2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Quran Glorifies Nature

Definition of Nature in Western Perspective and Islamic Perspective Nature in Cambridge Dictionary is defined all the animals, plants, rocks, etc. in the world and all the features, forces, and processes that happen or exist independently of people, such as the weather, the sea, mountains, the production of young animals or plants, and growth. Generally, nature defines all the creatures in this world that processes system in its unit. On Saturday, October 22, in the year 4004 BC at six...
5 Pages 2472 Words

The Peculiarities Of Different Types Of Salt

Canning salt, pickling salt, kosher sat, regular salt and Himalayan salt-- which is which? All the salt choices can be quite confusing. This article breaks it down for you so you know exactly which salt jar to reach for depending on your needs! One key ingredient in the process of pickling is salt. Does it matter what kind of salt you use? Some recipes call for canning salt or pickling salt. What makes these types of salt different from regular...
5 Pages 2534 Words

Shinto: History, The Key Concepts And Principles

Origin Shino is an animistic religion that originated from Japan. It has been practiced and passed down by generations of Japanses people since ancient times. Shintoism does not have a proper scripture nor does it have a founder, it is rooted in the Japanese way of life. Before the introduction of Buddhism to the shinto religion, shinto comprised of many local cults grouped together known as shinto. Around the 6th century CE, Buddhism was introduced to the shinto religion from...
5 Pages 2449 Words

The Role Of Church In The Development Of Policies That Promotes Care For The Environment

This paper will mainly focus on the role of church in promoting care for the environment. Environmental degradation is a global phenomenon. Human beings are the agents of the environmental degradation. People have come to depend entirely on the natural resources which then result in major impact on the environment. Population growth has effects the environmental change. Nurnenrger states clearly that global economy has impact on natural environment. He says the impact on the environment increases when the population increase...
6 Pages 2698 Words

Applications Of Bioengineering In Mechanical Engineering

INTRODUCTION As curiosity leads to discovery, innovation continues to grow and develop to serve its purpose. For centuries, humans find a way to make their lives easier and try to alleviate the problems presented to them. Along the way, humans were able to integrate engineering principles to the field of medicine and thus creating a new concept called Bioengineering. According to University of California Berkeley, the field of Bioengineering utilizes Engineering principles and analysis in application to the biological systems...
5 Pages 2292 Words

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Many factors can affect a person’s lifestyle choices. Below are eight factors which can play a role in a person choosing a healthy lifestyle: 1. Cooking ability/ Food choices/Allergies Good nutrition is a well-known determinant of a healthy lifestyle. There are however, many factors that can play a role in individuals obtaining good nutrition and choosing to include this in their lifestyle. An individual’s cooking ability/skills determine how easily a healthy home-made meal can be cooked. Home-made meals are much...
5 Pages 2315 Words

Apolitical Apathy Vs. Protest Voting

Voter turnout has increased in recent elections, but the issue of non-voting remains a prominent concern. According to van Deth’s (2001) model of political participation, almost every activity by a citizen can somehow be understood as a form of engagement in politics. However, activities such as: party membership, contacting politicians, signing petitions, demonstrations, blocking streets, reading information and volunteering amongst others do not necessarily lead to the problem of non-voting being reduced. The issue of non-voting can be due to...
6 Pages 2587 Words

The Significance Of Stakeholders’ Theory Of Modern Corporate Governance

INTRODUCTION The idea of the 'stakeholder' has turned out to be integral to business, yet there is no normal agreement regarding what the idea of a stakeholder implies, with many distinctive definitions proposed. While each idea is subject to be challenged, for stakeholder research, this is tricky for both hypothetical and observational investigation. This essay explores the significance of stakeholders’ theory of modern corporate governance which would benefit the further debate on the agreement of good governance considering different groups...
5 Pages 2371 Words

The Language Used To Describe People With Learning Disabilities Is Outdated

Introduction In this essay, I will examine the roots of my belief that the current use of language surrounding special needs and learning disabilities provides a sufficient label that enables appropriate support to be provided to individuals. Due to the nature of language, which is “dynamic and everchanging”, many terms that were once used as scientific or medical terminology are no longer deemed politically correct or are viewed as offensive or derogatory as a direct result of them being used...
6 Pages 2615 Words

Purchase And Supply Chain Management: Modern Slavery

Executive Summary Modern-day slavery, as unfortunate as it is, is still prevalent in today’s world. Despite humans’ great achievements in the field of science and technology like reaching to the moon, these accomplishments have not witnessed any slavery predicament. Modern-day slavery has to do with poverty, corporate greed, inaction of large firms, and difficult nature of supplier chains (John 2015 pp. 697). In this context, it is essential to provide an outlook on how the UK’s two top suppliers have...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Self-Awareness And Self-Development

INTRODUCTION This assignment discusses and explains how self-awareness and self-development are important and how they will help me to fulfil my role as a successful manager in the future. It also explains the qualities of a good manager that u want to build in yourself by way of continuous self-development and two critical incidents one from residential week and other from my work and also discusses my major strengths and weaknesses and also discloses areas of personal development as a...
6 Pages 2735 Words

Was Martin Luther King Jr. The Most Influential Factor On The American Civil Rights Movement?

