2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Historical Prerequisites Of Christianity Spread

Christianity is extremely spread out all over the creation. It is said to have begun with the child of God, with whom believers all over the world accept as the savior. They have faith in his second coming to judge the living and the departed. During this day of judgement, if anyone hasn’t lived agreeing to the will of god, they will be sentenced to burn in the everlasting fire of hell. Those who live their lives exemplary and in...
5 Pages 2296 Words

Sports Programs In Girls Empowerment

Haseena (2015), in his study on women empowerment in sports notes of the low participation of women in sports globally, including India. He urges the utilization of already existent tools to empower women teams. Hassena, however, singles out Kerala state, which has good female participation across various sectors such as social, political, and sports. His focus on women in sports makes his state of the great global attention that the state has achieved due to the role of its women...
5 Pages 2404 Words

Martin Luther King, Socrates And Civil Disobedience

Introduction to Civil Disobedience: Origins and Key Figures Civil disobedience is having a peaceful protest or not using violence when trying to make a change. The first time this was enforced was by Gandhi. Gandhi led the salt march, a non violent protest to stop British rule. Martin Luther King also brought up the idea of civil disobedience in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail. King talks about social injustices while maintaining civil disobedience. He says that for protesting they...
5 Pages 2384 Words

Antisocial Personality Disorder And Criminal Deviance

Understanding what factors contribute to the development of a criminal is crucial to understanding crime, social interactions, and today’s criminal justice system. For many years criminal law applications have relied on the sociological influences and theories derived from such influences. When understanding the criminal mind, there are many factors to consider, including an individual’s personality traits. Personality refers to an individual’s emotional and behavioral attributes that remain consistent as the individual moves from situation to situation (Snipes, Gerould, & Bernard,...
5 Pages 2418 Words

The Evolution And Development Of Gene Therapy

Abstract The following paper presented follows gene therapy throughout its journey. Analyzing data from the past to the present and the possibilities that are to come in the future, we gain a better understanding of what gene therapy is and why it is important in our society today. “Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease,” (What Is Gene Therapy?). This is done by replacing a mutated that causes disease with a healthy copy...
6 Pages 2537 Words

The Mission Of Child Protection In Kurdistan

Generally speaking, the mission of Child Protection in Kurdistan is to ensure that all children, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, country of origin or religious belief, have the means to survive, are safe and have access to food, primary health care, and basic education. Furthermore, work to ensure a better future for all boys, with a comprehensive approach to the many aspects of their lives. This essay will cover the history of one of the major NGOs in Kurdistan, in the...
5 Pages 2286 Words

How Might Advertising Be Understood As A System Of Signs?

Advertising is everywhere in our daily lives nowadays; during an average working day, people are surrounded by around 2,500 promotional campaigns. In this essay, we are going to explore how an advertisement is made using different kinds of signs that the reader must decode to understand the promotional meaning of the ad. We are going to investigate this system of signs by comparing two different ads in the same market sector with two different meanings decoded by the reader through...
5 Pages 2321 Words

Police And DNA

Are our privileges being dismissed when police use DNA databases, for example, 23andme to get suspects? Cases that started the discussion, for example, the Golden State Killer began the discussion regarding the matter. This has also led to the debates about if it is an ethical action to take and if it dismisses our rights to privacy. Will this lead to changes in or rights as citizens and laws will change to adapt to this newfound crime-fighting tool. The Golden...
5 Pages 2262 Words

The Handmaid’s Tale: The Manipulation Of Language And Information

Today, the world is full of information and most likely everyone has access to information through all the different sources available internet, television, and the news. Although information is available, facts and context are always manipulated to the benefit of those in power to inform. The novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood shows how control, oppression, and manipulation of information of those in power shape society today. Is what we know fiction or reality? Or are we all oppressed,...
6 Pages 2699 Words

The Meaning Of Purity, And The Theology Of Judaism

The Bible is frequently alluded to as the 'Heavenly Bible.' But I'm not catching it's meaning for an individual as opposed to a book to 'be sacred'? Is it an activity or a perspective? The book of Leviticus offers some understanding into what being blessed involves, clarifying that it requires predictable activity with respect to Israel. Researchers consider Lev 17-26 the Holiness Code, a nitty gritty arrangement of moral and ceremonial laws remembering decides for sexual immaculateness that each Israelite...
5 Pages 2279 Words

