2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Identification Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Present In Curd By Using Plating And PCR

Introduction Production of curd by using Bacterial Probiotics Acidification of milk is one of the methods used in preservation of milk. Acidification, gives the milk a sour taste and it is achieved by bacterial fermentation or by the addition of an acid (for example: lemon juice or vinegar). The acid causes milk to coagulate and solidify fully or partially. Coagulation of milk inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and improves the dairy product's shelf life. Soured milk that is produced...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Toxicity Of Heavy Metals Pollutants In Textile Industrial Effluents

Abstract The textile industries mainly generate huge quantities of untreated wastewater leading to increased water pollution and human diseases in India.The present study deals with the collection of textile industry effluent and its characterization to find out the heavy metal load generated from textile industries, on the natural waste water streams. The major pollution indicating parameters and heavy metals were analyzed. The estimated parameters were compared with the stipulated standard values put forth by CPCB & Bureau of Indian Standards....
5 Pages 2283 Words

Contemporary Police Practice

The Standard Model of Policing Strategic shifts in operational police practice have seen significant shifts strategically over the last two hundred years. The standardised traditional police approach to law enforcement needed to be expanded in response to deficiencies. The 1970s and 1980s was the catalyst in the development of proactive policing (Drew & Prenzler 2015). Weisburd & Eck (2004) in their typology that the standard traditional model of police practice lacked in empirical support and the response based operational policing...
5 Pages 2307 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Genetic Modification

WHAT IS GENETIC MODIFICATION A transgenic species (TGS) is defined as an organism that has had part of another species genome transferred into its own gene through the techniques of genetic engineering. This is often called “Genetic Engineering”. It allows selected individual genes to be carried from one organism into another and their traits to be passed on. Further, transgenic is the process of extracting deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from another organism’s genome and combining it with the DNA of the...
5 Pages 2392 Words

I Want It Now Concept

Executive Summary The report analyzed one of the consumer trends - ‘I want it now’, discussing about the trend emergence in Australian market and the impact on consumer behaviour. Then, aiming at satisfying Australians’ hedonic needs and diminishing consumption resistance, an app - EfficAgency was developed to deliver fast party arrangement for those who were busy at work while they demanded full-service parties with no need to spend time on negotiating with agencies. Finally, brand archetype, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs...
5 Pages 2466 Words

The Peculiarities Of Swimming

Swimming can be enjoyed by young and old alike, individually or in groups, Once you know how to swim you can take part in many other activities, such as water polo, synchronized swimming, diving, sub aqua, competitive swimming and all water-based sports, among which sailing and canoeing are very popular. Swimming is also a very healthy activity, because it exercises all your muscles and keeps your body in tune. Many doctors recommend swimming for overcoming commonplace ailments or for getting...
6 Pages 2561 Words

Why Is It Often Claimed That Europe Is Secular While America Is Religious?

Europe and the United States are two nations that have been considered to be very religious, but their stance on church-state relations are perceived in different ways. Europe is often said to be a secular nation. A few of the reasons that contribute to this perception are: the influx of people from countries all over the world to places in the European Union every year, the decline in church participation by those who identify as religious, strict laws around religious...
5 Pages 2491 Words

Martha Rendell: The Women Condemned For Defying Societal Expectations

Introduction Martha Rendell, described as a ‘child murderess’ and “one of the most cold-blooded and relentless criminals in Australian records,” was a woman found guilty in 1909 who shook society in Western Australia (WA) to its core as her crimes undermined the highly-regarded societal values of marriage, womanhood and motherhood. Throughout this essay, it will become clear that Rendell’s guilty verdict was not solely for her crime being guilty beyond reasonable doubt. This assertion will be supported with evidence that...
6 Pages 2728 Words

The Relationship Between Art Nouveau Illustration And Entertainment Pop Culture

Art Nouveau made quite a few cameos in the entertainment media. In 2007 Disney’s Enchanted feature their protagonist Giselle, who’s portrayed as a cliche hopeless romantic and traditionally feminine woman character, which is similar to how ideal women were portrayed in the Art Nouveau period. This could be an explanation of why Giselle’s dress is an almost the exact replica of the dress seen on Alphonse Mucha’s Moet Chandon poster in 1899. Additionally there are countless illustrations of artists and...
6 Pages 2597 Words

Family History Role In Family Therapy

The benefit of using a pluralistic and integrative theoretical approach is apparent when considering the complexity that is embodied within individuals (Carlyle, 2017; McLeod, 2013). The hybrid of theory and technique facilitates a more tailored delivery of treatment designed to meet the individual needs of the client, and enables the therapist to identify significant dynamics (Gehart, 2017). This personalized approach can only be facilitated if a trusting therapeutic relationship exists between the client and the therapist (Thompson, Bender, Lantry &...
6 Pages 2590 Words

