2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Theological Ideas Of The Christians In The Party Alternative Für Deutschland

The German political atmosphere has changed over the last years. Many people talk about a Rechtsruck - a sudden shift to the right. A new party appeared within some years: Alternative für Deutschland – An alternative for Germany (AfD). It was successful with slogans like those shown above. Yet, the members of the party resist to be classified as xenophobic and right wing. Surprisingly, the party also attracts Christians. Echter published a brochure with empty pages to answer the question...
6 Pages 2561 Words

The Peculiarities Of Biblical Theology

Biblical theology seeks to make sense of God’s Word by studying biblical text, content and structure to form a biblical theological perspective. It is a useful tool when interpreting biblical events and perspective. Biblical theology “examines the big story and pays attention to how each book of the Bible contributes to it” . Biblical theology brings together the study of scripture to investigate, understand and guide Christian living. Authorities of scripture, marriage, family, gender, and sexuality are fiercely debated topics...
6 Pages 2663 Words

Systematic Theology: What Is Humanity To Believe Concerning God?

Introduction The Bible it is a book that deals essentially with God and his relationship with man, however, the Bible is not intended to prove the existence of God. The existence of God is an indisputable fact, therefore peaceful, throughout the entire biblical narrative. Like the Bible, sound theology is not intended to dissect God's being, but to present Him at the level of man's understanding. Evidently, God as an eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and holy Being cannot be fully...
5 Pages 2266 Words

The Understanding Of Violence In Buddhism

The most central focus of this paper is how violence has presented itself in Buddhism, especially in Sri Lanka and modern Asia, and, in connection with Buddhist ethics, how this is facilitated through the interpretation of a particular doctrine. Thus, it is necessary to place an emphasis on a multitude of violence-enabling concepts that are present in Buddhist doctrines, such as karma. Although karma firstly appears to have no connection to violence because it states that human actions inevitably have...
5 Pages 2392 Words

Islamophobia: An Inevitable Phenomenon Or A Cry For Help?

Introduction The term islamophobia sparks numerous emotions: fear, disgust, judgment and a desperate need to protect people. One may ask when it all started and perhaps we should start from the beginning by clarifying that Islamophobia is a form of religious discrimination that emerged most forcefully as a backlash against Muslims in the wake of the terrorist horros that occurred on 11 September 2001. However, the term has been present long before the latter. The term was originally coined in...
6 Pages 2653 Words

The Rituals Of Monotheistic Religions: Islam, Christianity, And Judaism

The Oxford dictionary defines monotheism as “the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.” The central values of family, charity, and respect for others are shared by three monotheistic religions; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Although each religion has a different perspective on teachings and beliefs, they all have one thing in common; their belief in a single deity. The three monotheistic religions have developed and adapted ritual over the course of time. This has happened in many ways...
5 Pages 2401 Words

Consuming Religion: Religious Ethics And Commodification In Islam And Buddhism

The world religions have been witness dynamic changes as the impact of European Colonialism. The twentieth century brought modern nation states and the superpower rivalry between America and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Following those era, many challenges and rapid changes emerged in social life including religion, intellectual, political, economy, and moral context. During nineteenth century, many Muslim area were colonized by the West and make them on the defense position against the European imperialism that endangered their...
5 Pages 2409 Words

Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border: Instrumentalization Of Islam In Regime's Security

Soon after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and creation of 5 newly independent states in 1991, Central Asia and specifically Tajikistan found itself at risk of instability and the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Today, Afghanistan is discussed as the biggest security threat to peace and stability in Tajikistan. In multiple cases, Tajikistan President, Emomali Rahmon, has shared his concern over the border with Afghanistan and possible threat from spread of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. In dealing with this threat,...
5 Pages 2365 Words

Islam And The Environment

Our planet’s ecology and life has been compromised on several occasions throughout its history, because of a variety of natural disasters that could have destroyed the globe. The Earth however, has survived every challenge faced so far. Today we have an ecological crisis that is slowly demolishing natural life and various forms of life on our planet, making it one of the biggest crisis in the history of existence. Nonetheless, this ecological crisis is not caused by natural factors, rather...
5 Pages 2259 Words

Islam And The Gender Disparity In Saudi Arabia

Muslim women are often seen as subjects that require liberation from the restrictions established by the patriarchal Islamic societal structure. However, this is not always the case and recognizing the clear distinction between choice and force is essential to avoid misleading presumptions. In this literature review, the influence of Islamism on the daily life of women will be analyzed specifically based on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The authoritarian regime has maintained theocracy through the active application of Islamic...
5 Pages 2292 Words

