2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

A Review On Microbiology Of Biogasification

Abstract The biodegradation of natural matter to create methane and carbon dioxide requires the intuitive of assorted populaces of microscopic organisms. The parts of each of these living beings within the handle and how they connected with each other is caught on as it were in a simple way. This paper depicts the examination of the microbial biology of the anaerobic debasement of biomass feedstocks. The paper presents comes about of tests comprising in biogasification of difficult and brown coals....
5 Pages 2432 Words

The Genesis Of Christianity: Origin And Spread

Christianity is a devotion observed by billions across Earth. It is a faith established on the events of Jesus Christ’s life. It is also an Abrahamic faith as it descends from the worship of Abraham’s God. It is the belief in one God who exists as Trinitarian. It was not always the faith with the biggest following. It started and grew in the most unlikely of circumstances. It started after its founder’s death as a sect. It is a mystery...
5 Pages 2330 Words

Heavy Metal Concentration in Borehole Water, Ikono Urban

The concentration level of heavy metals (Pb, As, Cu and Fe) were assessed in five boreholes waters from Ikono Urban. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer was used to analyze the water samples. The results showed that Pb ranged from 0.15±0.040 - 0.40±0.094 mg/L; As, 0.05±0.008-0.10±0.041 mg/L; Cu, 0.02±0.008-0.06±0.016 mg/L and Fe, 0.20±0.016 - 0.37±0.025 mg/L. The concentration levels of Pb and As in the borehole samples were above WHO, NAFDAC and SON permissible/allowable limit, Cu is lower than the allowable limit while...
5 Pages 2259 Words

Global Warming: Is Planet Earth Under Threat?

Abstract More than 25 years have elapsed since it was reported that: “There is now overwhelming scientific evidence to suggest that Mother Earth cannot cope … for very much longer.” (The European, March 19-25, 1992). This paper explains a few of the causes which put our planet in peril and stresses out the magnitude to which we should heed such warnings and act promptly else our beautiful green planet may eventually be sandwiched in a catch 22 situation. Introduction Global...
5 Pages 2446 Words

Stakeholders In Sustainable Business Transformation

The global environmental problems discussed include climate change and decline of biodiversity. According to this case study, primitive cooking methods generate black carbon and carbon dioxide, all which are causal factors to global warming. Considering that soot remains in the aura for days, significant reduction of the amount of soot by widespread use of clean cook stoves can yield immediate alleviation of global warming by getting rid of open fire cooking in developing countries. Besides, primitive open fire cooking call...
6 Pages 2589 Words

Discourse Skills & Right Hemisphere Damage: A Literature Review

Introduction Discourse is a necessary component of daily communication and interaction between individuals, functioning on multiple and often highly complex syntactical and semantic levels. Discourse, in the broadest sense, refers to the use of spoken or written language in a social context, but pertains moreover to the deep-coded levels of communication, at the inferential and even non-verbal levels. Discourse is a social and verbal as well as cognitive phenomenon and hence is multifaceted. Everyday functional communication demands the use of...
5 Pages 2345 Words

Jesus' role in Messianic vs Orthodox Judaism division

Introduction Throughout history, Jewish citizens have gone through a great deal of turmoil. From being able to identify with a nationality completely different to their race or ethnicity to have the ability to claim a unique culture and religion, Jews have always played an essential role in international affairs. Judaism, the world's oldest monotheistic religion, is rooted in a promise that Jehova made with Abraham declaring Israelites as his chosen people. They believe that God will send his son, the...
6 Pages 2691 Words

Impact of Anabolic Steroids on Athletes' Reproductive Systems

Less than a decade after Lance Armstrong’s heroic win of the 7th consecutive Tour de France races, his name became synonymous with cheating as he was stripped of his titles after evidence surfaced that he had been using performance-enhancing drugs. Yet Armstrong is not an anomaly. For more than three decades now, the use of steroids by professional athletes has been widely reported. Professional athletes often have a fierce drive to win, sometimes, no matter the cost. This often leads...
6 Pages 2576 Words

Cell Therapy For The Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases

Summary Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide with myocardial infarction being the frontrunner for morbidity and mortality. Although medical and surgical treatments currently can significantly improve patient outcomes there exists no treatment that can generate new cardiac tissue or reverse the damage caused by cardiovascular disease. With new research being available that challenges the idea that myocytes are incapable of regeneration, a new avenue of treatment presents itself this being cell therapy. Increasing evidence is showing that...
6 Pages 2508 Words

Impact of Religious Beliefs on Health in Modern Times

Belief systems are an ideology or set of principles that help us to interpret our everyday reality. In other words, it forms how we view the world around us and strongly help many of our communities interpret: our views and perceptions, habits, attitudes, and the choices we make. Religious beliefs are beliefs that are usually structured around the concept of God(s) and moral codes. It also sets clear parameters of rules and practises that a community must adhere to. Although...
5 Pages 2341 Words