Amylase Concentration And Enzyme Production

Abstract The purpose of the investigation was to examine the correlation of enzyme production in response to the evolutionary impact of AMY1 gene copy numbers in individuals. Based upon research obtained in previous studies, there was an assumed positive correlation between gene copy numbers and the production of salivary amylase protein levels in mg/mL. Variances in copy numbers can be explained by individual ancestral history. This is primarily dependent on the specific geographical locations where gene copy numbers within a...
6 Pages 2607 Words

VAR In Professional Soccer

Soccer has been around for over 2,000 years and is played by millions of people worldwide. It started with a very broad set of rules that were then narrowed down to the rules we have today and are being continually revised and updated. The rules in soccer are a highly debated topic among fans, referees, and players. With input from these groups the rules are refined to make the game of soccer as perfect as possible. One of the newest...
5 Pages 2449 Words

The Aspects Of Apathetic Illusion

Any action that humankind takes is a decision that could lead to either progression or degeneration. A civilization is comprised of a system that is created to serve the well-being of a people, not a corrupted one that has been succumbed to indifference, lack of morality, deception, and materialism, etc. Looking back at history, we can discuss the struggles of African Americans during the early 20th century. The novel Invisible Man written by Ralph Ellison, is about the trials and...
5 Pages 2269 Words

Dharmic Faiths In Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism And Jainism

Introduction to Dharmic Faiths: Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism Nowadays, there are a lot of religions and faiths all around the world. There are the Jewish, Muslims Cristian’s and many more. These religions do have something in common which is that they believe in one god. However; there are other faiths that do believe in multiple gods such as Buddhism and Hinduism. These faiths are considered Dharmic faiths. Dharmic faiths are mostly Indian religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism but,...
5 Pages 2415 Words

The Role Of Emotions In Building Brand Loyalty

Introduction Recently, emotional branding has emerged as a new paradigm that can solve one of the main tasks of marketing: to unite a company and customer, to establish a strong and at the same time very effective relationship between them. To please their customers, marketers, building the image of a particular brand, can exploit a wide variety of emotions: joy and nostalgia, inspiration and passion, pride and sympathy - and transmit a wide variety of messages in their context, the...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Happiness And Suffering: Happiness Action Plan

Set reasonable goals In the pursuit of happiness, we need to set reasonable goals in accordance to what we value in life. According to desire-fulfillment theories, achieving these goals will then bring about pleasure (Benatar, 2006). Achievement of these goals can also directly contribute to feelings of endorsement, one of three faces of happiness (Haybron, 2013). In response to this, some may instead argue that we should eliminate desires, including desires to attain goals. Since no desires that we have,...
5 Pages 2272 Words

Employing Older Workers In Contemporary Organisations

INTRODUCTION The Western world is undergoing a demographic decline. The western term means not only the United States, Western Europe or Japan but also China and Eastern Europe. There is a growing average age in the population, and this is having a substantial impact on communities, social systems, countries and the world of work. Over 30/40 years, the average age will increase from around 40 to around 50 years. Jobs that require specialized skills involve an increase in the age...
5 Pages 2568 Words

Foreign Language Learning And Teaching Process Based On A Regional Context Of Colombia

Learning a foreign language provides learners with the opportunity to gain knowledge concerning linguistic contents and socio-cultural aspects. On the other hand, it allows learners to reach the high levels of proficiency required by educational institutions to access any career. Thus, learners who want to reach those levels need to go through a language teaching process. Moeller and Catalano (2015) acknowledged that “Foreign language learning and teaching refer to the teaching or learning of a nonnative language outside of the...
6 Pages 2574 Words

Leveling The Playing Field: Is It Obtainable Within The Olympic Games?

Sport has been formally organized and segregated mainly into two different binary sex categories that are acknowledged by sport governing bodies. The structure and culture of sporting institutions often reproduce hegemonic masculinity, racism, and gender inequalities (Cooky & Dworkin, 2013). Sex becomes a binary meaning; there are only two sexes, male and female (Cooky & Dworkin, 2013). With that being said, there has been no recognized place within competitive sports for athletes who exist outside of the dichotomous sex categories...
6 Pages 2575 Words

A Nation With Vaccination Hesitation

The health of an individual is important for a variety reasons such as well-being and longer lifespans but will all the aliments in the world there some that are worse than others such as measles. The recent measles resurgence has involved the past decade, but the year of 2019 has shown outbreaks increasing at a significant rate including six that have happened just in 2019 alone (Bortz, 2019b, p.9). The importance of mandatory vaccinations for healthy medically able children is...
6 Pages 2565 Words