The Peculiarities Of Forgiveness In Christianity

Forgiveness is a biblical mandate from the New Testament that many Christians engage in as a part of their faith. Various scriptures reflect forgiveness as a part of Christian teachings and theology, as is it enshrined in the Lord’s prayer – forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. These scriptures point to the power of forgiveness not only as a way to find peace between individuals and/or groups, but to ensure that the person extending forgiveness will be...
5 Pages 2346 Words

Death Rituals In Hinduism And Christianity

Hinduism and Christianity are two religions that have an abundance of similarities and differences in rituals and are practiced by people all over the world every day. A ritual is usually an activity that consists of various action performed in a certain order. Religious rituals differ from everyday rituals, such as brushing one’s teeth, in that they’re more formal and are done with a higher and more transcendental goal. There are six main characteristics of rituals that can be seen...
5 Pages 2322 Words

Hinduism & Christianity

The early roots of Hinduism have been traced back over 4,000 years. It is one of the top three largest religions in the world, with roughly half of the population residing in India. Scouring through numerous articles, the fact that is repeated throughout is that Hinduism does not have a concrete founder. This paper will be describing and evaluating the Hindu religion from the perspective of the Christian worldview. Also this paper will address present the history of the religion,...
5 Pages 2407 Words

The Principle Of Solidarity In Catholic Tradition

Caritas is an international Catholic organisation that strives for social justice around the world. Caritas is a Catholic agency for justice, peace and development. The mission of Caritas Inerationalis, which works in more than 200 countries, is to, “serve the poor and to promote charity and justice throughout the world.” Caritas translates to ‘Love in action’ in Latin, and this reflects their desire to bring about positive change in the world by helping those in need. Their goal is to...
5 Pages 2324 Words

What Role Did Christianity Have In The Life Of Slaves?

Slavery can be said to be as old as human civilisation itself. From antiquity, people often ‘owned’ fellow human beings for various reasons like sexual satisfaction and free labor. Ancient historical records and most early religious materials document the vastness of slavery and slave trade among the ancient civilisations. Despite its popularity, there were often those who opposed it or sought to set rules on how people should treat their slaves. Indeed, different societies had different ways of treating their...
5 Pages 2356 Words

Christianity Hidden Within Celtic Myth

Celtic mythology can be defined as a collection of myths related to Celtic polytheism and is the religion that was practiced during the Iron Age. The people of Celtic maintained a polytheistic religion, and tradition set-up (Cunliffe, 2018). The scientific study of Celtic beliefs in antique is, however, the activities related to current development due to the shortfall of materials of study as well as the writers involved in the wildest speculative flights. The surface observation within the Romano-Celtic zone...
5 Pages 2391 Words

The Evolution Of Christianity During The Roman Empire

Christianity was born through suffering and then salvation which continues to be the basis of christianity today. There has been a lot that has shaped what christianity has become today. A lot of christianities fate depended on the roman empire. From persecution to the only religion in the empire, if it weren't for the suffering of christians during the roman empire then we wouldn't have chritianity as our salvation today. Christianity was the second universal religion. The christianity religion arose...
5 Pages 2509 Words

Suffering In Religion: Christianity, Hinduism And Buddhism

Suffering is prevalent in everyone’s life, but the way people react to it differs across theological beliefs. I am going to address the differences in the way the western religion, Christianity, and the way eastern religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, view evil and suffering while incorporating concepts from Peter de Vries’ novel, The Blood of the Lamb. Questions about suffering and evil in our world will never have concrete answers but indulging ourselves in possible answers help us better understand the...
5 Pages 2362 Words

The Inception Of Christianity

Christianity is considered an influential religion, emanated the life of Jesus Christ here on earth. Christianity has evolved over a long period. In the past, there was a belief in polytheistic where they believe in more than one God. The Jews had firmly believed that one day, God would send someone, a Messiah, to relieve them of the pain, persecution, and suffering. It was around 30AD when people started being keen on one Jewish man's teachings, Jesus Christ. Well, not...
5 Pages 2404 Words

How Far Can Christianity And Buddhism Aid Each Other In Challenging The Environmental Crisis?

