2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Molecular Screening For Resistance In Interspecific Hybrids Of Greengram Using Tobacco N Gene Primers

ABSTRACT Inter specific hybridization was made between susceptible greengram variety CO 5 and wild Vigna sp. Crossed seeds were raised in field condition for testing the MYMV incidence. F1 showed dominant resistance reaction against MYMV disease incidence. The field growing F2 populations of C0 5 x wild Vigna sp cross produced a wide range of segregant viz., susceptible, parental and intermediate type. In order to understand whether there are R Gene sequences whose products contain NBS and LRR motifs in...
6 Pages 2457 Words

English First Additional Language Didactics

Introduction EFL is the place the educator instructs English to students in a nation where English isn't the local language. For instance, a Chinese understudy learning English in China would fall under this class, (William, 2009). Since the commencement of showing dialects, a few distinctive training approaches and procedures have been attempted and tried with some being more famous and compelling than others. The purpose of takeoff here is that to advance correspondence and understanding, it is important to know...
5 Pages 2368 Words

Does Barefoot Running Minimize Injury Compared To Running With Shoes?

To this day, jogging is thought to be the convenient leisure activity for many active individuals. “The more vigorous the activity is, the better is for the body” – this is a common misconception in the fields of sports medicine. Simple activities such as running had been over-shadowed, however, rapid advancement in research in the past couple of decades concluded aerobic exercise - the closest form to a miracle drug to extend life span, which lead to increased popularity in...
5 Pages 2344 Words

Risk Management And The Olympic Games

Executive Summary After the first modern Olympic game held in Atlanta in 1966 with poor experience and many difficulties, risk management process in Olympic Games become an important norm. This report expects to deliver independent opinion on the Risk factors will be involved with the proposed Olympic game in 2012 at Britain with considering the internal and external environment of the Olympic Games. There are several sub contents have been reviewed with respective to the past experience involved during the...
5 Pages 2331 Words

Muhammad Ali And The Art Of Boxing

The art of Boxing is one of the most widely practiced ideals/sports to date. Boxing is one of the biggest sports amongst almost every generation as it is still relevant today with Pay-Per-View charts being topped in some of its biggest events. Having been raised around the sport with the large Armenian diaspora in Southern California being heavily involved in the practice, through personal experience and witnessing some of the most significant events in the sport with those events providing...
6 Pages 2427 Words

Identification And Characterization Of Microorganisms Present In Food And Environments

ABSTRACT Street vended food and beverages prepared are often contaminated with several organisms. However, there is less information regarding common microorganisms present in food selling environments. This research sought to isolate, identify and quantify microorganisms present in food selling environment in a University in Ibadan, Nigeria. Culture media were prepared and taken to 5 different eateries selling food to students. Swabbing was done floors and table tops of the canteens, Dish washing water was sampled, and culture media plates were...
5 Pages 2306 Words

The Ethics Of Genetically Modified Babies

A newlywed couple steps into their local geneticist’s office excitedly. Today is the day they have been looking forward to for years. With a loan from the bank, genetic insurance, and financial aid from their parents, the couple has finally collected enough money to design their perfect child. As future parents, they must ensure a perfect life for their first child, untouched by disease and challenges, perfectly arranged for a bright childhood and prosperous career. These decisions are heavy and...
5 Pages 2370 Words

Lionel Messi As The Best Soccer Player In The World And A Gift To Soccer Fans

Introduction: The Unparalleled Journey of Lionel Messi 'I am not crazy enough to compare myself with Messi because he is the best there ever was and the best there will ever be'(Gomez). There are many professional soccer players in the world who have overcome adversity such as poverty but persevered and made it to the big leagues. Lionel Messi is no different. However, his accomplishments in world soccer stand out and above his peers. He is a six-time winner, with...
5 Pages 2272 Words

Vaccination And Autism Correlation

Through the past years, parental refusal of child vaccinations has steadily increased throughout the United States in pediatrics and public health. Although vaccines have been considered to be one of the greatest public health achievements, it has recently taken a fall due to rising concern with the connection to autism.1 Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complicated condition in which there is a deficiency in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, obsessive behavior, and repetitive movements that...
5 Pages 2454 Words

The Absolute And Explicit Need For DNA Databases

Abstract In this Research Paper, the reader will be able to learn what is the meaning, the purpose, and how DNA databases are used. DNA databases are not just lists of DNA collected by law enforcement from individuals and crime scenes, and they are also created by profit and non-profit organizations. This paper also has my personal opinion as the author, in which I am not aiming to persuade you, I am aiming to inform you on why I believe...
6 Pages 2631 Words

