2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Abortion: Good Or Bad Depends On The Situations

Introduction Abortion has become one of the hottest debates in the world. With the rising alarm in overpopulation and hiking economic standards, the need to give birth has raised questions among institutions and individuals. The discussion has mainly been stuck in between two perspectives of the debaters, the economic as well as the moral view. Those who have been debating from a moral perspective have kept their stand that no matter the circumstances, abortion always goes against the moral view...
6 Pages 2577 Words

What Mindfulness Is And How It Works

Our surrounding is filled with distraction. At the modern world where we have access to so many technologies and gadgets getting distracted easily is very normal. So, at this age holding our concentration in one particular thing is extremely difficult. We get so busy thinking about our future, we often forget to live. Mindfulness is an ability that will enable you to live and enjoy your life rather than surviving. What is mindfulness Mindfulness simply means living in the present....
5 Pages 2373 Words

Biological Basis Of Deception

The broadest definition portrays deception as social behavior in which one individual deliberately attempts to persuade or convince another to accept as true what the deceiver believes to be false. Self-presentation is one of the reasons for lying and people have lied about their emotions and feelings, actions, accomplishments and knowledge (DePaulo, Kashy, & Kirkendol, 1996). OR A false remark which is told with the intention of deceiving is called a Lie (Chambers, 1991). A lot of nonverbal cues have...
6 Pages 2428 Words

Observation Of Young Childrenā€™s Mathematical Thinking In Australia

Introduction This essay will analyze two childrenā€™s mathematical thinking respectively in the context of mathematics assessment interview (foundation detour) and the context of free play. The analysis will review childrenā€™s current thinking level by the Australian Curriculum Mathematics Foundation Level learning content and achievement standards. After the analysis, critique will be given on the extent to which childrenā€™s mathematical thinking were enhanced in the event. In the end of the both sections, suggestions will be provided for the childrenā€™s further...
5 Pages 2465 Words

How Does Cyberbullying Affect Society?

The Pervasiveness of Cyberbullying Have you ever been bullied or picked on before by another person? If so how did this bullying affected your mood, also if someone was to be bullied in some type of way in front of you would you step up and stop it. how is cyberbullying affecting society? Some people think cyber bullying just affects the people but however cyber bullying is affecting society because bullying people can be extremely hurtful to a victim and...
6 Pages 2589 Words

Indigenous Community Project Development

INTRODUCTION TO INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY Indigenous community refers to the culturally distinct societies and communities and include are 370 million people around the world. Indigenous community people can also be referred to aboriginal people and are generally more poor and vulnerable. Further, indigenous community people also faces high level of discrimination and violence. Along with this, indigenous people have lower life expectancy rate than the non-indigenous people due to lack of adequate health care services. However, indigenous community people are practitioners...
5 Pages 2343 Words

The Importance And Value Of Jim Crow Museum Of Racist Memorabilia

Race is socially constructed; it exists nowhere but in the minds of the people. Race is an idea created in the minds of the people, repeated through different forms of presentation, then consciously and subconsciously accepted by the people (Jimenez, 2019). In full knowledge of race as a social construct, the pioneers of Jim Crow envisioned providing a platform where people of all walks could learn more about how the idea of an inferior black community was created in the...
6 Pages 2726 Words

William Shakespeare Renaissance

Introduction: The Renaissance Influence on Shakespeare ā€œTo be, or not to be: that is the questionā€ (Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1). Everyone knows or has heard this iconic quote from William Shakespeareā€™s play Hamlet, whether you have read the written work or not. This recognizable quote illustrates just how impactful Shakespeareā€™s written works actually were in English Renaissance during the late 15th Century. He not only impacted English Renaissance and theatre of that time but, is still currently influencing...
5 Pages 2509 Words

Media Ethics: Sexual Gestures And Expressions

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to observe the phenomenon of ethics in the media. It basically presents the possible problems in ethics. The tasks of this article are about examining the social dilemmas, social behavior, and attitudes in sexuality in TV series. In order to examine the topic, the first seasons of native and foreign versions of the same Tv series were used. ā€œShamelessā€ which was created by John Wells(2011) and its Turkish spin-off version ā€œBizim Hikayeā€ which...
5 Pages 2309 Words

The Theme Of Whiteness As A Standard For Beauty In The Bluest Eye

ABSTRACT Any literature written in the United States or the original colonies is part of what is today considered American Literature. The variety of cultures that were welcomed into America gave way to a fantastic diversity in the types of literature it spawned. From the 1500s to today, America has delivered some of the finest writers of our time. The reason that American literature is unique is because America from it's beginning had a special philosophy of life and freedom...
6 Pages 2715 Words