The environmental crisis has been the topic of conversation for many in the past decade. With pollution, deforestation and climate change being in the top three issues that need addressing, the world has started to take action. However, here rises an issue for religion with the following question being asked: what is religion's role in the environmental crisis? It is my belief that it is important for there to be a certain element of inter-religious dialogue in order for respective...
5 Pages 2335 Words

The Role Of Saint Paul In Christianity

Christianity is an integrated belief system that responds to the enduring questions of human existence through its teachings and encouragement of correct ethical behaviour. The teachings of Saint Paul, which are expressed through sexual ethical teachings and behaviour as well as the practice of baptism are the main vehicle through which this is achieved. Through the integration of these teachings and practices, adherents are provided with a ‘distinctive answer to the enduring questions of human existence’, which includes how to...
6 Pages 2607 Words

How Christians Think They Should Deal With Cults

We have gone over the lessons of 8 significant cults/sects and the scriptural reactions to their lessons. Since we know what they accept - what would we be able to do on the off chance that we get into contact with individuals that are engaged with a religion or the New Age Movement? Seeing to them can be disappointing, in the event that you let them steer the conversation, since you will generally harp on subjects that are not significant...
5 Pages 2367 Words

Sports: An Economic And Socially Uniting Force

Sports unite people and nations worldwide by giving them a healthy outlet to work towards. Furthermore, sports give billions of people something to root for, whether it is a small town that is rooting for their local baseball team or an entire nation cheering for their national curling team in the Winter Olympics. Within sports, things such as race or political creed matter little, as only individual and/or team excellence matters. Overall, sports are a tool for social and economic...
5 Pages 2433 Words

Intellectual Property Rights And Sports

INTRODUCTION “Intellectual property underpins the many commercial relationships that exist in the world of sport, and offers enormous potential as a driver of economic development.” – Francis Gurry, WIPO Director-General [1: https://www.wipo.int/ip-sport/en/development.html] There was a time when sports were considered to be mere recreational activities. It presented one with opportunities to demonstrate one’s skills and establish supremacy over opponents. Today, a sports activity is no longer restricted to its originating country; it is keenly enjoyed by people across the globe....
6 Pages 2717 Words

The Economics Of Professional Sports Franchises And Stadium Sports

The first waves of government subsidization for the purpose of stadiums dates to between 1917 and 1926, which created the first boom in stadium construction. In 1926, an article entitled The Playground said the goal was for “the stadium to have as broad a use as possible.” (Coates, 294). The rationale for the facility was to serve the broad public interest by hosting events such as pageants, parades, and festivals, as well as sporting contests of all sorts from track...
5 Pages 2290 Words

Sportscasting And Sports Reporting

For my chosen article, the 2 authors are Susan Tyler Eastman and Andrew C. Billings. Susan Tyler Eastman is a writer, media consultant and an educator, currently a professor emerita in the Department of Telecommunications at Indiana University, Bloomington since 2003. She co-wrote a textbook series “Media Programming: Strategies and Practices” with Douglas A. Ferguson addressing television and media programming strategies and practices; and published the 9th edition in 2012. Andrew C. Billings is a professor and Director of the...
5 Pages 2307 Words

Team Sports: Crucial For Developing Children

The idea that sports are good for a person’s health has been commonly held for centuries; however, many think that the benefits of this specific kind of activity are purely physical. Research in the last several years points to a different conclusion. Beyond physical benefits, there are also mental, psychological, social, and emotional benefits. In addition, many important life skills are taught through sports. It is crucial for developing children to play sports—specifically, team sports—so that they might benefit from...
5 Pages 2433 Words

The Career Profile Of A Sports Agent

Some people go through life wondering what their calling consist of. Some people know from beginning what they were born to do. I happened to be a part of the first group. Growing up I had many different passions, but when I graduated High School, I couldn’t quite figure out what I really wanted to do. It took years but I later found out that my purpose in life is to serve. I currently serve my country in the US...
6 Pages 2748 Words

Youth Sports In America: Programs And Effects

In today’s society, it is more common for both parents to be working outside of the home. Due to this, there has been an increased demand for after school and summer programs that involve playing sports. “Organized sports are also favored by parents because they provide predictable schedules, adult leadership for children, and measurable indicators of a child’s accomplishments” (Coakley, 2017, pg. 81). However, many new trends have arisen with youth sports in the past few years. Several of these...
6 Pages 2674 Words

Sports, Massage, Cryotherapy And Thermotherapy

In this essay there will be a numbers of topics discussed and broken down. These topics include the short, medium and long-term effects of sports-related injuries on skeletal muscle tissue, healing phases that are associated with the healing process of muscular tissue and 3 modalities to support soft tissue repair which are sports massage, cryotherapy and thermotherapy. These topics are going to be described over in the way they are placed in order above. To begin with we are going...
5 Pages 2279 Words
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