Training Methods And Their Effects

Introduction In this report, I am going to investigate the different training methods of each fitness component in order to evaluate the most effective training methods to meet the physical requirements of the physical fitness tests for entry into the Uniformed Protective Services. My data has been collected through personal observation and research. When training, it is important to take into consideration the 5 physical components of fitness, including; muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and speed, alongside the...
5 Pages 2257 Words

Exploring Space for Earth's Benefit

Space exploration helps us on earth in many ways as well as expand our knowledge of the universe. New technologies are created as well as medicines to and further cures to illnesses on earth. Jobs are created from this area and it inspires new generations to explore the sky above. Many innovations from space can even protect earth from extinction level events like meteors striking the planet. Much of the research obtained was from NASA’s official site so the data...
6 Pages 2511 Words

How Can Biotechnology Enable Sustainable Growth Of The Human

Introduction As the name suggests, biotechnology is technology that is based on biology. It utilises cellular and biomolecular procedures to develop products and methods which can be used to enhance business processes and improve our quality of life as well as the health of the environment (Bio, 2020). Mankind’s use of these biological processes are by no means a novel occurrence as we have utilised them for thousands of years to preserve food and produce food products such as cheese,...
5 Pages 2412 Words

Stoic Ideas on Slavery: Endorsed by Greco-Roman Slaves?

In order to determine if the slaves of Greek and Roman societies would endorse the Stoics views on slavery, we must first examine what place in society Stoics regarded slaves and how they defined one's freedom. The Stoics primarily taught that one should seek to be unshackled from his passions through the development of self-control to overcome their destructive nature. Only through these means did the Stoics believe that one could achieve true virtue. Furthermore, to curtail these passions, the...
5 Pages 2271 Words

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intentions & Brand Attitude

Source credibility Source credibility is traditionally defined as the ability or willingness of a message source to provide reliable and truthful information (Kelman and Hovland 1953). Traditionally, source credibility has been conceived as consisting of two dimensions: source expertise and source trustworthiness (Mills and Jellison 1967; Rhine and Severance 1970). Source expertise refers to the extent of which a source is perceived of being knowledgeable on the message topic whereas source trustworthiness refers to the text of which the source...
6 Pages 2716 Words

Graduate Choices: Profession, Career And Vocation

The word career, initially, came from french and derives from Latin origin.It's least complex definition is announced by Geciki (2002) as, the work related, business action that an individual may acknowledge during his instructive life or in some other part or until his demise. Redman and Wilkinson (2001) decontaminate career as the intrigue of an individual's cognisance and abilities, on condition that command over calling, ideal work capability and a base of creating and improving business systems. People picked a...
6 Pages 2617 Words

Brand Communication: Significance And Difficulties

BACKGROUND 'Worth, Combination, Administration, Trustworthiness'. These were the primary rules that brought through the business from that point onward, with the present qualities sitting at 'Worth, Honesty and Vision', coordinating superbly to their motto 'Never Intentionally undersold'. The lead store on Oxford Road started as a drapery shop, opened by John Lewis in 1864. In 1905 Lewis gained a subsequent store, Diminish Jones in Sloane Square, London. 1933 the organization bought its first store outside London, the since quite a...
5 Pages 2280 Words

Female oppression and gender in Plath and Duffy

Modern poets have pushed past societal norms, and have given themselves the platform to conquer and challenge topics and issues in regards to racism, class division and sexuality. Two poets who have interrogated traditional concepts of gender, include Sylvia Plath and Carol Ann Duffy. Their questioning of female/male relationships, and the misogyny involved challenges society’s patriarch structure, and showcase the female thought process. This essay will analyse Plath’s poem ‘Daddy’, and Duffy’s poem ‘Standing Female Nude’, and their success in...
6 Pages 2558 Words

Youth Workers: Agents Of Social Control Or Agents Of Social Change?

