poverty-stricken neighborhood and his drug addicted mother. His only sister has recently welcomed an infant into the world bringing a rush of responsibility crashing upon the shoulders of little Kenneth, being the only ‘man’ in the household. How can a 14-year-old take such a pressuring role? Desperately, at age 15 Kenneth accompanies a 24-year-old man, who happens to be his mother's drug dealer, in several different robberies across the state of...
6 Pages 2568 Words

How was the Concept of Freedom Understood during the Era of the American Revolution?

The definition of American freedom as described by Eric Foner was ‘born in revolution’ (Foner, 2012). Freedom has been a recurring theme for the United States, reaching its pinnacle during the American Revolution, where the meaning of the word had transformed and had different meanings. There are many concepts of freedom to different people, and a majority might associate freedom with independence during the revolutionary era however it was much more than that. For slaves, it would mean freedom from...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Pride And Prejudice: Societal State Of Nineteenth Century England In Austen's Period

Jane Austen uses her book Pride and Prejudice to display the importance of marriage and social rank within the world of the Regency period with a person of limited social standing, showing many aspects of marriage and demonstrating how one can make the most of their life regardless of the circumstances. With this cultural and social context, the author uses a number of relationships in order to expose and satirise societal values of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The plot,...
5 Pages 2271 Words

The Attempt to Restore Humanity in a Machine Dependent Society

The human desire to seek perfection in an imperfect world has become more frequent as modern times have progressed. Society is composed of engineers that construct and produce technologies that simplify human life and grant overall efficiency. Civilians crave a world where their lives are made easier and can rely on machines to complete their tasks. However, at what cost does the rapid expansion of technology begin to take away from the qualities of humanity. Player Piano, by Kurt Vonnegut,...
5 Pages 2412 Words

Intimate Partner Violence In Society

Introduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)is a serious threat to the victim’s physical and mental health, and it has increasingly become a global concern over the past decades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in every three women in the world suffer from IPV at some point in their lifetime (Petersson, Strand & Selenius, 2019). In addition, it is the most prevalent form of a violence against women around the world. However, research shows that there is a clear...
5 Pages 2326 Words

How Does Pop Culture Effect The Youth

When most of the people think about popular culture, their minds quickly gravitate to current tv shows and music and this can be intelligible. Popular culture centers on the aspects of diversion phones, Sports, YouTube, Netflix and sports that are in style at once or in recent history. However, popular culture consumes most over that popular culture conjointly refers to the approach to life of however individuals communicate and pay their time off. This even includes what quite food they...
5 Pages 2280 Words

Laugh, Think, Cry: The Fight to Save Parody and Satire in our Tribal Republic

In times of crisis, contemporary parody and satire provide content or creative space that can use humor to navigate taboo or tough topics in our democratic society. Parody and satire can only function in a democratic society that values and protects free speech. Parody and satire aren't just entertainment, they are critical tools to speak truth to power during tough ideological wars and times of cultural upheaval. The goal of good satire and parody is not to slander or demoralize,...
6 Pages 2586 Words

Death of the Author with Reference to Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken and Mending Wall through the Lens of Reader-Response Theory

Roland Barthes was born on November 12, 1915 at Normandy in France. He was a literary critic, theorist, semiotician and philosopher. Barthes as the French writers, helped in the development of several schools of theory such as anthropology, semiotics, social theory, design theory, structuralism and post-structuralism. He was well recognized in the field of semiotics. The “Combat” was his first literary work which became the foundation for his successive works. ‘Writing Degree Zero’ was his first full-length work which was...
6 Pages 2639 Words

The Handling of Gender in Jane Eyre and Things Fall Apart

In every culture, there are many distinct roles that must be fulfilled by the member of each society.”One such role, arguably the most prominent, is gender. Gender roles are demonstrated to people as soon as they become a part of this world. The ways people treat newborns according to their sex greatly influences the process of teaching a child the articulate workings of a culture” (Wickingson, 1). “Male and females learn a set of rules, behaviors, attitudes and rights in...
6 Pages 2652 Words

The Peculiarities Of Psychology Of The Serial Killer

Can you imagine killing one person? How about 50? Now that I have your attention, I want to direct your attention to the mind, act, and emotional state of a serial killer. My goal is to get you to understand the various reasons why certain humans decide to commit these horrendous acts. There are several different aspects that affect the minds of serial killers that play a huge role in why they do what they do. Researchers and law enforcement...
6 Pages 2625 Words

Capital Punishment: Moral, Utilitarian and Practical Arguments

Capital punishment is the most disputable legitimate discipline forced by the Criminal Justice System of our nation. This type of discipline stands apart from the rest because of its brutality and seriousness. There is general understanding that the death penalty is the most serious discipline that a judge can give a guilty party. Capital punishment is the authorized killing of someone as punishment to a heinous crime. Capital punishment is done in prisons to inmates that have committed the most...
6 Pages 2543 Words