Since the Declaration of Independence was issued July 4th, 1776, the United States of America has had multiple issues with Civil Rights and its recognition and protection of minorities across the country. Even in the 21st century, the world’s 11th most developed nation (as per the HDI) , with the world’s largest economy , has faced multiple claims against its treatment of minorities, showing the glaring issue of its centuries old struggle between races in America. This has including many...
5 Pages 2399 Words

Crucial Theme And Message In An Inspector Calls

Priestley explores in guilt and responsibility “An Inspector Calls.” Set in 1912 but written in 1945, “An Inspector Calls” uses binary opposition to contrast and highlight the large and growing gap between the lavish lives of the upper class to the struggle of receiving basic needs of the lower class. Priestley joined the army at the start of the First World War in France where he was wounded and gassed; participating in war could have possibly broadened his perspective and...
5 Pages 2358 Words

Value Of Life: Abortion, Suicide, Death Penalty, Life Ending

Introduction Life in terms of biology definition refers to time between a person's births till his or her death. It is the one and only thing that breathes essence of various activities which separates us from inanimate objects. As opined by Heywood and Mullock (2016), there is no definite answer to value of life. Each individual reflects and leads his or her life based on values and ethics which they endear most. Period of living is unique and different from...
5 Pages 2356 Words

Have Direct Measures Of DNA Variation Now Become Educationally Useful?

In the last few decades there has been an increasing interest on how genes affect children’s learning processes and development. Nowadays, researchers are trying to find out what exactly is contributing in education, what are the important outcomes any educational professional should know and how education can be improved. Biological factors are actually being measured in different studies to be able to understand how do genes come up in each individual and if there is any relation between them. We...
5 Pages 2486 Words

The Implications Of Percival Lowell’s Theory-laden Observations Of Mars

Introduction A recurring debate in scientific research is the effect of theory-laden observations. Scientific observation is regarded as theory-laden when one’s beliefs, assumptions, or expectations are used to interpret observations. When investigators observe a distant world, everything that their senses convey is interpreted by the observer through cognitive processes that consider their prior training, cultural factors, and environment. In this way, the investigator tries to identify and organize the impression based on prior knowledge and preconceptions. In his scientific structure...
5 Pages 2330 Words

Identification And Investigation Of Different Types Of Bacteria

Streptococci species are commonly isolated on Blood agar, a commonly used media in microbiology laboratories. Blood agar is composed of Tryptic Soy mixed with 5% of sheep red blood cells. This media is not only used to isolate streptococci, but also staphylococci species of bacteria via hemolysis which refers to the breakdown of red blood cells in enriched agar base surrounding bacterial colonies (Gera and McIver 2013). The haemolytic properties of blood agar detect Streptococci bacteria. The process is mediated...
6 Pages 2505 Words

Mohammad As A Prophet And A Statesman

The life of Muhammad, considered as the last prophet by Muslims, has multiple dimensions. The most prominent role is that of a prophet but when we take a deeper look, we find that he was, in fact, a statesman who led his nation to a new political and social level. Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still...
5 Pages 2522 Words

Critical Evaluation Of Research Study Into Online Sex Workers

The study that will be analysed is titled ‘On our own terms: the working conditions of internet-based sex workers in the UK’ and looks at researching all the permutations that come with earning your living as an online sex worker. The aim of this essay is to critically analyse the methodological approach taken to acquire the research for this study. The overall aims and objectives of the study should be outlined near to the start of the study and justification...
5 Pages 2454 Words

Curiosity, Money And Global Agreement As The Main Obstacles That Prevent Us From Becoming A Spacefaring Civilisation

Curiosity Many famous speakers have talked about curiosity, some call it the spark that leads to the fire, while others say curiosity is dangerous shown in the phrase, ‘curiosity killed the cat’. In many ways, curiosity is a coping mechanism. A curious individual is more capable of handling unwanted emotions or thoughts, as they are simply the start to questions and new discoveries. A curious person is also more likely to seek out the new, and is more accepting of...
5 Pages 2431 Words

Paramedic: Legislation And And Guidance That Govern The Protection Of The Vulnerable Patient

