2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Not a Crime to Be Poor Summary

Abstract Peter Edelman’s work Not a Crime to be Poor: The Criminalization of Poverty in America discusses a wide array of social dilemmas individuals within poverty are faced with. The book looks at the criminal justice system as related to poverty: probation, parole, jail, prisons, tickets, fines and fees all related to criminal charges. A host of other topics including tenancy, school resource officers and school discipline, healthcare and mental healthcare are also discussed. My writings will reflect many of...
5 Pages 2471 Words

Review Of Research: Aspects Of Job Satisfaction In The UAE

1. A review of research papers on job satisfaction in the UAE “The degree to which people like their jobs” (Spector, 1997, p. 7) is the simplest definition for job satisfaction. . The level of job satisfaction is important because it indicated the strength and the success of the organization. This is because if the employees have a positive feeling toward their job, the level of productivity will rise, they will be more loyal and committed to the organization and...
5 Pages 2294 Words

Alcoholism: Ways On Keeping Safe And Not Abusing Alcohol

Alcoholism is a serious issue in today's society especially with people over the age of eighteen. The annual death rate in 2019, from teens over the age of eighteen was 1.29 percent while the annual death rate in the general population is 0.66 percent. Alcoholism is becoming a very well-known thing especially with the repercussions it causes. The only problem is, if teens and adults know about the cation of it, why is it becoming a problem? The biggest question...
6 Pages 2666 Words

The Female Psyche And The Effects Of Their Sexual Transgressions: A Streetcar Named Desire, The Awakening, And A Centaur Plays Croquet

In a society where sex is consistently consumed in our daily media, it’s hard to conceptualize a time period when sex was a taboo conversation spoken only behind closed doors. From the late 1800s until the mid-1900s, sexual promiscuity was a subject not often spoken aloud. It was considered “dirty” and “perverse” to speak of such things, yet, authors, playwrights, and artists continued to use their works to portray sexuality in their own ways. Down south, in the heart of...
5 Pages 2264 Words

Reflection On Young Goodman Brown: Analytical Essay

Introduction to 'Young Goodman Brown' and Its Themes The short story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne may show that the people who appear represent morality have secrets to hide and overall wickedness exists in every human. My thesis may be misinterpreted; I do not mean to explicitly state that everyone is mischievous. Hawthorne himself frequently said that there is evil in every human heart and that evil impulses visit every human heart. However, he did not say evil is...
6 Pages 2686 Words

Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency

Abstract Juvenile Delinquency has been an ongoing phenomenon for years and will unfortunately continue in future years to come. Biosocial theory, social structure theory, and Hirschi’s social bond theory are just a few of many theories that help to explain how and why juveniles engage in delinquent behavior. These theories go in depth on factors that can and cannot be changed once it affects a child’s life and body. Juveniles are still so young and have the chance to change...
5 Pages 2329 Words

Virtue of Leadership: Aeneas, Moses, and Beowulf As Leaders

Leadership is a word that has been viewed and defined in different ways in society. Some of the best definitions are from some of the most well-known leaders in history. In philosophy, Aristotle answers this question, saying, “He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader'. From the eye of a dictator, 'A leader is a dealer in hope.' –Napoleon Bonaparte. Aswell a statement from a technology tycoon, “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders...
5 Pages 2518 Words

Olaudah Equiano: Demonstration Of Hard Work, A Positively Viewed Religious Attitude, And A Sense Of God’s Mercy

Throughout his Interesting Narrative, Olaudah Equiano successfully appeals to his white European and American audience and is able to somewhat see the pitfalls of slavery. Although I believe his primary motive in writing this piece was to tell the story of his life, the respect he earned from the hard work and dedication that was apparent in this piece allowed for his audience to be more tolerant of his message. To convince his white audience that slavery is wrong, Olaudah...
5 Pages 2269 Words

Financial Problems for College Students Essay

Introduction Background - Student financial problem Financial problem is a situation where money worries are causing stress. However, college student has been facing financial problem lately and this problem had become a major problem for college student. Financial problem faced by student are known as they do not have enough money for their daily expenses, where money worries is causing them to stress. After that, financial problems will bring impact to both mental and physical health. According to Halliday Wynes,...
5 Pages 2420 Words

Evolution Of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that usually infects the lungs, but it can also affect the kidneys, brain, and other organs. The main TB bacterium is Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). This bacterium is spread by those who are infected in an airborne manner through droplets. The two main types of TB are latent and active and at present, the successful transmission of drug-resistant M. tuberculosis, including multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains in human populations, threatens tuberculosis...
5 Pages 2253 Words