The Item Of Power In The Works Of Emily Dickinson And Ken Keesey

ā€œMcMurphy: She likes a rigged game. You know what I mean?ā€ My coursework will outline and focus on the similarities and differences that both the Author Ken Keesey (one flew over the cuckooā€™s nest) and Poet Emily Dickinson comment on in terms of power. The idea of power can be separated by two key features in both works, one being the power of society, and the other being the power of gender. Both of these key themes address issues around...
6 Pages 2634 Words

Mass Incarceration And African Americans: Racism, Bias And Conflicts

Abstract This paper will be set up to explain how African Americans are targets for arrest and makes up majority of the prison's population. This paper will explain many different reasonings as to why this occurs, and the effect that this issue has on people, more specifically African American people. This paper will mention and explain a theoretical framework that can possibly explain the issue at hand. Conflict Theory is used to explain why African Americans face this problem. Mass...
6 Pages 2500 Words

The Oppressive Values Of Power In Catch 22 And The Checkout

Whilst Joseph Hellerā€™s Catch 22 condemns the US Air Forceā€™s tyrannical ruling by exposing the superiorsā€™ absurd justification of their actions and the resulting proliferation of cynicism among soldiers, Julian Morrowā€™s The Checkout elevates the oppressed consumers in the context of modern society, and promotes direct rebellion against the oppressive companies and corporations. Nonetheless, both works are testaments to the power of scathing social commentary which discredit and ridicule oppressive values. Thus, both works reunite in their ways of inducing...
5 Pages 2318 Words

Negotiation As The Manipulation In Business And Social Life

Negotiation is the process of discussing the issues with different perceptions between two parties to reach the mutual agreement. Negotiation happens in the daily life of Human Being. It may be hard to believe but most of the time, People sometimes negotiate about what to eat, where to go, what to do and so on. Negotiation is a very sensitive skill where many people can lack it, but it is possible that anyone can be a skilled negotiator. It requires...
5 Pages 2332 Words

The Factors Affecting Bank Employee Performance In Bangladesh

Banking industry is growing dominantly over the other industry in Bangladesh. Among the all financial service industry, this banking industry contributes more than 80% of its total contribution to GDP. However, in Bangladesh, there are 59 scheduled banks. Among these, six (6) are state owned commercial banks, three (3) specialized banks, forty one (41) are commercial banks and nine (9) are foreign commercial banks. Like all other industry around the world, employees are one of the fundamental key resources for...
5 Pages 2379 Words

The Peculiarities And Effects Of Gender Roles And Stereotypes In Fairy Tales

Abstract Most people grow up listening to fairy tales which have always been an inspiration to people. They are always important types of narrations for societies and are transferred from generation to generation. They are not told only for entertainment, but they also shape society in a way. Despite the fact that fairy tales are written in a short and simple language, they have deep meanings and hidden messages. One of these hidden messages is gender stereotyping. Females and males...
6 Pages 2740 Words

Teachersā€™ Perceptions Of M-Learning In High School

Abstract The emergence of m-learning has been a promising technology for students. But the teachersā€™ perception is equally important for the technology to be implemented. There is shortage of time in the classroom to practice the work taught by teachers. It requires a connection with the teachers. Teachers cannot be present everywhere. M- learning plays the role of a virtual classroom. This paper deals with the teachersā€™ perceptions of m-learning in high school. Teachers perform various activities with the help...
6 Pages 2693 Words

Feminist Aspects Of Portia's Character In The Play Merchant Of Venice

Introduction Portiaā€™s character in The Marchant of Venice plays a significant role in how the story goes on to the extent that we can consider it as the main character of the play. She is the one who does different things to alter the destiny that befalls Shylock towards the end of the play. Thus, this play and Portiaā€™s personage may be from on aspect regarded as feministic with regards to the historical and cultural context in which the story...
5 Pages 2358 Words

Definitions Of Child Abuse And Neglect

The menace of child abuse in society is no news. There are several child training practices that adversely affect the well-being of a child. These experiences form the behavior patterns of these children and they grow up to become dysfunctional adults in society. There are many perceptions of child abuse, diverse views, opinions, and definitions. The World health organization defines child abuse as all forms of physical or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, or commercial or other...
6 Pages 2553 Words

The Influence Of Renaissance On Leonardo Da Vinci's Works

Renaissance Realism and Leonardo's Mastery Born in the Renaissance period which spanned the fourteenth to sixteenth century, Leonardo da Vinci would become one of the smartest men ever to live (Guisepi). He was trained through primary education and went on to many accomplishments with his knowledge of math, science, and art. The Renaissance period influenced inventors and painters on the human aspect and led to many new areas of thoughts. Although da Vinci had many talents, the intellectual opportunity of...
5 Pages 2466 Words