The Effects Of Constant Communication Access And Teen Dating Violence

Abstract This paper examines over fifteen published articles that report on teen dating violence and computer mediated communication. This paper explores research conducted on teen dating violence, cyberbullying and cell phone use to evaluate how the availability and ease of constant communication in this new digital age influences teen dating violence. Many of the studies examined used surveys of teens in American public schools to look at how electronic communication, cyber bullying, and digital lifestyle play a role in teen...
6 Pages 2494 Words

Deaf Of Comfort Zone In The Road Not Taken

As humans, we always adapt to our routines, as they are comfortable and reliable. We all have a zone of anxiety which when activated, boosts up our performance. It is in this state, our mind can think out of the box and create a steady level of performance. Stepping out of the comfort zone to push ourselves to accomplish the next level is quite hard. But this is not something new to us as humans, in every success story there...
5 Pages 2344 Words

The Effects And Outcomes Of Technology Addiction In Children

As technology becomes pervasive in our work and private lives our children are picking this up as well. Therefore, understanding how we interact with it is increasingly important. Addiction disorders associated with children’s interaction with games and the internet are increasing scientific research and is a big topic of discussion in this day and age. By calling it an addiction parents are communicating that there is an unhealthy problem as well as feeling like they are powerless to stop it....
5 Pages 2260 Words

Do Muslim Women Need Saving?

Today in American culture it is apparent some people have antagonistic thoughts and view of Islam and Muslims. Hate crimes against Muslims have scaled in the United States, prompting the presentation of the term 'Islamophobia' into the ordinary vocabulary of Americans. Today in American society we can see that American Muslim women are battling to address the generalizations and misguided judgments related with the role of women in Islam. Muslim women involve a wide assortment of positions in American life...
4 Pages 2507 Words

Online Banking Security

INTRODUCTION Banks global are organization that providing online and mobile financial, offering their clients a greater handy way to their banking affairs at the same time as at the identical time enhancing efficiency and saving on working prices. However, online banking has its drawbacks. Online banking account are often aimed by way of cyber criminals. Security issues remain a first-rate situation for customers and corporations alike. As a result, banks want to implement security features to guard themselves and their...
5 Pages 2326 Words

The Meaning Of Running In America

For centuries, humans have run for various reasons: to avoid war, test their physical fitness, or for leisure. Yet, while running has been consistently practiced throughout history in various countries around the world, the United States didn't face it’s running boom until the 1970s. At this time, running was transformative in that a once used torture method in the Victorian Era turned into an activity practiced by the majority of Americans as a standard method of cardio. Soon, the competitive...
6 Pages 2693 Words

Rituals and Symbols of Judaism

Exploring new areas outside of one’s personal experiences or level of knowledge can be intimidating. I found this to be true when asked to attend a religious service outside of my own religious traditions. Religion is a sensitive subject for most people. In the United States, it is common to hear people say not to discuss two things; religion and politics because people tend to end up arguing over these subjects. Thus, the reason religion is usually kept private and...
5 Pages 2464 Words

Effect Of Arousal Levels On The 50-meter Freestyle Swimming Performance In Qu Students

ABSTRACT Psychological factors play an integral role in sports and can affect performance at all levels of expertise. Arousal has been shown to increase in competitive settings and present an optimal level for enhanced performance. The aim of this study is to examine how arousal varies in competitive vs individual conditions and the extent of its impact on recreational swimming sprint performance. 12 volunteers (18-21 years) from Qatar University’s swimming team reported their arousal scores prior to an official 50-m...
6 Pages 2674 Words

Harnessing Photosynthesis In Tomorrow’s World: Humans, Crop Production And Poverty Alleviation

Abstract Photosynthesis is the solar energy- dependent process on which food production for human existence ultimately depends. Each day passes with 854 million people hungry and, for that reason, the United Nations Millennium Declaration committed the world’s nations to ‘eradicate extreme poverty and hunger’. Sixty percent of the world’s population lives in Asia, where each hectare of land used for rice production currently provides food for 27 people, but by 2050 that land will have to sup- port at least...
6 Pages 2741 Words

How Does Green Chemistry Techniques Improve Organic Synthesis?