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcom X In Civil Rights Movements: Common And Different

Before the years of the 1950’s, African American’s had been fighting against racial discrimination for centuries. However, during the 20th century, the struggle entered the mainstream of American life. The blacks continued to endure the devastating effects of racism along with the prejudice and violence put against them. Up until the Civil War, the blacks were kidnapped from Africa, forced into slavery and exploited to work as servants against their will. They didn’t have control over their own lives, the...
5 Pages 2343 Words

Rights Of Husband And Wife In Islam

Islam depicts marriage to be the foundation of society and family life. All Muslims are encouraged to marry. Islam teaches every aspect of life, in a concise manner, including the chapter of marriage in an individual’s life. In order to live a life of peace and tranquility, both partners in the relationship are required to fulfil each other’s rights. In an atmosphere of harmony, these rights and duties initiate a framework to balance the household and family life. Islam secures...
5 Pages 2449 Words

Negligence And The Duty Of Care

Scenario A 19-year-old female is taken to hospital unconscious with excessive bleeding from a head wound. A doctor administers medication to stop the bleeding, which triggers a severe allergic reaction, causing the patient to fall into a coma. In this case, it is assumed there are two possible options: The doctor was negligent, as he breached his duty of care because he did not follow the medical procedures - medical records were not consulted before administering medication to the patient....
5 Pages 2425 Words

The Twitter Spasm Classification Using R Language

Executive Summary The cutting edge technology in the modern setting has led to a rise on several social media platforms which are geared into making the daily life of human being more than comfortable. In this case, Twitter is one of the major social media platforms which are used by billions of users in the entire world. On the other hand, the rise of the social media platform has triggered the onset of malicious individuals who spend most of the...
5 Pages 2386 Words

Bilingualism And Interference Control

Abstract The existence of bilingual advantage has been strongly debated. The inconsistent literature suggests that bilingual advantage only exists for specific groups. The adaptive learning hypothesis separates (ALH) bilinguals into 1) single-language context (SLC), 2) dual-language context (DLC), and 3) dense code-switching context (DCSC) (Green and Abutalebi, 2013). This study aims to investigate the association between bilingualism and increased inference control (IC) (a type of bilingual advantage) in young adult. Following ALH, this study excluded DCSC bilinguals from the analysis...
5 Pages 2398 Words

To What Extent Surfing Communities Engage In Ecological Action That Respond To 21st Century Environmental Problems?

Introduction Coastal ecosystems are areas where the land and water meet creating a distinct structural and diverse environment. Unfortunately, coastal ecosystems are highly sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, causing concern that some areas will now struggle to maintain biodiversity due to human activity, and other factors (Council 2015). One major ecosystem present along Australia’s coastline is the Great Australian Bight. The Great Australian Bight is very well-known globally due to its abundance of unique marine life and great...
5 Pages 2349 Words

Investigating The Psychology Of Dark Personalities

Introduction Both in the sub-clinical and clinical spheres, malicious, immoral and malevolent behaviour is everywhere. For many years, psychologists have shown a pervasive interest in attempting to define and study the nature of evil. While initial research was limited to identifying these similarities and differences in criminal and delinquent populations, new conceptualisations of evil have focused on a constellation of dark personalities in the general population (Kaur, 2013). Dark Personalities refer to a set of socially aversive traits in the...
6 Pages 2499 Words

Jain’s Theory Of Languages

Introduction Jainism customarily famed as Jain Dharma as well who was the former Indian religion and the believers or the Supporters of Jainism are designated as 'Jains', that is got from a Sanskrit word jina (victor) who hints the way of triumph in traverse life's flood of resurrections by crushing the aura by a moral and otherworldly life. The Jainism is the trans theistic religion, and the Jains follow their otherworldly thoughts and the past through a progression of 24...
5 Pages 2416 Words

Surfing: Cost, Learning Skills And Personality

WHAT IS SURFING? Surfing is the sport of riding waves in an upright or prone position. Surfers catch ocean, river, lake, or man-made waves, and glide across the surface of the water until the wave breaks and loses its energy. The ultimate goal of surfing is to ride and progress on the unbroken part of the wave using piece of equipment called a surfboard. WHERE CAN YOU SURF? Some places to surf include rivers, lakes and manmade surf machines, such...
6 Pages 2629 Words

Is Narcissism Related To Millennials’ Psychological Health, Career Satisfaction And Social Media Use?