In this assignment I am going to be discussing the role of a youth worker and how that role is defined, I will look at how youth work has changed over the years as well as the youth service. My research will examine the question-Youth workers- Are we agents of social control or agents of social change? I will also look into what social change and social control mean to me and the society we live in. To investigate this...
6 Pages 2641 Words

The Aspects Of Physical Contact In Boxing

Boxing comprises of one opponent engaging in punching the other opponent with fists. It can be said that although Boxing is a sport, it is a violent one to say the least. Boxing was previously known as Pugilism . It derives from Latin and can be translated to the sport of fighting with clenched fists. Boxing has advanced from fist fights in the streets to a calculated and precise sport in the ring which requires rigorous training and a clear-cut...
5 Pages 2378 Words

DNA Based Biotechnology Applications In Environmental Management

Abstract The biopesticide sector is rapidly experiencing a significant growth by introducing biopesticidal product in the global market. The number of micro-organisms is included in the taxonomy of Microbial Biopesticides which include baculoviruses, fungi, nematodes, and bacteria. Few decades ago, with the use of microbial species, and entomopathogenic bacterium a new microbial species have been discovered with particular virulence factors and toxins. It has been recorded that fungi comprised of versatile strains which include Verticillium, Hirsutella, Paecilomyces, Isaria, Anisopliae, Brongniartii,...
6 Pages 2621 Words

The Psychological Challenges Of Rehabilitation For Injured Athletes

As a result of many athletes spending hours engaging in rigorous training programmes and competitions, the prevalence of sporting injuries has increased (Kraus & Conroy, 1984). Regardless of their level of involvement, a vast majority of athletes will experience an injury that will keep them away from their sport for an unwanted period of time, it is an evitable risk associated within partaking in sport. A general notion amongst most athletes suggests returning to sport sooner than later is the...
6 Pages 2511 Words

How Does Shakespeare Present Evil In Macbeth?

Introduction to the Theme of Evil in 'Macbeth The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare who was famous in the 17th century for his poems and plays during the Jacobean period. He wrote the play for James I who later became a patron to his theatre. The play was set in Scotland to appeal to the King at the time who was also from Scotland, also he only used real historical figures in the play. King James I wanted...
5 Pages 2396 Words

The Aspects And Peculiarities Of British Petroleum (BP) Company

Today, there are a lot of different industries and companies operating within these industries, each of which has its own special characteristics, history and future potential. Despite the fact that the market is constantly changing and there are new more modern and up-to-date companies that can impose competition on established market leaders, companies with a long history are able to resist new young companies and can make every effort to prevent the loss of their market share. Such companies can...
6 Pages 2628 Words

English Assessment for Young Learners in Indonesia

ABSTRACT Since the implementation of the decentralization policy in education management in 2001,many local governments (PEMDA) decide to teach English as' Local content' at the elementary school level (or even in kindergarten). This LG problematic because the implementation of this without coupled with special preparatory efforts English teacher to teach in elementary school. This article discusses the profiles of English teachers who are required by proposing five main requirements: understanding the nature of children; knowing how children learn; know how...
6 Pages 2744 Words

The Phenomenon Of Voluntary Activity In The Modern Olympic Games

We will consider the development of the concept of Olympic volunteer from the first Games of the modern era up to the present day. It will show that, although the concept of the volunteer began to be more clearly defined in the eighties and nineties, in practice it can be traced back to the very first Olympic Games of the Modern Era founded by Pierre de Coubertin. Our work comprised systematic analysis of the Official Reports of each Olympic Games,...
5 Pages 2279 Words

The Peculiarities Of Auditor Profession

Auditing as a profession is fundamental all around the world to many different stakeholders. It is a profession that also allows accountability to be taken on the true reflection of financial statements. Solicitors in the legal profession carry out work on behalf of the client whereas the auditor works to provide an independent opinion of the client's financial statements. A statutory audit is a legal requirement by limited companies around the world, the “purpose of the statutory audit is to...
5 Pages 2476 Words

Hemingway’s Portrayal Of Reversed Gender Roles

The 1920s was a new era of freedom for the American community. Women gained significant roles in society by their increasing involvement in institutions with associations that were not established on authority, but instead on equality, hence declining the male chauvinism’s coercion. Women’s increasing power was a result of the end of World War I in 1918 because while men were in the war, women took responsibility to independently finance and take care of their own home and life. Soldiers...
6 Pages 2629 Words

Humanism in Montessori's Early Childhood Learning

Introduction This essay will explore how the humanistic perspective in psychology relates to Montessori education and how it can be applied in a Montessori classroom to enhance teaching and learning. The humanistic perspective was developed within the field of psychology in the 1940s onwards in critical response to the limitations posed by the reductionist and determinist dominant psychodynamic and behaviourist perspectives within psychology (Pavlovic, 2017; Jingna, 2012). Developed and expanded upon by theorists including Otto Rank, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow,...
6 Pages 2548 Words

The Duality Of Idealism And Realism In Don Quijote

In the search for truth different perspectives develop allowing for people to perceive things in a new light like never before. Personal justifications to each situation transform an objective approach to truth into a subjective one, and when truth is subjective it may also be deceptive. We all have our own truths, and when they encounter one another they create friction. When a person weighs their personal truth above that of others, they are often blinded from the whole, seeing...
5 Pages 2263 Words
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