Abstract The aim of green chemistry is not only to reduce the hazard substances and eliminate destructive environmental impact, it also aims to search for new, improve and efficient methods for chemical synthesis. The green chemistry techniques that are discussed in this research paper are: Sonochemistry, microwave-assisted in organic synthesis, solvent-free in organic synthesis, and alternative solvents. Green chemistry techniques improve organic synthesis by yield, purity and reduce the reaction time. It also enhances the organic synthesis by maximizing the...
5 Pages 2363 Words

Work Ethics As A Soft Skill: Positive And Negative Aspects

Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationships with other people. In today’s digital world that depends more on tech-based industries look for skills which comprise of smartness rather than hardworking capacity. Employers look for a balance of hard skills and soft skills when hiring employees. For example, employers’ value employees with a track of getting jobs done on time from them in a more efficient way. Employers also value workers with strong communication skills...
6 Pages 2570 Words

The National Identity Policies Versus Australian Filmmakers

It has not been too long since the Australian cinema witnessed renaissance. Accompanying this renaissance, many genre-related movies encountered output, agreement discourse and enterprise controversy oriented stature, dating to post 1980s period. In order to lure vaster audience, the Box Office has its eyes at commercial filmmakers and entertainment centred movie makers (Zion, 2015). The transformation of speculative Australian film industry into an established and promising marketable media sector is much anticipated, unfortunately, is missing proficient details of its strategy...
6 Pages 2610 Words

The Detail Of Law Relating To Modern Biotechnology

The ability of science to operate effectively within society is de- pendant on a number of factors. Science is totally reliant on the law for its regulation and control, while the boundaries in which science can operate are governed by legal constraints. These boundaries are strongly influenced by society which dictates acceptable levels of morals and ethics in which science can ope- rate. Economic factors must be considered as industry requires reward in order to recoup its research and development...
6 Pages 2609 Words

Ethical Perception Of Modern Biotechnology

Abstract Modern biotechnology is recognised as one of a good potential application in agriculture sector and Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is one of this application which is widely used in Malaysia in order to reinforce its agricultural sector as it rapidly increases in crops production. GMO can be defined as any organism which its genetic material has been modified using genetic engineering techniques. Basically, GMO research activities in Malaysia are more focused more on food, feed and processing purposes. Even...
6 Pages 2612 Words

Design As Language In St. Basil’s Cathedral

Sacred spaces are initially thought to be conventional interiors that are defined by rituals and tradition. However, a closer consideration towards its visual language reveals meaning behind the characteristics of a space. Constructed in 1561, St. Basil’s Cathedral of Russia, designed by Postnik Yakolev and Iran Barma, raises a new way of imagining and analysing the poetics of sacred spaces. Like many sites, it is regarded as a national icon, however, the construction of the church can also be seen...
5 Pages 2486 Words

Semiotics In Marketing And Communication

Communication is a vital aspect of human interaction and is observed in all features of daily life from language, culture and signs (Fiske 2010, p. 2). So crucial is communication that its absence would mean the destruction of all human cultures (Fiske 2010, p. 2). John Fiske (2010) broadly defines communication as “social interaction through messages”. In particular, communication is central in advertisements, where brands use communication to promote and market their products to an audience. Two examples of this...
6 Pages 2559 Words

Managerial Behaviors And Patterns Relating To Employee Engagement

The constant changes and demands in businesses requires a fluid workforce which can adapt according to the changes. A challenge for the organisations is to engage, develop, and build loyalty among the employees to gain a competitive edge in today's global marketplace (Taneja, Sewell 2015). An application of totalitarian management, unlike the previous decades, cannot be applied in current businesses as the managers require a two-way collaboration for decision making and delivering results (Markos & Sridevi 2010). This has led...
6 Pages 2659 Words

The Processes And Technologies Required For Manned Mission To Mars

Introduction The concept of Mars as the next most habitable planet has sparked an urge to investigate that has led to the discussion of sending a crew to Mars very shortly. As fantastical as it may seem, the idea has been thoroughly analysed to the extent where successful execution is possible but not without major setbacks and limitations. These risks that the crew will face begs the questions among many as to why we should endanger their lives when we...
5 Pages 2445 Words

The Peculiarities Of Bioethics In Judaism

Judaism ethics pervade into the everyday lives of Jewish adherents. They stem from the legal system that has developed alongside Halachah, meaning ‘a going with God’ and prescribes how a Jewish person should behave. The basics of ethics originated from the decalogue given to Moses, determining that ethical life requires a spirit of mishpat (justice), tzedakah (righteousness), chesed (kindness) and rachamin (compassion). Rabbi Hillel summed up how to live an ethical life for Jewish adherents, “what is hateful to yourself...
5 Pages 2321 Words

Personal Tactical Strategy In Badminton Performance

Introduction In this folio, I will be devising one personal tactical strategy to enhance my personal performance in Badminton. Furthermore, I will be evaluating and justifying my performance in Badminton based on my chosen movement strategies and position which is setting up an attack in a rear court position. In my personal performance in Badminton when playing my objectives were to set up a perfect strike attack to score a point. Unfortunately, my performance in Badminton did not meet the...
5 Pages 2269 Words
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