Abstract Narcissism has been associated with cognitive wellbeing, career satisfaction and social media platform. The role of narcissism in health-risk and health-protective practices were investigated on 365 college understudies. Narcissism was decidedly prescient of liquor use, cannabis use, and unsafe driving practices. An aggregate of 224 workers from an open association has rounded out self-rating proportions of employment fulfilment, FFM attributes and a proportion of narcissism. Narcissism was emphatically related with FFM extraversion and receptiveness to experience. A sum of...
6 Pages 2666 Words

Language Acquisition And Language Development In Relation To Behaviourist Theory

Abstract The aim of this report was to study the impact Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) has on a child’s ability to read, write, speak and listen and what strategies could be implemented to aid in reducing the effects. The report highlights the application of the Behaviourist Theory to the language intervention of a child diagnosed with APD. The report involved researching how a child’s language acquisition and development was affected by APD and how the application of the Behaviourist Theory’s...
6 Pages 2713 Words

The Field, Object Or Artifact Of Bioengineering Or Biodesign

To explain why biodesign is the now for designers and is now even more relevant, and why designers should all have at least an awareness of it. It is partly due to the reason that by some biodesign being is being viewed as an industrial revolution or revolutionizer and therefore designers can be seen to be in an exceptional and possibly an enviable position. As Bio designing is gaining greater importance for everyone now and into the future as with...
5 Pages 2384 Words

Personality And Expression Of Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali - one of the most well-known athletes to have walked this earth. He is also often regarded as one of ‘the greatest’ athletes to have ever existed. Muhammad Ali, born Cassius Clay was an African - American heavyweight boxer. In the ring, he was a fierce fighter, but outside of the ring he was known for his braggadocio and trash-talking, thus, resulting in the name of ‘the Louisville lip’. With the odds undoubtedly against him, as a black...
5 Pages 2512 Words

The Peculiarities Of Service Profit Chain

Service profit chain The service-profit define as the bonding between profitability, employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. The Profit and growth are prompted in particular by way of purchaser loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of client satisfaction. Satisfaction is mostly effective by way of the cost of offerings supplied to customers. Value is created with when there is satisfied customer and the satisfaction of the employee. Satisfaction of employees, affect particularly the service standard of any hotel that allow employees...
5 Pages 2461 Words

Planning And Environmental Court In The Supreme And District Courts Of Brisbane Observation

INTRODUCTION Between August 20th and 23rd I observed six hours of legal procedure in Planning and Environmental Court in the Supreme and District Courts of Brisbane. Over the course of the three days I observed the court, I witnessed a range of reviews as well as two different hearings held by two different judges. Many similarities and a spattering of differences became evident especially in relation to human experience which I will focus my report on in this report along...
6 Pages 2630 Words

Vaccines Are Not Required For The Overall Health Of Society

Rationale World Health Organisation (2008) published an article that allegedly suggests that “Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide.” This article gives a detailed insight into the effects, eradication and control vaccine has on diseases, hence shining a positive light on vaccination to showcase the benefits of it on health, society and life expectancy. With thorough research, a broad research question was formed from the initial claim: “Does the use of vaccine reduce the amount of disease in...
5 Pages 2352 Words

As Online Payments Are Getting More Popular, Will Cash Become Oblivious Soon?

Abstract With the invention of the Internet, the rise of technology and bring your own devices, it has revolutionized the human society forever in terms of creating a new environment to do existing activities in a more efficient way. Realising the importance of this, banks have also made their presence online, giving their clients’ the ability to monitor their assets and conduct transactions via mobile banking applications anywhere, anytime as long as the Internet is present. Almost every shop, every...
6 Pages 2632 Words

Vaccinations Offer The Best Of Hope To Cure All Disease

This review will use three studies from The National Immunisation Strategy, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; and The Merck Vaccine Company. These have been undertaken to determine how the MMR Vaccine treats these diseases and minimises infection outbreak through immunisation children. Comment by NARAYAN, Sanjeev: More suited for evidence. Comment by angeletta demko: The results of these studies will be compiled to investigate data that proves the three studies are incorrect and proves infant immunisation has diminished MMR related...
5 Pages 2407 Words

Grief And The Hysterical Feminist

Art is not therapy. As a young artist, expressing grief and trauma through art, this is what I was told by an art teacher. In order to examine, unpack and refute this comment, this narrative exploration will define the use of art as a therapeutic tool, the differences and links between art and art therapy, storytelling from the female perspective, the rise of feminist art and female artists who use their practice to talk about trauma and grief. When I...
5 Pages 2526 Words

KFC Services Experiences

About KFC In 1968s, the first KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) restaurant was born in Guildford, Sydney NSW, Australia. In that Time, people’s fashion were totally groovy with tight high waist jeans and cool shirts. hairstyles were flower crowns with very long hair for the lady’s! In the history, KFC began 67 years ago in the year of 1952s in Corbin, Kentucky, United States of America with Colonel Harland Sanders concept being YUM! The company with a secret herbs list and...
5 Pages 2255 Words
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