The Features Of DNA Test Kits

Introduction You have asked me to research DNA test kits, which are tests that analyze a sample of an individual’s DNA and look for specific characteristics associated with different conditions. These tests can reveal genealogical information, health information, and also establish legal paternity. DNA tests can also be used in forensic science to help solve active cases. Background DNA, which is short for deoxyribonucleic acid, holds the entire story of a person’s past, present, and future. It makes an individual...
6 Pages 2615 Words

CRISPR And The Effectiveness Of Gene Therapy

The Foundation of CRISPR Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats or CRISPR as it is more commonly known would not be possible without the many scientific discoveries that enabled scientists to understand DNA. Many discoveries enabled this, such as Watson and Crick and Rosalind Franklin, however the most important was the use of recombinant DNA.The first use of recombinant DNA for humans occurred in 1986 when Pablo D. T. Valenzuela created the first recombinant vaccine(Broad Institute 2018). This vaccine was...
5 Pages 2476 Words

The Features Of Genetic Engineering

The field of genetic engineering and specifically gene editing has grown significantly in the last decade with the creation of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats - Cas9, or CRISPR, and the emergence of gene manipulation. This technology can be very risky or valuable based on how it is used. Using Gene therapy, all genetic disorders in humans and animals could be nearly eliminated, the growing need for food in agriculture as the population grows could be solved, and cure...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Increase In Fruit Shelf Life Using Recombinant DNA Technology

Introduction Shelf life of food is the maximum time that the food produce can be stored, during which duration the quality remains acceptable for storage. Food industries face major challenges in storage and transportation after harvesting of fruits due their highly perishable nature. Ripening is followed by decaying due to accumulation of toxic components which Is the result of increased microbial growth resulting from increased water content due to ripening. The fact that the fruits start ripening at a particular...
6 Pages 2711 Words

Olympic Games Vancouver: The Effects On Economics And Infrastructure

Introduction During the recent decades, it became usual to see how countries and/or cities battle internationally for the right to host a major sport event – FIFA Soccer Games, The Olympic Games, Rugby Cup and so on. It is noticed that the hosting country is seeking to showcase itself to the world and, at the same time, to benefit from economic and social aspects. The financial figures involved in such events are huge. According to KPMG Report (2016), ‘The Business...
6 Pages 2560 Words

To What Extent Was Lollardy A Coherent And Serious Threat To The Established Church In England?

Before 1381, the English governing classes had encountered heretics but had never had to deal with them on a ‘large or concerted scale’. Heresy was counted as an occult or hidden crime, and so it’s detection was far from simple, there are doubts about the significance of heresy in late medieval English society, which stem from the ‘rediscovery of popular religion’. Some may even go to the extent of questioning ‘why should we bother with Lollards at all?’. The extent...
5 Pages 2386 Words

The Correlation Of Sleep Extension And Athletic Performance

Literature driven synthesis In everyone’s body there is an internal clock that releases chemicals in a daily rhythm. This is otherwise known as a circadian rhythm. The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus of the brain is suggested as where this circadian rhythm is controlled (Beersma & Gordijn, 2007). The circadian cycle also controls basic components of exercise. These components include muscular strength, flexibility, body temperature, and vigilance and may be altered by the disturbance of sleep (Famodu, 2014). It is...
6 Pages 2664 Words

Greek Life Isn’t Worth The Risk For College Campuses

Introduction Nolan Burch’s night started out similar to any other college students. He went to a pledge event for the fraternity he was rushing at West Virginia University, Kappa Sigma. He hung out and partied with his future brothers, presumably having a good time. The night then quickly turned sour. Burch and the other pledges were then blindfolded, brought to a second location, and were forced to excessively drink by brothers as part of a hazing ritual. That had been...
5 Pages 2329 Words

The Features Of Muslim Minorities

There is no consensus on the concept of the Muslim minority and the Islamic State, some theorists believe that if the proportion of the state more than 50. It inevitably becomes an Islamic state, and others argue that if Muslims are a majority compared to all other religions, then the state is entitled to be described as Islamic, then there are elites of jurists, particularly in the field of constitutional law, that the definition of these two concepts is linked...
6 Pages 2592 Words

A Healthier Lifestyle For A Healthier Planet

Many people are unaware of how the food they eat and their choices regarding food affect the environment. Everything, from the food people consume, the groceries they buy, and the restaurants they eat at places a massive strain on the environment that manifests in a multitude of detrimental consequences. This major ecological impact associated with accommodating for people’s food desires is attributable to the fact that producing any type of food requires some form of land, water, energy consumption, and...
5 Pages 2497 Words
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