Nationalism In Europe: Positive And Negative Aspects

Historical Development of Nationalism in Europe Everyone has pride in their own nation. One's nation is where they choose to live and holds an abundance of important family history. Nationalism is the identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations (Webster dictionaries online, 2019). It is an idea that is very relevant in Europe and impacts lives in various ways. Nationalism holds negative and positive connotations...
5 Pages 2388 Words

Culture Shock And Adaptation While Moving To American Samoa

Moving to American Samoa created a significant culture shock because of the major culture differences between the Samoan and the Chinese culture. This paper evaluates my thought processes comparing and contrasting two different culture, my own and the Samoan culture. This paper researches the psychological reasoning of the progress I have made and making in adapting to a new country. The main purpose of this research is to identify and discuss the process that Chinese individuals, such as I, adapt...
5 Pages 2405 Words

Adaptive Control Hypothesis On Bilingual Advantage

Abstract This study investigates the presence, or lack thereof, of a bilingual advantage in inhibition control and executive processing while considering the different interactional contexts as per the adaptive control hypothesis posited by Green and Abutalebi (2013). 849 University of Melbourne students enrolled in an undergraduate psychology course participated in this study. The data was collected through a Flanker task and an online questionnaire that sorted participants into the appropriate interactional contexts of monolingual, single-language, and dual-language contexts. The Flanker...
5 Pages 2402 Words

Whales As A Matrix For Beauty, Knowledge And Commodity In The Novel Moby Dick

Whales are a constant in the seemingly infinite range of topics covered in Herman Melvilleā€™s Moby Dick. Moby Dick himself is the figure most often associated with the novel, his image sometimes decorating its front cover, but the descriptions of other whales throughout the book serve as the basis for some of Melvilleā€™s most cogent thoughts about beauty, knowledge, and commodity. Melville uses whales as a means to slowly coax his readers into thinking of themselves as consumers and to...
5 Pages 2546 Words

Blood Donation App Using Android

The main aim of our project is to save lives of people by providing blood. A Blood donation search App using Android is developed so that users can view the information of nearby Donors. Our project is developed on two perspective i.e. patient and donor. We are going to provide authentication for the user such as registration and login for new user and existing user. A person is allowed to donate only 6 pints of blood. One pint of blood...
5 Pages 2385 Words

The Importance Of Cultural Competence In Health Care

Abstract In the past five to ten years, American medical system has not only become technologically advanced but multiculturally diverse. That is why being culturally competent is very important in the healthcare field. One reason cultural competency is important is that it allows healthcare professionals to better provide patient centered care to those whose beliefs and values are different than their own. Another reason is that it gives them an opportunity to gain knowledge and new perspective of the patientā€™s...
6 Pages 2685 Words

Physiological Homeostasis Of An Active Person Versus A Non Active Person

Abstract Homeostasis is thrown out of its set point as a response to a stressor, like an exercise. The primary objective of this study is to determine whether an active person will have a more effective physiological response to the stress of exercise than the less active person. The proposed hypothesis is that the physical activity level of a person affects the rate of response and recovery of maintaining physiological homeostasis. The pulse rate and external temperature were the two...
5 Pages 2467 Words

Themes Of Life And Death In Anna Karenina By Leo Tolstoy

Is Anna Entirely To Blame For Her Death? It may be easy to point the finger at Anna for the cause of her own death. Yes, she did make the choice to commit adultery. She had the choice to not be in an affair with Vronsky. But, she is not one hundred percent to blame for her death. If we take a step back and look at the people who surround Annaā€™s life, certain people are also to blame for...
6 Pages 2602 Words

Teenage Suicide In Malaysia

Introduction Almost all Malaysians and the rest of the world were stunned when a girl from Sarawak committed suicide after 69% of the respondents from her Instagram followers asked her to do so. The victim posted an Instagram poll stating: ā€œReally Important, help me to choose D/Lā€ whereby D stood for death while L stood for live. This incident clearly highlighted the severity of teen suicide problems because even social media can act as a tool that endangers humanā€™s life....
6 Pages 2667 Words

Themes, Ideas And Messages In The War Of The Worlds

The context of a novel means the circumstances in which it was written - the social, historical, intellectual and literary factors that influenced what the author wrote. All literature is influenced by the life experiences that the author has gone through and these are shaped by the world in which the author lived in. Therefore, in order to truly understand the themes, ideas and messages H.G. Wells portrayed through The War of the Worlds, it is vital to have some...
5 Pages 2447 Words
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