King Lear Versus Death of a Salesman: Comparative Essay

To introduce all the elements, it is important to understand the hamartia of the main character. According to Aristotle, hamartia falls under three categories; to make a mistake, to offend morally, and error of judgment resulting from ignorance or arrogance. In King Lear, Shakespeare portrays a king, whose supreme arrogance, superiority, and great animosity bring King Lear’s tragic downfall. King Lear’s suffering and calamity cause chaos in Lear’s life, eventually leading to his demise which achieves catharsis in the literary...
5 Pages 2306 Words

History Of Racism In America

Since the birth of the United States, African Americans have been controlled through institutions such as slavery and politics which come and go in new forms that reflect the political climate of the time. Each time a new form of racial discrimination emerges, the new system is weaker than the one previous. However, this is not to be mistaken with progress. Each form of subjugation is different, not better. Race is a social construct based in politics and economy and...
5 Pages 2501 Words

Definition, Statistics And Factors Of Child Abuse And Neglect

Child abuse and neglect has become more and more common today than it was years ago. Not only is it more common, but the severity of it has grown greatly over the years. The abuse has become worse and worse over time. The sole purpose of this research my paper is to bring awareness to what abuse and neglect is and some possible solutions to fix the issue we are facing. There are many statistics that come into play when...
6 Pages 2730 Words

Hate Crimes in the USA Motivated by Religion, Racism and Vandalism

A familiar issue facing the United States of America is hate crimes. In the U.S. there have always been certain levels of racism and hate against what people see as different. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a government institution that tracks all the reported hate crimes in the United States, hate crime violence hit a sixteen-year high in the U.S.: There were 4,571 hate crimes against people. That means at least 4,571 people were discriminated against and...
6 Pages 2551 Words

Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury: Book Review

Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953. 1950 was the year that TV turned into a really mass-culture wonder in the United States. To certain individuals, it appeared to forecast the demise of humanized talk, proficiency, and independence, and this is plainly portrayed in the book Fahrenheit 451. At the time Bradbury was composing this book, the Russians had recently the earlier year detonated their first nuclear bomb, making genuine the atomic weapons contest that had just been fantasized previously. Though...
5 Pages 2267 Words

Generational Differences and Motivation

Introduction Motivating employees is one of the main challenges that managers face these days. 79% of managers believe that this is their most important task (Longeneker, 2011). This task, however, is not an easy one, as managers cannot use a single policy to motivate everyone. Every employee has different needs, and due to the increasing life spans, the diversity of employees in the workforce is becoming more diverse than ever. Unless managers know how to cater to the different needs...
6 Pages 2656 Words

Olaudah Equiano, Leslie Marmon Silko, William Edward Burghardt DuBois, Ralph Ellison: The Write Escape From Discrimination

Discrimination is a global issue that has not only taken a toll on society all across the world through various occasions in history but remains prevalent even today. According to the American Psychological Association, discrimination is defined as the prejudicial treatment of individuals based upon characteristics such as race, gender, age, ethnicity, and culture. The human brain naturally categorizes encounters of the world as its way of sensualizing surroundings. Discrimination, however, stems from a combination of learned experience, observation, and...
6 Pages 2695 Words

Storm of Steel Vs All Quiet on the Western Front

Introduction World War One broke up in the year of 1914, many soldiers were killed on the front-line of the battlefield. War took many lives away from their family and friends, taking away young soldiers’ dreams and leaving them no choice but to keep fighting in the war. Thus, some soldiers decided to write diaries during wartime to reflect their lives on the battlefield, and what war actually meant to them. During the period of time after World War One...
5 Pages 2304 Words

Animal Rights: Relevance of Animal Protection

The Interconnected Web of Life: Human Dependence on Animals The web of life is complex and involves the unstable equilibrium of a multitude of distinct organisms that compete, cooperate, destroy, transform, and that one billion and a half years ago evolve side by side, adapting, accommodating themselves, becoming indispensable to each other, and inexorably transforming the physical environment little by little. As living beings, human beings are part of this web of life, depending on nonhuman beings. It is important...
5 Pages 2468 Words

Digital Technology And Unprecedented Levels Of Information In Social Media Marketing

Today, we live in an era that is driven by digital technology. The explosion of social media over the past decade has reshaped our digital society. In my research to understand how and where these changes have occurred, I have accessed several journal articles to comprehend the nature of these changes. Originally, social media was devised and planned to facilitate deeper and colourful communication between individuals or groups. However, in today’s climate it has evolved to allow engagement on various...
5 Pages 2450 Words

Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Treatment And Therapy

Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is estimated to affect 37.9 million people worldwide, of which 1.7 million are children (World Health Organization, 2018). The virus attacks T lymphocytes, cells used by the immune system to protect the body of foreign invaders. HIV uses these cells as a replication machine, leading to a depletion in T cells, therefore weakening the immune system, allowing for opportunistic infections to take over, thus causing autoimmune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (Bhatti et al., 2016). Although...
6 Pages 2499 Words

Theories Of Visual Communication, Branding And Consumer Behaviour And Reception

1.1 Visual Communication Theory (Gestalt) Visual communication is vital in graphic design as all graphical elements are associated with our eyes. This is why packaging on any product is important to appeal to the consumer at first glance focusing on key design elements including colour, shape, space and size. In contrast, Gestalt’s theory on the principles of perception assures you that the design and perceptual experience is positive and the message behind the design is transferred to the viewer. The...
5 Pages 2472 Words

Racialized Mass Incarceration: The Facade of Liberty and Justice for All

Millions of individuals throughout the United States have the Pledge of Allegiance memorized and some even recite it every day. One particular line, however, is rather conflicting. “Liberty and justice for all.” The United States prides itself on being a utopian world of freedom and equality for all people, but the reality is that this is not the case. The country has been systematically oppressing countless groups since its founding, specifically African Americans. The nation gained almost all of its...
6 Pages 2706 Words

Personal Philosophy: Definitions of Coaching Philosophy

In the academic literature, researchers are defining the coaching philosophy in different ways, and not a single definition is similar with other ones. To enumerate some, Wilcox and Trudel define the philosophy as: “A coaching philosophy is a set of values and behaviors that serve to guide the actions of a coach.” or “A coaching philosophy is a personal statement that is based on the values and beliefs that direct one’s coaching.” as defined by Kidman and Hanrahan 1997. Lyle...
6 Pages 2740 Words

General Overview Of John Dewey High School

The historical events regarding New York City education is filled with discrimination, race-related and socio-economic segregation, strikes, and more. Schooling for many communities meant they had to fight for it. Students, parents, and so many others would strike and hold up signs, saying they want integration, and that unifying all students would be useful, productive, and rewarding (Shapiro). But at the start of the 20th century, many things began to change for the better. In New York City, choices for...
6 Pages 2631 Words

Iliad: Ancient Greek World In Epic Poems

The point which is to be adressed in the beginning is what is an epic poem and an epic film? An epic poem, epic, epoc, or epopee is a long narrative poem, usually involving a period beyond living memory in which the extraordinary acts of the extraordinary men and women who, in dealing with gods or other divine powers, formed the moral universe for their descendants, the poet and his audience, to see themselves as a people or a nation....
6 Pages 2646 Words

Betye Saar’s The Weight of Color Requires Americans and Jim Crow Laws: Analytical Essay

When art discussion comes up there is always the question posed of subjectivity and if you can take a work out of its context. We know when looking at Betye Saar’s work that this is not possible. Her works are largely based on her personal history, the historical period she grew up in, and her heritage. Betye Saar was born in Los Angeles in 1926 and became “a part of the Black Arts Movement in the 1970s, which engaged myths...
5 Pages 2456 Words

Poe’s Personal Life Through A Freudian Lens And Connections Between Poe And Characters In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

To fully understand and analyze a text it is difficult not to look at the author, in this case Edgar Allen Poe. Although Poe once claimed that his short stories are in no way about his personal life or about him, it is hard to imagine an author writing about something that they know nothing about or haven’t experienced at one point or another. Reading “The Fall of the House of Usher” through a Freudian lens helps us understand and...
6 Pages 2594 Words

The Yale Halloween Controversy Over Issues Of Inequality, Safe Spaces And Marginalization

Many debates and discussions have been going on in Yale University over controversial and sensitive issues of racial sensitivity and free speech. Apparently, these matters have gone beyond campus to reach the media and the national News. Two days before Halloween of the year 2015, the college committee on intercultural affairs notified the students via email to think twice and reconsider wearing Halloween costumes that might be racially insensitive and inappropriate. However, this did not gather the attention of many...
6 Pages 2582 Words

Effect Of Physical Environment On Organizational Behavior

Abstract Research into organizational behavior has shown there is a conflict between the needs of the individual and organizational demands. Research shows that the physical environment is a significant factor in organizational behavior. Psychologists have investigated basic individual needs and contend that satisfaction of these needs constitutes a motivating force that enhances desired behavioral patterns. Behavioralists have said that a basic and pervasive individual need is the culturally determined need for privacy. Anthropologists and environmental psychologists have shown that man's...
6 Pages 2640 Words
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