Infertility and Restoration of Function of the Human Reproductive System

Abstract Infertility is a highly prevalent topic that is continuously researched because of the powerful desire to have children worldwide yet numerous problems associated with conceiving one. World Health Organization (WHO) refers to it as a “disease of the reproductive system”. Problems with fertility are seen to be as common with men as it is with women. As more people are postponing their first pregnancy, there is a higher likelihood of limitations in fertility. Genetic abnormalities, environmental agents and behavioral...
5 Pages 2449 Words

Rodney James Alcala As An American Convicted Rapist And Serial Murder

Abstract Serial killers in United States are responsible for about 800 murders per year. For the public are scary and fascinating at the same time, but for the psychology serial killers are unlimited resources for study’s. The researches were trying for years to determine what makes a person a serial killer? The bigger question was is it biological or other factors that create a killer. Today scientists agreed that is not only one factor that plays a role in development...
6 Pages 2725 Words

Iliad And Medea: Common Themes In Greek Writing And The Influence On Conflict

Greek Literature carries some of the most influential messages and lessons of any grouping of writing in history: The Iliad, an epic poem, and Medea, a Greek tragedy, supply examples of literature that do so. The Iliad, written by the infamous Homer, tells a story centered around the gods, mortals, and war, set in the Trojan war. Through its ongoing depiction of the disputes between Agamemnon and Achilles, the poem carries messages of fate, love, mortality, forgiveness, and more. Additionally,...
5 Pages 2323 Words

The Historical Growth of Starbucks and Global Coffee Culture

In 2007, Starbucks began to show signs of market saturation in existing markets. As Schultz developed his five-year plan, despite the successes during his second run as CEO, Starbucks still faced market saturation. In the third quarter of 2016, comparable-store sales had begun to drop. In order to achieve the goals he set in 2014, Schultz needed to find a way to increase sales again. Top Management Team Howard Schultz Howard Schultz graduated from Northern Michigan University in 1975 with...
6 Pages 2700 Words

Creating a New Home for Humanity: The Terraformation of Planets

The Earth, as of October 2019, provides the resources required for life for just over 7.7 billion human beings. Modern humanity did not evolve until recently, which was just about 200,000 years ago. Yet, humanity has managed to populate the earth heavily in such a small span of time. Due to humanity’s large population, the sustainable resources of the Earth have been declining at a rate that cannot be replenish. Even with the technological advances of today, humanity is still...
6 Pages 2550 Words

The Peculiarities of Bangladeshi Freedom

‘Freedom’ it’s not just a word that’s written on paper but it itself a whole different world that everyone thrives for to live in it. Where it’s like ‘Eutopia’; everyone dreams for it in real life to really exist but in reality it doesn’t exist. Where everybody should get the same privilege as it showed to the showcase in our country basing on different perspectives but reality is a bit different combining all the contexts and situations we have today....
5 Pages 2523 Words

Maternity Services and Surrogacy in India

Abstract This article majorly looks at three different works concerning women’s health and the taboos related to it, which includes the maternity services offered by dais in different parts of India and surrogacy. The three works are: Can Maternity Services open up to the Indigenous Traditions of Midwifery by Mira sadgopal, The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 and two Bollywood films, Doosri Dulhan (1983) and Chori Chori Chupke Chupke (2001). Both the films depict sex workers as surrogate mothers and talks...
6 Pages 2586 Words

The Sun Also Rises: the Portrayal of Alcohol Consumption

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway is a novel set in the 1920s and it is a story about a group of American expatriates and their bohemian life in Paris during the prohibition era. The main character is a young man named Jake Barnes and he surrounds himself with characters like his close friends Bill Gorton and Robert Cohn, the beautiful British socialite Lady Brett Ashley and her soon-to-be husband Mike Campbell. Throughout the novel, the characters drink heavily...
6 Pages 2662 Words

The Development Of Vision Over The First 12 Months Of Life

Over the first year of life, many developments in the body occur including speech advancements, fine and gross motor movements, facial expressions and the fusion of bones. One of these advancements includes the progression of our eyesight- vision is a powerful sight that allows us to protect ourselves from the environment by reacting to stimuli; there is no doubt that as we get older, we gain more independence, such as being able to walk ourselves meaning it is essential that...
5 Pages 2366 Words

Artificial Intelligence And Its Social And Ethical Implications

Artificial intelligence (AI) is believed to change the way humans live on this planet. Barr and Feigenbaum (1981) define AI as: “Artificial Intelligence is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behaviour – understanding language, learning, reasoning, solving problems and so on”. A more basic definition of AI is given by Minsky (1968) as “Artifical intelligence is the science of making machines do...
5 Pages 2445 Words

Behaviourism and Humanism as Psychological Learning Theories

Learning theories “date as far back as 500 BC” (Bates, 2016, p.3), which shows the continued importance of these throughout the years, and how it is essential for teachers and educators to be aware of these for effective teaching. Therefore, the focus of this essay is around the way different learning theories can have an impact on learning. It will explore differences and similarities between factors which can influence learning, which include psychological theories such as behaviourism and humanism (including...
5 Pages 2373 Words
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