Introduction The author of this essay aims to answer two questions. Firstly, Describe the factors that may create a patient group that experiences vulnerability, inequality and discrimination. And secondly, as a registered Paramedic, how would you and your organisation protect the vulnerable patient? Describe the legislation and guidance that governs these actions. To achieve this the author will focus on the following patient groups. Ethnicity, gender, disability and social class. The author has chosen these subjects as he feels it...
6 Pages 2660 Words

How A Gene Encoding A Therapeutic Protein Could Be Cloned Into A Vector To Allow Expression In Gene Therapy

A gene is a nucleotide sequence which dictates the synthesis of a particular RNA or protein molecule. Their control over the produced proteins govern both phenotypical and genetic traits, including susceptibility to diseases like Cystic Fibrosis. Driving gene expression is Central Dogma, a two-step process in which DNA is converted to an intermediate RNA (mRNA) through transcription, then from mRNA to protein through translation. Virtually all living and acellular beings abide to Central Dogma bar the Retrovirus family and viruses...
5 Pages 2318 Words

A Partial Defence To Mercy Killing

Under the current law, the treatment of mercy killing at the point of conviction and at the point of sentencing are considerably different and must be examined separately. Mercy killing at the point of conviction In convicting a defendant, there is no direct leniency given to those who have acted in the course of a mercy killing. R v Inglis makes this point apparent per Judge LJ: “The law of murder does not distinguish between murder committed for malevolent reasons...
5 Pages 2442 Words

A Discourse Analysis Of News Coverage Related To The Geographies Of Wealth And Inequality In The UK

Introduction Rural homelessness in the UK has long been an overlooked issue, unlike urban homelessness, it tends to be hidden. Since 2010 the number of people sleeping rough in largely rural areas has increased by 32% according to the Institute for Public Policy, warning its difficult to relieve or prevent rural homelessness compared to cities due to problems covering large areas, as well as lack of funding and specialist resources (Slawson, 2017). In 2015-2016, 6,270 households in England were considered...
6 Pages 2593 Words

The Solar System: Venus, Mars, Jupiter And Ceres

THE SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system comprises of the Sun, the planets, the moons and all the other minor objects that circle the Sun, such as comets and space rocks. In spite of the fact that the essential picture of planets circling the Sun is known to all school children, earlier to the seventeenth century the broadly held see was that Soil was at the center of the universe, which the stars and planets all rotated around Soil. This see...
5 Pages 2371 Words

Career Counseling In The Terms Of Covid-19

To explain that how career counseling help in losing jobs and business at this pandemic situation of covid-19, it’s important to first explain the career counseling so it will help to understand what is career counseling how its work and how it can be done and what are its uses and how much it’s helpful. After that we will shortly talk about covid-19, And then we will talk about the how career counseling can be helpful in this pandemic situation...
6 Pages 2683 Words

Application Of HPLC In Pharmaceutical Industry

ABSTRACT High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a chromatographic process used in the fields of analytical chemistry, biochemistry and industrial separation of a mixture of compounds. The key objectives for using HPLC are the detection, quantification and purification of the mixture's specific components.HPLC plays an important and critical role in the pharmaceutical industry as it is used to test the products and detect the raw ingredient used to make them, i.e. qualitative and quantitative analyzes. In addition, the value of HPLC...
5 Pages 2273 Words

The Story Of The Kuwaiti Muslim Scholar Dr. Abd Al-Rahman bin Hamood Al-Sumait

Abstract Born on the 15th of October 1947, Dr Abd Al Rahman Bin Hamood Al-Sumait was an Islamic scholar, medical practitioner and Humanitarian born and raised in Kuwait. He was also a qualified doctor specializing in internal medicine and gastroenterology before getting involved in charity and humanitarian work. He graduated from University of Baghdad with a Bachelor of science in Medicine and Surgery. He also graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1974 with a degree in Tropical Diseases and...
5 Pages 2435 Words

Racism As The Main Factor In Police Brutality

Can the use of excessive force on African Americans by police officers be justified by their motto “to protect and to serve” ? According to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Frank Edwards, Hedwig Lee, and Michael Esposito found that about 1 in 1,000 African American men and boys in America can expect to be killed at the hands of police. Men and women between the age of 20 and 35 are at risk of death at the hands...
5 Pages 2408 Words

Need Of Counseling In Bhutanese Schools

The UK’s NHS website defines counseling as “a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.” Counselling is the development process in our Bhutanese school setting where it has fully established in our country. Guidance and counselling is essential tools and technique to enhance the students’ need and aspects and to bring the changes in clients in fruitful aspirations. If all individual understands the needs of counselling in...
5 Pages 2331 Words
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